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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. I’m not sure on drafting a QB every year, but I can see drafting one in 2021, and letting Barkley go. Allen will already have three years under his belt and if he could just increase his completion % the same as last year, he would go from 53 to 58, to hopefully this year 63-4%. That would be a nice leap, maybe not Brees type completion %, but another step in the right direction.
  2. If we keep the QB sneak on 3rd or 4th and 1 as often was reported, it will be predictable by opposing defenses. Look how BB noticed we didn’t roll our outside guys in for the Jets when they rushed 9 on a punt, then the Giants rushed 10 and we didn’t adjust, so when we faced the Pats, BB exposed us and they blocked our punt for a TD. Now if we fake a sneak and throw occasionally just over the line of scrimmage to say Singletary would be fun and probably catch a team like the Pats off guard.
  3. Most teams are possible, but the coaching is the difference. I’m not sure about Cleveland. Maybe as they have the talent. I can see Buffalo, Tampa, Indy moving forward. We’ll see. Schein seems to love Buffalo, and funny as he used to bash Buffalo. I know he’s flamboyant, but maybe he’s right.
  4. Kemp was a good guy. My dad was friends with him as well as some of the US Congressmen at the time. He was always polite, friendly, and a gentleman. I was a nobody, but he treated me with grace. I’m not going to make a political statement about today other than he was a good HUD secretary after his congressional appointments. Just like my dad was best friends with Jimmy Griffin. They were alter boys together, and eventually joined the navy together during Korea. I know he was polarizing, but for me a great guy. He was so kind to me and my siblings.
  5. House, all I can say about this video clip is disturbing. You’re a funny dude In a warped way And love it. Putin, I was thinking the same thing. I wish the Cheats would pick him up even though they won’t, as that team would be an even more blank show than we expect this year. I feel I have to keep qualifying, so not because of the politics, but because of his poor play on the field. This is nothing more than the media resurrecting a story from four years ago and has zero merit with him actually playing again in the NFL.
  6. Well said Grasshopper. Sorry just saw Karate Kid. I’m not going to repeat all the stats I pointed out on another thread, but bottom line in 2015-16, he went 3-16 in SF. His QBR went from the 80’s to 47% in his later years. He’s not good. He hasn’t played as of this year in almost 4 years, was stuck on his first read, and opposing DC’s figured him out. No way Kraft signs up for that crap. For me, it has zero to do with his politics. I commend him for taking a stand, but his play sucks and he is a losing QB. Aside from the kneeling which is his right as a citizen, he is a PR nightmare like the tryout debacle when he was trying to get back in the league, and trying to demand to the AAF he has to make $20 mil. His NFL career is over. He’d have to go to the CFL, which he hasn’t done in three Years and make a name for his QB play. He’s not that young super athletic fast QB he was 8-9 years ago. No one maintains that level of speed into their thirties. Ask Vick. And with all of these innuendos, I’m not inferring anything about Vick other than a great young athlete who couldn’t rely on his legs after his incarceration. To me, Vick payed for his sins and is an example of young people who make a horrible mistake, but paid for it and was a model citizen for the rest of his NFL career (and yes I’ve been a dog lover and owner my whole life so I don’t condone his original behavior, but he paid for it in jail).
  7. Hopefully something good comes of this with Fromm donating his time and energy to work on these injustices, and he learns what I’ve told my kids forever. Don’t put anything in writing for any reason that you don’t want to defend to a college admissions board, a potential employer, or something you’re grandparents would be embarrassed you wrote. It’s that simple. I like to think that I’m a moral and decent human being who treats everyone fair, but even so, I do not have any social media accounts. I just don’t want people knowing my life. No snap, insta whatever, and I only had a Facebook account at one point to schedule a seat for spinning classes at my gym. I post nothing. If I want to talk to someone or they want to talk to me, they can call, text, or email me. I guess this forum is my only social media, and do my best to only discuss football except this social issue. I don’t necessarily condone it, but can understand the Bills cutting Fromm simply to send a message to players and employees that you’re words have consequences. I don’t expect they do it as they would have done it already, and as Lorax said, maybe something good comes from this with mercy, but at a price he improves his behavior.
