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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. Basically any other position than RB, Edge Rusher, WR, CB. There should be one high on our board in one of those four positions, and follow the board as we go down the line. I’m fine with us bundling picks, or taking just BPA in the later rounds.
  2. These two have nothing in common. Tua is by all accounts a very good natural leader, has incredible accuracy and vision, and a family oriented young man. Manzeil is a self inflated party boy who had everything handed to him and didn’t put in the work, not to mention has an addictions problem. I know this is not just a matter of self restraint, but just as the word states, an addiction. He brought his problems on himself. As much as Ill never root for the Phish, I do hope Tua has a solid career in football.
  3. Well, our draft day starts today. I like you’re mocks, especially the one juxtaposed to KC.
  4. With this quarantine thing, it makes sense they fill the bottom of the roster or camp bodies with people they know. I know the past, but this year, I’m just speculating other teams are collecting camp bodies from teams they know.
  5. What would it be without another I hate you Goodell thread? He has to play the fall guy for 32 owners. Not a defender, just he doesn’t make these decisions without ownership.
  6. It will be interesting to see how Beane plays this out. Between Milano, Dawkins, Tre, then eventually Allen is he keeps progressing. The implications of keeping these people if possible continues to provide the argument we are not going to buy these flashy free agents that continues to be the logic by some. Even Diggs was not at a contract at the highest in the NFL. It’s smart decision making, rather keep plugging holes and get the most out of role players. The Pegulas need to retain Beane at McDermit as they are making shrewd decisions for a long term plan. It’s refreshing to see people having a long term plan.
  7. If the question is historically, then 1970 (even though before my time) since the league and the country thought the AFC was weak compared to the NFC, and the Jets was a fluke. Then KC won the second time which then pushed the AFC winning most of the 1970’s Super Bowls. Between KC, to the Colts, Miami, Raiders and Steelers was a great decade for this conference.
  8. Nice job Bandit. I still see Miami trading to 3 to ensure Tua, but who knows in a draft.
  9. Winston was lasered in on Evans and Godwin. Having watched a ton of Bucs games, Winston had tunnel vision. Fitz when here distributed much more liberally to the entire offense. As I mentioned Howard is a definite upgrade over Kroft and Smith combined, but neither would help against the cap. Too bad as he could help us as another win.
  10. How can anyone know whether it is LA or Miami who makes the trade to 3, or does Detroit want to stay put? I know we’re all a little stir crazy with the quarantine, but this one is a stretch.
  11. Sweeney will probably make the team, but as another stated several people are not locks and could get cut. We won’t know until after the draft and camp if there is one.
  12. Happy Birthday to the first QB I watched as a little boy. I always like Fergy.
  13. I’ve Ben waiting since I was 3 when OJ in a 14 game season ran for over 2000 yards of which to date I don’t believe anyone has done in 14 games fan damn tastic. Regardless of the number of games, we’re all playing the same number of games so yeah, I could care less whether we win a 16 game season and win the Lombardi, or an 8 game season with no fans in the seats. My dad who is hitting 90 this summer has been waiting since the beginning of the foolish 8 and the 1st SB for us to win. I think he would die a happy man to finally our beloved Bills take it home.
  14. I like Fournette and Howard on our team, but understand if we wait to see if they are cut. Fournette is a great compliment to Singletary, and Howard is far better than Smith or Kroft. I don’t see much savings if we cut those TE’s, but from a talent standpoint, it’s an upgrade. Fournette is a cap friendly deal and a late pick or just draft someone. They are not just haves, but upgrades over our current talent.
  15. DaBills, Im not saying the story on the trade is fake news, just that wasn’t Tampa. That’s all. I’m not commenting on the acquisitions as I am a Tampa fan far below being a Bills fan, but now the less hope these two can do something for Tampa. It doesn’t affect the Bills in anyway so if Gronk can come back to form and Brady has a little left, Tampa could use some good news just like resurgence of our Bills.
  16. Joe, you’re lucky to see anyone in this weather wearing jeans. It’s different when people are working as you have to dress professionally, but if not working we live in a t shirt, golf shirt, shorts and flip flops as a regular. My family hates me as in January I love just wearing a sweater and jeans. I know it sucks in Buffalo as I grew up in the snow belt in winter. I’m just saying no one is wearing a winter hat down here ever except maybe again in January when it can get into the 30’s at night. I call false news.
  17. This thread is a joke right. Lombardi and King are doing BB’s leg work. Seriously? Guys, enough with the conspiracy theory stuff. Peter King would never ruin his integrity over something so silly. He has tight ties throughout the league.
  18. Im guessing you’re kidding as I fly almost every week for work for the last 20 years and live in Tampa. That does not look like Tampa, and btw, it is 81 degrees, and 90 yesterday so don’t get the outfits. I flew out of Logan a ton and looks just like Logan.
  19. No thanks due to pedestrian production at times. Why not just draft a young guy with fresh legs. I was listening toJordan Palmer Sunday on NFLR, and made some good points on Dillon out of Boston College. He would be the perfect compliment to Singletary and a different type of Back.
  20. PTR, great idea, but I’ll be an observer probably laughing at you knuckleheads saying that affectionately, because I don’t go bananas like many researching draft prospects. I’ll leave that to my learned friends. Great idea PTR.
  21. Pass on this one other than yes, my sister works for the Sabres so worried for her, and I’m also laid off given the pandemic so sucks, but if it weren’t for the Pegulas, we wouldn’t have sports in Buffalo anymore. I hope they find a solution to minimize the impact, but companies retract during these horrible recessions, bordering on a depression if not improved, and my hopes are not there.
  22. If he only costs a 5th, and is at 4.16 mil. For one year, he would be an asset, and can reassess after the year. We would take a RB probably in the 4th or 5th anyway, so not a great risk. I know his history, but he did have a very productive year in 19, so unlike me normally, I’d consider it if they could come to an agreement with our expectations meaning the process thing. Otherwise, I’m fine rolling the dice on a later round pick maybe Dillon and see what happens.
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