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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. Gregg, you’re quick on the responses. You know I always enjoy your takes even of I don’t agree always. You at least are thoughtful to me. I hate when guys get personal with each other. When I make points, I just would like people to be civil to use a Frank Reagan phrase from Blue Bloods.
  2. Blue/white, White/Blue, White/White. I do miss the red helmets. They were awesome back in the day. As opposed to the 60’s helmet, why not the red even for just a game or two.
  3. Im not crazy on blue over blue. I grew up on Blue over white, or white over white.
  4. Although I’ve laughed at all the jokes, I could care less about a bunch of gay men playing flag football. What I don’t understand is why the Bills need to formally back it. I’ve lived and worked out around gay guys my whole life. Normally, most are just guys amd if you leave them alone, they’ll leave you alone.
  5. I couldn’t believe Jeremy and Joe wouldn’t shut up about the heat in Buffalo. They were whining about 92. You know what we call that in Tampa, a cool day. It’s typically 93-98 amd 95% humidity. You just walk outside and start sweating. I can accept complaining about the wind and snow in the winter, but the heat?
  6. It is one of the highlights of our year each year. That’s great. I wish I knew you were in Tampa as I would’ve been happy to take you out for an adult soda. Let me know next time Augster. Us TBD guys need to stick together.
  7. So one of the Geary girls if you know Blasdell Pizza opened a pizzeria in Palm Harbor and they were giving out these yesterday. I took my kids and GF to Island Way Grill for a Sunday Father’s Day brunch as it’s amazing in the Clearwater Marina. For dinner I had my favorite pizza sub and is like the old Blasdell Pizza when it was amazing. I tried to copy the pic but the file stated too large. It’s a wooden Bills figurine stating worlds greatest Dad with the Bills logo and colors. I’m going to surprise my dad in the fall when he gets back as he’s a snowbird and regift it to him.
  8. My best father-sons moment s are I have two and I take them to buffalo from Tampa every ear in September for a game. They are my most treasured moments. I’ll never forget the first Tim when Ryan was much younger (middle son) had been to lots of Bucs games. He was so jubilant getting revved up from the crowd he couldn’t believe it. He bursting out happy yelling, “this is amazing”. The young men in the row behind were throwing him up in the air every first down. I really appreciated this young men. I’ll never forget that moment. They both liked the Bills, but they fell in love with them that day. Thanks Ethan. For this thread as I just had a tear in my eyes thinking of that date..
  9. I’m glad he’s getting a second chance. Everyone deserves a mulligan when they are wrongfully accused. I was in total support of getting rid of him when I thought he was guilty.
  10. I wrestled all through HS. I don’t believe in touting my resume, so let’s just say I was very good. I was never pinned once and pinned almost everyone I wrestled for years.put them down, get them on the mat and make sure those shoulders are flushed to the ground. Nothing better than that slap on the mat by the ref. He on the other hand is other worldly.
  11. ‘Nobody as a tough as an elite wrestler. I was very good, but not that good. I moved to powerlifting in college. I had enough of rolling around a mat with another sweaty body.
  12. When you have one of the top 2 QB’s in the league, why would anyone care how he spends his off season. He’ll be busy for 7 months 7 days a week.
  13. It’s going to be a great day when I don’t have to read or hear about this ars clown anymore. I’m so sick of him. He doesn’t hold a candle to Josh in terms of character and charisma. He’s a self serving jerk.
  14. Don’t forget on top of the foot injury, he self admitted he was a drunk at that time. Per his words, he cleaned himself up. Good for him as anyone who can admit flaws, and then correct should be commended.
  15. ‘please don’t give us that visual. 😂
  16. It’s already taken brother, 2028 is the first opportunity.
  17. GB, thanks for sharing and to counter, the only game I’ve missed is the SB with GB as I had to travel to CA for a work training. It’s not a Bills game, but it’s the only SB I’ve missed since the mid to late 70’s as I didn’t follow football before. I’m just not that old.
  18. Things that make you go… in all seriousness, there’s a lot of time. That’s why I don’t mind Allen takes time off in the off season. Less chances for an injury.
  19. I don’t have a NY Times subscription so can’t read it, but I’m assuming he’s underwhelmed. If anyone has context with more detail, meaning a summary of the comments is appreciated.
  20. I’m glad we’re trying him out. Never underestimate a top notch wrestler. I was when young and you have to have incredible balance, and excellent hand maneuvers. Power is a bi-product. He might make the PS, but so what. Of he turns into something, maybe in 1-2 years he makes the starting roster.
  21. I love that movie. Heat was so intense. One of the best gunfights in a movie I’ve ever seen.
  22. They will have to pay the piper eventually. They still will fall short. Here’s to a 5th year as AFCE champs. Go Bills!
  23. I could care less whether people gamble. It’s not for me, but if others want to gamble, it’s fine.
  24. SDS, an incredible offer, but my boys and I are going to pass. It’s just too much. We fly in Friday, have a huge family get together Saturday, and of course the game on Sunday. My dad would kill me if I took off Saturday morning. Have fun guys, and hopefully I can catch up with some of you on Sunday.
  25. If it was the vet minimum as he is a pass rusher, not run blocker. He’d be a body. That’s it.
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