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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. The key point is he really doesn’t have leverage. If he pulls what Bell did, how did that workout for him? He lost a $14.5 mil. Contract from Pittsburgh (a good team) for a $13.5 Mil. Contract and lost $14.5 mil. During his holdout year. He also ends up on the J-E-T-S, JETS, JETS, JETS with a coach who stinks and oh by the way doesn’t want him for the $, and didn’t use him the right way. He will go into oblivion and lose tons of $ by the time he’s done. Cook can get a decent contract in 2021 and the dumbest thing is his agent knows MN is tight in the cap which is why they let Diggs go for the picks. Cook will be lucky to get a high end contract as MN can simply move on and select another RB with one of our draft picks from the trade. This was not well played by Cook’s agent.
  2. Well, I remember Brissett, but not the others although I think The notion of the Pats being overtly racist is silly. I hate the Cheats just like most on TBD, but I’m not going to make a slanderous comment that has no basis in truth. Dogbyte, you’re right as the last QB we acquired of color I can remember was TT. He was welcomed in Buffalo, but just didn’t pan out given he only threw to wide open WR.
  3. Knox didn’t catch hardly at all in college as has been reported so it makes sense with the speed of the NFL, he would go through a learning curve. Hapless is right he has an upside to him and probably with an off season will be better prepared this year. The real question is there is no way the coaches didn’t know he was still learning how to catch in the NFL, so why was he targeted 50 times when he was still learning? I’m not one of the Daboll bashes as he made mistakes, but overall did a decent job. He as the same coordinator for Allen going into a third year logically should be good for our QB. It just seemed like he rolled the dice on that many targets, vs. using him sparingly. It is possible to speculate he was forced to do so as Sweeney was learning too, Smith is a blocker and couldn’t catch a cold, and here it is, Kroft was a mistake. He was hurt and was also a waste of $. I know he renegotiated his contract, but you have to play. Knox was caught a little over his head his rookie year, but again I believe he will improve this year. I’ll applaud Beane when he lets go Kroft after this year as I believe we can cut him without penalty after 2020. Besides next year’s draft is supposed to be rich in TE prospects.
  4. He and Moss are going to be fun to watch this year and beyond. These two will take a lot of pressure off of Allen.
  5. BB1998, did you not see us drafting Moss after already having Singletary. Why would we ever trade for a RB when we are set at the position, and our two guys are on rookie contracts. That makes zero sense. I understand you’re just floating it, but this won’t happen. We need to keep our draft assets. In addition, the cap will go down so we need our draft assets even more. We also have a number of people to extend like White, Milano, Dawkins, and others.
  6. Simms is really reaching to get some pub. Tua is far more impressive, but his only weak spot as we know is the injury thing. If Tua stays healthy, in a couple of years Miami could be a good team.
  7. I knew we were returning a lot, but #1 is great, and what we brought in vs. lost even better. Then consider so much of the scouting, management, and coaching staff returning.
  8. Ridgeway, I think you’re joking, but you do see my avatar I live in Tampa, born and raised in Buffalo, but have been a Regional Director so had a rep in NE. The last thing I want to do is live in NE. I gUess you’re kidding on the National thing and if Kronke can’t maintain costs, I don’t care. I don’t live in CA, thank god, for no other reason than the cost of living and taxes, but if CA wants to kick in, I have no opinion.
  9. The Rams stadium reminds me of that boondoggle in the Chunnel in Boston. They initially requested from the Feds $2 bil. For that tunnel. Granted the congestion there is insane, as bad if not worse than NYC, DC, or ATL., but $16 bil. later of our federal tax dollars for something pretty much only NE people use regularly is crazy. If Kronke pays for the additional $500 mil. I could care less. I can’t see CA ponying up as they are perpetually broke.
  10. There is nothing wrong with a little more checkdowns to keep the chains moving, and under pressure, it’s also ok to throw it away vs. a pick or a sack. Palmer under interviews has acknowledged he was working on Allen between the ears as much as his body mechanics. We’ll see how it works.
