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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. This is old news, but Davis could have easily made this decision before the season, or at least not during a game. He was classless, and glad he went away. We ended up getting better so it was only a temporary setback. We now have one of the top 2 CB’s in the league, the best safety tandem in the league (not individually, but as an aggregate of the two), and we’ll see how the other shake out this year. I for one am hopeful Norman comes back to his Panthers form as he was darn good in McD’s scheme back then. He wasn’t used well in Washington, and the unknown is his age and has it affected his ability to play. We’ll find out this year, as Gaines is often hurt so I don’t have high hopes for him. It really is too bad as when he is healthy, he’s a very good CB.
  2. Augie, that’s like my dad still watches wheel of fortune. I would say, Dad I get Jeopardy, but Wheel of Fortune?
  3. DC, thanks and no, I don’t see them employing social distancing unless forced. It’s just a reflection of society as I never see young people employing basic CDC standards. I constantly have to take several steps back when people get way too close to me. I try not to confront, but sometimes it’s impossible not to say something. I was in the grocery store the other day (masks required indoors, but he didn’t have one on) and a young guy came right up next to me. Now we have like you guys the stickers on the ground, and I was paying the cashier so couldn’t move away. I had to say to him “hey bud, six feet”. I tried to say it with a nice tone of voice, but this knucklehead said, “well you have a mask on”. I told him it doesn’t matter. My point simply is my expectation for players to respect six feet, etc.wont happen.
  4. No one outside of Bills fans even know the Bills are named after Cody, don’t know Cody, and Ralph renamed Bills after the 40’s team, but he may have had another reason. At least we can say that, but in the end whoever this announcer is had nothing to talk about some invents a fictitious problem the is not there. This goes nowhere.
  5. Not happening. Too big of a leap as no one but us Bills nerds even knows where the Bills name came from in 1946. It’s not even the AFC Bills. Wilson could have claimed from the Bison. This is just a dude who needs a rating point. And the Romulans. I’m ashamed knowing that, but love those old shows. More about my brother and I watching the reruns on channel 29.
  6. I’d take him over Goff. Better than the Winston/Marriotta thing.
  7. Belicheat didn’t make Brady look good, he’s just good. Maybe the same system helped a great deal, but he was so smart and quick thinking he diagnosed other teams. Now Beli. Would be a genius devising a new game plan each week, but almost no one could implement that like Brady. Again, hate the guy, only because he’s that good. Newton and company will never be able to do that so Belicheat’s abilities will be limited because of his limitations.
  8. The only reason he had even close to the completion % he had in his good years is he had large WR’s, and TE’s. Not me saying it, it was Polian in an interview. Polian thought Sanu could have a good year, but Edelman would be invisible. Great as he was cryptonite to us.
  9. I would have placed us higher than the Giants and Panthers, so I think 6th would have been right. Barnwell didn’t even point out Moss’s impact. The all time rushing leader for Utah. 4755 all purpose yards. 4067 rushing alone. Everyone will know his name after this year. 4 prime time games, +2 4pm games which usually ends up being a national game. People will know why there is a buzz on Buffalo by year end. Ive heard the Allen needs to show it this year, but didn’t he only start two years at Wyoming? If so, that is he is going to a top position into his 5th year. Compare that to a Peyton Manning who played ina top program all 4 years, went to a crappy team and won 3 games year 1, then changed football. Allen is no Manning, but an example he is growing and will show more improvement this year.
  10. Music City Debacle is my choice for that nightmare. Thanks Ralph for choosing Job Robson vs. Flutie who put you there.
  11. Well the dead cap in 2021 on Wentz is incredibly so I seriously doubt they cut him. Really the first time he could be cut without a monster penalty is 2024. That is if I read Spotrac correctly.
  12. Doesn’t every eball? I can’t stand Carter either. Irvin is ok, he just has a flair for the dramatic. He’s not the only one though.
  13. I hope they just go ahead and name the team already so We can move onto football topics. I do bet they don’t change the colors.
  14. I didn’t even know that show was still on television. It was terrible 45 years ago, and probably still is bad.
  15. Labatt, I understand as no one can know everything about everyone else’s industry, but if you do a search, BD is a top company that se,lbs innovative tests, devices, etc. in the medical space. My company in the past, Medtronic, which I’m sure most people know that name was a partner with them and a previous employee if mine now works for BD doing very well. It is a highly reputable company. Don't take my word for it, just Do a simple google search. I have a number of friends and acquaintances there and they are very reputable people.
  16. Anything is possible boater as math wizzes can do a lot to kick the can on the cap, but conventionally they still have to sign draft picks so they still only have about $8 mil. Not enough for that motard (sorry just saw the remake of Red Dawn) who is not worth it. In s9 e ways, I’d love for them to leverage even more cap space to get Clowney. What, 3 sacks a year and good against the run. Yeah, he’s worth $15 mil./yr.? Cap guys are going to say he’s worth $10-12mil. On a 1 yr. deal and no one wants to do a multiple year deal with this financial uncertainty. Enjoy sitting on the couch Clowney until you stop listening to you’re agent.
  17. So this is now craigslist? Just kidding, good luck, but curiously, you seem to be a bills nut like the rest of us. Why sell it? I’d keep and frame on my office wall. If you work remotely like me I’d have an opportunity to take a gander every once in awhile when my boss would be a pain in the ars, as I’m sure my employees would say about me.
  18. “It’s hard to soar with Eagles when you’re flying with turkeys”, or Berman’s, rumblin, bumblin down the field. Madden’s, “Gotta love when a big man scores” Fun thread OP. Thanks for starting.
  19. I must be in the minority, but I still contend there will be in this order a delayed training camp, no pre season games, a 16 game season with an expanded practice squad. They will have the sidelines expanded as Dr. David Chow (the old San Diego team doctor who is always interviewed by various sources) suggested from the 40 to 40 yard line to the 20 to the 20 to practice social distancing. Why, quite simple, $. The owners and the players have too much to lose. They will put (most) of their health at some risk to keep making from hundreds of thousands to millions in a year. As it is most young people think they are invincible so they’ll take the risk. Some NFL players will have great careers post football, but many believe in their hearts will not so they worked their whole life to make these $. Just one man’s cynical view, and I could be wrong at everything I just said, but I may not. Just like everyone on this board. We are just speculating.
  20. “And if you’re not first, you’re last”! The indelible Ricky Bobby. That movie is so stupid, it’s funny.
  21. With a 59.6% career completion %, and now he’s so banged up, he can’t be the athlete he was a few years ago so no. The great Cam will be nothing in terms of great which is why I don’t care he went to NE. I believe you were just kidding, but the sky is falling attitude from others is silly with him in NE. Personally, I don’t like the guy, but he is not Brady. I at least respected how incredibly accurate and Great decision making choices he made over the years. Living in Tampa, I get the irony having to support him here in Tampa. I’ve said 100x, but the Bills are always my first team, but living here half my life, I do root for the Bucs. I want to see Cam flame and burn this year, and if really lucky watch him get cut before the end of the year.
  22. Another dose of foolish comedy. I’m almost at the point to adhere to the conspiracy theory BS. BTW- we’re still going to kick their ars! First time at least this off season I’m confident saying that. Screw that and here’s to 0-2 for the Patsies she;they face the new AFCE Champions.
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