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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. Augie, I’m with you bud, forget yesterday and let’s look at today and tomorrow and my first game I remember was the 2003 Oj game when I was 3 1/2. Not because of anything else than listening to my brother, father and two uncles go nuts. I had to ask Dad, what happened. He told me years later, history son, history. Obviously before he turned into an utter blank.
  2. Well, this morning on NFLR, Ryan walked back from his comment and apologized about the slander. He’s an idiot, and the previous poster on Mangini’s team is exactly correct, and he ruined our defense when here, from where we were in previous years with the two previous DC’s.
  3. They can afford both and have $ for next year so how they manipulate $ will not be a problem. If either commands too much than that will be the deciding factor. You can’t make that decision as that is assuming you can only afford one. I appreciate the thread, but it’s like giving you’re wife an ultimatum when there really isn’t one. We most likely will keep both of they are not unreasonable in their requests/demands.
  4. He’s an ars. Nuff said. Why anyone would listen to him tells me they are not that smart or informed.
  5. We have a real chance this year. I’d rather take our 7 picks and move them to 4-5 picks at most for the positions we can use to be a champion. Everyone knows the positions. EDGE, WR, RB, and maybe we get lucky but doubt it on TE. Stack the offense, and we already have a championship defense.
  6. seasons, easy on Augie. He’s a good dude, and know you’re just kidding and so am I. As far as this thread, this one of 290 that are just silly. Over the years, I’ve read about, how about, Brady, Rodgers, Manning, and so on and so on. They’re silly and not picking on you at all, but this won’t happen as it never happens.
  7. No Freakin Way. BB’s ego would never allow it. He’ll do everything he can to win, but unless they get Dalton maybe in a trade and have an incredible draft, he can only coach so well. His Achilles heel (in my humble opinion) is hubris. They'd rather pull off a great trade for their AB next year. I’m watching Beane and McD building a great team that is built for the future, and after the draft, like many fans in many cities, we’ll be even more excited in May. God knows we have to have something to look forward to doing as FL is now in complete lockdown, and everything in my industry is in a hiring freeze. A pleasant distraction is helpful to many of us.
  8. TMpa has a really talented team and yeah, it’s Brady, but he’s also 43, so talent doesn’t always mean a great team. We play well as a team which I love. I really like Arians and his staff, but can he make this marriage work? He’s done it before with Big Ben, Luck, and Palmer, so we’ll see. Honestly, I really don’t care as we’ll see in January, if god help we have a solid season. Everything is up in the air now. Hopefully this ends this summer.
  9. Hey Arcane, and good question. You might like from Pat Kirwan and Bill Cowher, “First Take You’re Eye Off The Ball” versions 1 and 2. You’ll learn what you need to about the questions you asked as far as Cover 2, 3, 4, 11 personnel, 12, and 13 personnel, etc. It typically helps people to get a deeper understanding of what coaches are thinking and why. Nothing is perfect, but at least you’ll learn I thin what you’re asking about in terms of strategy and line ups.
  10. Hey Buffalo, I don’t have the time to look it up if you meant Carolina was a division winner, as that was not the point. All of this misinformation, again not by you, or anyone per se, but there would not be a wildcard in the last 10 years with a losing record in the wildcard which was the conversation. Added, NFLR quoted from one of the sports data sources in the last 30 years, 44 of the 60 teams had a winning record if they were in as the 7th team, and 10 of those had 10 or more wins and didn’t make the playoffs. Only 1 of 60 ( .0166% ) in 1990, the Dallas Cowboys would have made it in as a wildcard as a 7th team. I think we can put to bed the argument of the extra wildcard could have a losing record. Nothing we could do about a division winner as that will never never change.
  11. Well, if he does a third party medical evaluation from a respected person like Dr. James Andrews, and cleared if we can get him a t a reasonable rate, and move on from Wallace ( he only costs $750,000 this year so maybe depth ).
  12. Well it would be a good week 1 matchup, and might get a national tv slot. They usually start and end the season with divisional matchups and we are a better draw with the Pats, than the Jets or Miami. Those two aren’t going to draw a large national footprint.
  13. The 17 game season doesn’t start until a year after the 14 game playoff according to the CBA.
  14. Peterman, I broke it down yesterday and over 10 years as I broke it down, 13-20 had a winning record, and the rest were 8-8. Not one team would be a wildcard team with a losing record, and in that same decade there were two division winners, with a 7-9 record, most notably Seattle. people that keep purporting a wildcard team will have a losing record did not do their homework. Don’t take my word for it, I simply went year by year on a google search from 2010-19, and the facts are clear.
