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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. He’s fine for depth, but I like what I’ve seen in AJ Klein in New Orleans. I don’t remember him as well in Carolina, but we get a lot of games down here for New Orleans given they are in the NFCS and I live in Tampa. Klein is a hard hitter.
  2. The Jets May improve in time, but only if they fire Gase. That tool is the best thing for us in the division. The Pats will fall, and as I mentioned somewhere else, the Fish are the ones to watch. They have a decent coach, if their QB holds up against injury, and all of the new players they brought in this year, they will be competitive in a couple of years. I can see us going 5-1, or maybe even 6-0 this year in the division. We’ll need that record given we face the Seahawks, 49ers, a much improved AZ, the Chiefs, Steelers with Big Ben, TN who made it to the championship beating the Pats, and the Ravens on the road in the playoffs, and I see the Broncos improving this year. That is one helluva schedule so 5-1 is going to be needed to win the division. I’m not saying we can’t beat some of these teams listed above, but we’re not going to beat all of them. We are fortunate almost our entire starting squad on offense and defense is returning. That’s our ace in the hole this year.
  3. That fat slob who never came to camp in shape was a hot mess here. He had promise, but was a lazy ars. To think we could’ve had Aldon Smith, JJ Watt, AJ Green, Julio Jones, Patrick Peterson, and so on. His first two years were fine and made back to back pro bowls, but was a mess afterwards.
  4. I still want football like most here, but I do expect there will be a % of players not making at back in two weeks. They may be able to go to meetings, but may not be cardiovascular wise play for three to four weeks.
  5. I was listening to the End Zone and they basically said this morning based on the $175 mil. Floor, next year Philly will be $75 mil. over the cap. No way they can restructure convert to bonus out of this one. They will have to make some big time cuts. I’ve asked before, but I wonder who might be shaken loose, we would have an interest. Our defense is so solid, I don’t know if there is anyone there at the right cost, but it’s more of what offensive players we might want. Their WR’s are not exactly world beaters, they’d never let go Wentz, so not sure if they had an offensive lineman we could use. We’re probably solid at almost every position except for TEs. Maybe we could go for Zack Ertz, or Dallas Goedert as they are pretty good, and that is one area we could add to the TE squad. Next year, you can expect Kroft and Smith are gone, so one of these guys could help, but then again we also have a deep TE class next year in the draft.
  6. No Doc, it’s 80 as of Friday right when the NFLPA and NFL agreed only 80 due to the numbers. The Movin the Chain guys were interesting and have been right about almost everything a month before the agreement. Kirwan suggested, and I think smart they shuffle the last 10 in and out and when not in the building to house them in a hotel expecting there will be players getting COVID. They also said they keep them in virtual meetings so let’s say 10 are in a hotel M-W, and then another 10 who were in practice flip and go to the hotel TR, F. It’s not a bad idea until they pair down to 53 and select who will be on the practice squad. I believe they were increasing practice squads to 16, and the PA agreed no restrictions on who ca; go on the practice squads, even veterans.
  7. I know Murphy played well at the end of the year, but just don’t see them keeping his salary. They will value extending Milano, and Dawkins more with the $. I was listening to NFLR and with a $175 mil. Floor, that’s basically a $45 mil. hit given it would have normally moved up at least another $10 mil. Under normal conditions. Given that, we only have $20 mil. Or just under in space. Dropping Murphy allows us to get at least these two signed. White will have to wait. We already placed the 5th year option on him for 2021.
  8. Well, TE is our weakest position group, but they are happy with the unit now. I have very high hopes for Knox, and maybe Sweeney could turn out to be something. Kroft and Smith are a waste, but Kroft’s restructure makes it virtually impossible to get rid of him this year. This would have been a good trade. what is interesting is to see what will happen over the next two weeks in trades among the league.
  9. I’m fine with it if we acquire him, but I’d still want Lorenzo back if he really wants to play. Both could be just situational players that provides experience.
  10. Well he’s not resigning with Seattle. We’ll see. This should be fun. More melodrama.
  11. Well, I didn’t think it would happen, but the Jets probably played it right. Seattle has $13.750 mil. So they can exhaust their cap to get him and they give away the farm for him. There goes Clooney’s deal with them, but he really didn’t do much there anyway. It makes sense in that Carrol is the oldest coach in the NFL, went to 2 SB’s, won 1, and they are competing with SF, and probably a much better AZ team. Carrol Probably wants at least one more and although a safety, he is a game changer for lots of teams if he doesn’t become a head case. If I’m a Seattle fan, and I’m not, I just don’t care look forward to maybe getting to the dance once, and then you’re in hell for a couple of years.
