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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. Well said Blitz. Why is the woman dumb for falling in love with a guy? She appears to be a very bright, and thoughtful. I don’t have a problem with her at all. I’m not as big a Sabres fan, so I’ll leave that to you guys, but as far as the Bills, she and Terry are doing well. Why critical of an ownership that brought us excellent coaches, management and players. Sound financial management and not trying to bandaid a team, vs. taking the longer approach. They methodically purged bad contracts, understood they made a mistake with Wrex, and we are in a better position now than we have been in 20 years. We are set up for long term success. was it a PR piece, yes, but people do this all the time.
  2. Bandit, I was thinking the same thing. When will these players simply say this is wrong. I’ve said it before, All Lives Matter. If someone says these slurs, condemn him publicly. No matter if it’s against Jewish people, African-American people, etc. just stop. Don’t tolerate it. What is there to talk about? You can’t write this crap and explain it. Apologies don’t matter.
  3. I don’t understand the problem on Diggs comments, or Arians for that matter. People will test positive and anyone not concerned when they are put in a tough position where to make $, they have to put themselves at risk is naive. At least Arians who is not in perfect health is smart enough to wear a mask, and face shield as he knows he is an at risk person.
  4. This isn’t rocket science. Police brutality is wrong, looting peaceful store owners is wrong, comments against African Americans or any other group is wrong, including anti-Semitic comments. I have no idea why DJ would say something in writing as inflammatory is mind boggling. It just tells me if he is going to write it, he meant it, and that is what is in his heart. I tell my boys as my daughter doesn’t do most of the social media stuff, what they write can be held against them. Thankfully, they are good kids who are not prejudiced at all. If I’m the Eagles, I would fire him. He’s getting older anyway, but in corporate America, it wouldn’t even have been a discussion. If I said something like this which I wouldn’t, I would be fired on the spot.
  5. CB, as I said he’s been great. He really has been great, but I gave you examples of guys who stood the time like Montana, Starr, and Captain America, Staubach. Mahomes has been great for two years minus the two games in his first year. No one argues that at all including me. I’m hoping he can be the goat As it would be fun to watch, but I’m still hopeful on Allen. God bless the Bills.
  6. Rob, seriously bud. I’ve never been against you in most threads and yes this is a great country. I can agree there, but that doesn’t mean we don’t metaphorically have warts. I’m a white Irish Catholic guy for a suburb in Buffalo, now living in FL. So basically, I’m a stereotype of what people of color would accuse me of being prejudiced. When working as a Regional Sales Director, I was commended for having the second highest diverse region on the country. My VP asked me how I did it as they are a fortune 100 company and my answer was simple. I make an extra effort to contract with a diversity recruiter as well as my close contacts. I then thoroughly vet every person who has the credentials to get an interview. Then I simply will not see color. If they are good, they are good. It’s that easy. In sales, a lot of times you call you’re right hand man who is a peer Leader you’re lieutenant. Mine for most of the time at this company I used to call him Captain Wilson. Why? Because he was African-American, was a captain in the air force, a deacon, and just a wonderful man. He always had my back. Stopping any prejudice starts at home. You just have to look through another man’s lense. I do my very best everyday. I teach it to my children. We have a great country, and great people, but to think there still isn’t prejudice is naive. That’s the point t of view from again a formerly Buffalo native Irish Catholic goofball. I honestly don’t know why we argue over these obvious points.
  7. There is more talk they will space out the cap loss which is inevitable for multiple years to reduce any given year. That would make sense to space it out, so bottom line is expect maybe a modest reduction for a couple of years and no increase. Too bad for Dak as he just lost even more leverage. My concern is more T. White. We can afford now Milano and Dawkins, but White will be a problem. With Allen we can wait at a minimum three years as we exercise the 5th year option which really helps. We can extend this year or next year Dawkins and Milano. T. White, we can kick the can to two years down the road, but that means we might have to tag Allen if he ends up being the man (and I expect him to be the man down the road).
  8. Well our stadium isn’t pretty, that’s for sure, but we should be #1 in fan experience up there with GB, KC, and Pittsburgh. To not say we have the top 4 best fans and all together fun experience is disingenuous. I stop listening after that.
