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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. Not happening. We have just under $25 mil. In cap space. There should be a -$35 mil. Swing to $175 mil. Next year. We already paid for Butler, Addison, Jefferson, have H. Phillips under contract. We also have to extend some if not all the following, Dawkins, Milano, White if we don’t exercise the 5th year option. Besides, he’s not even close to worth what he wants. As Polian said the other day, he’s a situational player, not an every down and not worth a huge contract. We just purged those kind of contracts with Jettisoning Watkins, Dareus, and so on.
  2. There was someone who made the assertion they cut him among other things as he expected to opt out and Beane cut it off beforehand. That’s most likely not accurate as the $150k opt out for personal, not medical reasons is only a stipend. He has to pay it back next year, and comes out of any 2021 contract, or out of his wallet if he is not picked up. What I didn’t know until Polisario said when interviewed yesterday that the medical opt outs at $350 only $200 k is guaranteed and not needed to pay back. The first $150k is only an advance coming off next year’s contract. Given these points, it’s actually better to be cut and even if Long received the minimum, it is far above what he makes to not play. With the number of persons opting out, which is proportionally higher in lineman, he will get picked up by someone. I really liked the post that broke down the line depth. Good job. I do think he’s versatile enough someone will pick him up as flexibility between guard and center.
  3. House, lovin the Miyagi reference. Thank you Danya San.
  4. The only facts we have on Norman is he payed at a high level under McD’s system, and not when not played to his strengths in Washington. Maybe he lost a step and is a reasonable argument, but not a foregone conclusion. Now he goes back to the system he knows like the back of his hand so this year will determine did he really lose a step or was the shirt show in Washington the problem. None of us know and happy to wait and see. This author doesn’t know anything more than us. Happy to wait and see. I do believe Beane used the cost constraints and available talent to put the best team together. No one can predict who would opt out. You’d think with all of these guys already reporting that part will calm down. I know nothing more than any of you.
  5. Given how much he’s worth, it might be worth it if he can find a way after the pandemic to fleece it for a year and get an ROI. His name will get the recognition and given he’s worth $350 mil., there’s probably very little downside for him.
  6. He was $3.1 mil., but $2.4 if you subtract the $700 k dead cap, so not sure why they take that risk when he could play G or C. We have $22 mil. In cap space right now until Winters contract hits Spotrac. I would have cut other o lineman before him, but we’ll see. I thought he was solid.
  7. 88, I did the same thing, and yes, took a shower. I didn’t post though as it is their board, not mine, so not my place to post on their site. I’ve been trying to find if he really is an often injured person, or just misrepresented. I saw last year he had a shoulder injury, and two years before he had a torn abdomen muscle. He played through both as I’ve read and had off season surgeries. In 2018, he played well the whole year. If anything, he looks like a tough guy that is depth for us at Guard. I still think Long is most likely at the beginning of the year going to start as he is solid and knows the scheme from last year.
  8. 88, I did the same thing, and yes, took a shower. I didn’t post though as it is their board, not mine, so not my place to post on their site.
  9. Well, by the time the season starts there may be a couple of holdouts, but within a couple of weeks there won’t be fans in any stadiums.
  10. I think once all of them have two negative tests and are cleared, they come back. Good question.
  11. A few years ago, we saw him in the Buffalo airport. We were flying back to Tampa as we go up for a family reunion and then a Bills game every September. He was very gracious and stopped to take a pic with my two sons, and asked them about their sports. He didn’t have to do that, but was very nice. I really appreciated that moment.
  12. I think it’s fluid. Motor most likely gets more yards, and Moss gets more TD’s. Besides the concern on Moss was that knee so using him judiciously makes sense. Keep him for when you need him. Dawkins, thanks for the link. I don’t know why, but when I change to the different personnel groupings, it doesn’t process. I’m sure it’s probably just my WiFi. I would gues the Ravens lead the 13 personnel grouping, but one thing is for sure you said, it’s not the 1 millionth COVID thread or turned into it.
  13. Ridgeway, I almost threw up the Coach Weiss reference. God, he annoys the hell out of me on the Morning Drive on NFLR when he can’t just call him Brady or Tom. He has to keep letting everyone on the planet know those two are buds, and it’s Tommy. If there was anything else on in the morning when I’m driving, I would listen to another station. That annoying laugh, and Costco responses to some callers gets on my nerves. I’ve been so happy this summer as he’s only been on maybe once a week. All of the rest of the hosts are pretty good IMO.
