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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. Tampa will win 10 games. The team around him is too good, and they have to focus on the secondary to be very good in the draft this year. That is their Achilles heal now that Winston picketer is gone.
  2. I understand the thought of another WR, and yes Foster has done nothing last year, but I still would rather get a TE in free agency even though Hooper is gone which was a miss on our part, but in h5he draft maybe a WR, but we won’t need to get a RB until the later rounds.
  3. Umm heck no. I’ve had to tolerate that goofball for five years down here and threw 30 picks last year. Absolutely not!!
  4. There is no question Beane and McD will be here to stay, and Diggs, regardless of some of the complaints made a fantastic decisions this past week. Norman will be a good addition knowing he is not #1 and adds to an already stud secondary, now getting by far the best WR we had a shot at as Cooper was never leaving Dallas, and Diggs catches more competitive throws than even the stud from NO. We never needed those late round picks as we even as fans are not used to this type of talented team, and taking a chance on a first rd wr at the 20’s vs. someone who has a resume in the NFL who is young and healthy was a good decision. I don’t expect everyone to agree, but people will be happy this fall. We can only hope he accepts his current contract as he wanted out and is getting just north of $14 mil for the next four years. We still have $ to extend some needed contracts.
  5. So the argument against the 7 th wildcard team will water down the caliber of teams, well here is the 10 year history. I didn’t see another thread in the search mods if this were it’s own topic. NFC Records 2010-2019 (10 years) 2 - 10-6 4 - 9-7 1 - 8-7-1 3 -8-8 AFC 1 -10-6 1 -9-6-1 4 - 9-7 4 - 8-8 Not one 7-9 wildcard team. There has been one or two Like Seattle Division winners, but that is a different topic. So the bottom line if you combine for 7th wildcard teams that would have made it in the NFL wildcard game, pretty much against now against the second seed. NFL 3 -10-6 1- 9-6-1 8 - 9-7 1 -8-7-1 7 -8-8 Bottom line not 1 losing record in 10 years for the extra wildcard team having a losing record, and 13-20 with winning records. I know a lot of people are against it, but I like it and it’s more opportunities to see our team get in and maybe surprise a team beating them in the first and second rounds. I hope this helps as it took me awhile to look up by each year, but thought some people would want to read this data.
  6. Well the NFLR boys have moved Brady as likely if not back in NE and signs don’t look good, so it’s Tampa or maybe the Raiders. LA would love him, and his wife would probably love LA, but I don’t see him going to a team with such a crappy O Line. I can’t believe these words are coming out of my mouth, but I wouldn’t mind him in Tampa. He could battle for two years against Brees, and Tampa has a lot of weapons and a pretty good line. Their front seven is good, just their RB’s are mediocre, and secondary sucks. The Bills are always my first team, but I have lived here for half my life so once every four years is their a conflict. It would be nice to see Brady play for an NFC team, and maybe even help the Bucs get back to the playoffs. Not as bad as the Bills 17 year drought, but it has been a 12 year drought for them.
  7. The speculation was at a neutral site, and another inter conference game. I actually like the idea as it less complicates the playoff speculation and scenarios. I also like the neutral sites in or outside of the US. I wonder if any other the Canadian cities with the CFL teams would be open as close. Mexico is a little nuts although I understand as they have to get that stadium fixed. I could see one of the large cities in South America like in Argentina or Brazil. I bet they start one in Germany as they had the best attendance during the NFLE back in the day more than London.
  8. Virgil, I was surprised too the owners would come back and say two games and a couple of competitive practices as a replacement. Some coaches have said they sometimes prefer the competitive practices with two teams over four days in lieu of a pre season game.
  9. Well written. I just read you’re 360 times more likely to get sick if you go to the gym regularly. Makes sense which is why I’m wearing gloves, and most importantly trying as much as possible not to touch my face in public. I’m also on another thread shared the likelihood if you gargle with warm salt water especially if you’re even thinking of any symptoms, a lot less likely you get it badly as it sits in you’re throat for four days on average.
  10. yes, SoCal, I worked in medicine for the last twenty years and in order to get credentialed at any Hospital or Surgery Center, you have to get a flu shot, TB test, and many other vaccinations every year. Although it is true, the elderly, the sick and children are much more susceptible to serious complications from the flu, and the Corona Virus. 4600 people have been estimated to have died in Italy alone from the Corona Virus per the WHO, and the CDC estimates 200,000 to 1.7 million people will most likely die from this affliction. It is also estimated by the WHO that as many as 126,000 have already been infected globally already. I'm not walking back from my opinion as people’s lives are far more important than sports. Besides but the time training camp comes around, it’s a good guess this will die down. All of my kids in FL in High School and college now have to do their work on line which sucks, but necessary as we’ve already had three deaths in Tampa public schools. We’re fortunate this is the off season, unlike people who love the NBA, NCAA, MLB, and NHL are either postponing or having zero fans in the stadiums. A draft in May still provides enough time to get these people into abbreviated OTA’s and training camp should go on like normal.
