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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. Well Hapless, good point, but RI is basically a postage stamp compared to the geography of NYS. Just thinking of the borders, it would be almost impossible to have borders on every front entering the state. I don’t even live in NY anymore, but cuomo seems like he likes the microphone. Nothing against him at all.
  2. Augie, that was the part I didn’t share that if the OP’s point is don’t share you’re politics (and the old adage is not sex or religion either) I understand as I keep mine to myself. It doesn’t matter his views, but yes, sharing where publicly people can view invites a problem. Sad, but the world we live in these days. Thanks for sharing Augster.
  3. Depending on the month, 48-50% of the US are Republican so no this is not a surprise, just like Bruce Willis, Tom Selleck, Kelsey Grammar, and others are conservative. Who cares about his politics? If he is a good coach, it doesn’t matter just like it doesn’t matter if any other coach is Liberal, Libertarian, and so on. Im not giving my political opinion, just I don’t care about people’s political stance as far as their ability to coach football.
  4. This is actually funny so please don’t shut this down with the silliness. Do you actually think they were doing something found not allowed in either sports league with their team of lawyers? Guys, cmon. You’re smarter than this one. Have fun. Anyone ready to talk about football again. You know that thing we love like the draft pics, franchise acquirements, anything not this! I love you’re football takes and my fault too as I’m a participant in everything not football. Please slap me if I don’t stick to football other than saying cut it out. We are Bills fans. Let’s talk about the Bills. ok, like elementary school, I’ll start. I was disappointed yesterday when NFL radio did the afc East and was meh on Zack Moss. Tha5 dude is going to hurt people. Singletary will get more years, but Moss will cause more Monday’s in the Ice tub. How, How, How, How. Love that song. Cmon you know it. A Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom, a Bang, Bang, Bang, Bang. And that is exactly what Moss will do to those Business decisions. That man belongs in Buffalo.
  5. Thanks Teef and we’ll said. I think enough people know me on this board, I don’t beat people up for their opinion even if I disagree, I just want us to be safe, that’s all. I’ve already far crossed my limit for multiple responses to a thread so I’m out. I’ve said my peace and as always wish you all the best. By the way, can we start more threads of the best team to be proven this year in the AFC! I love my Bills. Billieve!
  6. H2O, I’m so sorry one of you’re children was so ill. From an understanding standpoint, my middle son who was born at 28 weeks (he’s great and just graduated from high school) had pneumonia 5 times at age 4-5 and by rights cheated death again from when he was born, but it was from him not getting a series of vaccinations as a newborn. Both are unique examples, and were just glad he is ok as I’m glad you’re child is ok. It’s a misnomer the flu can cause the flu. You can have a small reaction to it and as stated before the yearly flu virus only protects against a certain strain, but you ca; contract another strain less common. You not getting a flu vaccine, I understand completely. I have to working in OR’s. and ASC’s as its part of vendor Credentialing To gain access to protected areas. The Covid 19 is not actually a virus, or the flu. It’s a protein surrounded by a layer of fat. That’s why the purel works as the 66% + isopropyl alcohol basically melts the fat layer so the protein dies quickly. Again, a personal choice for any vaccination so no argument from me. The real problem for game attendance is not in the spacing of seats as they can figure that one out. The problem is the bathrooms, the halls traveling to the seats, the concessions, almost absolutely impossible to social distance. Social distancing is the only way to kill this thing. Treatment options are much better and a vaccine for us who want it is on the way too, but it just won’t change quickly. Sucks so I’m empathizing with you. I hate this crap just like you and others. Thanks Teef and we’ll said. I think enough people know me on this board, I don’t beat people up for their opinion even if I disagree, I just want us to be safe, that’s all. I’ve already far crossed my limit for multiple responses to a thread so I’m out. I’ve said my peace and as always wish you all the best. By the way, can we start more threads of the best team to be proven this year in the AFC! I love my Bills. Billieve!
  7. Spartacus, actually working in biotechnology, medical device, and rare disease orphan drug biopharmaceutical sales and management for over 20 years with 5 years prior in the clinical end of medicine, you should know vaccines is the absolute least profitable out of anything produced. Granted it’s 350 million doses if everyone gets it, but they won’t as some won’t care, some are against vaccines, etc. Lastly, vaccines only work against a certain strain of virus so this is why people get a flu shot yearly as the vaccine is designed for a specific strain. Everyone should do what they want, knowing the FDA, they won’t approve something that hasn’t gone through phase 3 clinical trials and surveillance and demonstrated a success rate approvable to the FDA after they send multiple clinical questions to the manufacturer and thoroughly fact find. Not a perfect world, but it’s a lot harder to get something through the FDA than in Europe Cmarc.
