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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. Pittsburgh and NE is dependent upon their QB’s health. I think the Steelers have a better shot as a healthy Big Ben is bigger threat. The Steelers have a great defense and some weapons on offense.
  2. It was interesting listening to David Diehl (Giants Lineman for 13 years and played both Tackle and Guard) yesterday how much of a challenge it will be for Peters to move inside at 38. He went into detail where a Tackle vs. Guard and how their actions are based on what step. Also, he pointed out first year Tackle last year had a mediocre performance last year and allowed a great deal more sacks than Peters when he played. His inference was Peters will end up at Tackle at some point for Philly especially since Wentz can’t take all the hits as he has been hurt too often.
  3. Good points Alf. By Spotrac, there are no teams that currently have $40 mil. In space. Cleveland is the only one close at $38 mil. and Washington at $34 mil., so it makes sense in the Arizona article why teams are hesitant to extend their players like Patrick Peterson. This is one of many reasons why guys like Clowney and others haven’t been signed. It’s almost surprising why Chris Jones, and Miles Garrett received huge deals. Not because they aren’t the best at their positions, as they are towards the top, just surprising the teams are willing to shell out that much $ during these financially unstable times.
  4. Well for $4 mil./yr., it’s going to have to be a significant company with assets. Given the number of National spots this year, and probably more in the future, they should be able to get a national company to support.
  5. Good for him. He led the league and was a beast. They I think by what I read can get out without huge penalty after two years. If he can take that punishment, god bless him and hope he sees it out. He is fun to watch as he beats up defenses. Now selfishly, can Moss be that guy. Not all the carries as I love Singletary, but in the red zone.
  6. Pete, Goodell doesn’t work for the public, corporations (per se) or the fans. He reports to 32 ownership groups. He is the mouthpiece for those persons. I’m not saying I’m a fan or not. I just understand a CEO’s position given my corporate background. They never say what they are really thinking nor should they do so.
  7. Biscuit, good points. I just don’t think he has much left on him and I expect if BB signs him, he’ll be cut by the end of camp or after the first couple of games. BB is known for giving guys like him, Chad Johnson, and others another chance and then get rid of him. By the time 11/1 comes around for our 1st Pats game, you’re right, he most likely wouldn’t be there. The good news is he could help the Pats to a couple of losses. He wasn’t worth it then, and he is not even close to worth it now. A guy can dream on the Feliciano ars whooping. All if those years watching him come in out of shape and having to sit on treadmills when everyone else on the team was practicing was revolting. If a joke of a Jax team has not signed him, not a lot of teams are even thinking about him anymore. Just another mismanagement example of our illustrious Bills administrations.
  8. Please hire Dareus so Feliciano can abuse him with Morse. Dareus is a lazy slob.
  9. Augie, it was a good question on a lot of people’s minds. There should be football without fans so that is 70% roughly of the revenue from the tv contracts. They may be able to make up a small portion with a Saturday contract with the networks. College most likely will not play until the Spring. College ball needs fans in the seats to pay for most of their sports programs as evidenced by so many universities cancelling sports this season in the other sports as football pays for these programs. There are billions of dollars on the line and the players want to play to get paid. Augie, you’re right, there has been a lot of discussion of spreading out the cap loss over multiple years. Also, the NFLPA won’t go for it, but the NFL also floated holding back 35% of this year’s salaries for players, meaning they still get every last dime, just delayed to deal with the loss. Bottom line is the owners will take it partially on the chin, but still one of the safest investments for a billionaire as each team is almost assured of a profit. It’s just a matter of how profitable. Anyway, again, good question Augs, and a good discussion.
  10. Milton, I almost choked on my water I laughed so hard at the Meth Lab comment. I’ve already said it. There won’t be fans in the stands this year. Some states like my current one will be dumb enough to try 10-15,000 people, most wont follow the rules with masks, distancing etc. and the virus will spike. Then, each resistant state will change and close down the fans in stadiums. Im not wrong on this one. Why people want to go to a mass gathering, where there is no way they can distance in the tunnels, bathrooms, etc. In what world would anyone want to risk getting sick when they can simply watch it on tv, even with a couple of friends or family. We should be lucky, we probably will still have games.
  11. It was interesting I didn’t expect the Chris Jones deal at $15-16 mil./yr., and the Sammy payout made sense. What was interesting some may have listened to last week was they went through the Mahomes deal. Basically Kirwan said it will take 8 years for Mahomes to make what Wilson is making now. It was a very team friendly deal that yes, made Mahomes a lot of $ if he goes the full 10, but back loaded so the team has cash now to preserve these other guys. They also said by the time his deal is up, he’ll most likely based on history of other deals be the 12th-14th highest played QB. That is why so many agents and players don’t want to do such a long deal. They’d rather with the cap increasing after this COVID thing, make Mahomes more $ to do a 3 to 4 year deal and then do another. Mahomes loves the Chiefs and wants to win another SB. He proved that with his wallet much like Brady in NE. The difference is Brady took a haircut, but didn’t get as much talent for the deal, whereas at least Hunt, and Reid are surrounding Mahomes with an elite WR, TE, defensive players, etc. Now when healthy people don’t like Sammy, but he is a great 2nd WR. He was smart to take the pay cut because if he does have a solid year with no injuries, he can talk someone into another pay day.