  15. This is a thread for young persons. It’s silly. Anyway, you guys enjoy.
  16. Ok, this argument is silly. Over the last 10 years which is a pretty good sample size. NFL 3- 10-6 1- 9-6-1 8- 9-7 1- 8-7-1 7- 8-8 That means not one team in 10 years had a losing record, and 13 of 20 had a winning record. 65% of all of these teams had a winning record. Whether anyone likes it or not, there is no record in a decade of any team in a potential wildcard having a losing record. There were two division winners who this won’t change had a 7-9 record in the last decade.
  17. The govt will keep on increasing the strictness of contact as it is killing the economy. A ton of people have lost jobs, closed businesses, etc. Football is the least of my concerns, but this is a Bills thread so I understand. My industry has frozen by most companies hiring as well as layoffs, etc. I do think Trump, not to get political will remove a lot of red tape to expedite vaccines, or cures possibly being developed, but I expect this quarantine to get worse, much worse if the incidence continues to rise. For the poster who mentioned hot or otherwise black zones, you forget South Florida. With so much international travel prior to the quarantine, from West Palm to Miami has a very high rate, and what stinks up here in Tampa is so many were taking cruises, etc. and the virus migrated our way. Pretty soon, we won’t even be able to go to the parks even with 6 ft and power walk, jog, etc. It’s the only thing maintaining my sanity. Lastly, some physicians are finding some success with the treatments for malaria. I haven’t seen any objective research yet, just reports from John Hopkins, etc.
  18. Augie and GB, back to you’re corners. Just kidding guys as you know I like and respect both of you. You both make good points. I’m not crazy with European games or any other country, but if there is a 17th neutral site game and both sides agree maybe for a second bye or something so there is somewhat of a built in travel thing then no worries from me. Now this year, I feel from TBD European posters, but if the disease is still kore prevalent over there, or at all, why send teams to Europe as the only way they still play at all is without fans even if mostly gone, but just remnants, and that is a stretch. I know this damn virus/protein is a pain in the ars for everyone, but if we don’t take drastic measures it’s not going away and I was laid off like many others. It blows, but the sooner it goes away the better.
  19. Promo, I almost spit out my dinner I was laughing so hard. Thanks for sharing bud.
  20. I’m not worried about him being mvp, but just continuing to improve. If he improves on the long ball, accuracy, etc., can anyone really not be happy. Well I guess so as some are not happy with just about anything. I’m confident about him improving, but mvp is a stretch for me and is not a knock at all on him. Lets see what Beane does with his draft capital and how many more weapons we can get on the offense. The things we’ve talked at nauseas about given our quarantine gulag ( and that’s fine as we all just want to to go away ), WR, big punishing RB, maybe outside chance a stud TE although not hopeful, etc. Beane has done such a nice job in FA that we can target well in the draft.
  21. October is a guess, and probably a good one, but my guess if we’re lucky, the season starts on time, but probably almost no OTA’s, Training camp, maybe pre- season, but I can see the season getting cleared as we probably ( big stress on probably ) have the season without fans. Don’t kill the messenger as not what I want either, but if it means we get to watch the NFL with no fans, I’ll take it. I know it doesn’t make sense as Alpha mentioned why hasn’t this disease ended in places like India as already hot there, but the John Hopkins Medical Director of Infectious Disease went through all of this information and she covered that heat should kill this protein as it really is not a virus. It’s a protein with a layer of fat around it, and the reason the sanitizer etc., and the high isopropyl alcohol does kill it. Given I used to call on that account and that doctor, I trust her. Lets all pray we’re all ok, and this ends in the summer. Need to have a positive attitude with 30% unemployment based on the floating numbers. For all our sakes, I hope this gets better.
  22. I respectfully disagree although we can disagree a backhanded compliment. He was just referring to resolve of the team and it’s fan base, and the opportunity for long term success in the future. We’re a great pic for a Brit (even though I’m Irish - old timers will get that one) and they can tip a Bass Ale on a Sunday watching the only NYS team! They also can root for their colors as well as ours in Red, White, and Royal Blue.
  23. If you mean Jamie’s as the back up, I’ll agree, but anything more than a look at Cam when they can actually do visits, maybe.
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