  8. H2O, I understand personal choice, and if it were only you’re health, ok as many people do dumb things and place their health at risk, but just like you can’t drink and drive because it’s not just you hurting yourself, you can kill someone else. Well, the analogy is simply you could get sick and pass it to dozens of others later and yes, if you hug you’re mom or dad, you could get them killed. I simply mean why place yourself and others at risk being in such close proximity. Here is FL, they have lifted even more restrictions than in NYS and our cases are rising dramatically. I hate this as much as you in more ways than you know as it affects our social lives, entertainment, and importantly financially as Unemployment is still nuts down here. Restrictions aren’t going away until they get through phase 3 clinical trials, which is at least 12 weeks surveillance post vaccine, then 5 weeks to present to the FDA by medical researchers, then 9-12 months PMA filing as it is a new medical breakthrough. They can’t do a 510K filing without an advance to an existing medical device, biotech product, or rare disease orphan drug medication. I know as I’ve done this work for over twenty years. The. We have to wait for whichever company can produce 350 million doses for the US alone. I will only speak for myself and I will not attend any major sporting event in close proximity to others until I’m vaccinated. That is my choice, but hopeful my fellow Bills friends don’t place themselves at risk either or spread to others. I hate this new normal, and I know everyone on this board does as well. It sucks, but if we don’t take drastic measures, this crap will never end.
  9. I’ll take Linemen for $500 Alex. In all seriousness, this is a dumb thread and can’t believe I wasted a few minutes of my life reading it. Shame on me.
  10. It will be fun to watch his growth. He will be a top 10 talent down the road. This rank was a little high at this point, but happy for him. I was looking at the other rankings and Singletary although only played 12 games, had the sixth highest yards per carry at 5.1. He should have been considered at the 10th spot, but this year will probably be even better. Honestly, I don’t really care that much about these lists. As long as we win the division, go deep in the playoffs, etc., that’s all that matters to me. This is why the only time I ever look at power rankings is on threads here.
  11. McD was limited by the talent he had on his team, and this year I predict he will be much more aggressive now that he has a returning O Line, Diggs and Moss added to the existing skill players and lastly, Allen going into his third year. The defense will be at least the same to better. My prediction is 12th in offense, 1st in rushing, 15th in passing, and a top 3 defense. We will win a playoff game possibly two, but fall short in the championship game to either Baltimore or KC. That will be progress. I know we all want the SB, but not sure if we are there yet. No one will be bringing up our drought anymore after this year as we will hit the playoffs three out of four years.
  12. Cole, is that the one by the volunteer fire dept. in Hamburg on South Park Ave. If so, I grew up just five blocks from there. You brought back a memory. Anyway, funny reference. Seriously though, nothing will happen to the Bills. The Pegulas May have to do more layoffs like many industries, and I don’t see many billionaires who would want to the Sabres. They would never sell a cash cow like the Bills.
  13. They replayed that music city nightmare a couple of Sundays ago on NFLR. I called in beforehand and spoke with Vic and Marvez. I told Marvez he was a sadist to all of us Bills fans, and They had quite the laugh From it. I told him I will not be listening at 4 pm as I’d end up throwing my phone through the wall if I had to listen to that again.
  14. I doubt they trade him as he is cheap now, and next year everyone’s cap takes a hit so draft capital is even more important. If a yes, he would probably end up in Cleveland, Washington, Miami, Detroit, or even Jax. The others have a lot of cap space, and Jax has $ similar to us, but a ton of pics. All of these teams are not very good, need to build up their team, and have the capital. His pipe dream of going to a contending team is a joke. He’ll probably end up staying with the Jets. He really has nothing to say about it except withholding which just takes even more $ from him. Talk to you’re teammate Bell.
  15. Well written Dopey. Sweeney has more skills overall in terms of blocking, receiving, and a good check down. Ethan, I know you meant well, but just don’t see Smith making the team.
