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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. Now that one made me belly laugh. Ok, real Bills fans, the easiest answer to this pest, and he is a pest is just delete as another said any thread, and never reply to his posts. I’m over this person. I pledge I will not reply anymore as he is just trying to tweak this board as his team sucks so he trolls here. Here’s to sweeping the J-E-T-S, Jets, Jets, Jets. Sad thing is I have a lot of friend who are from NY and Jets or Giants fans. They would never waste their time on this board. Bye Bye, Jets 2020 as there is nothing you can say as ridiculous as you’re comments to get me to reply to you. It’s kind of like our mom taught us TSW, when you have a pain, just ignore him and after a while he goes away. Attention and getting people in a tizzy is what he desires. Lastly, love Liam Neeson. Great movies and the TV show was awesome for two years. I recommend to my friends on Netflix, but one of those watch from the beginning when at the gym or rainy day. Much better that way on the show.
  2. Guys, there is someone who is just trying to incite this stuff. I’m done because he’s looking for it. The more you respond, the more he’s laughing over getting you’re anger up. Not worth it.
  3. I voted McCoy as he was so impactful while here, other teams just had to adjust to keep us from gashing them. Hughes has been a great trade and a steal and especially when he had Mario pre Wrex, was a nightmare for O lines, but he’s had injuries like others. He also made some of the most bonehead personal fouls that killed stops to opposing teams. I still love JERRY, but if a forced ranking McCoy is my vote. They were both awesome though.
  4. People interested in this topic should read the recent article, 20 minutes ago from the Olean Times (Chuck Pollock) about the Pegulas. I liked it. Way too much Kim bashing. I have someone close to me who works for the team who said very positive things about her as a boss.
  5. I saw that on the wall. So happy he and Kelly is our faces of the Bills.
  6. I thought the same Hondo with almost 40% of Jets fans picking the Bills to win the AFCE. That will probably be my last visit to a Jets site. I just don’t care that much what their fans think, but they have every right to their opinion.
  7. loved that line from Ron White. You can’t fix stupid, and you’re right. Why aren’t these guys even if temporary meaning four years on average, making $400,000 not taking an Uber say twice a week in the off season. These guys if they lived relatively reasonable, and banked a bunch can more than afford to have fun. It’s not like most don’t have huge mortgages, cars are her choice, kids, again a choice, and build up a retirement.
  8. Yeah, what eball said! ?. Just kidding. I don’t go to Jets boards because I can already assume what they are saying, and to be honest, I don’t care at all. You have to wonder the motivations of non stop posting on a divisional rival board. Anyway, what will be funny is the search button when we sweep the Jets this year. I know the search engine well and can look up this thread.
  9. Thanks Shane. That was fun to watch. Love those old football announcers. Or I should say narrators
  10. I don’t see them cutting Long. He has a lot of experience starting at Center and G for not just the Bills, but also the Jets. With as many injuries as O Lineman are at risk, he is an asset, and cutting him only brings around $2 mil. Given the $700,000 dead cap hit. The others mentioned like Williams, Foster, etc. are not going to be able to compete with long term cheap depth answers in Davis and Hodges, and they are taller, but faster than Williams. Some might be right on McD liking Murphy, I just don’t think he’s worth the $8 mil. when we have so many other options for rotations. It wasn’t until the Jets and playoff game where he had two sacks in each game.
  11. It was funny just yesterday Kirwan on NFLR mentioned when he was writing up contracts at the Jets, they would regularly add clauses in contracts, no snow skiing, jet skiing, basketball, motorcycles, etc. It makes sense although in Lamar’s situation, he was just playing beach football, and decides to try and hurdle a jet ski. Not his best choice. Thankfully, it turns out it’s not that bad.
  12. T Master, thanks for the story and in three years we will hit 50 considering when they opened for business. As far as the old Rich, I believe it 83,000 before they remodeled with more sky boxes. We were the second largest pro stadium at the time. whoops, I stand corrected, but could swear it was just a little more than that number.
  13. Not bad Zonabb. The Bills will be solvent, and yes, I see them using the Bills to keep the Sabres going. If things continue to get bad they probably would consider selling the Sabres, but that is the nuclear option. I’m speculating they still have a long term plan to move the Bills downtown (first ward), but now will be seriously delayed as they dig out of the overall economic downtown. Regarding McBeane, they still have a year or two left on their current contracts so they’ll just delay temporarily the extensions, but they probably have said, just be patient guys and we will extend you. It’s not like other clubs are just so flushed with cash right now. On a global point of view, coaches and managers may be a little safer (very little) from getting fired after 2020 unless they are absolutely horrible as the economy is not doing well, and won’t until this virus is under control. Revenue for any sports club is going to hurt this year, even with the tv revenue. McBeane will be fine as the Pegulas should know what high quality coaches and administration they have at this time. Two playoff appearances in three years, projections to win the AFCE in year 4, a very well managed club talent and financially. Im not overly worried and these reporters have to do something to get a story.
