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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. HB, lots of people still can afford the ticket, but you’re right, certainly less given the economy. In addition, no bars aren’t going to be open, but if they serve food, it’s a restaurant and they can be open in many states. It will be harder on them as occupancy is lower in limits so the ticket for an establishment. I’ll end up at the wild wings around the corner As they are open and have had the ticket forever. Given a national franchise, they will have the $ for it. I hate going to restaurants for the game, but I’m one of those not wanting to pay for the ticket. I may buckle though as I had it since 1996.
  2. MJS, no big deal, but it was 1 1st. Rd. Pick. We swapped 9 for 6 so nothing there. Then we gave the next year’s 1st pick, so 1 first pick, not three. I know it sucks on Sammy, and wouldn’t have done it, but well.
  3. Plenzmd, all good bud. You should know by now I hate the little spats some of the other guys have on the board when they turn a kidding thing or editorial into a middle school argument. I didn’t think you did that at all. If helps, I apologize for just writing between important stuff for my release, and not paying attention when that damn auto correct screws up my msg. I know on the board I barely follow proper writing rules, because honestly, I don’t care. Not that I don’t care about you guys, I just assume you know what I meant. Anyway, all good and look forward to you’re next Bills text as we finally may have something to talk about, vs. pandemic, black lives matter, etc. before people get on me those things are important, but I know a bunch of you just want to hear how the rookies are doing, how we’ll do, the rushing attack, ya, da, ya, da. Isn’t that the fun part of this board? Go Bills, or as Bill from NYC used to say, 19-0 baby.
  4. Plenzmd, it’s called auto correct. Did I get that right my grammar teacher? Give me a break. People write things that are changed a,, the time, and I never consider it a big deal. C’mon. I’m not petty. K9, good point. You see Plenzmd. I just wrote a,, vs. all because I don’t care and any person knows that it is a just a quick blog.
  5. Hapless, good points as if he was using as a spatoon ok, that’s an if. Why would they state ina report if it wasn’t alcohol in the bottle. Listen, I hate guns myself, but have no problem with one of our amendments allowing with a permit to carry a gun, even if loaded. If the safety is on, it’s not a big deal. From all of my dating down here in the south before and then after marriage, guns are pretty darn common in the south with women I’ve dated. As a girl named Rosemary from GA told me, no self respecting southern girl is never without a gun in the car. my only problem since he really was sober is if he more likely had an open container was stupid, wreck less, and if true would at least be charged with a misdemeanor. That shouldn’t rise to anything serious in terms of suspension, just not a smart move.
  6. He did bud, but during it out with Brady could change his mind. If they split and it comes to the wire who wins the division, and even better if they face each other again in the wildcard game as I expect one of them will get one of the three WC spots, he’ll probably change his mind. Brees is pretty cool guy (not getting into the kneeling thing) and is revered by New Orleans. If he wants to play, Loomis and Peyton would do anything to get him back. It doesn’t matter how rich the guy has become, $25-30 mil. Can change a person’s mind. Besides the tv booth for ESPN can wait another year. Look how good Romo has been in the Booth. Brees has an instant second career after he retires. A SB is what he wants and they are so close. They as a team can still hang with Seattle, SF, Tampa, Packers, Dallas, Philly, and don’t laugh but AZ. AZ is going to probably be the most improved in the NFC is my guess. P. Manning hung around until he was practically in a walker to get to the second SB win.
  7. Well Doc, they sure as heck don’t want Winston back there. I could maybe see Brees coming back in 2021 as he sis till solid, better than Manning in the end, and I loved Manning. After watching Winston here in Tampa, he will never be good enough to start again. Before people recite last years 30 TD’s, remember the 30 Ints. He would kill the Bucs so many times and had all the offensive talent he needed as well as excellent offensive coaches and still would make boneheaded decisions. I know he had eye surgery this spring, but he made bad decisions, not just not seeing the field well. Loomis is going to have to move up to draft a QB next year as they will be at the bottom again due to probably winning the South. I’m in the minority on the board thinking Brady is Not washed up as he hasn’t since Moss had so many weapons. Those two teams are going to duke it out this year and if Brady comes back, I can see Brees coming back.