  11. I’m not sure the reference, or simply a nice compliment to Allen. It did prompt me to look him up and I guess after the two years in the military he tried for the Seahawks, but was turned down. It’s funny as a kid I liked the movie, then saw it years later as it was probably on AMC or something, and realized how really bad the acting was by the whole cast. Anyway, you go Flash Allen.
  12. Oh, it’s going to have free agency as only the superstars are going to get private jets. The rest will have to fly commercial, and good luck anyone wanting to do that.
  13. I’m somewhat surprised. This is not just the flu. It’s a virus killing some people. I personally have no problem with either postponing, or at least have no audience live at the draft. My daughter, and friends cancelled going to a large St. Patrick’s day event yesterday, then they cancelled it. The good news like other viruses is they don’t like heat, so it will probably die about by May/June. I don’t want to see anyone get sick and keep spreading this thing. It’s terrible how many people have died in Asia and now in other countries.
  14. The owners were smart. Increase pay for the 60% of the players who make the minimum, basically take away marijuana suspensions, and increase retirement and health benefits. The only people I hear complaining are the superstars who made $100 mil., etc.
  15. I know the topic is about the season,but a friend a pic to me last night, and do my good deed for my fellow TBD’ers, I unfortunately can’t copy the actual pic as the file is too large, but supposedly the Corona Virus on average sits in you’re throat for approximately four days so if you do what my mom always told me to do as a kid when I had a normal soar throupat, gargling with warm water and salt, can minimize or even take away the virus. Kind of makes sense, so if you start getting any symptoms you think could be Corona, gargle as many times as you can tolerate while waiting to see you’re doctor. Just thought I would pass on. As far as an abbreviated season, the defense will be fine, but we could use all the practice we can in the offense as we’ll have more weapons and JA will want. As much time to get a rhythm down with any new skill players.
  16. I can’t remember how many helmet to helmet hits that cheap ars Bastage, Harrison did in his career.
  17. I was thinking the same thing Clemfield. To have White, Poyer, Hyde, Norman, Johnson as he wasn’t really expensive, and Wallace, we have depth. Norman’s 1 year deal is incentive laden so they could cut him, and I liked Johnson last year. Given that last game where we had to have McKenzie play CB as we were so depleted tells me we keep all of these players. WGR is actually reporting very fairly today.
  18. I know he didn’t do well in Washington, but I believe Washington was a man coverage team, and it is a 1 year prove it deal for around $6 mil. He did do well in Carolina under McD in a zone coverage scheme. Given this is a low risk deal and we already have White, Poyer, Hyde, and now Norman, could be good. Now, I wonder if they sign Kevin Johnson which I hope they do, will Wallace stick around? Thoughts by my TBD colleagues?
  19. Yep, H2O. I heard the same on Dak, and the word is Cooper and the Jones’s are close to a deal.
  20. It’s already reported yesterday sources from ESPN stated Dallas is getting ready to extend or tag him. Makes sense as the impact he had the moment he put on the Star.
  21. Unlike it sounds like what many of you are saying, these numbers for all three makes sense to me so the real conundrum is do you pull the trigger now because their value may increase and you use up a bunch of surplus to have $ for upcoming Allen contract if we pick up the 5th year option, and do we want to extend Hyde and Poyer, or will their play diminish by the time their contract goes up. Juxtapose this with buying unfortunately at a premium, but Ngokue, and Hooper, and trying to trade for Diggs. Add that to a nice draft and we could be going much more deep in the playoffs in 2020. We could save $15.3 mil in cap space before we do all of this with dumping Kroft, Smith, and Murphy, and have $99+ mil to spend. Front load as much of the contracts for the two URFA, and maintain Diggs, $14.4 mil for the next four years. The reason is we could place White on the 5th extension next year, and pay Milano and Dawkins next year. Im not saying which is right and wrong approach, but just we have options.
  22. First, I don’t ever see this happening, but if so, I can see a 2nd this year, and a 1st next year, as we need our picks this year. The article that just came out though with another mock draft had us taking the UCLA kid who is fast and tough. That is more likely what we would do to save assets. You just don’t give away. That many assets for any RB. It’s not like Zeke, or Barkley have made their teams get to the SB, and they are considered the best RB’s or at the top at least in the league.
  23. Besides, why not trade for Diggs who has a $14.4 mil. Contract for the next four years, he’s younger, healthier, very good, and the Vikings with some of his comments last year might be willing to entertain a trade. They have the third least cap space at around $5 mil. and probably want some cheap labor. We have 5 draft picks in the fifth and sixth round to use in some part as barter. My vote is Diggs over Green fwiw.
  24. Given his age, cost to get him, and multiple injuries, I’m glad we’re not getting into that battle for him.
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