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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. you know you’re Aways aces in my book my friend. I thought that might playfully tweak you. Have a good night Yolo.
  2. Irv, I won’t comment on this one anymore, but curious, did you’re parents give you three scissors to juggle? Now that would be funny. Just kidding and like you’re avatar. I enjoyed watching him growing up as we had what 5 channels and two TVs. 2,4,7, Canadian channel (loved that one in the summer as they had the Flinstones at one point when I wasn’t out playing), and channel 29. 29 was awesome for at that time the reruns of Star Trek, Brady Bunch and so on.
  3. Dude, you’re now beating Yolo. Well done Mr. Miagi. Oh and Yolo, maybe a new sheriff in town. ?
  4. Funny. Be safe, but you can’t live in a bubble. Some of these posts actually ,makes me feel for these guys. He’s a young man and just playing a fun touch game from what I can tell. Can’t live like John Travolta from Bubble Boy. Youngins, look it up. It’s a stupid movie from the late 70’s or 80’s and believe me it’s dumb, but you’ll get the reference.
  5. Discussed in multiple outlets that a quarantined QB doesn’t make sense for several reasons including a third QB can’t learn that much on virtual learning, and easier to pick up an experienced guy off the street like a Cam. Now it is reported wildly the NFL should on the other hand in this pandemic figure it out with the union to go to at least 60 + PS so they can account for other position persons quarantined especially where each team feels they are thin. Makes sense to me.
  6. MJS, I’m pretty close to you’re overall assessment although I think our O Line is at least a C+. By the end of the year, I’m hopeful we move Allen up to a B, and the RBs up to an A-.
  7. There is too much $ to be lost so they won’t shorten to 6 games. I’ve been listening to their medical personnel and they are working out contingencies like regular rapid testing, but also temperature checks which is simple each time they enter the facilities. I can see players getting two week quarantined, but not whole teams. We might lose a couple of games, but not 10.
  8. What no golf, tennis, lacrosse, curling, etc. Sorry, couldn’t help myself. It’s just a bunch of nothing anyway until they officially per league what they are doing in stone with the cooperation of their respective Unions. I don’t mind sharing, but could care less what they have to say. When Goodell has a definitive in writing statement of what will happen, who cares?
  9. That’s not true. McD used the talent he had on the field and knew he could win which he has made the playoffs two of the last three years with knowing he could immediately impact a defense studying under the great Jimmy Johnson (Philly not Dallas), he had runners, a mobile, tough QB, and only last year picked up a durable #2, and #3 WR. Now he has a true #1, and a Carson type bruiser to compliment DS. Next year is a deep TE draft so expect we add a top TE there. It’s a long term sustainable plan for success. The Bills could absolutely be a #1 running offense, #10-12 passing offense meaning overall well into the top 10. It keeps going back to if and hopefully Allen takes another leap in year 3. By the way, I don’t know if you’re handle is a joke, or if you somehow are a Bills and Jets fan, that doesn’t make sense. Half my life was in Buffalo, and the second half has been in Tampa. Therefore almost no conflict with a Bills fan first always! But a Bucs fan second. I only root against the Bucs once every four years. Yes, The Bills game and proudly wear my Bills jersey every 8 years when they play in Tampa.
  10. I won’t hold it against Vikings fans. It’s simply a tool for a poster on YouTube that is looking for clicks. It’s not the average Vikings fans fault.
  11. Didn’t that video scream of insecurity? I think he remembers a little too well Allen in one of his first starts handing the Vikings ars to them, and no the LB didn’t let Allen hurdle him ( he outplayed the defender ). Dumb rookie move, but brassy for doing it. Where was Cousins play in that game against our defense? Did you ever think maybe he was just complimenting his #1 WR, and acknowledging he was selfless in the players constructed practices. It had nothing to do with bashing Vikings fans which are great by the way, just the local and national media frothing at the mouth to say negative things about Diggs. Did you ever think maybe he just wasn’t happy how he was being used in MN. It doesn’t mean Allen, Diggs, our fans think anything negatively about Vikings fans. I know I don’t. I just look at every situation there is two sides to any story. Moving on.
  12. Not sure Doc, but if he’s smart, a 3rd pick in Moss should prolong his career, not competition as they are different types of RB’s. He gets to share the load and barring freakish accidents, he’ll last longer. Besides players are smarter for not commenting on new draft picks at their position, other than to welcome him, and we’ll learn from each other. The typical player speak vs. the Rodgers answer when they drafted a QB this year. It’s like the Corlione family motto, “Santino, never tell anyone outside the family what you’re thinking”. Love that movie.
