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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. Limeaid, luv ya bud, but you’re going a little Oliver Stone, JFK on us with the fire alarm as the opposing fans would need to know where we are staying. I’m up for the next conspiracy theory, but if this was the norm, opposing fans would do this for years just to annoy the players trying to get a good nights sleep on Saturday before a game. I can’t remember that story, and only reason I knew the Bills were at a particular Tampa Hotel as I’m friends with a General Manager of a high end Hyatt, and sworn to secrecy. I guess it’s possible, but unlikely. Besides, what are opposing fans going to go find COVID positive patients and tell them to breathe al over the players and by the way get through security. As the great Doc Holiday said in Tombstone, “why Wyatt, my hypocracy only goes so far”. Classic movie.
  2. That’s funny. I’ll throw another one at you, I love John Harbaugh (if we didn’t have McD, he would be my next choice of a phenomenal coach and their management is excellent), but putting AB on a team with him who is incredibly bright, but animated, fireworks would fly. He would rip his head off metaphorically by week 2 of the season. That’s why LJ is out of his league on this one. Didn’t Russell Wilson advocate for him too, and that went real far with Carroll and Snyder. The difference is Wilson has a lot more juice in Seattle than a third year player who hasn’t even won a playoff game yet. I’m not a Lamar hater as he has unique skills, but the game is going to catch up to him. Besides, what do you think his current WR and TE teammates think of him wanting to get AB? Eye of newt? ?
  3. Guess. Weo, you do bring it on yourself, but I still like ya bud. What did someone else say, a little snarky at times. You also bring a lot of very good points and make some funny jokes at times. Anyway, Weo, Soc, Limeaid, have a good Sunday and a little levity to the board when needed.
  4. I may not like the guy, but Belicheck is up there with Lombardi, Parcells, Paul Brown, etc. as the best coaches in NFL history. I know all the downsides on cheating and so on, but he is a winner all the way back to DC role for the Giants. Having said that, losing 7 players, and an amazing offensive line coach, plus the defensive players that left in free agency (3 of them), it is very difficult to imagine they will have a strong team. I just hope they win enough to not get close to Trevor Lawrence next year. That would be a nightmare. I don’t think they will be that bad to get close to #1, and I don’t see many teams wanting to trade out of their #1 spot for the Pats. I don’t see the Bengals having that good of a year even with Burrow as the rest of the team is just bad. It’s also hard to see the Lions and Jags having good teams.
  5. Yolo, I’m one of the people who misread that article so my apologies and thank you for the clarification. I doubt any starting QB’s will most likely opt out, but anything can happen. I certainly hope Stanford and his family are ok, or better he was just on the contact tracer list.
  6. RayRay, it’s not going to happen, but it’s an optimistic and nice thought. I appreciate the thought you put into the dialogue.
  7. Got you’re back Sarasota. Do you’re own hw.. you think it’s a good idea, go for it. Don’t buy it, you’re call. I appreciate the sentiment and glad you didn’t take it the wrong way as I agree with you on a lot.
  8. Sarasota, you’re northern Tampa neighbor, I don’t see the NBA not as a contact sport and also no pads new helmets if they approve them and so on. I’m only saying the NBA guys have more fluids than just about any sport all over each other, and the MLB guys unless we’re talking Umpires, Catchers, and hitters being even remotely close. Who knows and although I’m in the medical field, not just about anyone really knows everything to protect everyone. Only part I have researched and only bringing up to help my friends here Is there is some work that a cocktail of otc, vitamins c,d, and zinc can help a little in prophylaxis. Now some docs added if we had access like in many parts of the world to otc hydrochloroquine at a very low does meaning 200 mg., twice a week, there are some early promising results in lower incidences. Not a doctor, just work with them for 25 years so I’m not going to proclaim an authority, just do you’re own hw. See if the investment at least in the vitamins might be a good decision for you. Everyone should figure out what’s best for them. Kind of stinks as Hydro has been used as a prophylaxis since the Korean War for malaria. It probably was used more for yellow fever which was a true virus vs, malaria as a parasite infection, and before the funny responses, not yellow fever the attraction to asian women. I know you guys so thought I would get ahead of it. Hope this helps for those want to look into it on their own.