  9. Fair GB. My apologies as if I make a mistake, I’m always happy to admit it. I too if that is the comment think he is incredibly talented, and yes, I’m a little envious we didn’t take him at 10, vs. trading back for T. White. A man can dream. What would have happened if we took him vs. Taylor that first playoff year. Its been talked about for a few years and I love so far what I’ve seen from Allen, but can anyone honestly say they wouldn’t have rather had Mahomes and draft from there. Thankfully, we at least have IMO, the best cornerback in football. I guess the upside is if we exercise the 5th year option, three years of Allen on a rookie deal securing other guys like White, Dawkins, Milano, and I’m sure I’m missing others over the next couple of years.
  10. Mickey, great take on walking through the aisles, and for that matter the tunnels, bathrooms, etc. It is absolutely impossible to do social distancing in a mass event like an NFL game. Is it so bad to sacrifice being in the stands for the public good, but the positive is you get to watch all the games. The players have to sacrifice their routine to get paid their full amount, meaning the face guard and underarmour shirt long sleeve, and gloves to minimize contact, and maybe allowing extra time for people to run clean sanitized towels out between plays. None of which will protect completely, but it’s something. I for one want the games, want to make it as safe as can be thought of for the players, more importantly the coaches and staff as many of them are older, and still have some kind of entertainment for all of us. It doesn’t have to be all or nothing. By 2021, I’m confident there will be a commercially available vaccine for those that want to take it. My guess is the spring so by the fall of 2021, we should be able to get this under control.
  11. Gug’s, I was thinking the same. Brady has 20 years of success, Manning, 18, and Mahomes is anointed after two. I think he’s great to date, but the GOAT? We can talk in 10+ years.
  12. Isn’t that where they filmed swamp thing, that iconic cinematic masterpiece?
  13. I think they would have won. If Ralph didn’t force Wade to play that moron Johnson who threw for a whopping 166 yards, we would have won due to the defense. I used to get in arguments back then as people in Tampa thought the Bucs had the best defense. I reminded them they were #2, we were #1. Ill never forget that goal line stand against the Jets for four downs and stopped them every time. I know the Rams were incredible on offense back then, but our defense would have contained them. As much as I can’t stand PFF, the guy yesterday on WGR mentioned as opposed to having the most talented players, were are one of the best in not having flaws. He did of course (I think it’s in their contracts) mention the biggest ? Is Allen. He’s not wrong, but why do they feel so obligated to keep bringing up the negatives on Allen. Funny, almost in the same breath they talk about how dynamic Newton is as a QB. What they don’t say if you exclude two games from last year is Newton 6 of 8 years was in the low to high 50’s % wise for completions. He did rush more than Allen some years, but Allen avg. around 500 per season isn’t bad at all.
  14. That was the Replacements team right? It was a dumb movie, but like watching a car crash, I’ve seen it so many times. Anyway, good call.
  15. The only reason I voted no, is an active player is $400,000 +, but a practice squad player is $125,000. I absolutely agree increasing the practice squad To 20 makes perfect sense or at least 16 which is being thrown out there by some. We need enough bodies to deal with the virus. That part is obvious. Just taking a guy off the street is not the best plan as it’s expected the virus will take people out for at least two weeks. If more bodies have been practicing and know the playbook, and strategies, we’re in better shape.
  16. Hey Bill, it looks like they can get out of it in a few years, but They are spreading out the hit over a long time, and after the pandemic, the cap will go up. Then as far as Allen, he is not Mahomes who went 4 years, and Allen as a 1 st round pick the Bills can extend to a 5th year So they have three years to make sure. If they still weren’t sure could tag him for another two years. They are so safe on him to make sure he is the guy. I think he is the guy, but at least they have breathing room, and if he is the stud we hope, he’ll get paid and the other studs like White will already be extended. It’s a great business decision and strategy.
  17. It was a smart move as they spread out the bonus, etc. over 10 years. They have serious as do the other 31 teams of contracts during the economic impact of the pandemic. They locked up their guy, he has $ for a long time, and they spread out things for an extended period of time. It’s genius.
  18. I:with Rico on his previous post. Go look it up as my belly hurt laughing so hard. Man has a sense of humor.
  19. Guys no one knows the inside. I think a lot of Kim. She’s an admirable, and bright woman. Have someone close to me as a friend who knows her and she has said nothing but really positive things about her and a true Bills person. Good. Enough for me. My daughter is Chinese (adopted) and my very best friend is a woman who is South Korean. I believe Kim has our best interests at heart. Yeah, I thought it was pr talk, but I’ve been in corporate America so long what did you expect. She was just being smart. if they didn’t have this team and city at heart, they could have easily moved the team. If it was a $ thing, they would have done. It’s the OCcam’s Razor argument. The simplest argument is most likely true. I know most of you know it, but those that don’t, look it up. Basic philosophy and strategy.
