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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. I like Sweeney. This could be a developmental year for him if he can make it back. He really needs to make it back. I have serious doubts Kroft will be here in 2021, and not a real Smith fan, so we need him to have some growing pains this year if we can get him back for awhile. I want to be wrong on Kroft, and hope he has an outstanding year so we can hold onto him. It’s not like I dislike the guy, just want our unit to be better. Maybe Croom will have a breakout year.
  2. My throat hurts I just scanned and was laughing harder with each post. Keep em coming. That was funny Ferg’s.
  3. I’m sorry to hear that as I like Sweeney. He and Knox should continue to grow. Hopefully he’ll be back at the latest by October, but haven’t heard anything as to a possible return projection.
  4. Talk about the difference between a list where coaches and evaluators do it, vs. the Top 100 craziness where players vote, when they don’t even follow other games because, oh I don’t know, they’re playing. I’m not a big list guy like power rankings, but if done by experts who actually study the players and the game, you get a much more reasonable list. I’m fine with Allen at 22, as I can at least admit he had a 59% completion ratio and the offense was limited last year. Now, with everything we have now, and another year of development, I’m counting on Allen moving up to tier 2. I don’t know if he can ever make tier 1, but then we can win a lot with a tier 2 QB.
  5. On a lighter note, Happy Birthday Milano. 26 today.
  6. It’s like Opt Out Watch now, hour by hour. I can understand Star, just guessing with his size, he may have cardiovascular or diabetes issues. Not my place to know with HIPA, but I was listening to WGR, and made sense when Brown made a comment. He said which I didn’t catch before the latest agreement states if they opt out, yes they get the $150,000 stipend, but their whole contract amortized this year will get moved to next year. If they play the season, and the season is cancelled short, the owners can only pay out the contract for how long the player worked. Hypothetically if I understood correctly, if a player makes $16 mil., but 5e season is cancelled in 8 games, that player would only get $8 mil., and the owners would not owe them for the rest of that year. If they opt out, the player’s $16 mil. Contract would be fully paid, but not until they come back. Again, one of you cap gurus correct me, but I just heard Brown go through these points an hour ago.
  7. I know Saint. I expect him to be in corporate finance, which is usually a stiff group, but it’s his body, his life, and he is 21. As a Dad, I’m sure you can relate you just want you’re kids to make good decisions. I personally don’t care if anyone gets ink, EXCEPT my daughter. There would be a line on both sides of the family to scold the hell out of her, but she’s so innocent, the likelihood is about none.
  8. A bit much in my eyes and I have one in an area only a wife can see (butt). My oldest son has a couple now, and I think he’s dumb as he has one in a lower area of his arm. I told him, ———, you do realize when you’re out of college you’ll be in the professional world. You may want to consider not placing in the lower leg or arm. Hardly anyone will see something on you’re back, shoulder, etc.
  9. Glad Diggs and White are on there, but should’ve been higher for both. Allen surprised me being on there at all. Not a problem with it, but surprised he made it. I doubt anyone else makes it. I thought Edmunds might, but if he’s not there by now, probably not happening. As many have said, it’s a popularity contest, that’s it.
  10. It’s hard to compare on vaccines from history. The modern FDA is very strict and vaccines as well as meds, devices, genomic testing goes through a rigorous process. There are three phases of clinical trials they must go through and everything that happens to subjects is reported even if it has nothing to do with the vaccine. During phase 3 trials the researchers are looking at efficacy and safety of human trials. Once completed, they have a month or so to package the information to submit to the FDA. The FDA reviewers usually take 9-12 months to review the PMA, and typically ask questions. The company then compiled further dats and then submits to the FDA for review. If all questions are answered, and the product is proven to work and safe, it is approved and available for commercial use. Then there is the ramp up of mass production. Lastly, all of this data is submitted to Medicare, Medicaid, all of the commercial insurances for them to review whether they approve for reimbursement like Aetna, Humana, Cigna, the various Blue Cross plans, and so on. Fast tracking still will take At least 8-12 months from submission. I know the process as I was in the clinical side of medicine, but then in management of medical device, biotechnology, and originally specialty pharmaceuticals. People in my industry know all too well the lengthy process. You just can’t speed up this process that much. The FDA is much more strict than European CMARC. The last point is ramping up production takes time, and if socialized medicine countries who buy in mass quantity lay more than the US, there could be delays in commercial availability here. It’s just the way it works. Like it or not, that’s how it works. I hope that helps some who are trying to wrap their arms around what needs to happen. My guess is the earliest we see a vaccine here is next late Spring, but more likely next Summer. Until then, the CDC guidelines is the best we can do with masks, social distancing etc.
  11. Yolo, thank you as always for the feedback. I liken that to in our corporate world where I work in hospitals and I have Type 1 Diabetes considered a high risk patient, would I be paid for sitting at home. No. I would not. I would have to be under the strictest control, and do my best to minimize my risk. I’m not cold hearted and if they want to not work, don’t work. They just shouldn’t be paid to not work as it is not the way of the rest of the world. I want to be clear though, I applaud anyone for them or their family for not working, they shouldn’t be given corporate welfare.