  12. Well, bottom line is the Jets is an easy two wins as long as they have this shirt show. The Gase/Adams saga is actually comical. Adams has zero leverage no matter what he says. Ngokue tried the same crap and he’s still there. The player can whine all he wants, but as long as they have his rights for next couple of years, there is nothing he can do about it. He can throw everyone and their grandmother under the bus and they still can either have him play, or he not only loses game checks, but gets exorbitant fines. With the new CBA, the team couldn’t forego it if they wanted to do so. The other part is his stock keeps going down with every salacious comment. Sure some team may want him, but knowing they have to give up a crazy amount of picks for safety, even if the best in the league, and then pay him $16 mil./yr. as he is full of crap he will play on the existing tender. Every head coach is saying how long before I have to deal with his crap. If he was smart, he’d shut up, wait two years as it’s not bad $ on the fifth year option, and then gripe when they want to tag him. The virus we hope is over and the league is recuperating from their losses. Then teams will have $, and can give him top safety $. It’s not like he’ll stink after 5 years. His agent should be telling him to shut up. Anyway, this is good for us so who cares. The Jets are always going to be a perpetual mess until Douglas hires a good coach, takes the lumps the Pegulas did to get a solid staff and purge crappy contracts. Build from the ground up. I said in another thread, I honestly am concerned the Fins will do this and we’ll be in our next dogfight with them. Belicheat will retire in a couple of years. He’s proved everything to everyone, so after 70, he’ll file his papers, and Kraft will have to actually do something, vs. playing with young Asian trafficked women.
  13. I’m sorry for the child having to see this despicable behavior. Tolerating abuse of any kind is sad whether man to woman, woman to man, or to a child is disgusting.
  14. I understand the Bengals thing, but he is still under contract. He can make a ton of $ if Washington Doesn’t cut him. Alex Smith was a heck of a QB. People always tried to say he was a game manager, but that is a sign of a good QB. He doesn’t throw picks, knows when to throw it away, had a decent completion %, etc.
  15. Hapless, if you think about it, he doesn’t have a nursing license so he can’t work as a nurse, nor a scrub tech in the OR, and if he hasn’t done an internship or residency, then it actually does make sense he could only contribute as an orderly. Everything is licensed as I’m sure you know. Regardless, very, very honorable of him to help out, and if this is how he can help his neighborhood, god bless him. I could care less if it were Canada or the US. Does it really matter? Last time I checked, not for you Hapless, but the other person, Canada is still part of North America. Growing up in Buffalo and a lot of blurry nights north of the border at 19, Canada was a suburb of Buffalo.
  16. I was wondering where he was at in his contract. Thanks Bull. Bones even as horrific as that was in the injury when they do heal, usually are stronger after a break. Sepsis is a killer, but he beat it. It sounds nuts as that injury was absolutely horrible, but coming back after sepsis and a tremendous bone break is not that crazy. Sounds minimal, but a neck, spine, knee injury is more of a career ended than this one. I thought for sure he would never completely heal, but surgeons aren’t going to put heir name behind clearing a guy unless he really is healed. If he has that courage to come back, good for him.I don’t believe I would do it, but he is an immediate upgrade from Haskins.
  17. K9, How much for the baby? I want my baby back baby back ribs, my baby Back ribs, Babyyyy back ribs. Now get in My belly. Loved that movie too as dumb as it was. Nothing better than That bastard, that is fat. Yeah, shag baby.
  18. That was farging treek question!

  19. Only you K9. Love it bud. You have to love those old quotes. It’s like Stripes, Caddyshack, and so on, and so on. Those movies were classic.
  20. My grandmotha said that to me once, ONCE! Cracked me up you Icehole. I knew us middle aged guys would know that one. Thanks K9 for the laugh.
  21. Logic, couldn’t agree more with every point my fine young friend. What concerns me not this year as the Pats will eventually go down in flames as Belicheat will retire, and Cam will no be good as he is not who he used to be in Carolina. The Fish as much as I hate them is concerning as competition. Not this year as it will take time for all of those picks and free agents to gel, But Tua if healthy is scary good. We might be heading back to a day where the Jets and Pats are a joke, and it is an Allen/Tua battle vs. Kelly/Marino. I thoroughly believe we have the better team, and I have complete confidence in McBeane, but Miami’s coach May be good. Hell, they beat the Pats fairly at the end of the season when the Pats had to win to get a bye. That coach might be sharp. It would be nice getting back to hating the Fish with all of my heart with my “Squish the Fish” poster on my garage wall like it was for 20 years. I don’t know if you guys remember that old poster, but it was dear to my heart. I hate those bastages (Johnny Dangerously reference for the youngins), and no that was not a fargin treek question. If you’re in your 20’s find it and watch. Movie used to crack me up.
  22. well, he’s a 1st rd. Pick. I’m not sure if they placed the 5th year option on him as that would’ve had to be done a few months ago. If so, as I thought that was the case, then they have Jamal for two more years. By then, he s pretty much free and clear unless they tag him. If not because they are sick of him, then yes, that would be great. I agree with you’re assertion he could be rained in by our teams leadership, but we have Hyde and 2 years from now would be perfect timing. Given this team has built the defense from the back forwards which is brilliant, having Adams next to White, and Poyer would be awesome. Norman May work out, but we’ll need to draft another CB over the next 2 years. So bottom line Greg is rock on, just not now.
  23. He’s trying so hard to get out of there. As long as he ends up in the NFC. The Washington, Lions, or Eagles all have at least $20,000,000.
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