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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. He is so overrated. He’s worth $10-12 mil. at most. How do you rate this guy so high who can’t even have a big year, even one with JJ on the other side. Pass.
  2. Fair point Dnevue. I appreciate the take. He certainly was an upgrade over Marriotta. Crazy the #1 and #2 picks a few years ago are now back ups. I’m wondering if Goff ends up that route of the DoDo.
  3. I’ll do you one better Donuts, our school principal in elementary school, OMGC, Sister Suzanne, gave us a recipe I’ll share as you are the mustard man. Basically you have you’re butcher cut up chicken breasts into the shape of bacon strips, but just a little wider. You place the Weber’s, and fat free mozzarella on the chicken. Roll it up and place in the air fryer. The chees and mustard oozes through the chicken, and let me tell you it’s almost as good as sex. Almost. I get it for my birthday and a couple of other times a year. Use the air fryer so it’s not obscenely fattening. Just don’t over cook them. I would put them in for five or six minutes, and then flip them. What’s that old song, “Heaven, I’m in Heaven”.
  4. H2O, on that we agree. I’ve made the same points before. Murphy and Hughes are gone after this year. I could see a toss up on us keeping Murphy. He played well at the end of the year, but adding $8 mil. To the $20 mil. we have could be enough for Dawkins and Milano. White can come either next year, or in two if we exercise the 5th option. We then could add the 5th and go another year on Allen. Its very logical. I’m on the side of cutting Murphy to extend the two mentioned above.
  5. Buff, over the same 4 years, Addison had 39 sacks and Ngokue had 37. Yanni i is demanding $20 mil./yrs. and would need to give away picks. He’s not worth it. Addison, Epenesa, Butler, H. Phillips, Jefferson, added to Hughes, and Star is enough. We most likely move on from Hughes next year, but Epenesa will have a year under his belt, and guess what position will be our #1 pick next year.
  6. Donuts, luv ya bud, but mustard on French fries. That’s against my religion. All kidding aside, I get my entire family to bring down Weber’s horseradish mustard, every time they come to visit Florida. We put it and mozzarella cheese before we bread it on chicken cutlets and air fry it. Tastes amazing.
  7. GB, agreed, and Stafford, and Wentz. I would replace one at least with Big Ben. If he is anything like he was two years ago, he is a stud. If I had to put another it would be either Rivers or Tannehill. Why Tannehill, because he won not one, but two playoff games against top teams. They will be good again and will be a tough game for Buffalo. Rivers has played behind some of the worst lines in the NFL. Now on Indy, I expect a solid year from Rivers. Maybe 10th if ranking.
  8. Well for those unemployed, there is a discussion going on in DC about extending the federal stimulus, but at a reduced rate from the $600/wk. My guess and I'm not getting into politics is they probably will do something as the economy is going to tank again if they do nothing. In FL, the max allowed is $275/wk. or $247 after federal withholding.
  9. I was going to type this out the other day, but thought the mods might not like it. Anyway, GG, that was funny. Like another poster mentioned, I honestly don’t care about the DC team, other than some of these posts were really funny. I also agree, everyone is just going to keep wearing their current jerseys, and shirts. It won’t change and there is nothing anyone can do about that. Even if they agreed to do a free swap for new shirts, they still will wear their old ones.
  10. My old alma mater. My entire family of boys went there, and all of my female relatives went to Immaculata. It was too bad it closed. Those were some fond memories. Thanks for sharing Hapless.
  11. So I finally don’t have to pee in the sink like 50,000 other people. It will all get worked out.
  12. I’ll bet you a nickel (all I can afford at this point- ?) we don’t have fans anywhere. The governors will make the decisions and the people and the NFL have nothing to say about it. As these cases keep rising, they will be forced to close it down.
  13. well I’m not going to debate the great Yolo. Well said my friend. I stand corrected, and beyond me why people write the stupidest things in any form.
  14. P- Man, neither did I. That’s why I like Teef and assumed he didn’t know like I didn’t know until 15 years ago as my daughter is 16. A very good friend who is Asian educated me when I made the same mistake. I had no idea. I felt terrible back then and immediately apologized. She was very kind and told me it was fine. She said it was relatively commonly known amongst Asian persons, but I was completely naive. Thanks for the nice comment and Teef, again, we’re good my friend.