  8. Huck, nice take. Agreed with most of what you said, and watch these knuckleheads rate the Bills in the top 10. I’m not going to say top 5 as there are some great RB tandems in the NFL, but the league is in for something with our guys. Singletary will be the clear starter and wiggle his way to a lot more than 1000 yards, probably closer to 1300-1400 all purpose yards, and Moss will rack up the TD’s in the red zone and at least have 700-800 all purpose yards, maybe even 1000. It completely takes the pressure off of Allen and gives him the freedom to make those passes to our trio and not feel like he has to play hero ball. One of you football geeks (like me) don’t forget when we are killing it this year to resurrect this thread to shove it in those knuckleheads face.
  9. Happy, to add some color to you’re comment, here are comp % and QBR by year for Kaepernick. Year Comp%. QBR 2011. 60% 74.4 2012 62.4% 71.8 2013 58.4%. 65.7 2014 60.5% 60.9 2015 59.0% 43.4 2016 59.2%. 49.5 His last 2 years in 2015 and 1, his team’s record was 3-16. I remember back in 2017 Ross Tucker on NFLR made the argument regardless of his political protest (which I disagree morally, but he has a legal right to do it), he was regressing as a QB. He was fixated on his first read and opposing defenses knew how to play him. There wasn’t collusion amongst 32 ownership groups, but simply teams saw his play tail off and he was a political football with his protests, so owners didn’t want the attention. Again, although I don’t agree with kneeling, he and anyone else has a legal right to do it. In some small way I detest seeing protesters burn the American flag, but the Supreme Court said they have a right to do it. I am in no way saying Kaep would burn the flag, and lawful protests are protected in this country. As so many have said, these social injustices are real and it is my sincere hope things change for the better especially for those in power. I wouldn’t want Kaep in Buffalo, not because his social stance and in many ways applaud him for taking a stand, but he just isn’t that good. I have nothing against the man, just want a back up that can win us at least 2-3 of 4 games if Allen was hurt. I don’t know if he’s capable of pulling that off. Now, what the players did the other night was great. I hope they follow up with actual action in their respective communities to create real change. Like it or not, people read and listen to what professional athletes do. The more they can peacefully bring these issues to light and for example, the police receive additional training and monitoring of their behaviors, that’s a good first step. Anyway, I hope Kaep does get a back up job so he can do what he loves, but just not on the Bills because of his descending skills as a player.
  10. You’re a class act 3/12. I appreciate you sharing part of you’re story, and I echo you’re sentiment about Hapless trying to keep all of us civil, but allowing for a good discussion. Given the length and replication of this thread three times, posters obviously want to discuss their concerns. Most people have made polite posts and in many ways not agreeing with each other or just in part, and that is one of the greatest parts of this country.
  11. I think it is great what these players did, and represented peaceful, lawful protesting for disgusting unlawful behavior that should be condemned by all. They handled well, and hope this sparks more change, but in the right way, not breaking the law hurting poor shop owners, many African- American who did not deserve to have their shops looted. Do it the right way, and most Americans I know and all I’m friends with do not condone this despicable behavior taking advantage of their position in law enforcement. Just do it right. As I’ve said before, I pray for the Floyd family. We should be past this crap.
  12. Doug, he definitely was a Swiss Army knife. I don’t remember any NFL player that played O Line, D Line, LB, and ST. He is the definition of a Swiss Army knife. God bless him for his volunteer work with our beloved Bills.
  13. I’m truly sorry for the 8% losing their jobs, and have been honest with all of you I’ve faced the same issue. Thankfully I’m on my way back, but as much as it stinks for the pay cuts, they still have a job, and will probably come back once they are back on track. Any valued employee will probably offered a job back when things open. It does suck and I feel for those people. Given some severance and health insurance is a good gesture from someone new to this thing. Not to get religious, but they will be in my prayers.