  12. Well Trump stepped in it with this one. He and a microphone don’t mix well. Not a political thing, just he really knows how to insert foot in mouth. As far as the replies, I woke up laughing my head off reading the posts. Thanks for the laughs.
  13. Shaq wasn’t as bad as some people portray, and not as good as others. He was a role player that never lived up to the Wrex hype he was going to be the next Von Miller. It wasn’t his fault as he didn’t self promote, it was Wrex being Wrex, the blowhard. Im fine with the Addison pick up. He’s had good numbers the last few years, and will be a nice short term fix for two years. It gives us time to develop Epenesa, and next year we’ll probably take another DE as Hughes will be gone along with Murphy. We’ll get younger and people will get excited about it especially if we trade up in the first.
  14. With the cap going down by about 30% unless they add a Saturday tv revenue contract (won’t be much but something), a good cap situation currently, a stacked team, and draft picks will be gold next year, my vote is no. Njoku is no better than Knox, Clowney is a bust at this point, and as much as I’m not crazy about Murphy, he was better than Clowney at the end of the year.
  15. well truthfully, so are we considering we traded from 10th to 27th from Mahomes to White. Phenomenal CB pick, by 99.999999999% of Bills fans wish they had Mahomes vs. Allen. That doesn’t mean I’m not an Allen believer as I am, but it’s kind of hard to argue Mahomes would have been a better choice. It doesn’t matter as it is a long time ago. Not worried. Browns have an excellent DE. Garrett is fantastic, just surprised they pulled the trigger on a year like this one.
  16. Deals are going to come the next 24 hours with the deadline tomorrow. Surprising these multi year deals with a cap probably going down, and more expected for one year deals. Wait for it in the next 24 hours.
  17. Rock’Em Sock’Em, awesome name and avatar. I used to pay with that game when I was a little kid. My cousin and I would play with that game for hours. Funny how my kids have all of these video games, and we had pong, Battleship, and Atari. Talk about a different life experience. Kudos for the pick and you look new so welcome bud.
  18. Gotta love that Finland game. What a memory, oh yeah I wasn’t born for at least another 20 years or so. That was funny though. Good call Mickey.
  19. Just because I like the guy, one of Beasely’s plays from the Dallas game. How psyched was he for such a great game. You guys pick the play as most of you are better at that than I, but cool thread. This year is going to be so much fun (if we have it).
  20. GB, I heard this morning on NFLR the Eagles had an injury on their line so they gave him a base contract for one year. Peters said he wanted to play to 40, and he’s 38 so one year closer. I hate he left us, especially after we gave him a chance, converted him to Tackle, and then he walks on us. Now, we wouldn’t pay him what he wanted and he proved us completely wrong on a long history of baffoons in the front office who couldn’t maintain good talent. He should have been with us until now. We blew it.
  21. Ralonzo, that was hilarious. I can’t believe I actually remember that old cartoon. I used to love Bugs and the Flinstones. As far as the Bucs upgrades, it’s deplorable Governor Desantis would even consider if he was the one, and even worse the Feds. The Glazers a little unknown are one of the richest owners in football just like the Pegulas. Everyone thinks Jerrah, Kraft, but it’s other like the Seattle family the Allens, Kronke, Ross in Miami that are worth an ungodly amount of $. There is no excuse to use public $ for a private stadium, and I live in Tampa. Why they are even doing upgrades when in the end there won’t be fans in the stands anyway. Eventually the governors will fall suit and all bar teams from letting fans in the seats. It’s like the Wild West down here trying to get the epidemic under control, and they did pull back a lot of restrictions three weeks ago.
  22. chandler, you know I like ya bud and a very thoughtful mod., but we have to agree to disagree. Tons of people don’t know who Cody is, heck a ton don’t even know their own Senator or US Congressman. The vast majority of the US has absolutely no idea the story behind the Buffalo Bills naming contest, as a matter of fact, the average person doesn’t even know there was a Buffalo Bills 1946-50, and was the Bisons in 46. They also wouldn’t know there was a Buffalo Indians team in 1940, before the league shut down for WW2. They also don’t know we didn’t get absorbed into the NFL from the OTHER LEAGUE LIKE Sf and other teams because of Halas. He’s the one who blocked it. It doesn’t matter as this radio host was just seeking out media hype on a non-issue. There is zero chance the team even considers changing the name.
  23. I got the papers, got the papers. Great movie, and you’re not a clown to amuse me. ?
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