  9. Well Stanford is the 1st top QB opting out. I was wondering if that would happen as guys like Russel Wilson just had a child of I remember correctly. There is probably tremendous behind the scenes pressure for him to play, and he’s such a great competitor, I seriously doubt he would opt out, but heard something interesting from the Houston coach. He said the immediate families oF players if they want to be tested, the team would provide it. It was a direct interview so his words. I didn’t know the NFL was considering doing that for the wives, and kids, but applaud them for doing it.
  10. ND, I’m with you. I loved Mongo Feliciano. He brought a nastiness to this team. The only and I mean only good thing is maybe Ford can get pulled inside to his natural position, and Nsekhe and Williams can handle the right side. I’d start Nsekhe until he gets hurt as when he plays, he plays well. Then Williams can Pop over if his knee holds up. If not, Ford would have to go back to the right side and we place Long as the right Guard. He’s demonstrated his abilities which I was on the side of not cutting him. He is a very good depth players, and can move to Center if Morse gets hurt. Morse is great, but Long played that position well until he banged up his hand at the Jets.
  11. Matter we’ll agree to disagree. Maybe you have a genetic issue, so ok, but the vast majority of people don’t workout properly. They don’t use perfect form and yes, you are very correct there are so many different chest exercises you can do besides flat bench. Besides even when I was a strength training coach, I’d have young men benching traditionally. I would ask them where are you’re hands when you block. You know the answer, so I would ask them, then why are you benching wide when you block narrow. Id have to remind them you only lift to support what you do on the field until you’re done playing football. I’d get my linemen to narrow bench and they would see results in the season. I also made them do a press call, stay completely even on the bar, set everything so their butt, feet, head, etc. stayed completely still during their exercise and use a proper arch, and if going really heavy, wear a shirt. It sounds like you’re an old time lifter so you know how those shirts work. They are not there help you put up more weight. They are there to compact you’re shoulders, joints, etc. so they carefully get stronger. I almost never had guys injured, because I drilled into them how to do it perfectly. It’s not about me, and some injuries are absolutely unavoidable, but many can be avoided. When I see so many hamstring injuries in the beginning of a season or groin, I think to myself, did these guys do excellent exercises like yoga, hot yoga, Pilates in the off season. There is a reason why McCoy improved on those injuries and it was because he became religious about yoga. One thing is for sure, I’m sorry for you’re injury and very aware of ungodly painful it is to tear a peck. I had a good friend do it, and yes, he was on steroids, and was using improper form. Thankfully, one smart thing I did was the strongest supplement I ever took was Creatinine. They can’t even do that anymore as it affects renal function.
  12. I don’t know if it ever came out as I admit I’ve read 60% of the thread so if I missed it my apologies. If he tore a peck from lifting then he was not taught proper form. I’ve never once injured a pectoral muscle and I trained for the US championships several years in powerlifting. If you are using proper equipment for safety, you pause at the bottom for benching, have very strict form in all other chest exercises, this wouldn’t happen. Now if he’s doing one of the versions of CrossFit, or other functional exercises, anything is possible. Also, practicing as it’s easy to hyperextend you’re chest in various blocking exercises. I bring up as it is not like he was practicing so you wonder what did he do to cause this injury. I competed until I was 33 and still trained hard all of the years later. I don’t get hurt because I am extremely strict in my form. These days just being heart healthy and staying nice and light is my way of continuing to not get injured. But then again, I’m 50. I was just curious if anyone knew. I expect soft tissue injuries, knees, neck, back, etc. But in training, you shouldn’t tear a large muscle like you’re pectoral if you are doing everything correct, and you don’t attempt to do something that will get you hurt. Honestly, I’ve been waiting for years for some dumbbell at the combine to crack a sternum. It is historically the worst form I’ve ever seen, and I witnessed first hand a butthead who played football for UB crack his sternum by trying to bounce 375 lbs. off his chest. He was a friend so years later I told him you’re not impressing anyone with trying weights you’re body is not ready to do. My two cents, but in this case I know a bit more than many as I had the deadlift national record and repeatedly took the bronze in the US championships. Easiest way to not get hurt is know yourself and you’re capabilities. Oh and granted it was a very long time ago.