  11. NJ, I watched him throughout college as the UCF games are on network TV down here. He had more yards than Brandon Marshall at UCF. He will be a nice compliment and depth for the offense. He runs routes very well, and has the speed and size to have an impact on ST. Allen should do a lot better this year as he has two different kinds of RB’s, a minimum of four WR’s who can help, and I’m guessing Knox probably improved in the off season in his catches.
  12. I always thought he was overhyped, and was voted to the Pro Bowl via reputation. He was a good player, but not transformational.
  13. Hey guys, how about we see how they perform by November? I know you guys mean well. I do.
  14. Mahomes has turned out to be a possibly a Star QB, but his arm is nothing compared to Allen. I’m getting sick of the Allen bashing. Someone please report the Mortensen comments. As said before, he’s a reasonable guy and said the Allen bashing is over the top. Its in the past, and yes, it would have been great to get Mahomes as we had that spot, but it’s over. We also could have probably had Wilson in Seattle Rodgers in GB, and so on. I keep saying I’m cautiously optimistic, but he probably will end being great.
  15. I wasn’t going to comment anymore on these social issues other than be a good citizen, but Norman did it the right way. By these brief comments I just read, it sounds like he did it the right way. Peaceful, lawful demonstrations. Good job Josh.
  16. Lots of good suggestions, but to be safe you should consider something downtown for Friday night as it is fun, and then a place close to the stadium so you can Uber. Not that I’m suggesting you’re a big drinker, but there are enough other knuckleheads out there that you won’t want to be driving after the game. A nice short Uber means you can have fun and not worry about traffic or anything else. Just my two cents, but have fun. Hopefully there will be fans, even if only 25-50%.
  17. I’m fine with two pre-season games and next year a 17th game. This year they need more time for conditioning. No matter how much they are doing on their own, it is unlikely they are in the same football shape as if they had a normal off season.
  18. May Day, I’ll take it farther, I’d be fine with rotating, Sal, Murph, Glabb, and Browny so you get different points of view and keep it fresh. I like Brown and don’t think he just says the company line, but of the above list, I like Sal the most as he seems to be the most honest, has the most info., and gives a very interesting opinion.
  19. Oh, and peaceful, lawful action. That is always appreciated.
  20. Shady, in a perfect world, you’re right, but then again hearing George Clooney and other celebrities who think they have such an important view, but don’t still keep throwing out their opinions. I do understand you’re point though. I do. I don’t mind athletes giving their opinion, but I don’t have to listen nor care what anyone has to say. I make up my own mind based ona number if points, and am always willing to listen. I may not agree, but will listen. Hopefully the news cycle blows over and the people ready to complete actions for all of us to be better bears out, not bloviating as is being done by actors, politicians, athletes, and all of us. Anyone willing to take action to make a change I applaud.
  21. Exactly! Listen, I’m a moral person and whether convicted or not he things wrong, but then again Ray Lewis was accused of murder, but not convicted. I’m not saying he did it, but an accusation is not a conviction. I’m sure OJ was not a nice guy post football, but the Wall and HOF is about what happened on the field. He had the most yards per game of any RB in the NFL which I proved in another thread. You place someone on the Wall and HOF for their on field, not off field behaviors. Think about it, he had more yards per game than the great Jim Brown, Walter Payton, Barry Sanders, AP, and could keep going. He is a stain on the community post football, but this isn’t about post football. It’s about what he did on the field.
  22. Well said BT. You just have to look up his completion % and only had two years above 60% and barely. His entire career he’s at an average of 59.3%. Kaep is even worse, but that doesn’t mean he’s incredible accurate. Outside of the injuries, he’s just not the kind of QB BB likes.
  23. This article is from January, and I believe it was recently reported he was going to Carolina to learn how to be a scout, not a coach. It’s actually a smart move as that is a nice path to GM vs. the insane hours for coaching. I’m not saying scouting and administration is easy, but working you’re way up the coaching ranks is brutal.
  24. The other owners and Goodell are going to have an awful time trying to push Buffalo to build a new stadium. That’s a PR nightmare, and yes once there is a vaccine, they’ll try, but as much as I think the Pegulas will want to build downtown, it makes a heck of a more sense sinking a couple hundred million into new era. They can easily build out those nice restaurants and amenities as long as the structure is still sound.
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