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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. Shedder, it’s customary to take a crack at it first, and then do the whole, thoughts? I’d encourage you to give it a shot, but you are new to posting so everyone gets a mulligan and glad you came to the TSW. I’ll help out with my initial thoughts, and everyone can blow it up if they want. No matter as it will never be completely accurate, as they will put different players in based on what we think they will do next. It’s why we have a rotation on our line. It’s not just to keep them fresh, but also some are better against the run, and some are better at penetrating. But what the heck having my coffee on a Sunday morning before the gym and church. Line 1 DL Line 2 DL Hughes. Murphy H. Phillips Jefferson/Oliver Oliver Butler Addison Addison/Jefferson LB Crew Klein Edmunds Milano I would be guessing beyond Matakevich for ST and depth as a back up who will make the LB active 53 speaking to Thompson, Joseph, Dodson, and Phillips. Last year we kept 4 DE’s, 4 DT’s, 6 LB’s, and 9 Secondary. After listening to the series on Movin the Chains by position group, one overarching theme is coaches tend to keep the same number of people at each position. I trust those guys as they are usually spot on. Having said that, 4 of the LB’s are set in Milano, Edmunds, Klein, and Matakevich. So of the final four listed above, none of us are in camp to decide who are the final 2. I’d speculate of Thompson, Joseph, Dodson, and Phillips whoever is the best at both depth and ST will get those final two spots. I just don’t see Matakevich and Klein Losing their respective spots. My TSW experts probably have a better handle than me. Im not sure who would make the final 8th DL spot, and as much as I thought Murphy might have been cut for the cap savings, McD does really like him and he played well the last few games. It just depends on whether we need the $ bad enough for the extensions we’ve all talked about. Long was a cap casualty so Murphy could be a logical choice if another more unknown guy steps up and is cheaper. McBeane know they have a window to do something special this year and if Murphy is far ahead of others, we’ll keep him. None of us are in T. Camp so we’re not going to really know anything like an inside take. Well Shedder, that took a little bit, and as my friends have told me enough times, I could be completely wrong. I made educated guesses based on what I know about the roster. I’m not being hard on you at all. Just give it a try yourself and maybe you have ideas others haven’t thought of on the board. Again, welcome to the group. We’re not all salty all the time.
  2. Funny, how we were so close to beating the 14-2 Ravens (they had their worst performance of their season and TN tried to replicate our game plan on defense in their playoff loss), we keep our starters in week 17, and we are 11-5. We blew it on one play in the first Patriots game with a botched snap for a punt, and BB picked up on we were almost caught and weeks 1 and 2 when the Jets brought 9 on a punt, and the Giants brought 10. Our stupid ST coach didn’t adjust the gunners to move in when they overloaded. That’s not as much a crappy offense as it is bad coaching in those instances. There is no argument our offense has to pay better, WR’s need to catch the damn ball, and Allen has to improve in his accuracy. It’s not fair to say every problem we have is Allen. It’s not. It’s a number of things, but a, cautiously confident we’ll improve in these matters this year. I can’t underscore enough we have 88%, #1 in the league returning snaps. Even if you subtract Star, but add Diggs, all of those defensive lineman, etc. we should come out fast in September and October.
  3. Klos, you beat me to it when I read Ganesh’s comments, and Ganesh I understand you’re frustration. The reply is we now have most likely a more explosive RB in Moss complimenting Motor. We had Gore and used him for his experience, but he was out of gas so stopped our drives in the second half. Singletary was chewing up chunks of yards in the first half. As a result, drives were stopping, amd kept letting their offense to get back in the game. Any top defense will get tased if they have to be ion the field the majority of the time. As Klos said, we also have Diggs to make plays and open up Brown and Beasley for plays. Lastly, we have an O Line primarily returning minus the Feliciano loss, so that will also make it easier for Allen to throw to the open guy, and for Motor and Moss to Break through holes.
  4. Ghost, they were #1 against the run, but 30th against the pass. They were improving with their young talent as the year progressed and they picked up Winfield’s son as a safety in the second round of the draft. It’s just like they were #1 in the pass, but low in the run so that is the other area. If they move up to middle ground in both areas and Brady will take those 30 picks down to 10 or so. He also is not known for fumbling like Winston was the last few years. Its not by accident or bad luck Winston and Marriotta are now backups. That was a flop of a draft class for QB’s. All seven have done nothing.
