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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. Joe, I’m sure you know every offensive coordinator in the league knows these coverages, it’s just how it’s called, when they are disguising, bluffing, attacking that makes Frazier, McD, and the players great.
  2. JJ was a genius. It doesn’t surprise me at all McDermott took so many strategies from him.
  3. Booger is a pain in the butt. I like him as a player when he was in Tampa, and he was playing a role in NFLR on TR mornings with Ross, but he was abysmal on MNF. I could care less if he stayed, but not worried he’s gone.
  4. Guys, as I mentioned in another thread, have a great time and be loud. For me, no vaccine, no Dan (my real first name). I’m making a personal choice if I get sick, my kids suffer even with health insurance especially as I’m in medical device sales so 65% of my income is incentive comp based so knocking me out for a couple of weeks assuming I recover (I’m very healthy so helps) is just not worth it. Dont get me wrong as I love live games, and fly my family up from FL every year for a game and am up to 18-20 family members every September for a great time. Seriously though, have a great time and scream it out for our Bills.
  5. I certainly hope we play our starters for the Miami game. My hope is the last win doesn’t just mean home field, but seeds us higher so we may not get a bye, but the higher we are seeded, the weaker the opponent of the wildcard hopefully Bills fans get that first home playoff win since 95. Maybe we’ll even have fans in the seats by then, as it is possible a vaccine fast tracked could make it through by December or January. The problem than is trying to vaccinate 340,000,000 people.
  6. If he had a season in the CFL, if there is one, and was an alter boy and in tremendous shape, no problem at least as a camp buddy the following year, but I doubt any of that would happen so pass. People typically are condemned at least some of them to repeat their own mistakes. I seriously doubt as well Moss doesn’t pan out. We are set at RB.
  7. Paul, it’s not a big deal as the other poster was not clear in his title.
  8. GW was a little hitler, using a bullhorn yelling at his players, they turned on him and Donahue sucked as a GM. When they didn’t win, they canned the guy. He was even a tool in NO. He’ll never be more than a coordinator at best. Oh, and go to a meeting. I heard they work. ?
  9. It was a waste of a rule. No point in keeping around.
  10. Spain and Feliciano are $4.7 and 4.5 mil. I don’t see why to drain our cap even more when first, it’s widely reported the cap will go down appreciably after this year, and second, we have decent guards and even backups with Long. In addition, we more importantly need to extend Dawkins, Milano, and White. We may at best be able to extend one, and maybe not even that as again we need to hoard cash at this time.
  11. You must be bored. I guess we all are at this point.
  12. The $ is not in question, it’s probably the offset language like Bosa before. I wouldn’t worry about it and it really doesn’t matter as he can’t do anything anyway.
  13. As long as the J-E-T-S, Jets, Jets, Jets are the Jets and Gase is the coach, we’re good for a sweep.
  14. Makes complete sense. They’re kids and sometimes make bad decisions like coming out too early.
  15. I don’t know why when we have this many prime time games people complain about cowboys/cardinals. The Cardinals are an ascending team with now a new toy in a WR and Murray, and the Cowboys unfortunately get one of the biggest draws in the country.
  16. We’ll beat the Cheats at least once. We might lose an easier game though and still finish 10-6. It’s a fair assessment.
  17. You mean here comes Cookie. My dad used to tell me about him and his pink Cadillac on the East Side.
  18. I’m born and raised on South Park Ave., but the second half of my life has been in Tampa. I’m torn as Tampa fans want to win terribly so I want Brady and Gronk to win, but rooting for those guys is tough. The only saving grace is watching BB suck after Brady. Puts the argument to bed as to the success. Why wouldn’t you want BB to suck and seeing BB throw another tablet into the garbage can like he did when Wrex and their Brissett screw the pouch.
  19. Glad you’re excited as am I. I thought it was a great schedule. I’m like Clearwater in that I love 1 and 4 pm games, but not a fan of the night games. I know you guys are so happy for all of you. This is why I’ll watch the first half, and would rather dive and watch the second half at 4 am before work and bypass the commercials. The key is not getting on the internet or listening to anything. I guess all the talk about the NFCW games early was just speculation. As far as going live, have fun guys. Not for me. I’ll wait for a vaccine. No worries on my friends going and hope you have fun and are loud as hell.
  20. you’re kidding right in caring about a pre-season game. Levy went 0-4 as a rule to evaluate players. He could care less about wins and losses in those years.
  21. Listen, from an ethical standpoint, I could care less if you’re smoking or drinking other than being a risk to yourself or others driving. Either one is dangerous. Some silly points to rectify is weed is psychological, but alcohol is both physical and psychological, and again don’t take my word for it. That said as both are bad for players or any of us, weed is on you’re system not just by a pee, or blood test, but by hair for 35-37 days. You can’t get away from it. Alcohol, even though legal and still can be wrong to excess is 18 hours maybe. I don’t care if you don’t hurt anyone driving. You want to smoke or drink yourself to death or just to excess, you’re choice. I don’t care but some do.
  22. God bless Alex. What he’s done in the last two years is amazing. Wow. Must be an amazingly disciplined person. If he has an injury clause, any team would be crazy not to work him out when he can with the pandemic workout. great guy.
  23. Non conference games is not the least important. If you follow the tie breaker rule, it is the within conference games not common opponents that means the least. Don’t take my word for it. Look it up. The Titans and Steelers are the least 8mportant to break a tie breaker. It’s a no brained as it is a fact.
  24. Chef, that’s exactly what’s being purported by several outlets, not just Clayton. NFLR just put out from a tie breaker perspective should start with in conference games not opposing division, meaning for us the Titans and Steelers, then the NFCW, then AFCW, then all AFCE at the end. Papa’s reasoning is common opponents is one of the tie breakers so the games that matter the least are the Titans and Steelers. I can see that logic.
  25. Mods, I didn’t see in a search, but the Syracuse article this morning citing John Clayton to expect all inter conference games for the first month. I’ve Been hearing this on the radio for awhile and it makes sense so if the season is postponed or some games canceled would be the inter conference games. I would go farther and even sense they could place the AFCW in October and stack the AFCE games last to preserve the ability to evaluate each division with greater accuracy. It’s all speculation, and don’t think Clayton knows something other than a logical conclusion. Feel free to chime in on the topic since we’ll find out tonight at 8 pm EST.
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