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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. No worries dneveau at all. You know the caps things symbolizes yelling and was surprised from you as you’re a good guy from I’ve read over time.
  2. 10 wins was my guess and a dog fight with New England for the AFCE. I know the Pats look vulnerable but as Beane said, you can’t count out BB. I’m not getting ahead of myself on the SB even to attend yet. Let’s win a playoff game first as you can imagine, KC, the Ravens, and maybe TN will duke it out. Lastly, I doubt it, but I don’t count out Reich with knowing how to get the most out of Rivers and a solid O Line, something he’s never had. After the draft, we’ll see. The Colts still have lots of money for who is still standing with musical chairs. Clowney in Indy or Ngokue? Stranger things have happened. since our lives are up in the air, this provides at least some distraction.
  3. dneveu, only 150 times with my kids. Stop being so literal. It’s the metaphor with the aforementioned team. If you want to yell with all caps, how about sending me a PM. childish. Have a good day and I saw the original in the movies. Not sure if you can say that in 1976, and so on. Stop being silly. It was more about the Empire of the Patriots over the last 20 years.
  4. Funny the reporter calling it the Death Star. I thought that was reserved the Evil Empire that is Foxborough. At least Vader is gone and we only have the Emperor left (BB)
  5. I didn’t want to start another thread, but the Syracuse paper posted in an article this morning the latest draft trade chart. I’m sure most of you saw it on the main page. Crazy thing is if we traded our 2nd, 4th, 5th, 6h, and 7th, nothing next year and no current players, we still wouldn’t have enough per their point system which is probably based on Jimmy Johnson’s famous chart to get back into the back part of the 1st. I l8e our players now, and don’t want to creep into next years trade bank again for a player this year. So maybe we give later picks to get a little higher in the 4th or 5th, but I don’t see much else. Anyway, thoughts from my draft guru friends. Always open to you’re ideas if you can make the logical data driven argument, not a wish list. We all can dream, but then there is the real world.
  6. I could see a trade for Dalton, rather than a guy who has serious injury concerns and no way to dismay those concerns, and another who throws as many pics as TD’s. Dalton is a system QB, and they could always rework his deal to be more palatable and pushed out. Teams can always kick the can down the road on cap if they want, but will hamstring them down the road. Does that really matter to BB though who will retire once he brings his team to the playoffs the next two years. Not rooting for this but he doesn't care like our team about building for long term success as he’s already done that thanks in no small part to TB12. Not a big fan of TB12, but I respect his abilities.
  7. Watch more tape. There is worse, but there is also highs that are awesome. Like in the early 90’s we were down by three touchdowns to the Aints, and came back and won it. It was fantastic. That’s why I don’t like watching the horrible losses like this one, and choose to watch the big wins and we do have lots of them.
  8. That was the year Rocky 3 came out. Cmon Creed, after him, you next! I remember that movie like it was yesterday as it was the first movie that summer where the crowd stood up and gave a round of applause.
  9. Whoever is watching this is a masochist. I’d rather have an ice pick shoved in my temple. I appreciate the thread for people that like this stuff, but would rather watch the comeback of al time against the Oilers, by “May God be With You, Frank Reich”. For those old enough who remember that game, then you’d remember after the game in the locker room with the press, he read Bible vs. which was actually pretty cool. Not that I would do that, but he didn’t care. He just was unapologetic for his faith.
  10. How can you play a football game without a Wang? All kidding side, the list prior to my comment pretty much covers it.
  11. Eball, I think most of us do, but what seems likely although I hope not, is a general quarantine going until June 1 as the projections shows it falling on the curve to a much smaller level and as much as I hate it, probably necessary to nip this thing before we get a vaccine. If they can’t push a vaccine through sometime in the fall, which again is unlikely to get pushed through that fast with the FDA, the I see a no crowd games in the fall for all sports. As far as this crew, when I get a chance to watch college ball as I’m glued all day on Sunday to pro ball, I really like these guys. I loved what another poster said as far as the narratives on MNF. Booger wasn’t bad on NFLR with Ross, but that shipped passed and Ross is gone too. I couldn’t agree more how terrible he was in the cart Monday nights. It was like fingers on a chalk board.
  12. Augie, you’re the man. Besides, Isiah is a gadget guy, Roberts is rally a returner, Foster did nothing last year, and Williams, maybe but he was a bit slow although made some nice catches last year. I’d rather target a possession type WR as we missed out on the TE FA market. If there for the same reason as Beasley and Brown, our current Edge rushers are over 30 so if there, I’d rather pick an Edge in the 2 Nd and a WR in the 3rd, or bundle a couple of the late picks and move up in those slots for the better position player. Lastly, if there in these two spots, these are expensive experienced players on the second contract so for two high paying positions, you have cheap labor for the next four years. Agreed on a middle rd pick at RB, and then maybe 1-2 more picks at most. I’d rather just move up as much as you can and live with four people as we already have a very talented team with some depth. We’re not in a rebuild. We want a few quality pieces and make a run at it the next couple of years. Financially, we have a number of resigning so the next couple of years that are not going to be cheap.
