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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. Ok guys, ever here of Google. That took a total of 3 seconds. Jax, and yes to the wiseguy, they do celebrate Thanksgiving. I have a lot of friends and former employees who worked there. I know you were just kidding, but it’s actually a nice city, good cost of living, nice beach, and nicer people. Now the head coach, a fool. Maroon. Hope they never get a game.
  2. Flash, like the reference and it was stupid not even B movie, but C movie, but still liked it when I was a kid. I think the actor was in one of the Ted movies (Sam something). Besides, it had to be the only Queen movie song I can remember. They may have been quirky, but they were good.
  3. I know. To their defense, you have to go through a fingerprint check and they do an extensive background check, but the good news is it lasts for five years. Even if people recreationally travel a couple of times a year, it is so worth it even if just to get in the short line. Made it very easy for me to get in an out of the airports. I am so spoiled now as each year when we were going to a family reunion and Bills game, my kids would force me to get in the regular line. I know I’m a brat.
  4. Anybody want to bet a nickel, it will be dropped to no pre-season games, and possibly delaying the season later than September. This isn’t getting better so the closer we get to the season, things will keep changing.
  5. Jimmy pay the $85 and get the expedited line so you can leave you’re shoes and belt on, and leave you’re laptop in you’re briefcase. Changed my life when I did it as I travel almost every week for work.
  6. It’s funny you say that as I left the gym this morning, and all employees have to wear masks as it is FL, and in every other indoor place we finally have to wear masks. Now in our gym they require the six feet and because of the size don’t have to wear masks. Kind of dumb. I’ve said this before, but they threatened us to lose our membership if we don’t clean and post machine. I see everyday, almost always a young person completely disregarding these guidelines and shocker, people sweat a lot more ina gym than in a grocery store. My point is the govt. is trying to save us from ourselves as so many people are just blowing off things that keep us safe. If I knew everyone, and I mean everyone had to wear a mask and gloves and maintained six feet apart which is physically impossible in the ramps, bathrooms, concessions, I wouldn’t care if others wanted to go to the stadium. That still doesn’t protect everyone and this poster makes a good point, it’s not you waiving you’re ability to sue, it’s what you take home and infect others. Its crazy to put any large group together like a football stadium, even at 30% attendance or whatever. We are finally opening up movie theaters, but only at 30% at the end of the month strictly every other seat and every other row, no $, only debt or credit cards, and severe limitations on concessions. We have to watch a movie in a mask, and that seems like it could work to give people some outlet from their home. I would imagine it’s the same in Buffalo or other cities, but the seats for theaters are all recliners and farther away from each other and with every other seat and row, and I guess they are spacing out shows for additional cleaning time. I think AMC is just trying desperately not to file for bankruptcy as they are losing $ hand over fist. Guys, this new normal sucks, but it’s not just about yourself, but everyone else you can infect. That’s not conspiracy syndrome, it’s reality and just look to my state (FL) that opened too quickly and the skyrocketed cases especially 25-34 ages. As I’ve said before, no waiver trumps a State Governor. They will make the call no matter how much anyone complains. It may suck, but NYS has shown a rapid decline in cases as they were more strict than many states like mine. I was listening to Fauci this morning on NFLR, and he doesn’t even know, but speculates cases will rise in the fall. Working in medicine, I expected the heat would help, but it’s not. Most viruses die off that are airborne in heat, but not this one. I’m actually giving blood this week just to find out if I tested positive and have the antibodies, will give me peace of mind, not to mention, people need blood for those that are sick. I want to help those in need.
  7. PTR, I live in FL and you’re right. I get so annoyed with especially young people down here that are not respecting the social distancing protocols. I’m actually glad our Governor instituted masks mandatory in any building (except my gym as the space is so vast they don’t require it, only employees which doesn’t make sense to me), and irritated by some people just ignoring things that keep you protected. I know it’s a letdown not having fans in the stadiums, but it’s a way to stop this thing from spreading even worse. If they do open, people can do what they want, but I won’t be there if the tickets were given to me. I value my health too much. The sad thing is J&J and other companies are in phase 3 trials, but that will take another 8-10 weeks, then 6 weeks for submission to the FDA, then because it’s a PMA (new product filing) it will even with a rapid review take 6-9 months. Bottom line is even if they hit a solid vaccine, they won’t have it commercially available until 2021 Spring, and then any company would need to produce upwards of 350,000,000 doses which no matter how big the company will take a long time. Sadly, we’ll be lucky to have fans in the 2021 season. That’s depressing, and there will be some who do not inoculate for various reasons.
  8. Guys (real Bills fans), I mentioned the other day a person going to another teams website with the posts he is constructing is simply to get a rise out of others. Not worth addressing his messages so if you want him to go away, just ignore these posts. Im happy Cowherd rated Allen and McD high, but somewhat surprising as he usually has some off the wall takes. I do appreciate the Op for posting the clip so thanks.