  14. SC, I think you’re right as why come and report to just opt out. I remember someone reported Star was in contact with the team before the opt out option was official. I’m glad I’ve heard nothing on this board about being disappointed in him or whatever. I would have done the same thing if I had a previous heart condition. He’s the exact guy that should opt out. While I don’t want to know particulars as to privacy, you can speculate if someone tests positive and then we sign someone else for that position that it is serious. I say this as I read about a signage of say a RB after Moss for example tests positive tells me to pray for Moss and his family. I could be wrong, but we have depth at most positions and signing someone else you would think means the team expects the player to be out awhile.
  15. I know there is a lot of concern and valid, but there is also a lot of the sky is falling by some. Both the league and the NFLPA expected this to happen. Since given HIPAA laws prohibit giving the public information people are asking, only they agreed to cite if a player has a positive test result, so we don’t know. It could be a positive test, they have antibodies, has it already, have a mild case, or more serious. The bottom line is we’re not supposed to know. I know I’m healthy, but I don’t want people having access to my medical records. It’s no one’s business, but their own. I don’t wish it, but expect a spike in positive cases during camp, and then the % of players, coaches and staff with anti-bodies will be higher so should go down when they are playing games.
  16. PTR, I don’t see teams scrubbing the season. They will just keep pulling people off the street like we just did to replace Gaines and Star. This will be the busiest season for practice squad players getting pulled up an active spot. I know it might be ugly ball some games, but they are determined to keep playing. Again, it always goes back to $. As an aside, nice avatar. I had a chuckle on that one.
  17. Well, I never hear the Washington team that won the SB in 1988 over the Broncos due to a strike year has an asterick. Every team has the same challenges, and the virus is driving the bus. I’m glad at least any player that doesn’t feel comfortable playing and is willing to delay their paycheck or have to pay back a stipend of they didn’t have a medical reason is very fair.
  18. Hughes wasn’t being correctly in Indy, and Hyde was solid in Green Bay. I do agree they both played their best football in a Bills uni.
  19. Holy crap PTR. THATS 10 plus the three studs who left in free agency, but as ghost said they will be competing for a championship. I actually like the Jets guy more. All my prayers at least three or four teams beat out the Pats for the worst record so they have no chance at Lawrence.
  20. Shaw, I am too. I was hoping for a reclamation year for the guy, but he must have his reasons. If we picked up a CB and a DT, that pretty much replaces the spot, and we’ll see what happens.
  21. Ghost, look up Ice Bowl. He’s a Packers fan through and through. He’s actually love on this board. You know why. He comes here from time to time because he loves the Bills and the fans. Of course every four years he roots for his team and everyone gives him a pass, and even says a lot of nice things about his storied team. You can tell his spirit. Thank you for at least admitting you’re allegiance and no worries posting. If you love the Bills too, come on down. We’d love to have you. As far as the other stuff, ok. We’ll see. As an FYI, it’s a new world for me as the first half of my life I lived in Buffalo, the second half has been in Tampa as you ca; see on my avatar. I’m rooting for the Bucs with Brady who as much as he drove me nuts is probably the best QB ever. He moved on. If you think losing 8 players, and a GOAT of a QB is so easy and Belicheck, who is up there with Paul Brown, Lombardi, Parcells (another guy of you’re briefly), and Shula can be fixed, you’re in the delusional Pats world. Have fun as you lost three starters on defense before the opt out, and now another 8. Not that all are starters, but if you think McD is anything like Wrex, you’re out of you’re mind. Wrex was an abomination for us, but we have a coaching staff and management team that can stand toe to toe with you. Talk at the end of the year.
  22. As to Gaines, I’m sure he had his reasons. Liked him when he played, but can t rely on him as he has such a long injury history. I do wish people would stop with the at least he was paid this year $150 K. If a documented medical reason qualifying he gets $350 k and does not need to pay it back. If a personal reason which is fine, it is a stipend and has to repay it of no conflict to retain him next year. If he has a contract through 2021 and at least which is all of them $, then he loses from his futures contract so it’s like he gets an advance. He’s not getting paid to do not thing of he doesn’t have a medical reason. I agree with that position, and a guy like Star who had a serious coronary issue younger qualifies in the $350 k category.
  23. 3/12, nice to see you. Glad you’re back. Have a great Sunday with the fam.
  24. Ghost, to be clear to give you the benefit of the doubt, you are a diehard Bills fan, hate the Patriots like every other Bills fan and can’t wait to see them flame and burn right? You’re answer will dictate whether you are a Pats or not. At least the Jets did was honest about it. If you’re a real Bills fan, you wouldn’t like the Pats. All of us respect them, but we don’t have to like them like all of those years when they were our whipping boy from 1988-2009. They had a decent team with Parcells, but that was about it.
  25. Yolo, you are officially rain man. Thanks for sharing. Now can we watch jeopardy.
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