  13. Unlike some who post, I consider it being a man to admit you made a mistake. I can say I wasn’t sure either, but wanted to be patient and give him a chance. One of the posts months ago I liked was someone did their hw. On Allen in year 1 1st half compared to 2nd half of each year. As a friendly reminder, this poster (blocking on the name) he demonstrated the 2nd half was better than the 1st half both years. He had a lot more talent in year 2 and look how he improved by about 6% in his completion % from year 1 to 2. Doing that math, one could project now with Diggs and Moss, and a line in its second year together, we should see 65% out of him. At least that’s what I’m hoping for this year.
  14. Agreed Doc. It’s not if they start as I believe they will, it’s whether they finish. Worse than no season is having a season like going 10-1, and then it cancels so we again don’t get a shot at another SB. In the immortal great philosopher, Homer Simpson, “dohh!” Cursed I say, Cursed.
  15. Well this is becoming interesting. I’m happy for these guys who have this option if needed for their families. I don’t want to hear from one sports talking head the Bills success is tainted. Every team has the same issues and choices.
  16. I thought we hated playing in Canada (see Toronto days) ?. Just kidding Promo. I did a little hw. and the incidence of confirmed COVID 19 is 1.38% of the US population, and .3% of the Canadian population. What’s even more interesting the US has a population of 328 mil. vs. 37.6 mil. In Canada so yes, it would be safer to play up there. The problem is I thought the CFL is in the Spring because during the NFL season it’s just too darn cold up there. I could be wrong and they simply want to be opposite of the NFL given its popularity even in Canada. The NFLPA already took a vote to say heck no to a bubble plan so not even worth discussing at this point.
  17. Well since 2015 his low end was in 2018 at 10 yds./r, and high end was 17.9 yds/r in 2019. Basically the middle ground was around 13 and change. I am forecasting like I used to do with my sales reps as I was always pushed by my AVP for monthly forecasts and was educated I needed to be within 2%. The best way for me to do that was looking at run rates, not listening as much to the pie in the sky individual forecasts as some are constantly pessimistic or the opposite are hopelessly optimistic. With that said, I’m guessing 81 receptions for 13.5 yds./r, and 1100 yards. I know being a true #1 a number of people are guessing a lot more, but I’m considering Brown and Beasley will also have good seasons, and we’ll run the ball even more between Singletary, Moss and Allen. They won’t walk away from Allen in some impromptu and designed runs as it makes our offense scary. I do think we will have a very balanced attack which will make us dangerous. The problem already discussed is facing the Chiefs, Broncos, Titans, 49ers, Hawks, and even the probably improved Cardinals. If we were playing last year’s schedule, I’d say the stats would be even higher. As long as we have a full season and hopeful of that point, we will have a battle hardened team, and will go into the playoffs with a home game, and ready to play the toughest teams in the AFC. Go Bills!
  18. I understand on both sides, but one thing gets me is the BMI thing. I was a competitive power lifter at the National level and used to carry about an 8% body fat. By the medical definition I was considered obese. Even though I was throwing around a ton of weight, and was running on the off season 5 miles a day. The other comorbid conditions are serious, and I applaud those who opted out for a medical concern to them or their immediate family. The problem though is one of the safest places to be is An NFL facility. Not me saying it, the medical professionals saying it. Why? Because of the constant cleaning an strict adherence to proper protocols. Dr. Chow said the other day it is riskier in practice throughout the week more than the games that there is greater risk and that once players go home to 5eir families there are greater risks as no one can control what is done outside the facilities. It does make sense that a player can more easily contract the virus at home as you never know who is coming into the home, what precautions are taken etc. of course I would like football, and yes, the players, coaches and owners are making free will decisions Whether to play, but they are not inherently more safe by not playing. I am concerned for their safety, as I’m concerned for mine. The bottom line for me is it is each persons decision how to act, and what to do.
