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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. Putin, I didn't want pile on, but glad you can laugh it off. Best, You can argue Kyle or even Wood. Worst, that's hard as there are so many between Mike Williams (atrocious), Maybin, and its' sad I cant even remember that 6'5 WR from Indiana, was it Henry or something. He couldn't read a playbook, or couldn't basically read which is sad. I remember years later was found dead by a river, speculated he committed suicide. He was a nice guy, but a horrible pick.
  2. My young padouin as stated in Star Wars, many state Marino, but Kelly kicked his ars for years because they only had super duper, meaning duper and clayton, no RB, no defense, and Kelly is one of the toughest QB's I've ever seen and that includes Favre who is one tough as nails QB. I couldn't believe how he would wait when the rules were different and would get tattoed so he made that ball to Lofton, Beebe, and my favorite, Over the Middle, Reed. If you are old enough to have watched every one of those games, you'd know what he meant to the AFCE and Buffalo. Ask Chris Berman? That is not to take away from how magical Marino was in his day. Id still take Kelly six days a week and twice on Sunday. Kelly Tough!
  3. Lois, just kidding, it was just too easy (actually like you’re avatar). You make a good point in that we have Beasley, Singletary, Yeldon, and even McKenzie that could be used better in the screen game. Hell, Brady made his career in the screen game first with Welker, then Edelman. I like Gailey’s game planning as that is all he had with Spiller doing well in that style. I never disliked Gailey, as he was doing his best with one least talented team in the NFL. I’m not one to bash Daboll, and not saying you are either, but this is definitely an opportunity for growth. I really like Allen, but I wonder does he think Allen can process quick enough to make the screen game work. The best part of Brady has been between his ears. I’m not asserting Allen can’t do it, but it makes sense as a plausible reason why Daboll hasn’t incorporated into his game planning. Interesting First Round. I would have bet Metzellars would have been on that list. I met him as a kid in a convenient store in Blasdell. I couldn’t get over how tall he was to a little boy. Thanks for sharing.
  4. Rico is one bad ars mofo. Just kidding bud. I agree from a previous poster, this thought is silly and no way Tua falls anywhere close to the Pats, but even if he did, he won’t last long given his size and injuries. He’ll have to get used to getting rid of the ball, Brady fast to have even a chance, but I never root for any player to get knocked out of football. If it happens, ok, but rooting for a career ending injury doesn’t sit right with me. Blackkat, you did exactly what should be done more often. Coach Tuesday’s a good guy from what I see in his posts. He’ll be fine, and now that you clarified, you might end up as friends on threads as I don’t harbor Ill will when I’m slammed, as anyone can misunderstand someone’s meaning, or maybe could have been written better. I just appreciate a man if he may have made a mistake, owns it. That’s class. I hope both you guys enjoy you’re Sunday, even though it is Groundhog Day right now.
  5. Well written Paup. Agreed with you’re points and would rather use capital on the offensive side for more weapons.
  6. Tipster, good post, as I agree with Ford competing with Spain for the LG spot, but we have Daryl Williams, Ty Nsekhe for the RT, and have bigger needs. I saw the article this morning about Fournette to the Bills at only a little over $4 mil. On a one year as speculation, and for once I’m not against a RB in free agency. If we only had to give a late round pick, and he compliments Singletary perfectly. That would be one reason to maybe get a RT, but I want an Edge Rusher, a possession WR, and if we already have the RB we don’t need to draft one. In that scenario, I’m cool with a Tackle, and maybe a CB for depth. I’ve said it before, but too bad we didn’t outbid the Browns for Hooper. We’ll have to wait til next year to draft one as this class is supposed to be weak, and next years looks very good. I would have dropped before the restructure Kroft, as well as Smith. As we know, we have to keep adding pieces to this offense as we already have a very strong defense. Our window is now and have a leg up returning so many pieces in a crazy off season.
  7. Happy, like you’re posts, but you forgot one team in the AFC. THE BUFFALO BILLS! Sorry, I wasn’t yelling, just excited we’re in the same discussion now as the teams you mentioned and I agree with you 110%. These are likely to be the four division winners. I don’t remember any of them including us losing key players in free agency, and several additions including us. As far as Clowney, I didn’t see him live up to his hype coming out of the draft, but he is a solid player. It’s just mind boggling he didn’t play better with Watt on the other side as Watt drew most of the double teams, and still beat them. I hope the Titans play well as long as it is not against us which is supposed to be the last game of the season in TN. While we have two tough divisions in the NFC and AFC West, they don’t exactly have it easy with AFC and NFC North. You can make the argument the Jets and Dolphins are rebuilding and the Pats may be good, but not the same as the past. Now their division doesn’t look that hard either as Jax and the Texans should be a mess, but there are some good teams in both divisions in the north with the Packs, MN, Ravens, and possibly the Steelers as Big Ben will be back. I can see the Titans and Bills with a 10-6 record even though both teams may be better, but facing tough opposition. It should be a fun year as long as we have a full season.
  8. Moon, you’re assuming this exercise says current players are competing against guys from far in the past. You can think of past players playing against past players. Nagurski or anyone else including the great Lombardi coached against 5ose guys and their scheme. As bright as Lombardi was he would have figured out how to coach against BB. That man was special.
  9. As Sal has mentioned, if before the Diggs trade we had 9 picks and still have 7, we wouldn’t be able to find spots for all of these players. My hope is however he can bundle 7 picks into 4 players, and hopefully find three that can start or at least be a rotational player. We need quality, not quantity at this point.
