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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. MD, I’ll agree with you on every position, but QB. Before anyone gives me a hard time, I’m rooting for Allen, and hope he is a top QB in the next couple of years, but I wouldn’t categorize a QB who had completion ratings of 53%, and 58% as high level talent. Most analysts state they evaluate a QB as being good with a minimum of 65% or more. Look at Brees (high level talent) who has been as high as 70+% at times. Again, I like Josh, and am rooting for him, I just can’t call him high level talent yet. I’m hopeful he can get above 65% this year with this talent.
  2. BB, good take as Allen has been fortunate his previous injuries were in the pocket, not on designed runs YET. If Allen is the guy, I don’t want to see him turn out like Newton where he is not the same player after all of his injuries. We have the right 1-2 punch with the RB’s. Kind of reminds me of Marshawn Lynch and Fred Jackson. We have basically the entire offensive starters returning, vs. last year with 9 new starters of 11, and I’m sure you guys remember the first time all 5 offensive line starters last year was the first week if the season. Im tentatively excited to see an efficient passing game, where we can at least, very least be ranked in the top half of all teams, and lead the league in rushing. Teams can win deep in the playoffs with that strategy. I love it as a great running game allows to do more no huddle as our defense still gets enough rest, and their defense can’t substitute.
  3. Thanks for clarifying as I’ve had some of my friends not understand the roster size, so I end up googling the changes to help friends. Have a good Sunday even though these days it’s like Groundhog Day.
  4. I don’t have an opinion on these two, but it begs the question how can they possibly do their due diligence on UDFA’s without seeing them. I suppose they can have scouts go out to do their hometowns, but that is a stretch.
  5. Real, that was pretty good and pretty much agreed with you’re selections. We’ve been talking about all of these selections would never all make the team, but if they show something in whatever preseason we might have this season we can decide if these guys are practice squad worthy.
  6. First, Yolo thanks as I’m old school, ie. no twitter, Facebook, insta whatever so appreciate the info. as always. I listened to part of the post radio show Beane taking calls from reporters. I only get so much out of those things though as you basically get the standard GM speak.
  7. Pure speculation as it is incomplete until they play, or not and one thing I like about the guys on the Blitz, NFLR is they grade a draft from four years ago each year. This is the best way as you find out we’re they retained, did they start, did they make a large impact on their respective team and so on. For this draft, happy to play along and say B. This is primarily because I did include Diggs, and with him and the 2nd-4th picks could potentially start or at least be role players. I like their chances for doing well. It’s not common to find a Milano in the 5th, but if any of the late picks make the team barring the kicker as he has a fair shot at making the team. He’s cheaper than House $, and only because House missed quite a bit last year. If they late picks make the practice squad, or ST, then it was a good draft. This year though is an anomaly with potentially little or no training camp so it may take longer to assess these guys. It also in hindsight albeit luck that Beane pulled the trigger on the Diggs trade. He will come in and perform right away as he still has the entire off season to learn the signals, playbook, and really is at a disadvantage not getting in sync with Allen. He can though go out to Palmers camp with Allen and start to familiarize the relationship.
  8. Doc, nice take, but the Browns haven’t proven anything, and last year in the off season, talking heads were placing 5em in the AFC Championship game. I agree the Colts should ascend this year, and the Texans looks like they will go back down. If the Titans play like they did at the end of the year, they will be a serious contender.
  9. If this draft pans out like it had the last couple of years, I’m cool with a TE. We may look at Edge Rusher again given age, and we’ll at CB, but given this next draft is not necessarily as good at this years WR’s, it will be a really deep TE draft. Would be nice to get a real stud. Just doing a what if, what if we took Gronk, vs. Troup the pick before. Granted we didn’t have a Brady, but Fitz would have made Gronk shine.
  10. Ray ray as you know won’t be here anyway. Agreed on you’re post. They did it right these last three days on just about every position.
  11. Bill, it’s always a good day when we get “a few thoughts about today” as we always looked forward to it Sunday night or Monday morning. Maybe you can resurrect after big games our favorite post. I know Hapless, Chandler, 3 and 12 and so on would love it. BTW, living down here so long, I have the upmost respect for what Saban has done for Roll Tide. Have a good night friend. MGK
  12. Jake seems like a guy needing development, and since I watched a lot of Davis happy with the 4th round, but you draft crazy guys, was there a better CB available? I don’t know so will defer to my learned colleagues. I get the QB pick and maybe speaks to N insurance policy for Allen, or maybe it was just a young back up. I just hope at the least we grab a CB to back up our right side guys. I still contend Beane has done a masterful job with the free agency and now draft picks to date. Keep it up McBeane.
  13. From of the new era one of my more favorite movies, Inglorious Bastards, “That’s a Bingo”. I stand by what I said before on 32, paying a ton, and giv8ng up trade capital. Beane said, yeah, no. Good call. SF thinks they could win this year so I get it. That’s why they are not worried about next years contract. They want the ring.
