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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. Matter, you hit it. It’s impossible to enforce social distancing in the runways, etc. I disagree with the PSU position, but understand college programs are so much more dependent on seat revenue, and one of the reason why the other sports are being cancelled this year is they exist off the major sports programs like football and basketball. It’s sad so many of these kids came on wrestling and other scholarships, but were fueled by the revenue from the major sports. It’s also just a reality today, and people are hurting in a number of different ways.
  2. I don’t see what is so newsworthy as he just said he’s learning all new terminology, and a new playbook. He’s not falling off a cliff just because he left BB. Just a reminder, this is up there with the Moss two years with the best skill WR’s and TE’s as a group in football. They may need help at RB, but they also have a decent O Line. I know Bills fans hate the guy.
  3. I realize the printed version was top 3, but if the poster said we made top 5, that’s fine. These lists are always so subjective.
  4. Brian, it’s a bad policy no matter how good the guy has performed to extend a three year player. You wait til year four. Not sure why it’s floated the $20 mil. thing as most estimate $18 mil. Next year. This among other reasons of the dumpster fire why they let Adams go. They picked up a haul and they are a mess. We are three years into a rebuild, and made the playoffs two of the last three years, and have a team going deep.
  5. Biscuit, I understand you’re position, and reasoned, but he’s not a year closer to payday. If he doesn’t have valid medical condition proven by a doctor, then his year is void, meaning not a year closer to end of rookie contract. He starts 2021 with only three years in his back and then just pushes off his 4th year to 2021, and then we already placed the 5th year option on him so if we exercise he’s now another year from an extension. Its as if the year didn’t happen. I don’t know his medical and don’t want to know it, but nothing has come out he has a medical condition like Star with the heart problem where credited. 2021 is the mirror of now. His call and his right to do it, but he gains no advantage by doing it.
  6. From the academy Award winning movie Roadhouse, Wesley (Ben Gazzara) to Dalton (Swayze), “how about you come workin for me Dalton, reply, There is no amount of money”. Sorry just saw a week ago or so early in the am on AMC. Hokey movie, but it’s like a car crash, you keep watching when you’re bored before the gym.
  7. Except Beast we would have had a 7th or later pick if we didn’t end up for trading up for Josh. It’s all hindsight and I love Mahomes, but it didn’t happen and sour grapes.
  8. I'm more like 10 Riot. This is the exact position this organization took for all of those 17 years of a nightmare where we traded away players and our draft picks were crap thereafter. Remember Clements, Winfield, Lynch, J. Peters, and I can keep going. We develop a Star, and we blow it because we think we are so smart meaning the previous moronic administrations for 17 long and dreadful years Watching us lose. Estro were you around when we had Knox as coach and we went after a dreadful 70’s and wasted OJ, to win the AFCE, amd then came out of the same thinking when Polian was given the nod and we held onto our stars not only in the SB years, but after free agency started in 93, we kept the gang together and went to the playoffs again in the late 90’s. Had we kept Flutie at the helm, we should have beaten the Titans with the #1 defense, and maybe could have been playing the Rams for the SB. This is exactly the thinking that kept us in the desert for over a decade and a half. A ProBowl CB who is on the ascension you don’t blow. He’ll, he’s our best and not even close player on the team, and one of the best in the league. You don’t blow that. The argument on the Pats letting Chandler Jones go, you forgot they still had Brady, Gronk, Edelman in his prime, a good O Line, and a heck of a defense. It’s not even close. Estro, I know you’re just floating and maybe you’re not as old as some of us, maybe you are, but this es exactly what placed us in a mess. Besides, we won’t ina million years even if he does opt out even remotely consider this option. Its like “hey we should go after Rodger”, or someone that would Never be released. Ok I’m done. I thought you were just floating, but you’re sticking to it so Hell no.
  9. I want to see football, but Alf makes a point, I’ll feel even better worse about our team at 4 pm. Whatever is the decision of players, so be it. They deserve to make their own choices, but yes, selfishly want the stars who I WANT on our team, not traded away to play. I think some others said it well, just let’s get to football to stop talking about this other stuff. Worthwhile discussion, but at this point, most of us are over it.