  10. Colorado, nice post. Agreed on another possession type WR, battering ram RB like Carson from Seattle, and an edge rusher would be nice. If we had a better TE class, I’d say yes, but as someone else mentioned, next year’s class of TE’s is better so we’re probably going to live with what have this year.
  11. Well said as I can’t stand the guy, but he continues to find a way to win. We’ll see if he can do it post Brady. I’d say he’ll rely on defense and the run game, but that is to be seen as they lost some stars on defense. Philly was a good pick toward the top as well as NO. If I were a Saints fan ( and I’m not ), I’d be frustrated as they have been knocking on the door for the last three years. They have an enormously talented team and well coached. Brees doesn’t get even close the recognition he deserves.
  12. There was an argument made on NFLR by the analysts that teams to compensate for quick release QB’s like Brady, by bolstering more their secondaries than traditionally the D Line. For now, we are doing both so we have a good D Line, not great, but as a unit, we have a top flight secondary. This is why someone in another thread was concerned about allowing White to walk. McBeane knows how much they need White and company. They are playing it smart as they are trying to manage their cap over a couple of years with strong drafts, as they know eventually they will have to pay Allen. Even our marquee trade with Diggs is low comparatively speaking for a true #1 WR. Other true #1’s are getting a lot more than Diggs. It’s a good five year strategy and possibly beyond for having sustainable success. This is why we won’t probably see these really high priced free agents go in successive years. We’ll keep seeing good pick ups like the last two years, but not the OBJ or Clowney types.
  13. kmart, no it’s not. I’m not hair on fire, but hasn’t even hit the peak. Doesn’t mean we won’t have a season, but I’m worried about loved ones and friends not getting it. If fortunate, it will drop, but it hasn’t yet.
  14. Trout, I think you’re comments are plausible. If they have an accurate rapid test, you can see players and staff getting tested before any contact in practices, and games. The fans in the stands I don’t believe will happen. They won’t take any chances unless they have a vaccine which is doubtful. My father unfortunately because of his age doesn’t know why they aren’t using more widespread the hydroxychloroquine as a treatment. I told him, there are serious risks of cardiac and retinal problems so only being used on the most sick. We just don’t have an effective treatment yet. I love football as much as all of you, but not at the risk of this pandemic starting up again given the assumption things tail off over the summer.
  15. Thanks GB. I used Spotrac, and didn’t see this point. Appreciate it.
  16. Thanks Bruce, but no, my joints can’t take it anymore. My best was 1620 for a total in a meet. 600 lbs. squat, 400 lbs. in the bench, and 620 lbs. in the deadlift at 177lbs. This was completely drug free and anyone who has seen competitive powerlifting, you have to be perfect in you’re form. When you squat, you’re hip has to be below the top of you’re knee, the bench is with a pause and you can’t move even an inch with you’re feet, and the deadlift has to be without hitching (rocking it up and down on you’re thighs). Sounds simple but it’s not. Most guys in the gym never come close to deep enough on the squat. These days it’s lot of light non stop lifting and cardio. It’s what happens when you break the 40 age. It was fun, and most of the guys I competed with had world records at that time. I understand why, but crazy not being able to go to the gym. BB’s original post is one strong son of a gun.
  17. This regime won’t let White go. We most likely will extend Dawkins and Milano this off season, and White next off season. If it was previous management, I would have concern we let him walk, but this regime isn’t dumb and they know White is one of the top 3 CB in the league.
  18. If they traded for Howard, my guess is they would cut Smith and Kroft is there was money to save which I believe is approximately $8 mil. Although I like Howard, I’m ambivalent if we traded for him or not. Oh, and I went with a 4th.
  19. chandler, you’re welcome to you’re opinion, but as a past US Champion power lifter, I strongly disagree. My team was the #1 in the nation in the late 90’s, and you have no idea how much technique is involved in squatting, deadlifting and benching, not to mention Olympic style lifting. Our heavyweight used to have the world record squatting over 1000 lbs, and competitively benched 730 lbs, which is with a press call. BB, thanks for sharing. I know you’re still competing and keep it up. I’ll give you this Chandler, a meet is a long day, and from the outside can look boring, but then again, me watching golf is like getting my appendix taken out without anesthetic. Having said, that my family and friends love golf. I don’t care, just not for me.
  20. Agreed on Moulds. He was such a stud, and felt bad he was stuck on our team. By the time he made it to Houston, he was past his prime. Put him with Kelly and he would have a gold jacket. Paup (by the way love the name as was awesome), I don’t know if you remember the Phins game in December, can’t remember the year, maybe 2001 or 2, and was snowing of course. It went from a steady snow to a blizzard in the second half. It must have been a 4:30pm game. The weed fiend from NO ran for over 220 yards that game, and we still won. Moulds in the second half had a deep one handed catch for a TD. It was amazing.
  21. We may move up a little in the 2nd or 3rd, but that’s it. I don’t know what people are thinking we could move up for Chase Young. That’s like saying we can trade for Rodgers. Fantasyland. Beane seems to have a penchant to move up which is great and we are not in a position we need more players and move down. We’re not rebuilding at this point. I wouldn’t be surprised if we end up with maybe 4 picks total and bundle the other 3 to move a little higher. I don’t see us trading away a player or any pics from next years draft.
  22. Well, I’m sorry for those who lost their job. My sister works for the Sabres and she survived this round, but her boss lost his job. It’s going on everywhere not Justin sports, and close to home for me. It’s so bad in FL it is next to impossible to get into Unemployment and freezing up, and all over the news.
  23. Just remember it’s liars month in April as no one tells the truth before the draft. I don’t believe any of these people.
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