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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. Wrex made the most of what Mangini built. He had flaws too, but if you want to go back to any coach who was worth it in the J-E-T-S, Jets, Jets, Jets is Parcells. Oh maybe Belicheck, but then he was there for a cup of coffee. That must have sucked. ?
  2. Kzoo, I like you’re passion, but we were good enough, we just weren’t coached well enough. I guess another unpopular take, but for all of Levy’s strengths, he was outcoached in the big ones. If anything, we had superior talent just used in a way that showed flaws. One area of a personnel mistake was not replacing Fred Smerlas with another Monster NT. We thought we would be cute and use a small fast NT in Jeff Wright. Playing a 3-4 when it really was a 3-4, not a hybrid was not meant to have a small fast NT. We needed a monster body like big old Teddy W. (That’s Ted Washington for the youngins in the group). That made us susceptible up the middle to the run like IDK, Emmett. It still amazes me how Bruce averaged I think it was 17 sacks a year for over 19 years in a 3-4, and didn’t have a Teddy taking up space in the middle.
  3. Kzoo, I appreciate another football topic as we’ve had enough distractions. It was a huge disappointment in 04. Most of us kne we wouldn’t get that far with a good defense and as always a mediocre offense. Takes, London, and soon we’re fun to watch.
  4. Good list, but you forgot the most dynamic RB in the league (IMO) is McCaffrey. He’s like a RB and WR rolled up into one.
  5. I like it Chevy a lot. Great idea. C’mon Happless, you have some juice. Tell Kim when you have lunch tomorrow together.
  6. You nailed it WhoTom. I was thinking Chan was dealt the crappiest talented team for the Bills in 20 years, but still won some games, however megaphone Gregg (remember that moron using that as a rookie head coach at training camp) had a lot of very talented defensive players and Moulds. Figures the Jets fan place Wrex so high when he was a baffoon here, hence why he was run out of town in two years and led us to a top flight coaching and management staff.
  7. Chandler, I placed a smile face related to you’re second comment. You and Hapless do a great job, although I just see it as basically uncontrollable. The more you guys work exhaustively to placehold COVID-19 conversations to one thread, it’s almost impossible given it is overtaking so much if our lives. FWIW, they’ve been talking a lot on the LSU and some other college football programs that are having widespread outbreaks on NFLR speculating what is to come with training camp. Granted the NFL has a lot more resources than some of the college programs, sanitization should be more thorough, temp. Checks, regular testing, maybe even headsets for all the players to eliminate the huddle, but there will be a spike in positive tests. I’m more concerned with the equipment guys, trainers, coaches over 50, and so on, as well as everyone at camps friends and families. Anyway, I don’t think anything will stop the league from moving forward other than maybe dropping the rest of pre season, training camp starting two to four weeks later, etc. The owners are already going to lose too much $, but cancelling the season won’t happen. I feel for those people as most of us if we work at it can find ways to distance. It may suck, but we still can do it.
  8. Ridgeway, you’re on a roll this morning. I almost spit out my water reading you’re post laughing so hard. Keep em coming.
  9. I Digg Ya Process and good take. I know Elliott is a rare find, but am just very hopeful DS will be McCoy of his prime, and I don’t see Moss running for 1500+ yards, but If you mean his style, I’m with ya. I can’t wait to see him run over I don’t know say Gilmore. I hope he pulls an Alstott back in his day, he had one run I remember against the Vikings. He broke through the front seven was on his way to the Endzone and just had to take a corner and sail in. Instead, Allstot, the maniac Turns right at the safety, knocks him at least five feet back and scores the TD. That was back when ESPN used to have that schtick “Jacked Up”. It’s going to be fun the business decisions guys like Gilmore will make when he has a pen angry Mack Truck running at him and watch the alligator arms come up.
  10. Gambit, thanks for posting a football topic and not the other stuff. Appreciate it, and process I’ll bet you a whole nickel, you’ll be very happy by the end of the year, and our RB stable are much cheaper. More $ for Dawkins, Milano, White, etc.
  11. Thurmon, I read and have seen Lombardi many times and listened to him in interviews. My opinion, which is mine is I don’t respect his points of view. I maintain he’s trying get in front of the media. Aside from the Patriots, he’s also been at half a dozen other teams.
  12. Nothing like waking up on a Saturday to a sarcastic and funny Ridgeway post. You always keep me laughing Ridge. I actually had that dork now in Vegas with the worst haircut on the planet (he must have loved Dumb and Dumber), that stupid jumpsuit, wearing a pink Headset. That visual is chilling to say the least.
