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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. Well, the Bucs were 1st in the pass on offense, and 24th in rushing last year. On the other hand the Bucs were 1st in rushing defense and 30th in pass defense. Brady won’t make 30 picks like Winston, nor his fumbles. I know you guys who hate Brady don’t want anything to go the Bucs way, but this is not a bad thing for Arians and the Bucs. Shady will help the other backs play better and Brady will hold him to high amount of accountability. Unless we play them in the SB, I can root for my current home team (you know who I’m rooting for if we make the SB). Kirwan just said the way Brady throws to guys like James White, he just speculated Shady will catch a lot of short and intermediate balls from Brady. He is at this point Captain checkdown a lot of the time. For my Bills fans, just think of it this way, if Belicheck tanks to 6-10, and the Bucs go 11-5 or better, we can just laugh and say, it was more Brady vs. Belicheck. If I had to choose one I’d rather root for this year, I’m rooting for Brady, and give Tampa some fun for the next two years. Also, let Belicheck choke on two bad seasons. I am living in Tampa so I am biased. Just know guys down here have been hurting too just like my beloved Bills fans friends. I have zero love for Belicheat.
  2. Outside of agreeing with the list, I’m very happy the #1 defense last year (yes the Pats) is not on there as they lost before the opt outs 3 of their starters, so now with Chung and Hightower gone, I don’t even see them being a top 15 defense. You can get as he was interviewed after the lockout season Belicheat went back to the 4-3, and his reasoning was its easier to install.
  3. As always Hapless beats me on the he does matter to the roster, oh and Back Lives do matter. I thought that was funny too.
  4. Except if you’re Ron Jaworski. That guy was such a Bills hater, they even changed the high school stadium back from RJ stadium to Lackawanna Stadium. Al kidding aside, I think I remember her as she had a relative that used to play softball with my Dad at the local K of C. My whole family pretty much grew up there as we did just about every job cutting the lawn, dishwashers, waitresses, kitchen for the weddings, The Coat Room, etc. My dad was the House Manager there on the side for 27 years besides working as an executive at the Buffalo News. I knew that phone number as well as my home phone as we had to call for my Dad to come home after work o we could have family dinner. Mrs. Scarsella was a pistol, again if it was the same Mrs. Scarsella. It gets harder to remember everyone from the 70’s and 80’s when I was a little boy.
  5. Wow, he does look like Kirk! Thanks for playing along friend. I thought you might get a kick out of that one. On a side note, that Deon Sanders thread was hilarious. I think you made on the thread and all of the comments from everyone cracked me up.
  6. Regardless of thoughts on Yardbarker, I agree with the ranking here at least the top 5.
  7. I love Hyde and Poyer, but not sure if they are the #1 tandem. They are in the top 3 for sure.
  8. Ok, so then Duke didn’t test positive, he just opted out this year, right? He’ll have a tough time making the team anyway, but even if he went to the practice squad next year if he’s eligible (I can’t keep up with these rule changes on the practice squad as I know this year they made exceptions to the rule). If he can go to the practice squad next year, it’s like he’ll be playing for nothing as the $150,000 is around I believe what practice squad guys make. Looks to me as he saw the writing on the wall and wanted some income protection.
  9. Seriously doubt anything on Clowney, but this is one thing I can see. If Norman doesn’t work out in camp and really has lost a step (not saying he has, but just in case), then I can see Beane making an offer to Ryan. He might be scooped up by then, but then again his asking price may go down if he doesn’t have a contract by week 1. Also after week 1, his salary is not guaranteed.
  10. Moss is a compliment to Motor, not competition. Addison had 46 sacks in the last 5 years and 9.5 last year so he’s not declining. Epenesa May start by mid season, but probably not with this year early. Still not sure on Murphy. He played well at the end of the year, it’s just a matter of does Beane feel he has enough room to keep him as he’s expensive and we just don’t know how much he wants to save vs. keeping the asset. Who knows on Norman. Not having an off-season shouldn’t matter as he knows McD’s defense cold, so if he goes back to the way he performed in Carolina, he’ll win it. If he continues like in Washington who played him in the wrong scheme, then he won’t make the team. I know Wallace tried hard last year, but he was the weakness of the secondary.
  11. Bosa is an amazing talent. To the TJ Watt thing, if I’m the player, I would accept the 5th year option in 2021, because the cap will be in much better shape in 2022 so you can negotiate for a much better contract when the cap comes back. The risk is a significant injury, but some players gamble with it for the larger and longer contract. I feel for guys like Milano and Dawson as they are not 1st round picks so either they are tagged, or their agents have to negotiate under a $175 mil. Cap, vs. $210 mil. We’ll see what happens.
  12. Bosa is an amazing talent. To the TJ Watt thing, if I’m the player, I would accept the 5th year option in 2021, because the cap will be in much better shape in 2022 so you can negotiate for a much better contract when the cap comes back. The risk is a significant injury, but some players gamble with it for the larger and longer contract. I feel for guys like Milano and Dawson as they are not 1st round picks so either they are tagged, or their agents have to negotiate under a $175 mil. Cap, vs. $210 mil. We’ll see what happens.
  13. Thurmon, I’ll correct myself as I mistakenly did not realize the $150,000 or $350,000 is a stipend, not a payment, amd comes off of whatever contract they signed in the future years. That I have no problem as they are not getting something for nothing, but delaying the rest of their contract into 2021 and 2022. People have their reasons to not play for a variety of reasons including medical reasons for themselves and loved ones. Just speculating that the majority of people opting out probably have never so as they knew for several days this was coming. We still May see more, but I’m guessing it will be proportionally less than the amount that made this decision on the first day.