  14. I heard that too Yolo. He is a spokesperson of several charities and donates a lot of time to his community. Great person like Lorax who emulates the best of the Bills along With Fredex. One thing previous administrations did is bring in high character, and high integrity guys all of us can be proud were Buffalo Bills!
  15. MJS, I’m not saying Kyle wouldn’t come back, but he has a lot of causes and is very involved in his own community. I know the coaching staff will always welcome his help, but he is retired and deserves to have a life with his family given how much he’s given to the city and the Bills. I can see him maybe showing up a little, but how many other players from other teams keeps coming back to in essence coach new rookies. Hardly any, and he is one of my favorite Bills.
  16. Very cool. I don’t see Kyle coming around much now given most additions were veterans and he’s done about all he can for Oliver. H. Phillips learned everything from Kyle his first year. Lorax will be a welcome addition as an advisor. What a great guy and a role model for young players on how to behave as a professional athlete. He was very respectful of the Brees thing, and spoke to peaceful, lawful demonstrations and protests. I couldn’t agree more. The next march we have here in Tampa, I’ll be at in a support role.
  17. Street Kings, I’m sorry you were taught that and yes, I’m Caucasian. I was taught the same as well as I have a decent amount of law enforcement in my family. My uncle, a retired Detective, and my cousin, a Buffalo Captain both said I should do the same as you were taught as officers are scouting us by nature. I’m not giving anyone a reason to think I’m doing something wrong. Thankfully, I’m not pulled over almost ever because my kids say I drive like a Grandpa. The easiest way to not get pulled over is have a functional vehicle and obey the traffic laws. For work, I drive as in Medical Device Sales and when I’m called at the last minute to support a surgeon in a case, I always tell them it will take x number of minutes as I don’t want the ticket, take the class, and no way I can drink alcohol and get behind the wheel. I’m now divorced so when I go out on dates, my limit is one glass of wine. Im not blaming the persons of color whether Black, Brown, or Yellow (my daughter is adopted from China) and it’s disgusting what happened to Mr. Floyd, and anyone else mistreated by segments of law enforcement. I feel for anyone living with this prejudice. Just treat people by the content of their character, not how they look. It’s nothing more than narrow minded, ignorant thinking. Don’t tell me it’s how you’re raised as all of us have a choice how to behave and think. I don’t tolerate in my house, nor in my behavior. I had one time my oldest son when in high school was watching a college game at my home with his friends, and one person made what he thought was a funny comment. I embarrassed the hell out of my son as I told these boys they are never allowed in my house Again if I hear anything like that again. I said, there is no room for even kidding about a narrow minded view. I said, am I clear and made each one of them answer individually to me. They never did it again. That’s where you stop this stuff by not tolerating anything Like it, even benign comments. Not in my home, ever!
  18. I think Daboll has been a panacea for all wrong with our offense, and he had to call plays based on our strengths. The line is sharp, they have the talent he needed, and it’s down to Allen playing better. Did he make dumb calls at times like running Gore vs. Singletary at times when he was wearing out? Yep, but we could do worse.
  19. How can you say Brady who has won 6 SB’s. I didn’t say I liked him, but he was playing last year with mediocre talent at best outside of Edelman. I’d table that classification until after this year when he plays with Godwin, Evans, Brate, Howard, and Gronk 2.0. Allen has a great deal of potential, but he’s still ascending so I guess I understand. Darnold plays ona bad team with a worse coach. Rivers and Mayfield May surprise people, if the new Cleveland coach can pull this team together. Rivers was good two years ago, and played behind a crappy line for years. He now has a line, talent at the skills positions, and a solid defense. I’m not guaranteeing a good year, but Reich knows him better than anyone so if he is going to have a comeback year, it would be this year.