  13. Like Snyder and Jerrah. Sorry, it was too easy KJ. You know I’m a fan. Anyway, I don’t see the harm. It’s not like she was telling McD what to do. She just wanted to experience the chaos. Must be a Joker fan. Why so Serious? My favorite bad guy from all of those Batman movies.
  14. Lombardi is just regurgitating what has been said before, and he’s doing whatever he can to get in the headlines. He saw Buffalo is considered a hot team right now so why not poke another hole in Allen. Mortensen said it best recently the Allen bashing has become absurd. He’s always been a tool. Besides, look what a great job he did for the Browns, his only GM job (you know that powerhouse 2012-14) He was in administration otherwise for a bunch of teams and even lost his job at NFLN. Not exactly someone I look to read stories from the Athletic.
  15. To the OP, think about it, does Goodell and the owners want any other bad press right now? Of course not. These things will go away. Like it or not, what can anyone really do about Kraft? He’s an owner. Remember the Colts owner Irsay. He was doctor shopping and abusing opioids, and really nothing was done to him. Pay a big fine, stay away from the building, but that was it. The only persons who could do anything about Kraft’s problem is law enforcement, and they have been buried by his legal team. The spygate 2 thing was blown off due to the marketing part, and it was a we’re sorry. This stuff is dead. As far as Oliver, he probably won’t see a suspension until 2021.
  16. Chans, I’m not going to banter, but some perspective From you’re examples. Working with doctors, nurses, surgeons in particular as I work in biotechnology and in the past medical device sales, these medical professionals even before this virus wash their hands before and after every patient interactions, and wear gloves, are trained not to touch their faces, and since February even in offices are wearing masks. You’re points about medical professionals infecting others is not accurate at all. Hapless’s example on the other hand is much much more likely. Young people do get sick although proportionately people with comorbid conditions, and elderly along with pregnant women are more susceptible. That’s the problem. Someone unknowingly is positive and is not taking distancing seriously and can infect a ton of other people.
  17. Kalima, Kalima! Nice reference. Maybe Josh can eat monkey brains too. That was disgusting for the dinner scene. Reminds me in the early 90’s I was a 22 year old teacher and during final exams (after) we would watch these Indian Jones movies. Nice chuckle so thanks. GB, I kind of thought the same thing in that I didn’t take it for once as a slam on Allen, but he had the weakest talent compared to what Lamar, Baker, and so on had in their stable.
  18. It was fine. More of the same from local radio shows. Nothing special. JA seems like a really good guy, not that we didn’t know already. He does seem consistent.
  19. It’s the smart move to cancel a wasted game anyway. I feel for the HOF inductees as it has to be a lifelong dream for them, and to not have you’re family and friends be there stinks.
  20. Im not absolutely sure, MJS, but you may have heard two of their starting WR’s are going to be out for part or the whole season. Samuel keeps saying he’ll be back opening day, but medical analysts like Dr. Chow states it is highly unlikely he will make it back that soon. I don’t know if this is the reference, but that’s the only news I’ve heard about SF.
  21. Mehta has been on NFLR a ton of times, and never came across to me as a conspiracy theorist or a yellow journalist. I’ve heard from other Jets beat reporters like Dan Leverfield similar comments about Gase rubbing people the wrong way. I don’t know as I’m not in the locker room, but if true, I hope he stays under contract with the Jets for a long time. That’s two wins a year. That team has been dysfunctional all the way back to Parcells. Yes, Parcells had a cup of coffee there in the 90’s. He actually turned that team around briefly until he fled like he always does outside of the Giants. I still don’t se him leaving as he has two years left, the cap is probably going down which means teams are going to hoard draft capital, and they would have to renominates his contract to $15 mil. or so a year. I just don’t see it happening.
  22. Sounds crazy, and they were discussing this point on NFLR, but after thinking about it, the most important positions are ones the most difficult to fill that have a singular purpose. So unless you have Morse learn to long snap (unless he already does know), we would need a back up long snapper, kicker, punter, and QB. RB, WR, and O Lineman can be replaced, but unless you can cross train guys, you’d need a back up for the niche jobs. I seriously doubt they make it more restrictive from other teams to pick up. The reasoning is what if a long snapper tests positive for COVID-19 on Saturday, the day before a game. The NFL will want it to be easy to plug in spots quickly.
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