  13. I ever thought this would happen given Beane’s comments. It would be like Flutie/Johnson all over again.
  14. It makes perfect sense for Miami to take him as they have Fitzy to hold down the fort to make sure Tua is 100% ready for the season especially not just because of the injury, but the lack of practice time with this pandemic. No healthy QB will really be ready for game 1 if the season stays on schedule. One idea being floated around is if they get to do a medical on Cam to take him on a two year prove it deal, and still draft Herbert. They discussed last week on NFLR maybe the jettison TT if Cam is really healthy. Who knows?
  15. Preferably Kian Tom in her prime on Flex Appeal. God I loved those workouts. ?
  16. How fun would it be if he pulled a Rodgers, not that I want a game coming down to a Hail Mary, but remember some of those Rodgers last seconds 70+ yards throws for game winning TD's. Allen can do it. I hope someday we see it. It would be fun.
  17. I've watched him down here in FL as this team and FSU are on every week. He's solid and would compliment Singletary, just wouldn't want him or anyone else before the 4th or 5th round. Our 2nd and 3rd, should be spent on an Edge Rusher and WR, in no order and happy to bundle picks to get higher to get only maybe 4 or 5 at most with these three positions as a priority of the talent comes to us. I don't care about the other 1-2 picks as I trust Beane and company. Whatever they think is the best value. I just don't want to overdraft for a complimentary back.
  18. Shaw, I know it's optimistic, but just too many variables. I agree it should have been better, but how much we'll never know just like we don't know how much this season will be better. I know we all hope a ton. Thanks for sharing.
  19. Tipster, I don’t see a trade or paying $16 mil., but if it were next year, and he was willing to accept back up $ as a top tier backup like Bridgewater for $7 mil. Those are a lot of if’s, and the only positive there is no trade issues, and another year to see can he practice r is he done. He may have to accept backup $ if cleared and practices well this year, as no one is giving him a starting job, nor take that injury risk.
  20. Aussie, agreed and I’ll add why is anyone paying close attention to Bleacher Report or Mel Kiper? They know nothing, but not a lot to write about during this quarantine. Tua could end up as a generational player if he can stay healthy. I was listening to Movin the Chains Friday with Pat Kirwan and Jim Miller, which is really the flagship of NFLR for those who don’t have Sirius, and Kirwan an ex executive for the Jets said there is now way Tua drops below top 10. He gave all the reasons why and yes, Herbert could be good, but if Tua had been given all of these reports from doctors released this week, Kirwan stated he won’t last past 5th overall.
  21. Both are cream puffs. We are in such a better place today without them. One had alligator arms and White was jobbed last year for defensive player of the year, and the other one is great when healthy, but he is like Mr. Glass. I don’t blame him, just some guys are prone to injury. Diggs will run circles around him this year. As an aside, I saw the article on a throw competition between Mahomes and Allen, and thought that would be a good distraction if ESPN or NFLN could figure out a way to establish Covid-19 protocols, and still have something for the people maybe affected by this pandemic are the recipients of the charitable donation.
  22. Thanks for the tip as I saw it already and was a great movie. Very inspiring, and appropriate as so many people are in turmoil right now. Nice distraction.
  23. I’m so sorry and 72 is too young to pass, but if he had dementia, that is such a tough disease. If he really was battling this terrible disease, he most likely would have been relatively sequestered so maybe a caregiver gave him the Covid-19. It doesn’t really matter. He was a symbol for people with physical challenges only having half a foot and missing one hand and carried the NFL record for 28 years. My prayers goes out to his family.
  24. BB - the partying is not folklore as I had friends with them as we are at that age and knew them in their prime, but you are right it wasn’t the only issue. The biggest mistake which already has been brought up in many threads, some by me was Thurmon ran I believe 14 times for 155 yards. Estimate as it has been a awhile. They were only keeping three up and playing 8 back. BB has been on record from his players they wouldn’t let the Bills high powered throwing offense beat them. We could have still done the no huddle which was not brand new as Paul Brown and Wyche had been more of the pioneers before us, but we could have done the no huddle with a lot more running, and as Thurmon gashed their defense and held onto the ball longer, they would be forced to play more of the front 7 up. Marchibroda, Marv, and Kelly were too stubborn and that is the real reason we lost. We were out coached. We had the talent to win, and yes our defense was too small. I hated Wright as our nose when even though he was getting older, given a 3-4 we needed Smerlas or a replacement like him to clog the middle. Between Meggett and Anderson, they killed us in the 3rd quarter.
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