  15. Teef, I’m sure you didn’t mean it, but Asian people consider Oriental prejudiced like the other derogatory remarks. I didn’t know it either and doesn’t matter to me, but learned this when we adopted my daughter from China. I spent 3 1/2 weeks there. The reason many Asian people consider it prejudiced, again didn’t know until we adopted her is the Orient refers to an area of the world East of Europe. Asian persons don’t like being referenced as dated as somewhere referenced to Europe meaning they are superior to other areas of the world. Again, I’m not offended and we never told my girl this point, because a great deal older people use this name when they don’t mean anything by it. Just like my grandmother who would be 108 if still alive used to call African-American persons colored. She meant absolutely no disrespect and is a devout catholic who is not prejudiced at all. She was born in 1912, and didn’t know this was wrong. I would correct her and say, Grandma, you can’t say this, it’s wrong. She would reply that’s how we refer to black people. I would just respond, that doesn’t make it right Gram. I loved her and knew in her heart she never thought poorly of anyone at all. She just grew up in a much different time. I hate we’re not there yet, but these little things tell me we are making the smallest steps in progress. I truly hope this keeps going in the right direction.
  16. OMG, what was Goodwin thinking. If I’m a professional athlete, I would never in a million years get on Social Media. These knuckleheads will keep themselves out of most of these problems if they simply would stick to Cel. Phones, and emails to people they know. Do they not see so many other athletes get themselves into trouble by their own posts. There is a reason why you never hear about some athletes? When did you ever hear anything really about the Mannings, Brady, and so on saying something stupid on any social media. They are too smart and know their words can be twisted around so they for the most part stay out of it except for clearly non issue posts. If I’m an agent, I would be telling my players I represent to stay off social media. I know Goodwin probably received a lot of bad posts, but so what? It goes away. Even on this board, the smart posters may say their piece, but when slammed, just ignore it and move on. They don’t keep going back and forth as no one wins anyway. It’s just a waste of time.
  17. Donuts, we’re going with Potsie. That was funny and reminds me of elementary school. Bandit, you took you’re Wheaties this morning with the FBI stats. I guess D. Jax didn’t know Hitler hated black people as well, I.e. the 1936 Olympics. That was awesome when we beat them in Germany. Hitler was an equal opportunity hater. He slaughtered twice as many Slovak people than Jews, and was a supreme racist of so many ethnicities and races. How this moron still has a job is beyond me. I seriously hope he is fired, and no team will ever touch him again effectively ending his football career. I can’t stand any form of discrimination.
  18. Hey Doc, I live in one of the dumb states to reopen too early in FL, and now we are back to no bars open, masks everywhere, and so on. I can only hope our cases start dropping like NYS. I grew up in Buffalo, and went to Oswego for undergrad at least so over half my fraternity brothers were from downstate. Makes me sick what happened to people in NYC, and a lot of my friends in medicine as I’m on the sales side, moved up there for a couple of months to help at the epicenter at least in the US. As far as the politics and misinformation, it’s caused me to sparingly watch the news. It’s just ridiculously confusing all of the stories changing each week, and turning a pandemic into a political argument.
  19. So there are if you include practice squad roughly 2000 players, and this is the only one who spills we could be looking at something sweeping like 7 on 7, flag, whatever. How about maybe he is referring to headsets in all the players, no huddling, long sleeve under armor shirts, face shields, mandatory gloves, and so on. Someone like Schaffer would announce if things were sweepingly changing. This is much ado about nothing.
  20. With the cap going down by somewhere in the neighborhood of 25-30%, I seriously doubt it. We already brought in at a better price, Jefferson, Butler, and Addison, and H. Phillips is back on the field. If we were to give up draft picks which we need as cheap labor, on top of that $20 mil. In costs. We need to keep that $20 mil. In cap space to extend Dawkins and Milano. Then we have to save for T.White in two years, and Allen in 3 (yes I’m assuming we take the 5th year option on both of the players). Ngokue is a luxury and the current management worked for three years to get us out of bad contracts. We’re not going backwards now. We already have the most talented roster I’ve seen in the Bills in 20+ years.
  21. Ed, thanks for the post. At least not every media type isn’t bashing Allen.
  22. Well, not sure how Brady is down to 8th when he went to 8 SB’s, and won 6. I hate Brady as much as the next guy, but now that he has all that talent around him, I’m betting he has a solid year. Maybe not #1, but higher than 7th. Brees should also be higher than 5th. He’s had multiple years above 70% completion stats.
  23. Selfishly, if they have to purge talent next year, I wonder who is still in their prime we could use on this team. We have an excellent team, but I’m always open to more talent. DJ is all but gone, but that’s not enough, and no I would never want to see that guy on our team.
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