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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. Doc, you have one warped sense of humor (I love BTW). The people I most worry about who still will be working are the trainers, weight training coaches, assistants, other older employees, and yes, the O Lineman who some have very high BMI’s. As much as I hate the Darth Vader of the NFL, Belicheck and Carroll who I don’t mind when he’s not talking with gum in his mouth are both in their late 60’s. These are the guys who are definitely at risk. How many assistants are older than 65?
  2. I knew this would be a thread soon, but that was fast. I was driving this morning first to church, then the gym so listening as always to NFLR. Vic and Alex were on and they discussed these exact points. Vic astutely made the point this is about media posturing over a negotiations. Alex said, how is it they are so worried about their health and the same athletes are balking about wearing a new version of a helmet designed to help keep them safe. Of course they still want to get paid. Bottom line is they are setting things up for grievances if they don’t play or show up for training camp, etc. It was said by a couple of you is don’t work, don’t get paid. I’m sorry if I don’t feel bad for a $100,000,000 like JJ Watt complaining when I have a lot of friends laid off or working in some sales position making 50% of what they normally make because the economy is in the tank. I have little if any sympathy for these guys. Go to work or don’t get paid. Living i. FL you guys may know our grocery store chain, Publix. Well, these workers are risking their health for $10-12/hr., but they do it because they need the $. Those are the people who get my sympathy and I pray for them and anyone else having to work in an essential job facing the public for not a lot of $. I’d like to think I’m a nice guy so I talk to the workers when possible, and a # of them had professional jobs, but was laid off so they took what they can get at this time. Oh, and I do feel for the majority of players that might not either keep or secure a job because they didn’t get to play a pre-season game, or the impending salary cap reduction causes players as one scenario who are in their 5th or 6th year and for cost cutting purposes lose out.
  3. Hapless, it can be taught, but my concern is usually you have to drill it into a kid when he’s young so it becomes like a reflex. He’ll have to really work on it, and coaches will need to drill it out of him not to think ahead, and just catch the damn ball. It can be done, but it’s not easy when someone is making this kind of pop Warner mistake at age 22 I assume. The kids trying too hard. It’s better to accept a 7 yard pass and get dropped by the defense, than try for the homerun and end up dropping the pass.
  4. At least we can agree he’s an idiot. You’re right Weo, it’s his fathers problem and really himself. He’ll be back out of the league soon enough. Bad decisions and really just not that good.
  5. I only fly up for one or maybe two games a year so on TV it’s not as easy to see Knox up close like when you are at a game. Having said that, my assumption is just what he said. I used to play, but also coached youth football for years both in flag and tackle. It’s one of the first things we teach kids is doesn’t matter what you do with the ball, it’s catching it first. I drilled it into my two sons and eventually they both were excellent WRs. I swear I must have said the same thing to them thousands of times. It’s almost surprising Knox didn’t remember what he was taught as a youngster. It was pretty cool he owned it and was willing to even share when interviewed. A lot of players would not acknowledge that kind of mistake.
  6. Thought you’d like that Ridge. It was too easy. On a serious note, thanks Thurmon as that was an interesting article and I love chess. Makes sense to teach speed chess. I was never that good to do speed chess, but the parallels makes a great deal of sense.
  7. Ridgeway, you and Sheldon playing three dimensional chess again in Star Trek garb? Loved the Big Bang Theory, especially the early days with Penny.
  8. Well I challenge Chad to a penauckle contest. This is dumb and a way this knucklehead is trying to get noticed to get back in the league. He was a knucklehead in college, and even more now. Mahomes and Allen need to get it over and just throw a darn ball. They are probably just waiting to have fans and a charity contest.
  9. Limeaid, you found one of my all time favorite SB commercials. Back then commercials were hilarious during the game. “Nothin but Net“. Just like the three frogs in BUD. WISE ERR, and Wassup.
  10. Holmes, the difference is medically approved products have to be approved by the FDA, which is a higher standard that CMARC (Europe’s version of the FDA) and supplements are not regulated. They are allowed to claim almost anything so unless it’s you’re B Vitamin, or Ca, it’s a waste of $. Other examples of course, but most if not at least many are snake oil.
  11. Oh I’m not Berra at all. Just pointing out how silly people can be thinking some star QB is magically going to come here. Brady was so over the NE crap after 20 years and Manning practically broke his neck to go to Denver. I guess you can go back to Montana, and he was in his last two years. Loved how he really tried to help KC and they came close, but no cigar. Bottom line is Allen should be fine. If we want to move on from him it will be a couple of years before that decision.