  5. Yeah,Peyton Manning. Went to two more SB’s, the first played great until the Seahawks handed his ars to him, and the second although hobbling won another SB. If you remember the 1st Denver SB year for him he threw for over 5000 yards. He had a ton of weapons and a solid defense. The second he was spotty, but his defense by then was out of this world awesome. Remember Von Miller handing Newton’s butt to him in the SB. If Brady fails, fine. I just know why everyone cares about an NFC team that we will most likely only play once in two years, and given our team and what I hope will win in Tampa. I’m good with that one.
  6. Sorry to see him go, but understand it for cost cutting. It’s why I don’t think people who keep advocating to pick up this person or that person don’t seem to understand the prep for a tough off season from 2020-2021. We need to save as many $ for current players we’re trying to keep. I know many understand this point, but we need to keep our own. We’ll prevail if we do.
  7. Ghost, some people are just bitter over him kicking our tails for so long, but as stated he’s not even in the AFC anymore. Bottom line is if he maintains what he said to play for two years, unless we face them in the SB, we only face him one last time next year in Tampa. I said earlier, I’ll be there in my Kelly Jersey (as long as there are fans of course, but by then there should be) and be rooting for my beloved Bills. I just have the vitriol that some do and also admittedly biased living in Tampa. For my fellow Tampa neighbors I hope Brady has two great years here as fans down here have been suffering for a long time, and there is so much hype for Brady. Just don’t misunderstand I’m always a Bills fan first. Whoops, don’t have the vitriol.
  8. The Browns was a nice add. At this point I’m actually starting to feel bad for Rivera, and we thought the J-E-T-S, Jets, Jets, Jets were a dumpster fire.
  9. As the indomitable “The Jerk” says, I dig Diggs, ya dig. All kidding aside, I have high hopes for Jefferson inside. He was solid in Seattle. In addition, all of this talk about Clowney, but Addison had almost twice the amount of sacks as Clowney over the same period of time in five years. He has shown pers his stats he hasn’t fallen off at all last year. Klein’s a hammerhead, so should do well and provide some nastiness to our LB’s, amd Butler is decent depth. I love how Beane finds good players, but doesn’t overpay and get enamored with a name. Diggs is not a name. He is true #1 WR, and if I remember correctly ranked the best in contested catches in the NFL up there with Michael Thomas.
  10. Colorado, I appreciate the concern, but no the complex wouldn’t even allow me to place on a stand on the porch. It was legal, and I had no recourse. I called DTV, and they said it was within my complex’s right to not allow it. I checked with several complexes and all said the same thing. Maybe if it was an older place, but these nice relatively new ones in parts of FL that have all the bells and whistles are a pain. Im not complaining as they had a gym like a professional one, a pool are like a five star resort, etc. I ended up finding the best Bills Backers Bar and Restaurant Just three miles away and made a lot of new friends who were transplants from Buffalo. Even Steve Christie and his family would go to watch some of the games. I had the nicest time once spending 15 minutes with his family, and we talked at length about Norwood who is a good friend of his since the Bills time. Anyway, if you ever get to Brandon, an Eastern Suburb of Tampa, try out O'Brien's for a game in the fall. You’d love it. They play the shout song with every score, the announcer has everyone yell out when we get a first down, and so on. Have a nice weekend guys and Go Bills!
  11. No it was Ma Barker, and to Donuts, it’s all about the hands and balls.
  12. Well, we’ll see how BB does cover 8 when he can’t field a LB Corp this year. ??
  13. Virg, Gugs, I can use my points if you need a room to spoon. ?
  14. Well, let’s just say we have to extend one and tag the other, left tackles are a much higher Tagle so would expect we extend Dawkins, Milano plays out of his mind which I expect, we tag, and then deal with it the next year. I’d rather knock both out, but then again I’d love to be 29, tall, dark and handsome (just kidding). White is a must, and Allen and Edmunds are musts thereafter. That is why the let’s get this guy, that guy stuff is unrealistic. We need to keep the band together and the message to the team is this place is a destination, not a tryout for you’re next team.
  15. God I love that guy. Based on previous interviews, he was raised well by his parents and as disciplined as they come.
  16. you nailed it MJS. 88% but over a rolling 5 years if I’ve researched correctly over the years. We have more than enough room to roll over and if we don’t go by the $10 mil. Avg. gain, then at a minimum a $25-30 mil. Loss. If we can roll over $20-25 mil.understanding we still have to roll Star’s cap even if we cut him the dead cap, a loss, but better than most. Think of how much the Pats will have to absorb when these guys come back, again even if they only retain dead cap and cut all 8 which won’t happen. In this rare circumstance Cleveland is actually in the best spot at +$38 mil. for now. It’s like the Austin Powers sequel where he states, well if past Austin, meets future Austin, and past Dr. Evil meets future Dr. Evil, and so on, “oh my god my eyes have crossed”. You get the point as almost impossible to figure other than SAVE $.