  8. As are we all. I know bud, but then again, this the upteenth thread that we wanted, Roger Staubach, Brett Favre, Terry Bradshaw, Joe Montana, Aaron Rodgers, Peyton Manning, Andrew Luck, I can keep going. If someone isn’t asking for us to trade a player we never have a ***** at, it’s a thread we should have drafted this or that guy, to an old coach saying I really wanted that guy, but we missed him. Bottom line is we have Allen, a solid team, great coaching and management. I’m not one to look back at bad decisions I’ve made as its in the past and can’t be changed. Hopefully this team has learned from previous mistakes and are on an excellent path. That’s one of the reasons why I really liked the Diggs trade. You can’t build a team in one year so Beane in year 3 spent a good amount of capital for a true #1 and recognized the cash strap Vikings would bit on the deal. Not being negative to anyone on the board, I just want to look forwards.
  9. Whew, I thought we lost him to that juggernaut, the Mudbugs.
  10. BB, I don’t get it either. Everyone else at a minimum would get at least a speeding ticket, open container, and you can argue criminal negligence during that fast with an open container even if legally sober. Im happy he’s going to play most likely as I don’t see the NFL (not saying Goodell as he doesn’t rule on that stuff anymore with the new CBA so can’t blame him for everything) doing anything about it. It would be nice if he simply learns from this incident as so many people who get out of something do it again.
  11. Fair points Ed. I’m not a computer so I looked up some of the players and since 2012 when Wilson was drafted, at different years there several overlaps that with the right QB, we could have been better. Spiller, Fredex, Eric Wood, Stevie J., etc. On defense Mario Williams, Hughes, Kyle, Gilmore, and so on. I even liked to a degree P. Brown, and Ragland. Aaron Williams, and can keep going. You’re right, we probably would make some wildcard games, maybe nothing deep, but we wouldn’t have been a laughing stock compared to the Browns and Lions for 17 years. It might have only been 12 or 13. I still maintain this administration and coaching staff and players chosen from said group makes it much more palatable.
  12. Thanks BM. Another example of how Nix and Whaley screwed the pooch again, and again. I can live with us passing on Dak, not because he’s not a good QB (he is decent), but passing on Wilson. Do our TBD friends here, can you imagine if we had Russell Wilson all these years. Think about even when we first had Hughes, and all, and I mean all the Williams producing 56 sacks in a year to have a QB as exciting as Wilson on the team. We would have been in the playoffs a bunch of times, and even knuckleheads like Maroon and Wrex would have led to more victories. I’m not sampling SB’s as Carroll for his gum chewing interviews and his GM, built solid teams. I guess the good news is Marrone wouldn’t have left having Wilson, and we would have probably Whaley still as the GM. Its easy to do the woulda, coulda, shoulda, but we now have Allen, a fantastically talented team, McD, and his staff, and this certain GM that put together a greatly talented team.
  13. yolo, you’re on you’re game today. I was thinking the same thing. Snyder “thank god the attention is off me for five seconds”.
  14. I’m not sure, but I don’t think they are even eligible for their practice squad unless the league relaxes those rules given the weo, you know.
  15. GB, you know I respect you’re opinions, and maybe you’re right, but I’m a little more optimistic. I can see 63-65% completion, you’re yardage is probably right and Allen’s TDs. I’m more bullish on Moss. After watching those Utah games (yes I’m a dork and actually watched some of his games) I think he will be effective. He did 4755 all purpose yards in his four years at Utah. I know NFL defenses are bigger, faster, stronger, but he should pleasantly surprised a lot of people. My only concern for him is his knees. I’m hopeful if Motor has the bulk of the carries, it will preserve Moss that much longer.