  14. It’s really not a surprise for Baltimore given the decade long success in the draft, although they had a couple of years as a lull. Izzy was a heck of a GM, and Harbaugh is a heck of a coach. I’m hopeful Beane and McDermott do the same. It was kind of funny yesterday the NFLR guys were commenting how GB picked a QB, and Rodgers old coach, now for Dallas takes Lamb. He must have been fuming given he is still only 36. You can understand in two years, but they needed weapons for Rodgers.
  15. I agree unstable if we can find a good trade partner. We basically have 5 picks and I’m happy if we had trade partners to move up to two picks total. If we hit on them and you guys can decide what you think is best (mine are CB, WR), we can round out the team nicely. Epinesa was good given two current Edge Rushers are over 30 and three if you consider Murphy hits 30 this summer, and Brown and Beasley are over 30 as well. Gaines (always hurt) and Norman (who knows what we’ll get this point) is definitely a good reason if it is the right guy to go with CB.
  16. You had to remind me. We can certainly pile on with about 10 other coaches easily, but thought good old Kay was a typical example. You kill me TD. ?
  17. So basically you’re saying 11 and 12 personnel looks which makes sense unless our TE’s grow tremendously to do 13 personnel. You may be surprised with 22 personnel looks with both Moss and Motor on the field. We’ll see based on what scheme Dabol and McD want to do in what situation. I appreciate the post though.
  18. I understand many teams might have an interest in Trent Williams, he will be 32 in July, wants a monster deal, and hasn’t played since 2018. That is not a smart move. I do understand the interest so no disrespect to Tipster at all as he has been a stud in the past.
  19. Probation guys, please read for awhile before a couple of you make silly comments. I’m sure you meant well, and a person can find fault with anyone. If you’re older ok, but if not, you haven’t endured through the crap many of us have since the 1970’s. This is the first administration between coaching, management, and personnel many of us middle aged people can get excited about. I know the Polian Levy years were fun, but that was not long enough. Not speaking down to anyone, just understand if you had to watch Kay Stephenson, and so on, you’d be excited as well. Also, we had a great owner who kept our team here even into his death, but for awhile didn’t want to pay for players, then didn’t also want to pay for proven coaches like Chuck Knox.
  20. JK, good question and I know you’re trying to help and keep the conversation going, but that is the problem with previous administrations. Too much quick fixes. Not piling on bud and glad you’re on the board. Think the long game and this administration more than any in over 20 years is doing just that. Look at their free agency acquisitions the last three years, jettisons (yes I know Beane wasn’t officially here, but they fired Whaley the day after the draft, and Beane really was involved in it as he was hired immediately after the draft). They are picking up players to fit needs, but making dumb decisions in spending in FA, and the draft is about making it easy to pick the right guys. Again, the long game. The Pegulas must have been impressed with them enough to give them free reign to build a team the right way. If we do this right, we could be a contender for not just this year, but many years to come. Until they prove me wrong they haven’t. Hey, no worries on the question at all. It was a good one. I as well as some of my friends on this board maybe, not definitely have seen a couple more pitches. Not into short fixes. Hope you guys are well up there as I heard there was a little snow. If it makes you guys feel better n FL, we have tornadoes, 60 mph gusts, and crappy weather. Heres to all of us this in the morning enjoying a great Saturday morning after tonight.
  21. NB, no disagreement. I was listening to Nick Saban yesterday morning, and the impact by the Dolphins, the AFCE, and even the history of college ball with the Pfish being afraid to clear Brees, so Saban goes to Bama. College ball could have been significantly different, Saban and Brees squaring off twice a year against BB and Brady for the last 14 years. It was interesting the Miami reporter was on the Opening Drive yesterday, and said Steven Ross only had one playoff appearance since he bought the team in 2009, and is turning 80 next month. His net worth is $7.6 billion ranking 4th of all owners. You know he told his management to swing for the fences with Tua. There is an argument that even if Tua only lasts 6 years, but is stellar like he was in college, it would be worth it to South Florida. It would be kind of fun to start seeing the Pats lose each year to Buffalo and Miami eventually. Miami spent $235 mil. In free agency in 2020, and still has more than enough $ for UDFA, and even any free agents they want and maneuver their cap like a Clowney, or whoever. I am no Fins fan at all as I remember my dad and grandfather bitching how they beat us for the entire decade in the 1970’s. It will be nice to see a very different AFCE with hopefully us leading the charge to start taking the division the next couple of years. How much fun will it be to see a wildcard team and division winner in the playoffs without the name Patriots on the list. ??
  22. NB, I’m not saying I disagree he has a risk of getting hurt, but he has faced defenses in the SEC for years and that is by far the toughest division in college ball. Just think about how many defensive players will be drafted from the SEC over three days.
  23. I don’t think it will be big deal as Fitz should start as he is used to getting thrown into it, and with the lack or absence of practice and training camp, he’s the logical choice. Once Tua gets enough practices under his belt, and ensure he is 100% healed as monitored by their team physicians, he’ll eventually get the nod. I wouldn’t doubt it if Fitzy starts the first 6 games. Maybe less, maybe more, but even a healthy Burrow will struggle being a rookie QB and a lack of OTA’s and probably an abridged training camp. I’m not the only saying it, as I could swear I’ve heard just about every NFL analyst on NFLR and even WGR say the same thing.
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