  13. I do feel for the UDFA. You must have been listening to MTC on Wednesday on NFLR. They are rating different positIon groups so this Wednesday their theme was rating the AFCE WR/TE groups. If you have Sirius, you can go to the on demand link and look for W afternoon show. The Bills were the first of the four. Well, they went through our drafted and experienced players, because they find it highly unlikely the UDFA will even make the 53. If interested, they were quite positive about the Bills, and indicated they kept 10 active last year, and Kirwan mentioned coaches have tendencies as if they kept 10 total active last year, they most likely will keep 10 this year. Here is who they rattled off. Diggs Brown Beasely Davis Roberts (I cant remember if they said Williams or McKenzie, but I think it was Williams) Knox Kroft Sweeney Smith They thought it would be very difficult for Hodges to even make the active 53, and more likely a PS guy. Additionally, they thought with a condensed training camp, no off season OTA’s, only two potential preseason games, the beginning of training camp is likely to be all conditioning for two weeks, that an UDFA is a long shot to even make the PS let alone the active roster. That really is too bad as there is always a diamond in the rough in a normal off season you pick up and shines. So this is a marathon answer Putin and all, that these guys were pretty sharp in their logic as to why this pandemic will be hardest on UDFAs. This series has been fun as they already broke down all the O Lines, ranked the top 5, Pass Rush, now they are starting the other position groups. Fun for some light listening while you’re driving around if you have both the radio Sirius and the App for you’re phone like Radio.com does for WGR.
  14. The pandemic is driving the bus, which is why Goodell upon advice from their medical team advised not to have joint practices. If you’re referring to next year when hopefully we have a vaccine, then sure. Coaches can learn just as much from The joint practices as they can from a pre season game. Besides, most people don’t even watch a whole pre season game.
  15. GB, that’s why my only social media is this board. No Facebook, insta, snap whatever is for me. I think Simms is dead wrong, but I really don’t care. It’s like anything else, what these players do on the field is the only thing that matters which is why all of these analysts making predictions is just talk.
  16. Doc, you’re right a moment of silence is very appropriate. The problem is not in kneeling, or standing, it’s complacency over time and more than kneeling or any other peaceful protest, it’s our law enforcement agencies enforcing their already rules in their patrol guide including repercussions for breaking the patrol guide. In addition, it’s all of us teaching our children with every action and being a role model, it’s not black lives matter, it’s all lives matter. That is not to say the black lives matter movement is not a great step, I’m just taking it farther. Arabic lives matter, asian lives matter Hispanic lives matter, women’s lives matter, and so on. Stopping prejudice starts at home, and not allowing it from others. I do my very best to be kind to all people regardless of what I wrote above, and regardless of their socioeconomic status. It’s interesting every corporation I’ve ever worked has a zero tolerance for any off color jokes, comments, etc.
  17. It doesn’t bother me at all if a player wants to legally and silently protest in this manner as it is their legal right. The league should have never made it a stipulation players cannot. I also applaud players who actually do something to further the cause about equality for all. Having said that, I wouldn’t do it as I have been raised to put my hand over my heart for the fallen. People on the league if they want to silently protest, ok. They aren’t hurting anyone, they are not looting, committing acts of violence, or anything else.
  18. Boom Shaka lake Boom. Love it my friend. Have a great rest of the weekend.
  19. Same Hondo. I see Allen being good, maybe even top 10 especially when we consider someday, Brady, Brees, Big Ben, Rivers (not that he’s in that league, but he is solid), and in time Rodgers retires. Once these stars leave, Allen has a chance in two years to be at least top 10. This year will make a big statement.
  20. M squared, I think you’re right. 2020 will be the year of DS, but Moss’s contributions will grow and when we need 3rd and 2, or 4th and 1, Moss will be the obvious choice and he’ll still do it. DS is like a young McCoy, and Moss could be the next Henry, Carson, etc. If we want Moss to last, especially with the knee thing, we need to use him when we need it, not needlessly. Oh and the DiMarco comment is silly. I’m sure it must have been a joke.
  21. Fair points on Lamar as it is probably too early to tell, but if they keep constructing a team around his skills, he has a chance. Ravens fans would shoot me, but I’ll take Allen over Lamar as I sincerely believe Allen eventually has a higher ceiling. If Lamar doesn’t improve as a passer, he can only survive as a running QB for so long as lol at Cam. He sparked quite a bit last year, so like Allen he needs to take a big step this year.
  22. Good catch Ralph as Alex Smith doesn’t get the credit he deserves. He was on a horrible SF team, but seemed to hit his rhythm in KC, and I doubt anyone is not thinking Mahomes is a franchise guy.
  23. Well said Putin. Back in his prime Bledsoe was good enough to get them to a SB, even though they lost, and there is no argument about Brady. The Ravens might have it if Lamar Jackson ends up as there franchise guy, as Flacco was their franchise guy for 10 years, won a SB, and spanked the Pats a couple of times in the playoffs.
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