  16. Does it really matter, meaning if this peaceful representation is a step, ok. Like another cause that is close to me some groups get overly discriminated, but absolutely some persons have been absolutely awful, should be fired and prosecuted. I’d rather have these displays than the crazy looting. Protest peacefully, which is what this looks to be doing, and what’s the problem? I don’t see any. Unlawful protesting, bepreaking the law, and I’m not happy with that issue. You can’t justify hurting innocent Store owners with their lives, and livelihoods, because people having nothing to do with them doing horrible things. I guess it goes back to Rodney, in why can’t we all get along. He was so right on that point. Put whatever you want on a jersey if it doesn’t insight violence, just thing s have to change. What’s wrong with that. On the other Haden’s, how many of you have family and friends in law enforcement who are good people, and even put up with a lot of crap they don’t deserve. Display and who really at heart cares. For all minorities, I’m with you, but for all decent police enforcement who d9 the best you can, and really try and not see color, I’m with you too.
  17. Greg, I’m not an NHL guy, but enough of my family and friends are so that was my reasoning. I do understand the issues of the Sabres and have heard the stories about employees, but not my concern. I hope for those I care about the Sabres turn it around like the way they have done a great job in the Bills. Yes, Wrex was a monster mistake, but they have been on point since with this entire group from Beane, McD, and al of the subordinates.
  18. Absolutely. It’s a shrewd move. Keep makin the donuts Terry. Easiest way for us to keep the Bills and Sabres in Buffalo. Not a big hockey guy, but I know you guys are so glad the culture of these teams here continues.
  19. Cool story Donuts. We didn’t have a milk man growing up in Hamburg, but when I tell people this, they laugh or are at least surprised. We had a vending machine half a block away on South Park Ave. a milk machine. You put you’re 50 cents in and an old cardboard quart of milk came out. In the winter it was always frozen (shocker). I hated it as I was the youngest which otherwise means indentured servant, so you get done playing sports with you’re friends, then finish you’re hw., and Dad barking “we need milk for coffee in the morning”. You put all that crap back on in 15 degree weather, and go down before you can watch a rerun of the Brady Bunch or Star Trek on Channel 29.
  20. No, it was just funny. I actually would love him to go to any team we’re competing with for a playoff spot to blow up the team with his nonsense. In all seriousness, I did mean I hope for his sake he gets help, as this isn’t just bravado. He really does need help.
  21. My son asked me the other day what a Walkman was, and did I have one. I threw a pretzel at him and called him a wisears. He’s 21 and was trying to tweak me. My boys especially can be wisearses. Reminds me of you and, Huds, Ridge and so on. They are actually pretty funny kids. They look up crap we grew up with and say dad remember 8 tracks, vcrs, etc. their way of letting me know in their eyes I’m old. It’s actually pretty funny. My typical response other than an occasional snack thrown at them is to tell them using Belicheck’s line, go insta, snap, twit something. Cue the Roll eyes By my sons. At least my daughter is still sweet.
  22. Reminds me of the old days when many of us were kids with the Superstars. Remember when Gasteneu and LT had the shoulder press contest, the obstacle course with Lynn Swan and others. I know they make too much $, but that was fun in the off season when I was a little tike. Personally, I’d rather have this vs. a Pro Bowl. The QB’s could do a throw off for distance and then accuracy, athletic competition for several other players, and so on. Make it two weeks after the SB so even the players on the teams who are in it can have fun too. Make it a big charity thing, and the MFL machine can pump it up on prime time. How fun would that be. Putting Lamar up in a dash against some of the D Backs and WRS. Some type of weightlifting for the big dudes, and so on.
  23. Putin, amen. It’s a pipe dream To think we’ll have fans in the stands. If we still have a season and do well, is to so bad we watch from our homes. Not living in Buffalo, I’m happy to pay for the ticket and enjoy it with my boys and Dad.
  24. Not a practical joke, just a serious question, the Bucs and a few other teams are delaying bringing in their rookies until later this week. So, has anyone heard whether as of yesterday the Bills rookies are still coming in today to get tested. I thought they were doing the COVID testing, and then getting their physicals. I heard the QB’s and injured players were allowed in the building Thursday. I assume everyone else by next Monday. They still need to get this freakin plan done. I’m betting they might break up practices into two groups, ie. starters in the am, and back ups in the pm, and use both locker rooms to maintain spacing.
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