  17. Way to go Water. I didn’t want to say it as I know the guys think I’m biased and I am as my first half of life was in Buffalo, but my second half is here in Tampa. He has so much behind him in a HC I love before Tampa in AZ, Indy, Pitt., and even back in the day at Alabama. He’ll he was groomed under the legend Bear Bryant. Bowles was making a serious dent in that defense in the second half of the year. He was a terrible HC at the Jets, but then that team is a dumpster fire. He’s an excellent DC. You articulated well the weapons, and he will make the most of them. Think of it this way. Winston throws 30 TD’s, but 30 Ints. He also fumbled the ball a ton and why single handedly the reason for 7-9. Get a smart QB who may be on his last two years, but he will probably throw for another 30 TDs, but not fumble, and not throw more than maybe 10 picks. The Bucs also picked up an excellent OT in the draft so as much as people hate it, they are going to be good. They will compete with the Saints for the NFCS. Having said that, The Bucs play the Bills in Tampa next year and if we have fans, I will be there in my Machine Gun Kelly Jersey as I have every 8 years since 1993. No one comes in front of my Bills, but am aloud a second team in the opposite conference where I’ve lived half my life.
  18. Winters is $3 mil. Total, but $2 mil. up front. Spotrac is funky this morning as it adds the front load of Diggs, but projecting more, significantly more than the $22 + mil., which is what I expected. Enough on the Clowney thing. We would have gone after him already, but we purged the Dareus type contracts and Clowney had 3 sacks last year. He never seems to play a whole season. White, Dawkins, Milano, a California going down by -$35 mil., and then on the horizon is Edmunds, Allen, if we extend Poyer and/or Hyde in two years. We need to be smart with our $ and Beane has proven to do so. So no more additions, and make the most of the team we have now. We have the highest starting return snaps in the league which is great from 2019. We are in very good shape for 2020 due to retaining so many of the players, and the negatives from other teams with tons of new faces like Miami. We !so don’t have a rookie QB, or HC. We’re in a great spot guys. I trust McBeane with all of my heart and gut.
  19. Old man, to add to you’re point on the Bills, Beane has assembled a strong scouting department and money guys as they are negotiating well their contracts, and McD put together a heck of a assistant coaching crew. I know about the Daboll criticism and some is fair, but he is a very well respected coordinator in this league.
  20. Well, I had it for over 20 years and received a dispensation in my last home as the homeowners originally tried to block me, but acquiesced eventually. My kids are getting older (Divorced) so for a new job I moved to a luxury type apartment and they wouldn’t allow the dish. Not sure what other option is out there when you can’t get a dish installed. Now, to the season cancelling thing, my father at his condo has DTV and had the hockey ticket. Once the season cancelled, he was rebated his $ prorated to what he missed. When they were still postponing, they wouldn’t do it. DTV told my sisters and myself fighting for Dad’s investment back, they follow the notifications from the league, so bottom line is if the NFL officially notifies DTV they have cancelled the season, then DTV will proratedly reimburse the customer. I think they did it via a credit for the investment so he went several months with no bill. Im probably going to my favorite Bills Backer Bar as it is a restaurant so we can get into the place. In FL, if it’s only a bar, they are closed in FL. It has to be a full service restaurant for them to open and they have to set up tables and seats at least 6 feet away. I assume it is the same in NY.
  21. I understand am excited as well for the way the team is being built from the ground up. No, we haven’t won a playoff game yet, but am confident we will this year and we should get one home game in the playoffs (sick joke there probably won’t be fans).
  22. I’m hopeful Norman comes back to even 85% of what he was in Carolina. He’ll be used right, he knows the scheme, and McD was able to get the most out of him before. It was nice reading his comments, and I’m bettering the Pegulas do extend Beane and McD, but maybe are just waiting until the end of 2020. They are both under contract until the end of 2021, and if we weren’t in the pandemic probably would have been extended now. Like the rest of the world, the Pegulas as going to take a hit with this pandemic for all of their businesses which is probably the only reason they are waiting one last year before they extend them. I don’t see the Pegulas ever letting this tandem go as they have done too much for this team.
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