  16. Hapless, you beat me to it and personally thank you. Bilz, I understand you’re comment on China and yes, all information points to it starting there and not handled well by them in the beginning, but as Hapless points out, we didn’t handle this pandemic well at all and acted too slow and poorly so as a result, it has spread like wildfire here. We tried to minimize and do very little until too late. On a personal note, there must be TBD posters who are Chinese American on this board. This hits home for me as my daughter, my Chinese American daughter who we adopted 16 years ago this month at 10 months ago after having two boys biologically has felt the pain of looking different. She attended until the quarantine a Christian school down here. Her classmates brutally teased her relentlessly that it was somehow her fault for the virus until my ex and I finally stepped in with the principal. It stopped and then the quarantine started. I had to see her come home sobbing a lot, even though she is normally a very happy easy going girl. Please don’t be narrow minded as my daughter is just as much an American as you or I. I don’t blame people from Africa for the terrible diseases that have some from there, nor I hope my ancestors didn’t blame people from Europe when the Spanish Flu that killed far more people than this virus. I’m not upset, just asking consider you’re audience as many of us may have a connection to China like my last girlfriend who is a wonderful person. Bottom line is we need to take the right steps to protect ourselves during these times. I still believe we’ll have some sort of season, probably with no fans, and maybe truncated into say 10-12 games. I understand the NFLPA’s stance, yet if the players want to practice together, it’s up to them and their families. If they are smart they would take lots of precautions for example not taking a pic of the players there not six feet from each other like our guys. It’s just another example unfortunately many young people not taking this virus seriously, and not keeping six feet. The skill guys can if they work at it stay away from each other and use fresh balls where they have a young person wiping them down after each play. Sounds silly, but this is the world we are in right now. Lastly, not just them, but hope all of you stay safe, and I am painfully aware how hard this is on all of us in our daily lives and our wallets, but we have to do it to get this virus under some kind of control.
  17. Sorry for the family caring for him given one of the worst ways to die. I personally would rather in so many other ways vs. slowly losing you’re mind. RIP Kiick.
  18. He was before my time, but sorry for the family’s loss. I say the family as I can only imagine he’s in heaven, but it’s the loved ones who grieve for him I feel their pain. RIP Mr. Groman.
  19. That’s funny Chevy (death knell), but it’s being discussed to increase the practice squads. I don’t think they even know what is the answer. It’s most likely they will proceed as they will take a financial hit as it is with no or little fans in the seats, so I’m expecting a number of quarantined players.
  20. I know Seasons and have a number of friends who have boycotted it. I need it as a release, but I wear gloves, no mask as my glasses fog up, and clean everything probably more thoroughly than 90% of people. I also avoid people like the plague. It’s crazy as I was out with an old friend for sushi last night (beautiful), and I told her I couldn’t hug her. I just can’t take that chance. It sucks, but the world we live in for now. As far as football, I’m hopeful we have some type of season.
  21. He filled a void, and I think the real pressure comes from the inside which is McD’s philosophy, just like his mentor Jimmy Johnson (Philly, not Dallas). Between all the additions, this line will be fresh only having to play 50% of the time. This is why I don’t see anyone having 15 sacks, but moreso a number of players having 8-10 sacks. I can see Hughes having a better year, this year. With having outside of Epenesa, Oliver and H. Phillips, the rest are older so having to only play maybe 50-60% of any game will help.
  22. Whoever said a possible delay of training camp, and season is probably right. I was just watching last night the COVID cases has risen in Florida commensurate with the opening of the restrictions, and the crazy thing is the positive cases has risen with younger persons. The mean age for positive cases here is down to 37. I know from my gym, younger people are just not taking distancing seriously. In my opinion, it’s a false sense of being indestructible. Anyway, if the states don’t maintain some kind of restrictions, this pain in the ars virus is just going to linger. I hate the quarantine as much as others, but I’m more sick of this just not going away for a very long time. So maybe string camp in August or even September and not starting the season may help. Otherwise if they just push through, there will be a lot of people quarantined. The positive side is they seem to be treating better as they are learning what works and what does not.
  23. The only one I can see based on draft pics and $ available is Jax, which is going from one crappy team to another. Fine with me, but the more opportune thing for Bills fans is he pulls a L. Bell and is dumb enough to sit out for the year, lose a year of eligibility, and away from the Jets, even though we can and have beaten them with him. You can’t count the last game last year as we played second teasers, vs. our starters crushing them. A mistake in my opinion. We should have at least played all starters for a half to keep them in rhythm, Too many examples of outside of dinged up people resting people has not worked well. If he moves to Jax, who cares as they are a mess, and wouldn’t see the, until the playoffs which won’t happen. They’ll never make a wildcard and Indy, or Houston would probably win the AFCS. Either way, we win. The guy again I’ll say is not smart as he has no leverage and the only thing he has is holding out. He hurts from that decision, ala talk to Bell in private.
  24. I like it CBF. If younger I would get one, but probably on my backside opposite my fraternity one when I was young and dumb. 48 of us in one night called the Tattoo Crew. Even a plac on one of the walls of our house. Long time ago, but don’t regret it. We all had on left cheek, and all our mascot, but could individualize to a point, so my college nickname will be indelibly be marked on my body. My kids thought it was cool as young kids. Only persons who see it are ones of my choosing which is almost never.
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