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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. The MTC guys on NFLR the other day had this conversation about comp picks and Kirwan’s point is why want more comp picks and losing developed players vs. bringing in the right value guys, and extending those that work out. As he was talking, I kept thinking the is Beane.
  2. To KJ, I don’t see the Pats doing better than 8-8, a stretch to 9-7. They will try and become a running team with a good defense, like when Brady first started twenty years ago. The problem as you stated is their schedule is tough, and they lost starters on defense. Stidham is not going to light it up. I still contend we will win the division at 10-6.
  3. I love that clip from Animal House. Always reminds me of my fraternity nutty days. As far as the decline, first, there is no way a 50% decline especially if college suspends until the spring, and they play on Saturday as they will increase the TV revenue. Second, the CBA is done so the players have to deal with the % of the revenue receives so everyone loses. Forgive me for being upset, but given how many regular Jim’s and Joe’s who are out of work with nothing or closed small businesses, I don’t have a ton of compassion.
  4. If I’m betting, my guess is Hodgins and Jackson goes to the PS, the rest make it forcing Duke and Foster if they are still eligible also going to the PS. Ray Ray and Easley are camp guys who get cut. It’s also possible Smith, the TE could get cut, but they’d be thin at 3 so would only happen if we picked someone up off the street.
  5. Scott, I think you’re right except as much as I hate to admit it, I can see still a good defense and strong running game with the Pats so 8-8. The others you’re spot on in my eyes. 10 wins is realistic with tough competition in the West, and we might even go 5-1 in the AFCE. It’s all throwing spaghetti noodles against the wall at this point.
  6. The OP makes good points, but I understand you’re side on KC. The Pats is my guess as a lock for a night game as everyone wants to see the Bills or any other AFCE team unseats the Cheats.
  7. I just read the article from Rotoworld at least scanned the rankings. I thought Mcveigh being higher than Shanahan is a mistake, but most I agree, and McDermott belongs to be right where he is at 11.
  8. Paup, valid points, but he was dominant for SF for a long time, it’s just people on the East Coast didn’t see a lot of their games as he was on a bad team for awhile. I don’t care when he gets the gold jacket, but if he does somehow eclipse Payton, they are not going to deny the guy early in his eligibility as the writers are going to be moved by his yards. The comment about his longevity is also true for Emmett, and Emmett had incredible offensive lines in Dallas. In addition, the fact he has played this position for this long is pretty making.
  9. Clearwater, you’re not the only one. I love Sundays at 1 pm as I can watch with my kids, make dinner, and have a nice family meal with the 4 pm game on in the background. I hate night games as I get up at 5 am, so makes for a long day with maybe 4 hours sleep. 4 pm games are great so the West games will be fun this year, and the national games will still be there at 4 pm.
  10. No argument Dawk. Because the J-E-T-S, Jets, Jets, Jets, and the Pfish are not managing a team well like the Bills, and still will give it to the Patsies, not because they had a great draft or a good FA, and blew it on spending, but they are the Pats. Until they are unseated, they are not unseated,
  11. House, you scared me again. I’m not out of shape, but I’m going to my game room to do another 200 push ups. It is amazing someone can let themselves go that much. Not that as we get older it gets harder, but from the latest back to this pic. I get chills. Oh btw, even then he had a tool mullet hair cut. Tool.
  12. Christie is a good guy. He lives in Apollo Beach south of Brandon and come to a famous Bills Backers Bar in Brandon, FL ((East suburb of Tampa) quite often, and met his family and talked with him about his career, Norwood’s who he is still very good friends, and others. Great guy and his wife and daughters were sweet. I don’t believe he did anything untoward regarding this issue.
  13. No arguments other than to add as much as I loved Butler and the defense he put together, he put us in cap he’ll, and partially because Donahue was a tool and should have just completely taken it on the chin to fix it, and partially because he made arrogant moves taking McGahee with a catastrophic injury that could have not worked out at all.
  14. You have to actually make it past the LOS. just kidding, bud. He may be reaching for #2, but he’d have to be used a lot for that to happen. I can’t remember how much farther ahead Payton is from Gore. Either way he’s getting a gold jacket probably even in the first year.
  15. Star, Dareus for prior, as well as Karlo from history, but most likely Star is fine. Not really worried about almost all of the players. Nice interview with a player from another team on NFLR how they are monitored and tracked daily between Fitbit, heart monitors, peloton, and so on. They have to send into their trainers daily so not a lot of guys doing whatever they want.
  16. I thought so too Ridgeway when I met him twice. Seemed humble to me. Once when he was playing, and once post career. Anyway, I don’t mind the guy, and I’m somewhat sensitive to the point that he and Murph are employed by the Bills. I know I don’t speak out of turn to any company I’ve been employed as that is a terrible role model as I’m in management. Bottom line is my opinion again that I don’t mind listening when in the car during their show.
  17. I’ll pay attention to mock drafts next February or March. So much can or not happen by next year. I appreciate the post, but it will drive me nuts to think that far ahead.
  18. He does get a hard time at TBD, and believe He’s not that bad, especially because there are some guys down here in Tampa who are horrible. One guy in particular in the afternoon yells at callers, especially a guy like me because he has this thing that if we moved here from somewhere else, we should magically drop our hometown team of origin, and adopt only the Bucs. It’s ridiculous as I can love my Bills, and still like and root for the Bucs. There is only once every four years they play each other and I go every time down here in my Bills jersey. Then again, those tools on WGR after OBD are atrocious. I will never listen to them in the car ever. The one in particularly is such a boligerant idiot.
  19. Tasker is not a pro like some of the national broadcasters, except he is better than that tool Coach Weiss on NFLR in the mornings.
  20. Favre May be a lech (sending his pictures to Jen Steiger), but I doubt he knowingly defrauded the State of Mississippi.
  21. I don’t really care about alcohol, and even if they do open up to 15,000 seats, I won’t be going to a game. I can certainly enjoy it from my couch. I don’t see how they can get away with the age discrimination as that is a lawsuit waiting to happen. They can put in the tickets discouraging people over a certain age not to go, but they won’t Bam them. Ban
  22. Really nice to see. One of us should call into One Bills Drive today and thank Tasker.
  23. Well, you’re no fun. I’ve always wanted to drink purel (not).
  24. Kraft and BB are Smith Masters. Never one, always, never more, never less (today). Now that Brady is gone, Vader is back to Anicon. Hate auto correct. Yoda.
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