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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. Simple, good point and Alex Van Pelt is another example of that point. He’s turned out to be a good coach, but no so much an NFL QB.
  2. I don’t see us losing to both the Broncos and Steelers, but it will be tough to beat the Chiefs. I agree with the supposition of 10-6 or a stretch 11-5. I still hold we will win the AFCE. Why so many analysts are still picking the Patriots is beyond me. BB is not the evil Emperor from Star Wars, lost three key defensive players, Brady, and Gronk. I know Gronk wasn’t playing last year, but he still will most likely help the Bucs. We have a chance to sweep the Cheats for the first time in over 20 years.
  3. DK, NFLR reported there were a few teams, but can’t remember which ones. I assume more players will do this as we get closer to summer.
  4. Ethan, I don’t disagree, but he was 1 of 11 players. It takes a unit to stop a run offense. Kyle was a warrior for his years here.
  5. He is excellent just like Kelsey at KC. It is really poor optics though to have an agent get on tv and cry about $ when there is 22% unemployment in this country basically exceeding the Great Depression. I understand them negotiating behind closed doors and he does deserve top TE $, but negotiating through the media Is dumb.
  6. Kirwan made the point on MTC that whoever is the peer leader on the O-Line Of any team (he wasn’t speaking specifically to the Bills) should arrange player practices and see if he can arrange for the defensive line to come as well. Personally I wouldn’t do it unless they all agree to get tested before they start. That is by far the best show on NFLR, and they always have creative and thoughtful ideas.
  7. Thanks Slim. I like McKenzie as a gadget guy and he is pretty darn cheap, and Spain is a decent Guard. Allen looks promising based on year 1 to 2, and is getting better at knowing when to slide. I assume you’re kidding on Foster. It’s really too bad as he came on strong the last half of 2018, but talk about a disappointment in 2019.
  8. Fixxxer, it’s funny you bring this up, as it was just discussed last week on NFLR by Kirwan and Mills.
  9. That was hilarious. White for me as he just blankets the best WR’s. I’m actually shocked when I see a WR get one over on him.
  10. I’ll take White ahead of Alligator arms Gilmore. White will mix it up. He’s not perfect, but who is perfect.
  11. Doc, I was thinking the same thing. Bell gave up a $14.5 mil contract to lose that for a year and then only took $13.5 mil. On a crappy team with a buffoon for a coach, and didn’t even want him.Serves him and AB right. For such a storied franchise in the Steelers, they produced a couple of knuckleheads.
  12. Kyle embodied this team and was a late round pick who assumed an incredible leadership role. I know it was a tough decade for the Bills until the end when Beane and McD showed up. This decade is going to be a lot of fun. Oh and PFF sucks.
  13. I’m not worried about the deal as he was worth it, and this locker room won’t tolerate antics. He’ll be targeted a lot, and thus Brown and Beasley will not be able to get double teamed. The other part is between Singletary and Moss, opposing defenses will have difficulty covering everyone. It’s going to be a fun year even without many if not any fans in the seats.
  14. FBF, you’re name suggests you live in FL, and myself in Tampa. I was born and raised in Buffalo, but moved to Tampa the week of the Bills/Giants SB. I’ve been to every Bills/Bucs since 93, a ton of Bills/Miami games, and Bills/Jax games including the 17 playoff game. It was awesome as the lower level was all Jags fans, but the entire upper deck was a sea of red, white, and royal blue. Sucked that we lost, but that defense was impressive.
  15. Great pic my friend. I travel back to Buffalo Every year with my three kids. We have a family reunion on Saturday, and I’m up to 18 relatives who go to the game in September. More than half travel from NE, FL, Carolina, and so on. It’s a great time, but we’re passing this year. No one in my family wants to go to a stadium with this pandemic. Once there is a vaccine, we’ll be right back to it.
  16. I think this thread is about first athletes, not celebrities. Anyway, the biggest loser I’ve ever me on a professional sports team was Warren Sapp. That bastage (kept it cleans mods) when a 7 year old boy came up to him at an open practice and politely asked him for a pic with his dad. He flippantly states “I don’t flick *itch”. What a douche. Then when his baby mama, eventually wife was having a baby at St. Joseph’s Women’s Hospital in Tampa, he was absolutely brutal to the entire nursing staff for a couple of days. My ex was the nurse manager at the time. She had to repeatedly try talking to him to be more polite, and then he was a jerk to her. I’ve never seen another athlete so rude to everyone he came in contact with including waitresses, bartenders, etc. It didn’t surprise me at all when he was nailed with solicitation during SB week and was fired from NFLN. My advice is keep walking if you ever see this guy.
  17. I refuse to listen to this podcast. I really did like the person who broke down the QBR broken up by half seasons. I also thought it was funny the person referencing the only two nationally televised games. Allen has been a lightning rod from media pundits for two years, yet our team was 10-6 last year, and would have been 11-5 if we played our starters against the Jets in week 17.
  18. I’ve met a lot of athletes over the years, but the person that comes to mind was my wrestling coach, Al Bemiller. He was my coach freshmen and sophomore year before he went onto other things. He was such a nice guy, and a decent coach.
  19. We’re just going to have a new person to hate. I wouldn’t want that job as fans are never happy, thinking it’s a conspiracy against their team, etc.
  20. Nice breakdown brother. As long as Gase is the head coach, I’m not worried about the Jets. He didn’t even run an O Line to the strengths of Bell. Bell is a patient runner that fit perfect for how the Steelers ran their line. Gase wasn’t happy with the Bell acquisition, and was stubborn trying to change him. That doesn’t work. I’d bet a whole $ we sweep them this year.
  21. I don’t care if they wore a mask, but it is kind of dumb to not keep their distance from each other. As far as the group, not sure why Beasley didn’t show, but then Smith, and Kroft weren’t there either. You would thInk Kroft would have shown unless he is just writing off he’ll be gone after this year.
  22. I haven’t been a fan of Brady for the last 20 years, but not since Moss has Brady had this kind of talent in Evans, Godwin, Howard, Brate, etc. He’s going to have a good year with this talent and Arians is a heck of a coach. I don’t know nor does anyone else if they can compete with NO, as that is one complete team, but it will be fun to watch Brees vs. Brady even at their age. Oh, and I think McD could surprise people.
  23. As GB said, this comment is not on Allen, just my general feeling is QB’s make the WR. I know everyone hates Brady, but look at how he made average WR’s look excellent. We’ll see how Stidham does this year compared to what Brady has accomplished. Brady is just one example, but you can have excellent WR’s, but if the QB can’t place the ball where only he can catch it, then there are problems. Certainly excellent WR’s help, but it’s a synergy. On a positive note, I am excited for what Allen can do this year. Three excellent WRs, two very promising RBs, and a TE who has promise in Knox.
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