  9. As far as AB, he’s a walking circus. I hope one of our competitors take him and watch the chaos ensue.
  10. GB, I’m normally with you, but I still see KC -1, Baltimore -2, us -3, Pittsburgh - 4. People have been guessing Cleveland to be a top team For two years and haven’t done it. I can see Indy winning their division, and Denver and NE possibly making the other two Wildcard teams now that their are 3 this year.
  11. Of his 9 years in the NFL (granted last year was only 2 games) he’s only been above 60% completion twice. The rest has been in the low to high 50% range. He’s really banged up, and I’m guessing someone will give him a hard tackle and he’ll be sidelined again. I don’t have anything against Cam, and never wish for a player to get injured, just that it is likely. He’s taken so many shots over the years. He’d have to change his style like a Brady and have an ultra quick release to avoid the hits. I just don’t see him making such a sweeping change. I hope I’m wrong and he makes it the whole season as long as we sweep them. Said the other day on NFLR, I’m betting we end up 5-1 in the division. The Jets and Dolphins are in a perpetual reload. A couple of years down the road, our rival will most likely be the Fins as Tuaif healthy is going to be tough.
  12. A 5% improvement is not marginal. Another 5% and he is right in the middle of the pack of starting QB’s. He has two very important weapons in Diggs and Moss. My guess is he’ll be at 65%, so no not Brees, but who is Brees?
  13. JoPoy, As always, thanks for the beer, I forgot to add something. The reason the Bills gave Lamar his worst performance In the regular season, and yes I know they still won 24-17 Is McD’s defensive scheme. McD had Lamar’s cryptonite by strict gap control, zone defense, keeping the middle of the field contained and not getting fooled if it was a run, or a designed run the other way by Lamar. Lamar has a problem throwing outside of the hash marks. That is why the Ravens lost in the playoffs. They literally took McD’s scheme and tried to copy it. It was smart of Vrabel and Henry ran all over them keeping the ball away, hence the 28-12 loss. My concern assuming we make the playoffs is not Baltimore as much as KC. At least we’ll have regular season experience with KC and TN, and in the KC game at home (hopefully we’re aloud to pump the crowd noise at its peak for that one). KC is going to be incredibly tough to beat. I’m not saying we’ll beat the Ravens, just we can beat them if everything breaks our way.
  14. CB, that’s why they ran 13 personnel as a staple last year (I know you know but for others that means 1 RB, 3 TE sets, so only 1 WR). They have excellent TE’s and you can never tell when they are pass catching or blocking and they as a unit do both well.
  15. Augie, that sounds pretty cool you, KJ, and Boyst were able to go to a game together with you’re sons. I like it. Buftex, if you want a good Bills Panther outcome since we play them only once every four years, we won in 2013.
  16. I understand the other issues discussed, but what is most likely from the title of the thread is there will not be fans in the stadiums. I’m not saying I want or don’t want it, just this the most likely scenario. The cases here in FL are skyrocketing and the highest incidence is 25-34. We all have to wear masks anywhere in an enclosed place except home. Bottom line is it won’t be the NFL or teams making the call. It will the respective Governors. States who have opened too early and seeing spikes in cases are closing back down one by one.
  17. Guys, this is another post of a Jets fan who is trying to passively aggressively insight these things. Not worth our time. If the mods want to let him keep going, fine as Hapless sent a nice message the other day, but Jets 2020 is just trying to insight silliness on this board. I don’t dislike the guy, just don’t want to play into his nonsense. He knows what he is doing and it’s not that he is a Bills fan. My suggestion is don’t reply to his threads. I’ve not answered his question and won’t. Let the thread die. Like you’re mom said as a kid, if someone is bothering you or a pain, just ignore him and give him absolutely no response. This message is for the real Bills fans on the board, not someone just trying in a veiled way try and stir up trouble.
  18. Guys, the Pats lost 3 of their starters on defense. That’s 28%. They won on defense, and the run game even though they threw a lot. It was one of Brady’s worst throwing years and they didn’t add a lot of offensive weapons. The Bills will be fine. Newton had multiple injuries and is 31, not the 26 year old who went to the SB. I will bet a plug nickel (if I knew what that was but my Dad says it) the Bills are 1-1 with the Pats, and sweep the rest of the division. That’s 5-1 and we finish 11-5 and win the division. No more running down the hall with the house on fire stuff. Everyone knows on this board what Allen has done in improvements, and the team. We finally have a near complete team, but really no one has one. There are always things could’ve better. We have the most continuity if starters in the NFL, I thought at 86 or 88%. Brady was a bigger threat to us with the quick release and knowing when to throw it away, not to mention his accuracy and anticipation. people go bananas about Allen’s (not most of you) at almost 59%, but Newton only had above 60% 3 of his 9 years, and only 1 above 62%. He’s slower at this point than Allen, and more beat up. We will be fine. We will be fine Danya San. Just show me Sand the floor, wax on, wax off.
