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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell No! Germans, Pearl Harbor? Forget, he’s rolling. (I used to think it was He’s on a Roll, but wasn’t accurate)
  2. For us people from Buffalo, but living somewhere else it’s great not necessarily the night games as I have to get up at 5 am, so tough, but love we’ll have quite a few 4 pm games, and more likely to be on TV, vs. having to go to a bills bar, or get the ticket.
  3. Basically what people have said in true integrity, and discipline. He was always a person who demonstrated such high character, and evolved with his talent. He completely changed his style of coaching when he was fortunate to draft Marino. Im fortunate I’m old enough to say I’ve watched Shula teams, as well as those historic Brady/Manning games, etc. Something to talk to you’re kids about like my dad talking to me about Jim Brown, Bart Starr, Lombardi and so on. I love his old stories of the NY Giants from the days of Frank Gifford and soon. We’ll miss you Coach, even us staunch Bills fans who had to suffer through you kicking our buts for the entire 1970’s.
  4. I don’t believe in making exceptions even in this scenario. I really like Alex Smith and wish nothing but the best for him. It’s not his fault he received a catastrophic injury. So the Redskins eat it on this one, but the Bills could be next as you never know when a horrible injury is around the corner.
  5. what House said. Every team can always want more, but if it’s and buts we’re candy and nuts, everyday would be Christmas. Our team is fine. Would it be nice to have a TE, CB, RT, etc., etc., sure. Every team has holes. This is the most complete team we’ve had in a long time. For those who go back to the mid 70’s, you know as me.
  6. It’s a challenge, but the cab already increased the practice squad and the game day squad slightly, our highest picks are DE, and RB as all of you know who typically can perform without as much prep as a QB, OL, WR, DT, and in some cases if not the same fit CB. We have an experienced team unlike on offense last year where we had 9 of 11 new starters. Fromm and Bass are backups and been drafted for that reason, and possibly Bass can compete with House $.
  7. No argument at all 32. He only was handed the ball for two TD’s last year as completions. Not that he can’t do it, more they went to other people so like the rookie Karl’s Williams for a very short time, they liked him to punch it in for the TD. I could care less as long as we score, and don’t have an opinion as to who is better, just speculation as to what they may be thinking. I’d love nothing more than motor getting a ton of TDs.
  8. Right on, eball. As long as Moss’s knee holds up, he’ll be a welcome addition. I just don’t know how long he’ll last given he ran for over 4100 yards in college, and he has a punishing running style. Daboll and McD will need to use him, but not overuse him and balance well with Singletary. They should compliment each other well, and Moss will probably have more TD’s than motor as that is one are he’ll excel. I’m very excited to have him, and guessing Beane must have researched the heck out of his medical situation.
  9. I really like Moulds, Kyle, but Bennett would get my vote. I’m ok if it doesn’t happen as that wall is only so big, and being an eternal optimist, the best is yet come. There will be more players wall worthy with a franchise on the move.
  10. Funny thing about the Jags is they didn’t pay the $8mil. for Fournette, and didn’t draft anyone, and didn’t take a trade partner. Jag offs. Whatever they were asking, teams didn’t want to pay it, and over a dozen teams took RB’s in the draft. They are a lot cheaper than $8 mil.
  11. That is the real key as many say, a WR is only as good as the person throwing to him. It was a nice article this morning on Knox as Brown was stating he believes Knox will take a huge step this year. If we have a season which I think we will albeit with no fans, we should see a big step forward with this offensive unit. I’m excited for Moss as well as Singletary in the running game.
  12. With the sensitivity of the climate with the pandemic and the concerns from the NFL on the economic impact, they will want to keep this low key. Those involved will get a fine and done. It will probably come down on a weekend to minimize the news cycle.
  13. Agreed on Murphy, and Hodgins will probably be on the practice squad, as Roberts is a WR so he would be one of the six.
  14. The problem with Rosen in NE is he has a reputation of not putting in the work to be good in the playbook, etc. Given how BB handles his players, either Rosen realizes it’s his last chance, or he is relegated to a back up maybe for almost nothing, or out of the league. It was a smart move by Stephen Jones (who’s really running the team and is better than dad) to bring in Dalton. The pressure for Dak to take a lesser offer is so obvious now, and everyone wins regardless of outcomes. If Dak doesn’t settle, he’ll get benched and traded, Andy gets a new deal worth a decent payday, but not what Dak was demanding, the Cowboys draft their next QB eventually, and Dalton is not as bad as some say. He played for an inferior team and still took them to the playoffs six times. They should have beaten the Steelers that one year if Lewis could control his moron players.
  15. Jerrah just made it more difficult on Dak. I honestly don’t care. We just played them last year so who cares if either is there in three years?
  16. I’m not sure how many more there will be until a new stadium which is coming someday. Schobel, Moulds, etc. are all great guys, just don’t know if they are Wall of Fame.
  17. Happy for TE. He should be something special, and so many young guys if we do it right will be here for a long time. Not just the current draft class, but Milano, Dawkins, Singletary, White, Knox, and so on. We should be good for quite some time.
  18. Haplo, I tend to agree. I know people hate the idea of no fans in the seats, but seems likely given the governors will make the decision, not Trump, the NFL, or anyone else. It’s the whole states rights thing vs. the Feds. Now they are talking about having the NFL on Saturday’s and Sundays which should increase tv revenue. If the league is delayed the WAG is in October. I also agree, it is likely the players and all staff will be tested repeatedly, possibly daily to ensure the least disruption, and the NFLPA will have nothing to say about it as a health issue. I also concur the quarantine as much as possible makes sense to me. Lockers only six feet apart, trainers wearing masks and gloves, etc.
  19. Bison, I typically thank people for sharing, but will have to wait until I can keep down water. OMG, poor guy. Forget football, I just hope for he and his family he will be ok, have a functioning life, and a long future with his wife and children. Im in medicine and that was disturbing to me. I’ve seen blood spurting from the body, destroyed stomachs, and so on. That was bad. God bless that medical staff.
  20. This is a surprise to who? Even in his 12 win season he was average at best. I’m happy for people from Chicago for having two SB appearances and one win, but they’ve also faced a lot of adversity too.
  21. Uncle Hulka? Are you the big toe? Great movie. Have you been convicted of a crime? Convicted? Convicted? No, no convictions.
  22. Well when Stidham went in for Brady last year, BB pulled him after a few plays, and put Brady back in the game. What does that tell you? 1959, agreed on all you’re points. He’s definitely not tanking and to the OP, I don’t think NE’s draft was very good at all, but that’s me. For Miami, anyone can have an A draft when you’ve given away all of you’re talent, and have three first round picks.
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