  12. Putin, give it a few minutes. If we’re not making a pitch for someone to bring a Star here, we’re panicking he’s going to NE. That would be scary though if really happened. Like a nightmare, but seriously doubt it. GB would be on the hook for way too much $ for the next two years or so. He’s 36 so probably in 2022, I can see someone grabbing him as they don’t take as much of a hit by then. Besides by year 3, their young guy if he’s ever going to be ready, would be ready then. He’s raw now, and GB is overall a well run team, so they picked him probably to groom him like Rodgers in the Favre era. I like Icebowl who is welcome here, but not crazy about a third stud QB after Favre and Rodgers. We had to wait 20+ years for Allen after Kelly, and I really want to believe Allen will grow into the guy. I remember someone posted and made me think Allen only started for two years at Wyoming so he’s almost like a rookie. I mean by that two years in college and two years in the pros. This year could be his year.
  13. Bart, but then chickens would be offended. To playoffspoint, just about any nickname can be perverted into an offense. I do agree Redskins is the one anomaly where even though it’s been the name for over 80 years should be changed. Things change. I was watching a while back in the am before the gym, an episode from the first season of MASH ( classic in the first few years ) and forgot the doctor in the first seasons name. I’ll just say Dr. Jones as I won’t use his first name. It is absolutely offensive, but my point is just from 1972 to now, life has changed. I’d like to think for the better.
  14. I know Yolo, but it only takes so long before someone says, let’s bring him to Buffalo. I’m not surprised when we do a great trade for Diggs, and thought it was worth it.
  15. You’re schtick never gets old, ya dig. Keep em coming jerk, sorry “the jerk”. Separate note, sounds like Moats is on the Bills offensive bandwagon. Loved that guy. Hated when we let him go to Pittsburgh, and he had a decent career there.
  16. Oh great, another thread about a QB or any other star player not in a million years coming to Buffalo.
  17. I’m not one to rush to judgement, but if these allegations are true, it’s deplorable. If not, then these women should be arrested. We’ll see after a criminal investigation. If they covered it up, then Snyder is going to have a tough time keeping the team. The owners will cave on him again if true. It’s one thing for the Irsay thing, and he admitted he was addicted to pain meds, but covering up if true is what will pressure the league to force a sale.
  18. Well, if our positive cases is anything like basketball where players are all over each other sweating etc., they have approximately 6%. Thats 121 players as speculation for positive tests out of 2016. 2016/32=63. The active 53 + 10 practice squad. I know most know this, but just for a few who didn’t my reasoning to point out. A season can still happen with 121 or more positive cases, and if you look at the overall positive incidences in many states. I’m in the camp every thread doesn’t need to be hijacked into the sky is falling. If it’s cancelled, it’s cancelled, although unlikely. Back to Yolo’s initial thread, I’m happy to see the Bills finally being picked for the first time in over 20 years. This season should be a fun distraction for the crap we are dealing with in the overall society. The author made some decent points, and I’m cautiously optimistic on the season. It actually would be fun if it were the Bills vs. the Bucs in the SB after we beat the Chiefs in the AFCC.
  19. You have to admit, you can’t write this script up any funnier (a@#hat stadium, the shite hole, and so on). We could win the next 5 SB’s straight and still be the laughing stock of the league if the Pegulas took Tushy up on their offer. Their not that dumb. They won’t so I wouldn’t worry about it. Yolo had a good idea with Amazon, or another monster company that does business everywhere. It’s too bad I still don’t think beer companies can buy the naming rights of a stadium as that would make it easy. Then again, God would probably play a sick joke on us and have the name go to Busch Stadium.
  20. Funny, when I read the lawn comment, I thought of the dad from that 70’s show. “Dumbass”. Sorry mods, but it was ok on TV.
  21. Captain, coming from someone who lives in FL, you are wrong. You said FL didn’t quarantine. Not true. They shut everything down for around two months. The problem where you are correct is FL, GA, AZ, TX and other states reopened too early. We then three weeks ago reinstituted masks again, bars closed again, etc. You are right on point FL should have never opened as early as it did nor any other State, and now paying the price. Im not nitpicking as I understand you’re frustration and I’m frustrated as well. I was not happy FL opened as early as it did, and was predictable the spike. I grew up in Buffalo, but FL has been my home the last 20+ years. Desantis screwed up and we are paying for it.
  22. Bonita, not busting chops, but the tag deadline ended yesterday at 4pm yesterday EST. You might know something I don’t so enlighten, but I think it’s over bud. Again, I’m not sarcastic, I just don’t know any option of any team at this point.
  23. Yolo, I thought that was a good idea so I looked it up. They have the rights to the Seattle basketball arena, but no NFL Stadium. Since their stuff is sold everywhere I can see them going after it. You’re right though, if anything they probably have gained sales during this quarantine.
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