  12. If they want to opt out for whatever reason, I understand. I just don’t see why they should get $150,000, but I did hear they have to pay back a portion of it. They should also not be credited for a year of service, as regular joe’s don’t. In my eyes, it’s simple, play get paid, don’t play (meaning opting not to work), don’t get paid. They shouldn’t be treated any differently then the general public. I respect any player that chooses for health or other reasons not to work.
  13. eball, what are you talking about as it pertains to me? I never, I mean never said I’m not watching football. I said I’m sick of all the other dialogue when I just want to watch and listen to ball. My point was simply, let’s stick to ball. I never said a word about kneeling, not watching football, or anything else. Either ask to understand or get your facts straight. You’re normally a really good poster and like reading you’re posts. Don’t lump me into the above mentioned topics. To make it crystal clear, I’ve heard enough on a football board the social issues, and pandemic posts. Now I am interested in you’re opinions on the Bills, the AFCE, and the NFL as you’re a sharp guy. I just don’t want on this board to hear anymore about things that have nothing to do with the game. I hope that clarifies it.
  14. The social issues and pandemic has been a pain on NFLR. The only show that avoids all that stuff is the MTC guys. They are very good unless it’s one of the doctors they interview like Chow or one of the league docs, and even then their questions are more about how to get to play during the pandemic. I’d love it if they just stuck to football, players, and so on. We are inundated on the pandemic and social issues in every other venue, so a distraction would be appreciated. I wouldn’t do fantasy this year, but it’s you’re guys $.
  15. GG, I was thinking the same thing. Why anyone is looking at mock drafts in July for the next year and we don’t even know our positioning in the draft is nuts. I don’t look at any of this stuff until after free agency, as then we know where is our position, what gaps we’ve filled in FA, and what we may have lost. If you guys are interested in this stuff at this point a year early, enjoy it.
  16. Inigo, I’m with you in that Gase in my opinion is dead man walking. The Jets win 6 games and he gets fired. Douglas then picks his own coach, and they probably convert some of 5ese picks into decent players. Maybe not Jamal Adams kind of talent, but talented none the less.
  17. Not sure about the no fun in Buffalo comment as this is for the entire NFL. It’s actually a smart decision to protect the team’s investment meaning the players. The league is trying to get the players to protect themselves from themselves. They can do all that high risk behavior in the off season. They still will most likely be a % who still break these rules. They are risking their wallets though. The only way these rules changes were approved is if the NFLPA agreed with the league in these rule changes.
  18. I didn’t think about Diggs as he was in MN last year, but absolutely. Our Josh Allen went 87. That was surprising. Good for him. He’ll be higher next year. I like Metcalf so happy they voted him into the list. He’s going to be special moving forward.
  19. Hey fallen, no problem we can agree to disagree. Knox and Sweeney are very promising, even though Knox had the most drops in the NFL this year. It was explained and I’ll take him at his word. Both of these guys I expect to be better, but a proven commodity next year like the two I mentioned in Philly. I have no confidence in Kroft having this bounce back year, and Smith was not very good at all. I still say we should have put some of this $ into Hooper before Cleveland scooped him up. If the $ was the same, which team does anyone think he would want to play. The chocolate mess of Cleveland or us who went to the playoffs two of the last three years and ascending. I bet a whole $ Kroft and Smith are gone in 2021. Whether we draft one or we pick one up in free agency, I’m not surprised at all. I believe Sweeney and Knox will improve significantly this year, it is still our weakest position group. It’s nowhere on defense, not the WR’s, RB’s, O Lineman, and I believe in J. Allen. I sincerely hope I’m wrong and you are right that Kroft will have a great year.
  20. Keep us in the loop Yolo like always as I’m not watching for hours. T. White will get on there somewhere. I wonder if Edmunds gets a little love. I’d love to see Hyde or Poyer as well deserving, but not sure how many nationally think the same as us. I don’t see anyone else on offense, and not sure if anyone stands out enough in defense. Bottom line is it’s just a popularity contest.
  21. It’s his body, and his decision of he wants to play and a team wants him. If he is fully functional and the doctors have said he is back to form, then he is an upgrade over Haskins. I’ve always liked Smith as a player. He seemed to be an interesting guy and although a rocky start on a crappy 49ers team back when he started, he played really well for KC, and Washington. He doesn’t throw many picks at all, a good completion %, and is smart enough to know when to throw it away. I’m not a Washington fan, but I like his play.
  22. I don’t why Clowney doesn’t get it over with and sign with TN for $10-11 mil. He’s not going to get anywhere near what he wants, and if he wants to be on a good team, TN is better than a lot of people give them credit. We beat them last year as Marriotta was playing. He may not be great, but Tannehill played better than Marriotta. TN has $24 mil. In cap space and would probably like him at the right price. He’s not worth the garbage he keeps saying he’s worth.
  23. You bet Mat. Between Diggs, Moss, everyone else returning on both sides of the ball, it’s going to be a fun year. I don’t want to hear the crap of success with an asterick. Every team in this league has had the same restrictions so there is no asterick. I don’t think most have this opinion, I’ve just read a couple of comments and just not true. If anything our returning players makes it an advantage. It’s not as if Diggs hasn’t already been in the league so he’ll get up to speed fast. I can’t wait for September.
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