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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. It’s all but assured the Bucs aren’t going to have fans either. They stopped selling tickets a couple of weeks ago, and with the spike, it’s just a matter of time before the three FL teams close down their stadiums.
  2. Zoidster, cool name and great idea, but they posted losses of $1 bil. In 2018, $863 mil. In 2019, and have bank note owed in 2024-25 of $3.6 bil. I’m sure they eventually will be fine and make an interesting product, but do they want an additional spend of $4 mil/yr. when economists have reported the advertising does not equate to increased sales by renaming a stadium. That’s why a monster company that sells everywhere like several such as Target, Amazon, etc. can absorb the cost and not work up a sweat. Wegman’s as many know is a privately held company in an industry that has razor thin margins. They may be worth $9.2 bil., but they run their company somewhat lean. They are a great company to work for as reported by Forbes.
  3. Papazoid, good one on Green, but the Wrex one, are you trying to give me nightmares of that guy. He’s such a baffoon.
  4. GB, pretty cool. I don’t know if you ever listen in one of their off season series, but the Blitz does a look back at drafts from three years ago, and then evaluates hits, vs. misses. It’s fun to see in retrospect as they go division by division, and evaluate teams entire draft. I kind of like it. Mark Dominic kind of captains this series and he’s a pretty good talent evaluator.
  5. In the future, post vaccine if that happens will bring back at least two pre-season games as the owners make almost all profit from it. Players don’t game checks, just a stipend. I’d be fine in the future with just competitive practices to evaluate players.
  6. It’s sad he’s fallen this hard, but if he does play, he’ll be an incredible distraction to another team. For his sake, I hope he gets help, and moves on with his life.
  7. I would have been fine at 8th, 9th, or 10th, but then again, does it really matter?
  8. Big Gun, no arguments the names are cool, but not the NFL. That’s why if you do a quick search of a,l the NFL stadiums, none are after a company promoting alcohol. Hockey and MLB have different rules. Personally, I think it’s silly, but they haven’t come around yet. They probably will as they loosened up on the betting thing, so it would make sense beer companies will eventually be able to get in on naming rights. Once they do, Anheiser Busch, Coors, and so on will jump on it.
  9. I expected no preseason. $ maker although less, but still almost all profit for the owners. Next step is daily testing, but to protect them they will force the players into the new helmet, etc.
  10. Mike, my bud, you know I’m a fan, but I think you meant Conjugal visits unless this is a joke I don’t understand. Probably auto correct. Happened to me a ton. Not sure why we care about Dak, other than we’re bored waiting for a camp.
  11. So here’s another idea for a corporate giant as I looked up the others. Target is a monster and can easily absorb $4 mil./yr. These companies like Amazon and Target can use as advertising, and is not a big deal to them. Smaller companies like Wegmans are not going to absorb this expenditure. I bet they are looking at exactly that type of company or BP, Exxon, and so on.
  12. Last I checked, beer and cigarette companies can’t do the naming rights thing, but could be wrong. Good idea, and any beer company would meet all the criteria, just don’t think they’ve relaxed the rules enough. If they did, you’d see Coors, Budweiser and half a dozen other stadiums named after beer companies. Not my editorial as could care less.
  13. In the AFC, I’m game for top 3 with the Ravens and Chiefs, and honorable mentions to Pittsburgh and Denver, but over 3 years, huh? Beane has done nothing but make this team better with each year. Lots of competition on the NFC side, but does that really matter. You can make a good argument on TN, as they have a good team, and RT might repeat for a good season.
  14. Wegmans would never waste that $. They are a private, very lucrative company that is only going to spend $ if it gave them an ROI. Naming rights don’t do that. Yolo was more on point with a monster like Amazon. Make another playoff slot, and make it deeper and the monster companies will come for small market Buffalo.