  20. Sorry, I opened up before these articles came out this morning. How stupid can Fromm be with those comments.
  21. I guess I’m uninformed, but what did Fromm say on a text? I must be the only one who doesn’t know. As far as Frasier’s reference to Gandhi, great take and love that man. For those who read books on him or even saw that movie, he was an amazing leader. He had more in common with Christ than anyone I have ever read in history. I understand different faiths, but the messaging was almost identical.
  22. My observation on Brees’s comments is simply love one another as you’d want to be loved. Demonstrate peacefully and lawfully to bring attention to a real deep seeded problem. Someone placed in another thread how can you not kneel for the flag, but supposed to kneel for the symbol of Christ. Regardless of you’re spiritual or religious beliefs, kneeling in any of the Christian faiths or in the Muslim faith is simply a sign of reverence for you’re higher power. I understand kneeling during the flag is a peaceful way of demonstrating contempt for injustices primarily directed at the police. I personally think people of all faiths, race, ethnicity, and creed should peacefully and lawfully demonstrate as MLK did in the 60’s. He’s one of my heroes, just like what Gandhi accomplished for his country. Looting is wrong and against the law. There is no justifying it. Kneeling during the flag is disrespectful, but players have a right to do it, just like burning a flag. It shows a tremendous disrespect for people and their families who fought for their country like my dad and two uncles in Korea, my other uncle during Vietnam. Thankfully they all made it back, but some of their friends didn’t. There are a lot of ways for athletes who have a bigger pulpit and I applaud them for using their voice to bring to light injustices. I won’t bore all of you with details, but my best rep in Tallahassee was disrespected in front of me more time than I can count when in Southern GA. I felt horrible for him and not that he needed it spoke up for him with some racist doctors. I told those doctors, and my rep, that account is fired and he is not go back and endure those biggest. He’s such a good man, he said Dan, I can take it. I told I can’t and won’t. My point that I have embedded into my generation is to never participate or allow off color remarks etc. Thankfully they have and even my daughter adopted from China was brutally teased over the Pandemic. Needless to say the Principal suspended several students at a Christian school. It’s only a small example of what people of color have endured and is a sign of a lack of intelligence and a narrow minded view of life. So did Brees say anything wrong? Not in my eyes, but I respect others who feel differently. What is insane is every patrol guide across America strictly forbids Choke holds of any form and I sincerely hope that officer goes away for 25 to life for Murder 2. I truly feel terrible for the family and friends of Mr. Floyd, and want to believe if that happened here in FL in front of me I’d intervene even if it meant me getting arrested. I know he is in my prayers, and hope something good comes out of respectful demonstrations win the day. If everyone just treated others like they do at Xmas time (you know how people are just a little nicer to each other at that time) how much better would all of us be as a community. I know I am normally a very kind person to my fellow man, but will work a little harder at going the extra mile for those of all backgrounds.
  23. Hapless and crew, funny you said that. I used to deliver pizzas as a high school and a college job along with the Buffalo News in college. My point is I used to deliver pizzas all the time to the McKinley Park Inn to the players when housed there. I swear and I was a national level power lifter (been around a lot of thick dudes), but House Ballard was one of the biggest men I’ve ever seen. I delivered a sheet pepperoni like it was yesterday. He was nice, and asked him, sir are you’re friends coming? He said no, that’s just for me. Oh and also deliver3d a bucket of wings. Of course I said yes sir, and gave me a great tip. Not there, but I bet they sequester these guys somewhere so they can contain things. It does make sense if they get something it’s controlled in camp.
  24. So we have two 7-9, and two 8-8 teams ahead of us. Ok. I like Peter King, but this is a reach. It’s basically an indictment on Allen. I wouldn’t put the Bucs that high, but they will be much better given I live here now and follow that team as well. I would have put the Bills around there at 8 or maybe a slot better, and the Bucs at 11-13. At the end of the day, who cares? The wins will decide our rankings. There is a freight train coming at the AFCW, NFCW, AFCE, and the Titans and Steelers. That train is a business decision. The name is Moss, Zack Moss. Oh, and Diggs are going to make CB’s like Gilmore and others look like fools. Can’t wait. BILLIEVE!
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