  14. JF 2020, I thought let’s give the guy the benefit of the doubt, maybe he likes both teams. Unlikely, but ok. Then I kept listening. You’re just trying to insight things, and if you were even a little neutral, ok. It’s very obvious you’re not. Do what you think is best, and enjoy you’re friends on you’re Jets website. Here, it is very apparent you’re not here to be even fair minded. That’s too bad. I really did give you a chance to be fair minded. You’ve done a great job in that I’m one old time poster who won’t respond to you’re originating threads again. I’d say to my friends, consider because if there is no audience the poster leaves. They want a response which is why he’s here in the first place. its not like ice bowl. 2020, you wouldn’t know as you don’t care he is a GB guy who respects Bills fans and we are incredibly respectful of each other. These are great teams and fans.
  15. Note to friends. Consider stop responding to each other over and over as I just scanned and the marathon posts are just banter and has nothing to do with the Bills or the NFL other than general social issues which are important. I do my best to make a comment and at most one personal response and then out. Have fun if you want to keep going but I’m done and not saying anything more on it. Everyone not making personal attacks has points on both sides. Just going down a rabbit hole. Have fun. New Bills thread? All over it.
  16. JJ, now that was funny. Thanks for injecting common sense and I’ll add his last two years, 3-16. 11-24 if you add the year before. Kaep don’t go away mad, just go away. Now that doesn’t mean I’m happy he’s speaking out and peacefully protesting social injustices. It has nothing at all to do with it. He just sucks as a QB, and yes, I’ll take Barkley or Fromm over him, and I don’t even know how good Fromm can be once he works on his lower body mechanics. Not wanting Kaep has nothing to do other than bad football play.
  17. Greg, well said as she could have been raped, again maybe, goes to the hospital, gets a rape kit, and then calls It in from the hospital, or calls from home in shame, goes to the hospital and the police meet her there, and so on. The point Greg astutely brings out is a number of different variables could have happened, and people report rape. unfortunately I know too well as I was on a rape trauma team before going into the medical device business as a licensed psychotherapist. This is beyond what I’ve shared as people close to me have dealt with issues like this one. That is why I don’t automatically believe one side over another. I’ve seen monsters who’ve raped others including husbands with their wives, and I’ve seen in custody or other jealous issues of fake allegations. This is the reason why a rape kit is the easiest forensic evidence to motivate the police and DA to indict.
  18. Thanks eball. I didn’t realize there was much wiggle room in the 3rd and appreciate the info. Point taken.
  19. Guys, I know it’s knee jerk to make jokes of this act, but there is nothing funny about it. If he didn’t do it and there is a situation of a woman trying to intimidate for $ or something else, and would be terrible. If he did do it, it’s terrible and not funny as I always reach to my sisters, my daughter, my ex-wife, and many of my female platonic friends. I’d want to kill the guy even though I wouldn’t break the law. Unfortunately, I have women very close to me who have gone through men going too far, not to be shared, and I’ve seen the emotional repercussions. It makes me sick to my stomach. If he did it, I hope he burns in hell and spends the rest of his life in jail. If she lied, I hope she ends up in jail for a very long period of time. Either way, I’m very sorry For whoever is the victim. Until there is a conviction, I’ll reserve judgment as to the possible perpetrator.
  20. Doc, you crack me up. I haven’t thought about that movie in decades. That was a stupid, but hilarious movie. Thanks for the laugh.
  21. It’s funny now so many people were running down the hall with their hair on fire when he was not signed yet. I’m not sure of the hold up, but as I said then, it was probably off set language. He’s going to be fun to watch.
  22. Weo’s right, but that thread was about quarantining a QB even though it developed into the one here. I mentioned it was discussed in mutual outlets to for this year only increase the active to 60 so the PS of each team can’t be pilfered. It would have to be a one year thing if they have a vaccine by 2021.
  23. I went with Duke Williams as the 10 if you include TEs will be Diggs, Brown, Beasley, Knox, Kroft, Sweeney, Smith. Then you add Roberts for returns, McKenzie for gadget plays, and Davis. If by some long shot Hodges shines which will be tough then McKenzie gets axed. On the defense, it’s probably Murphy as they save $8 mil. that can along with the $20 mil. In cap space extend probably Dawkins and Milano. They wait on White til next years off season. They manage their cap well, and Murphy was hurt for the better part of two years. Besides there is now a lot of depth on the D Line in Butler, Addison, Jefferson, Star, H. Phillips, Hughes, and Epenesa. They could keep Murphy, and cut the others, but Murphy is the better financial decision.
  24. you know you’re Aways aces in my book my friend. I thought that might playfully tweak you. Have a good night Yolo.
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