  20. Lurker, I appreciate the post. Read most like PR. I wasn’t really sure on the Frasier and San Diego Coach comments. I wouldn’t have added that piece, but her prerogative.
  21. Beast, I’m not sure and I’ll tell you why. The networks care about viewership for advertising. Whether they are great matchups or not, a lot more people will watch vs. reruns of one of the network shows, so they may only pay a certain amount, but they would most likely flex as many games as possible which would be in their negotiations to get viewership up. A lot of people watch TNF and some of these matchups suck, but they watch anyway as the American public is addicted to football. This still will not bring up the cap. It most likely goes down as the losses of no fans in the stands far outweighs additional tv contracts. I can see the NFL trying aggressive streaming as well and littering all of the stands with advertisements everywhere. Now there has been discussions trying to flatten out the dip over two years. I’d prefer they don’t do that as just take you’re lumps and get it over. If they do flatten it out, it could delay contract extensions or encourage other teams with more space to try and poach talent. We have some important players needing extensions so not sure how this plays out. We’ll see. Lastly, the networks may actually like this in that having the NFL on Saturdays in the fall, and NCAA college football in the spring could bring up viewership. This is all conjecture and just thinking out loud. None of us know and just need to play it out.
  22. If you’re not kidding, he was fired for allegations of sexual harassment.
  23. Well the networks are giving to college football some $ for airing their games, and yes, it is very likely as I mentioned two weeks ago the NFL could take over Saturdays. As Watkins mentioned, it would probably be a one year contract, and they wouldn’t move off the MNF, they would just add three games on Saturday, three on Sundays, MNF, and TNF so in essence, you have 8 games to watch if you don’t have the ticket so half the league is playing somewhere. I see it as a way to defray the big loss in 2020 just get a little closer to what the cap is now as no one has explained to me of the players have contracts, and if the cap is based on revenue, what definitively happens to the contracts if the cap goes down. The owners take it on the chin. That will go over like a fart in church so Saturday games and a plethora of advertising in the stands as no one will be there, can maybe offset some of the lost revenue. To say greedy owners or players, guys it’s an entertainment business. Many of you are in corporate America and you know they either make up the $ somewhere else or to save EBIT (earnings before income tax) they cut costs. It’s nothing different when govt taxes whatever segment of America. They just pass it on to the public and prices go up. Simple economics and not right, not wrong, just the way it is here.
  24. Rico, you’re keeping the laughs going. Ridgeway, Warcodered, where are you guys? You’re my comedic relief on the weekend.
  25. Jeremy, I was about to snap at you as I thought you were that tool Jets whatever, so thankfully I saw you’re name again. You make very good points, you do. I just don’t see one year turning everything around for him and getting a nod for a HC. Now he does this for two years, and I would say yes. I also think he’s better than a lot of posters state, but has been limited with his players. This is now year 2 for the Line, the additions of Diggs and Moss to Brown and Beasley. I’m betting the rookie Davis will get on for 4 wide sets. I’m praying Knox is a much better pass catcher, and as always Allen moves up to a 65% completion rate. He’s already improved in fumbles, still runs well, evades getting hurt when he runs, doesn’t throw a lot of picks, so there is promise. He does this in 2021 again and we are deep in the playoffs again, and without a doubt he’ll get the nod for a HC Job. Just my two cents big guy. I hope he does as one sign of a good organization is if two coordinators get HC jobs over two years. I must be a dreamer as I can see we become a jewel for the NFL at one point. After 2020, hopefully as good as I think it will be place nice extensions on Beane and McD for an additional four to five years. Its been so long I’ve almost forgotten what it was like to just expect you’re team to be great in every game, and never think you can be beaten by anyone. We had that from 1988-99 In one way or another. The youngins on the board don’t have those memories which sucks. They should remember the Bills as I do, and even could hang my hat as a very little boy seeing my RB run like a man amongst boys in OJ. For this board about football, I’ll always contend he was the best RB of all time. Even better than Jim Brown. He just had a crap team around him. My dad tells me his glory years were the Kemp days when Buffalo was “Talking Proud”. The youngins won’t know that one either. Just google it. It was our phrase before the 1988 Shout Song.
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