  19. Couldn’t disagree more. This is exactly why the NFLPA came out with this notice. I actually love them practicing, but they are doing nothing in the social distancing thing. They could easily have done these activities, but stayed away just 6 darn feet from each other. Basically reinforces the NFLPA, the players won’t adhere to CDC rules. I am very happy they practiced, worked on drills and had fun. That’s great. I have fun with my children, friends and family, but we respect these new rules. This is why here in FL we are spiking again. We opened too much too early, and the lead positive tests are 16-35 with the emphasis on 24-35which is why we shut the bars down again this week, reviled liquor licenses to places not adhering to the provisions, and the proportion of employees at these service places is through the roof. If anything, I am not in fear, I’m sick of the restrictions meaning I just want this crap to go away. Honestly, I wish the NFLPA would get out of the way and whatever real time the players missed in OTA’s could be tacked on to an extended training camp, even if they had to spend three weeks quarantined in some location and was regulated by the NFL and PA as these two groups would make sure all of the safety precautions were met. Now that would be good. Did you guys know Clemson football is up to 36 guys positively tested already among all of the other examples like LSU, Kansas, etc. It’s what is coming.
  20. I was going to let it go as I like Shaw, but Pikes was in his prime. He played from 98-12 so in 04, he was peaking as a 6 year veteran. He had a lot of good years after Buffalo, and thought it was stupid to move on from Takeo and London, both of which played for very long careers. Think about it, Takeo played through 2012, 15 years, and Fletcher for 16 years, both jettisoned after the 06 season. One more example of the constant mismanagement of this team forever. Thank god this is the best I’ve seen the Bills run and coached since the Polian/Levy years, and before my time the mid 60’s Bills winning championships.
  21. Just lightheartedly busting chops. I understand. Have a good Sunday bud.
  22. KJ - I know I’m getting older, but didn’t you just write yesterday owners should stay out of football operations or something to that effect? I’m just kidding, but he is a meddling owner.
  23. I’m not sure how Kim Pegula wearing a headset turned into a referendum on Jerrah, but ok. Jones was way too over involved and shooed off very good coaches (Jimmy Johnson - yeah I hate him too, but an excellent football mind, and Parcells). He doesn’t like strong willed coaches, but he has done a remarkable job building up the Cowboys financially and has it as I believe the #1 valued sports franchise in all of sports worldwide (I believe they surpassed the valuation of Man U.). Now he does have a solid coach in McCarthy, he and his son moreso have made unsexy picks like building up a tremendous O Line when the old Jerrah would keep picking skill players. This year he added another probably top flight WR to Cooper, and one of the top 5-7 RB’s. His son has been good for him. Personally I hate the Cowboys as much as the Pats, Fins, and Redskins (basically any team that beat us in the SB except the Giants because they were the Pats cryptonite in SB’s).
  24. As much as I love this never ending chaos with the J-E-T-S, Jets, Jets, Jets, and losing Anderson would be great from the AFCE, I don’t see it. Either the Jets buckle shipping him off, as someone may offer something, or Anderson will get sick of not getting paid and getting fined daily. If the Jets play hardball, he’s making nothing and loses eligibility for a year past week 10. Part of me loves that he won’t be playing week 1, part would love him playing for an NFC team, preferably not in the West this year. But think about it, the teams with the most space per Spotrac are the Browns, Skins, Lions, and Miami. Jags also have around $20 mil., but they also have tons of 2021 draft picks. The real issue that makes me skeptical is because the cap will almost certainly go down at a minimum 25-30%, teams aren’t dumb and need cheap labor, aka, draft picks. So they need their space and they need their picks. If the Jets are smart (big if although Douglas is known to be pretty sharp), they wait it out, and Anderson has to buckle. Between the 5th year option, and tagging, the Jets have him if they want for a long time. In addition, they can’t buckle to these demands or their screwed for future ridiculous demands by players who have two years left. If he pulled this next year, he’d have some leverage, but not this year. Now his agent knows the cap is going down so he’s behind forcing the issue now. Just remember a team has to give up a $15 mil./yr. contract on a year where the cap is going down, and has to give up at least a 1st, and a 2nd, and this is for a safety. He may be the best Safety in the league, but he’s still a Safety. A lot of teams may not pace that high of a value on a Safety.
  25. Wonder Twin Powers activate! OMG, I haven’t thought about mood rings since I was in elementary school. I can’t remember the colors what they symbolized, but I thought red was you’re pissed off, and purple at peace or something. Ridgeway, we’re showing our age brother. Now I need to go to watch an episode of Happy Days. On channel 29.
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