  10. Corkscrew, fair enough on the Tre White criticism, but I haven’t seen a lot of it here. Most people don’t want him to opt out, but I haven’t read unless missed it him being trashed by TSW. I do appreciate the link and hope he plays, but as cited, it is just a game. I’ve already said my piece on letting him walk. We are a winning team. You don’t lose key players when we haven’t even won a playoff game yet.
  11. Maybe SC, I think he and Beane build their defenses from the back forward which I agree as it holds passing teams to a minimum, and presses on the rush defense. White is almost indispensable. He makes our defense work well. He takes out for the most part the opposing top WR. I agree with some of analysts that top defenses now are built best back moving forward vs. conventional thinking of the front four. We have a good defensive line, but we are excellent because of those safeties and Tre. In no world, is it a good idea to lose arguably the #1 or #2 (for those that think it’s Gilmore) CB in the entire NFL. No amt. of draft picks is worth it. I read what Barley said, about moving from Allen, but I don’t think we are anywhere close to there.
  12. Estro, NOOOO! Not being critical, just he is one of the absolute best CB’s in the league, and just because he wants to maybe opt out, or as Mark Dominik said this morning may be negotiating for an extension now, I don’t think so. He is ours is he plays for the next two years and longer if we tag him. He’ll either play and probably get his big payday in the Spring of 2021, or of he doesn’t in the Spring of 2022, or 2023 if his demands are silly. He’s given no reason to think he’s going scorched earth like Adams, and Adams wanted out no matter what. Why? The Jets are a dumpster fire and we are not.
  13. Hapless, I thought if they test positive, they have to test two more times before returning if the second one is negative. It makes sense if I heard that correctly yesterday on the radio from Dr. Sills. Anyway, thanks for keeping us in the loop.
  14. Nothing has happened yet, and if he wants to opt out, I would be disappointed, but he has a right to do it without criticism. I don’t buy he’s doing this to push a contract extension. He probably if not opting out would get one at the end of this season. They use that 5th year option either as a negotiating ploy for the team, or because they are not sure on the player. They are sure on him so the negotiations would have started in the Spring 2021. He opts out, he waits another year as most teams won’t extend after three years. Jamal Adams didn’t get one and is living on his current contract, just in Seattle. I hope he does play, but am not going to say anything negative about him if he doesn’t.
  15. I don’t care if they do it as the likelihood of them getting hurt is minimal. Remember Rodgers Hail Mary for about 70 yards a couple of years ago. It’s not like he threw out his shoulder. I don’t see it happening until they have fans to pay for attendance and that won’t happen for at least a year if they are trying to raise $ for charity. Unless people are stupid enough to bet on it and give the winnings to charity. Seems very Middle School.
  16. Wait, the Pats have a team. I thought they all opted out.
  17. Just doing the math, if they don’t tear up and redo his contract in two years, it basically is $120 k raise, and just pushed moving $ forward. I think it’s a good decision, and Diggs will be happy, we use our $ while we have it and preemptively handles the expected loss in cap space Next year. Beane is shrewd. I really hope we do extend Beane and McD as soon as we can afford it as they are great for this team and city.
  18. Well White hasn’t opted out yet as far as I know. If he does, Logan Ryan is an option, but as others stated he’s normally a slot person. It’s really a wait and see.
  19. I was just going to say the same thing. If they opt out for personal reasons, they do not acquire a year towards retirement so in Tre’s situation his 4th year would be in 2021 and his 5th year option would be in 2022.
  20. I’m sorry his family’s loss. This is unfortunately going to keep happening. He’s only 62, but he may have had comorbid conditions. We don’t know nor should we know whether he had high blood pressure, diabetes, CAD, etc. That’s his private medical business. It only reaffirms to me to continue being as vigilant as I have been about masks, eating healthy, working out six days a week, not smoking, and only sparingly having alcohol. I’m not prescribing others actions as the CDC and local authorities do enough of that, but just simply controlling what I can to see my daughter someday walk down the aisle with me.
  21. You guys know it’s not free $ and when the cap drops from $210 mil. To $175 mil. Next year if they don’t cut them they have to take this cap space and put it into next year. The Pats will be even more cap strapped next year. Right now they are up to $34 mil., but after the settlements and signing of Newton, they had $8 mil. If these opt outs are not cut next year, that’s $26 mil. On the hook in 2021. Even if they cut all of them, the dead $ will still be there.
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