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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. We’re probably drafting one, or we get a serviceable FA, but nothing special.
  2. Love hearing from you mature guys as wont say old timers. My dad, turning 90 this year told me about his dad taking him to the pile and the craziness (kegs and so on), and how Hunt he fans were at that time. My guess is that was the real mafia back in the day. Thanks for the memories you young guys.
  3. Weo, you’re a sharp cat, but he won’t last. It was discussed this morning on NFLR as no one can take that durability. He’ll get used up and they’ll move on. Maybe if they adjust their strategy and Bridgewater finds other targets, but you can’t last with that type of production.
  4. That’s a big ouch. I can’t imagine how difficult it must have been to breathe. I had a severe bruise between my ribs and that was hard enough. As a tangent, this is one of 5e reasons the combine is a problem waiting t9 happen with the bench press. I competed at a national level in powerlifting for 14 years, and in college, one of my close friends older brothers was benching 375 lbs. training for UB football and cracked his sternum. Ended his football career. Just so stupid seeing these kids slamming the 225 lbs off their chests. As it pertains To Allen and running, I thought he evaded many more hits in 19 vs. 18. I’m hopeful he continues to follow what Russel Wilson does as he uses his legs but gets rid of it, passes or runs to get a few yards and gets out of bounds. That’s why it’s hard to say, Allen stop running.
  5. I’d like to see the NFL too, but you’re info is wrong. The virus is expected to peak right now and don’t expect the quarantine to end until at the earliest than June. If the season does start on time, I’m guessing no fans in the stadium. That’s not panic, it’s just a hard reality. Even when the quarantine is lifted, it probably won’t be completely lifted.
  6. He is an amazing RB, but no RB is worth $16 mil. / yr. It’s too much $ that will get taken away from other players.
  7. Wiley, this isn’t the first IR even second Mayfield vs. Allen thread, but that’s ok as you tried to provide statistically a different perspective. While I don’t agree with everything you wrote, Fergy is right. If you want people to read all the way through you’re points, paragraphs help. We’re not in creative writing in 8th grade, but just basics to make it easier to read. Thank you for sharing.
  8. Then let’s just keep drafting unlimitedly until Goodell ( I actually don’t have a problem with him, but would be funny to see him keep going and going and going) passes out, or college players say, we don’t want to play anymore after they are drafted in the 36th round.
  9. Inigo ,y friend, I’m with Dean with this one. Let’s move onto 2020. As BB says, we’re onto Cincinnati as a metaphor. BTW - I’m with you bad calls, some very questionable play calling, but it’s over.
  10. GB- Agreed, but remember David Carr had the worst O Line probably in history as he was getting killed over and over again. I’m not into the defending Carr thing, but Winston did have at least the last couple of years a decent line and still threw a ton of pics. Good point on Tyrod, but he really isn’t a starting QB as we all know. He’s a very good back up. That’s it. I’m betting Lynn does not start him whenever we have a season. I’ll take him as a backup as well as Winston anytime, as they are good for that role.
  11. I’m with you on Sunday. Who the hell knows at this point?
  12. Thanks Limeaid. I’m a lightweight when it comes to beer etc.m so always appreciate you’re wisdom my friend. Happy Easter bud to you and everyone else.
  13. Some opinions are from people who haven’t watched him like myself and other Tampa residents where he killed games with pic 6’s. He’s a back up and no issues, but he had a good o line, not great and probably the best skilled offensive players in the nfl and still threw this many pics. He’s not a starting QB. He had five years. You think he should back up Big Ben or another team, I understand, but I’m skeptical he can ever be a starter. It’s not like he didn’t have decent offensive minds in Arians, Cutter, and so on.
  14. I’m guessing what a crispy boys is, but happy to always have a toast with you. Have a nice holiday weekend.
  15. I can’t get the video to work so will try later, but as a former state champ wrestler 100 years ago, and football, yadayada, and national champ power lifter, we used to interval training and would hit 12 mph for an interval which would be a 5 min mile if memory serves. That means for however long he ran 23 mph he was running at a sub 3 minute mile which is almost inhuman. Only a couple people in the world can run distance at that pace, so if he even did it for 30 seconds is amazing. I have one comment left. Hey, Gilmore, still think Diggs is nothing. You’re getting schooled this year. Go Diggs, and Billieve! Whoops, now it finally came through. Amazing even if just for five seconds. God I can’t wait for Gilmore to eat his words and hopefully he does it to him twice a year for the next three years. Yeah baby! So should we start calling Diggs the Road Runner, or CB killer?
  16. Collinsworth is a tool. Brees is a sharp guy and will probably put the effort in to be successful as that role stakes skills as well, but with his intellect, attitude, disposition, and work ethic, will be great. You can bet he will be so prepared for the teams he calls each week.
  17. Inigo, isn’t it just poetic justice we collapse at the end of the WC game and get to watch Houston slowly implode. As far as the Jets, Gase and O'Brien basically takes two teams out of the equation between the South and the East. I love it, and hope the hits keep coming.
  18. Hondo, good points and putting watching a game over you’re life and the lives of others is foolish. People can do what they want, but I don’t have to participate. Btw- As of a report this morning, the death toll exceeded now 100,000 worldwide and not stopping. Hydroxichloroquine seems to help some but with a high risk of permanent eye damage and coronary issues. Given that the elderly and sick are at the greatest risk, they are also at the highest risk for adverse events. Do what you want guys, but I’m not hurting myself, my loved ones because of my illness and couldn’t forgive myself if I could do something about it and made three others sick or worse. Given that we don’t exhibit symptoms until we a,ready have it, you don’t know it until after the fact. Is going to a game really worth it when you can watch in the safety of you’re own home. I hate this too, and as I acknowledged on another thread, I’m one of the ones laid off, and in my field in medicine there is currently a hard hiring freeze. Having said that, these quarantine measure are the best we can do now until there is a vaccine, or effective reproducible treatment options that doesn’t have these extreme risks.
  19. Leon, that’s called a bender. Bud I’m just kidding as too easy. I’m glad you’re ok, and if you did, maybe you had a mild case. Seriously on Easter weekend, happy you’re ok. Billsvet, that is through transmission, not airborne. Not even in the same ballpark.
  20. JMF and Trout, prayers to both of you and honestly I like you guys so please don’t come unless a vaccine. No game is ever worth it. God bless, I am very healthy, and my kids and I fly up every year for a game in September and get a dozen and a half of my relatives all go together. Not this year, and won’t go to any Bucs games until we have a vaccine, or a Lightning game as my middle son loves hockey. Just not a smart move for even the most healthy person.
  21. Not live. Captain Obvious here. All kidding aside, I’m more than happy to watch on TV until we have a vaccine.
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