  15. No one will have fans within 4 weeks. I bet a plug nickel on it.
  16. And poke all, how about referees, coaches, trainers, and on and on who are over 55? I’m not saying we don’t have a season, but stop with the everything is fine thing. It’s not fine. If you didn’t infer this point, I apologize. The one thing is yes, more people at risk are likely targets, but players well like O Lineman who have some BMI’s over 30 and high BP are at risk. With that said, the regular Joe also faces risk so it’s their call. Work, get paid, don’t work, don’t get paid. Pretty damn simple. No corporate welfare, and if they choose to practice and play, just be freakin smart ( using my previous example, unlike young guys at my gym and gals who don’t even come close to practicing social distancing or masks ) and have you’re family and you practice the CDC guidelines. I’m one of the only guys at my gym that wears gloves. A number of people wear masks, but given the sweat, mist from you’re breath, etc., just be careful. No problem about living you’re life, just be smart. If players are really smart about their safety, they would wear these new masks, Id wear underarmour shirts to keep sweat off me, and all of the other things we know. The league should have extra time between plays to let young guys run out and let players towel off with sanitized towels, and so on. Have a season, but everyone do everything they can to be safe. If players are worried about health issues, get you’re groceries delivered, and don’t unnecessarily go in public or parties. Of course, they will do none of that and want to be paid to do nothing. I absolutely love football, but give me a break on both sides of ownership and players with the hypocracy.
  17. Good job MR8. Well written. It’s almost optimistic for March. People who don’t know anything about medicine and the FDA are writing inaccurate points, but I guess par for the course. Between completing a phase 3 trial, packaging the date which takes 4-6 weeks, go;g through a PMA, waiting for the reviewers questions, answering hopefully successfully, then mas producing a vaccine to inoculate an entire country that wants to take it, is going to be a huge undertaking. This is the reason why we may not even have full stadiums in 2021. Forget 2020 as that is done. Holding onto that pipe dream is ridiculous.
  18. So Dallas, Indy, Philly, New England are all better than Buffalo. I have nothing against any of them, but Indy has done nothing, New England has an unproven QB and a guy trying to come back after multiple injuries and oh BTW had the same or worse completion % to ours, but for 6 of 9 years. Philly, ok I guess, but Wentz gets hurt a lot, and Dallas, well it’s Dallas. Honestly, I don’t care as Illsay what I always say, we’ll see after the games are played. Allen should not have been ranked that low, and the draft definitely was not subpar. What the hell did they want? Diggs was our 1st round pick, Moss will be good, Epenesa will grow into our next Hansen, and I really believe Davis is going to be a nice addition.
  19. I laughed when read the comment the same people who are whining about safety, are the same people who haven’t worn masks, socially distanced, went to parties and so on. I’ve said a bunch of times, young people (and I’m not old, just not young and dumb) are making this situation worse. I want to believe my kids are smart about this stuff, but I can’t watch them all the time. Anyway, I sound like my father with “those damn kids routine”, but in this situation it fits.
  20. No argument at all, as long as they don’t get paid like the rest of America. I don’t disagree with you. Don’t work, don’t get paid. Work and get paid. We’re not a socialist state.
  21. Well said Doc, and even Quest can get a result in one day as reported for what they call Priority One patients, whether that is a healthcare worker at risk or an at risk patient. Im not purporting for a bubble, but it is possible if wanted bad enough by all sides.
  22. it’s not unrealistic. Before the rookie accuses me of not making $, by some standards I’ve done very well the last 20 years in management, but if I can work, but need to be in a bubble to do it and at bare minimum I make $450,000 (I think that is the minimum for salaries) upwards of many millions, Id do it. Soldiers get deployed, undersea welders make a handsome living in dangerous conditions, but they can work like an NFL player 7 months on a rig, before coming home to their families and not working for 5. It’s not unthinkable, it’s just these players, not all want $, but they want the luxury of not working. It, meaning the world doesn’t work that way. Work, get paid, don’t work, don’t get paid. Pretty damn simple to me. I absolutely want players and everyone else to make a decision. Either one is fine with me, but you don’t get to have you’re cake and eat it too as my mom used to say. Never really understood that old phrase, but you guys get it.
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