  14. Now that I can comment. Lizabeth, Lizabeth, I’m comin. That was a funny show. LB, thanks for levity. Da Dana Dana it, Da, Dana, Danit DaNa It, Da, Danit, Dante, Da. keep em comin, as this has turned into a fascist, Marxist, communist regime. Wasn’t that a line from Lethal Weapon 2 in the South African consulate. Cmon guys. As Uncle Hulka said, lighten up Francis.
  15. Guys, enjoy the bickering. I’m not going there. Said what I said and done. God bless, and none of you are changing other people’s minds. You’re just bickering. God bless our Bills, and enjoy either, every side. I don’t here for that. I have made my opinions over a long time, notice I’m not giving it, and think what you think is best for you. Not up to me. One statement is at least we live in a place where all of you can say what you think. Whatever that is and god bless you whether I agree or not. You still have a right to you’re take. I stand by the earlier comment this is going nowhere other than just an argument, but you’re guys call.
  16. Hapless, and Chandler, time to shut down this garbage. All Lives Matter, but can’t stand naive, silly comments that in essence are prejudiced. Guys, you do realize there are people of color, all color, all faiths, all creeds on this board right? I could care less if they put signs up BLM. They do, and so do all Lives. It’s pretty simple.
  17. If we want these guys, we’ll need to pony up $13-14 mil. Dawkins and Milano, and probably $17 mil. For Tre the next year. Then we have Allen the year after that for $30+ mil. To not space it out and take hits based on COVID, and when they have a big influx of + cash, they’ll need to figure out a way. We enjoyed Milano and Dawkins after this year on the cheap for 4 years. A mistake to let them go. It’s not like J. Phillips, and Shaq who outperformed previous years. These two have been good for awhile. Continuity will help. The plug and play model is not good when you have real proven talent. I’m cool with J. Phillips, and Shaq as they has a magical great year when they were biding for a contract. No way we can let Tre and hopefully Allen go, so we need to take advantage now. The last thing I want is a couple of years of being kind of good and then backwards as we think, we’ll we’ll plug in another Milano or Dawson. That’s a mistake.
  18. H E Double Hockey Sticks? That was right out of Happy Days, and loved it. I agree on the BB never would tank a season. It’s a conspiracy theory thing.
  19. Mat, respectfully, Addison is not a back up. In the last five years, he’s had 46 sacks compared to Clooney’s 27.5. It’s a little harder to evaluate run stuffing, but Clowney is a luxury. We have around $22 mil. After Star opted out which means his salary gets counted against the cap in the next two years. It’s almost certain the cap will go to the floor at $175,000,000 so with a normal $10 mil. Increase, that’s a swing of -$35 mil. I’m not applied math PhD, but with our current surplus we have to shave at least -$13 mil. Add to it the point we need to extend either or both Dawkins and Milano, hopefully both. The following year we have T. White as we already put the 5th year option, and the year after that Allen. I know we’ll lose probably Murphy, Hughes, Kroft, etc. so too complicated to speculate everything, but we have to make the most of our draft picks. All of these decisions make my head hurt to think, but one thing we don’t need is Clowney. We have Addison, Butler, Jefferson, Epenesa, H. Phillips, Murphy and Hughes. That’s enough. I called into NFLR yesterday and discussed how we have 88% of snaps returning and 23 starters before Star, so still tied for first in the NFL. Juxtapose the Pats had 67%, and now with all of those players opting out, they will have the least amt. of snaps from starters returning in the league. Also, all of those contracts are just pushed into the next Two year for the Pats, so they have to use what they gained this year on replacement players, and Hightower and Chung are no joke. With the pushing back of contracts into 2021 and 2022, they either doing a lot of creative contracts, or they are thin on the cap for three years. TB, Addison hasn’t dropped off at all. He had 9.5 sacks last year, and the year before. Yes, he’s probably a two year solution, but for now it gives us time to draft more DE’s over two years.
  20. Well the newbee said he was just being sarcastic, so tome I guess this was just a joke to tweak some people. The worst thing to do is get worked up by whatever other fans state as all 32 teams have the same disadvantages. All players can choose to opt out, are at similar risks for COVID testing, and injuries are part of the game. Just because they couldn’t work it out with Brady is on them (the team and Brady). There’s no asterick for me. We win great, we don’t win the East, well then we didn’t deserve it. I could care less what people say about the poor Patriots.
  21. Victory, no, but they can use that machine from Mission Impossible that fakes a mold of the face, and then pour bronze over it. ?
  22. Which is why Limeaid, these guys are probably feeling over a barrel they have to play if they make the team. 21 by last count opted out so we’ll see how it shakes out in a few days. I know I would take every precaution possible, but there are no comorbid medical conditions in my or my family’s history so I would play. I would try and take advantage of every opportunity OT get on the field, prove to the teams I’m worth it, but would probably go even farther than the restrictions to not get sick. Those are my thoughts, but then again I’m not a 21 year old trying to get on an NFL roster.
  23. Dalmatian for me Augie. I loved Fred, my guy. Crazier than a $3 Bill, and had only two gears, 1st, and 5th, but he was my guy. Stinks as my phone crashed and don’t even have pics anymore.
  24. See ya Foster. Sucks as I believed in him two years ago. This won’t be hard, and given we have to get to 53, a lot more names that none of us even know will be gone. On the bright for the UDFA’s, between more Opt Outs coming and COVID coming, the UDFA guys have a better chance to maybe stay on the team. Lots of comments on them with no OTA’s, pre-season games being more at risk, they may have at least the sharp ones a chance. He’ll, NE needs 6 players.
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