  19. Knowing you House, I’m sure you’re giving that quick, sarcastic comment as you’re good for some laughs on the board. If by some chance you’re serious, he makes $1 mil to play, or opts out for a $150,000 stipend that if opted out would have to pay it back if not picked up next year. I could be wrong if he has a medical condition that can be proven, he could get $350,000 and not pay it back. By all accounts, I believe he is healthy so I’m betting he wants to rack up even more yards and TD’s so maybe he could help, and get a little step closer to HOF someday (not necessarily right away) as he keeps making the case he was transformational. If you’re an aging RB, and you know you have a HOF QB, and can rack up some yards, then why not play. Anyway, I’m shaded out so those are my points. Happy Friday all.
  20. This is a bad idea. I don’t get why they just don’t wait for the Spring and maybe they even garner a little more in tv revenue as college ball will outdo in the ratings hockey and basketball except the tournament. Virgil, only as I now as of next month will have two in college down here in FL, they are basically doing half their classes virtually and half lIve. It doesn’t make sense to me, but that’s it. I would actually watch more college football in the Spring as it’s just too hard to have the tv on for college and the NFL all weekend long in the fall. It’s why I just make the NFL priority.
  21. I thought the same too. He ran for 4.6 Ypc in 2019 for a total of 461 yards, and in 2018 for the Bills was only 3.2 ypc. for a total of 514 yards. He averaged for his career 4.5 ypc. So last year he actually bounced back to his avg. yet used less which you would expect given his age. As an aside, his passing yards career was 7.5 yards a play. My point earlier is he could squeeze out one more year, be checkdown Charlie for Brady in the pass, and a good role model on the field for the young backs. I’m not speaking to his party thing in Philly or anything like that, just simply his preparation for play, and teach the youngins there how he see the field as he had great vision for a lot of years. He probably won’t do more than 30-400 yards, but when Arians needs a drop off outlet for Brady, Shady is usually good for a 7 yard pass once he get YAC. It helps both sides. Its not like he flamed Buffalo on the way out, and once he showed up in Buffalo (not before as I remember), was positive about the people. I know his play diminished in 2018, but he did give 3 solid years prior to that and to this day every interview I’ve seen of him about Buffalo he remains with the same thankfulness he came here. So as Let’s go said, why not hope the best he can leave on a high note and Brady can dump the ball off a bit to him and he walks out head high. He probably wont make it after that, but he had a great career.
  22. This is odd, but how dumb can a person be for planting or even taking possession of something they never ordered. I just don’t give out any information including drilling my kids the same, and don’t accept packages from places I don’t order. Hopefully, it’s nothing.
  23. O’Briens in Brandon, FL? I know there is one in Buffalo, but I’m asking as that is the biggest Bills Backers bar outside of Tampa. You feel like you’re in Buffalo on Sundays in the fall there. You guys in Buffalo if you are ever here on vacation overlapping a Sunday, you’ll have a blast watching the game there, and if you come at 10 am, they let you reserve a table or barstool, and you can come back at 12:45 pm. They keep you’re spot. They play the first down chant and the Shout song when we score. It’s like a little home in a suburb of Tampa.
  24. Each team is going to do everything they can to keep this in check. I can see them having meetings either outside 6 feet apart or meetings remaining virtual, using both locker rooms, separating the two locker rooms so o lineman are split into two locker rooms and every other as an example. They will do everything they can to keep the season going. I know there is Little upside, but if healthy individuals get little no symptoms, then if they build up antibodies now, at least for a few months, you want this mess to happen now, not during the season. Before anyone misunderstands, I want everyone to be healthy and if they have to get it, hopefully little impact to them and their families, but simply if they get a minor cases, you want it now. Lets pray al of these players families and themselves have a minimal impact.
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