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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. Dnevue, not me saying it. Those MTC guys broke down all the position groups and most teams with maybe an exception or two bepased on coaching tendencies tend to keep the same amt. at each position group. I don’t have a problem with 7, but if they moved the PS up to 16, and they can be activated as late as Saturday night, then you have to ask, if they move to7 on the 53, then where does that spot come from on what other position group. You definitely don’t want to lower the RB’s or O Lineman as those guys get hurt more easily than a WR simply due to the repeated contact.
  2. Well, Roberts doesn’t have anything to worry about. “Hey, Roberts, when they kick or punt that ball to you, just run Forest run”. I knew Davis would have a real shot at making the 53. It would be great if Hodgins does as well. Remember Brown and Beasley are 30 and 31. In two years these guys will be great adds to the team and cheap labor for four years. Foster is all but gone, Williams to the PS, and maybe McKenzie is kept as he can play WR, DB in a pinch, returner, and overall gadget guy. Diggs Brown Beasely Roberts Davis Hodgins Speed, elusiveness, over the middle, returner, and now finally size. Foster should work hard at finding work at one of the places weak at WR. We’re not there anymore for once.
  3. That’s hilarious. The PAC 10 may also cancel tonight and the SEC may even be forced to delay. I was listening to NFLR and I guess they are even considering if college ball really is delayed to air NFL games not only on Saturday, but even Friday night. That might be even too much for me. I can’t even fathom watching even some NFL Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, and Thursday. Talk about going from nothing to overkill.
  4. I know as the Juniors are trying to get drafted. They have a tough call to make whether to play or not. I hope the NFL does the right thing and considers if this happens delaying the draft until the end of May or June.
  5. All kidding aside, if you guys do a tailgate, you should consider a zoom call and us out of Towners could jump on and do a toast with all our TSW friends. I’d jump on for a few. Go Bills and have a great time guys! Those poor picnic tables didn’t have a chance.
  6. I don’t have the video, but a great memory for me was the Bills beating the Jets in 1988 to clinch the Bills AFCE. I came back from Oswego (my alma mater) with 7 college/fraternity buddies for the game. A half dozen of my St. Francis HS buddies (Came home from their colleges) joined us for the weekend. We tore it up needless to say and caught up with Gamma guys from Oswego at PJ Bottoms (not sure if that’s still around) and embarrassingly now had a Road House monster brawl with the whole UB Rugby team. No one was really hurt, and had to wake up game day with a bunch of black eyed and bruised buddies telling stories. My dad was so excited as he made breakfast for 15 college guys, and was at the lots drinking Labatts by 8:30 am (that’s after getting home around 4:30 am). So we ended up in the end zone by the runway on one side and the Gamma guys were in the other side. Ok, I’ve painted the blurry picture. Watching that game after so many years from 82-87 of a losing team, and big old Freddy Smerlas jumping up with that huge mitt blocking that field goal was a memory to remember. If you guys remember, that was one of the games where we stormed the field, I was one of the first down there and slapping the shoulder pads of those Lineman monsters. I was the third guy on the goal post for all of 7 seconds as someone tried to climb on me to get on the post. We all ended up getting trampled in that melee on the ground after. It was fun and scary all at the same time. Now a great blurry memory, and glad I grew up. I guess you’re allowed to be young and dumb as long as you learned from it. Appreciate the thread.
  7. Well, if College ball happens in the Spring, it’s almost the best of both worlds. You get a huge infusion of the NFL in the fall if they actually have Saturday ball, and if colleges play in the Spring, then you get for those that like it College ball in the Spring. I know some people love hockey, basketball, and baseball, but I love football. I don’t watch much of college ball as the NFL takes up enough time in the fall. Just trying to think of the glass half full.
  8. This was great. Thanks OP for the thread. God, I love our Bills! Admittedly, many of these videos are before my time, but love it. Thank you!
  9. Costa, you might be right. Considering we need 4 backups for QB, LS, P, and K so that leaves 12. How they divide up will depend. At a minimum on PS, outside of previously stated we’d need at least one DB, one LB, one DL, one O Lineman, one RB, One RB, one WR, and one TE unless you choose two big WR’s. So by my St. Francis HS math, that’s 8. That leaves four slots so that two slots for four the above position groups mentioned. I’m glad I’m not McDermott and Beane this year. Talk about tough choices. These poor guys have to make so many decisions thinking of every contingency trying to anticipate every last thing that can go wrong. It’s mind boggling making me think
  10. Billieve, that’s why I really think both Davis and Hodgins have a great shot. I can see D. Williams getting the PS though, and think he should.
  11. Doc, you and Weo are like that guy and girl in high school that keep knocking on each other because secretly you like each other. Relax, not going the alternative lifestyle thing. Just kidding guys. You guys both are great and both have excellent posts. As Rodney said, “Cant we all just get along”. Thunder storming And Lightning like crazy down here in FL, so on as bored.
  12. Fate, they are both great. I know we hate them and we should for what happened for two long darn decades, but he is a HOF QB, and making comments like he will look like a 6th rounder just comes across like the young guy who asks the hot girl out five times and she keeps shutting him down. On the other hand BB is the Evil Emperor fro Star Wars, but he also is one of the top 5 HC of all time. There’s no denying he took a Bradyless team to 11-5 when Brady was hurt, and 3-1, when Brady was suspended. They are decimated with talent due to three top FA losses and 8 opt outs, and a probably washed up QB in Newton who was 6 out of 8 seasons very inaccurate not ascending like Josh. Enjoy us kicking the Pats arses, amd enjoy watching Brady crush it in the NFC proving he was even though both great, the better of the two. My concern in two years is more of Miami as if Tua stays healthy is going to be a rival. They infused a lot of talent, looks like they have a good coaching staff and in one tow two years from now the old rivalry will be on. The Jets will be perpetually a dumpster fire, and the Pats once BB retires and I bet he will in a couple of years are going to be the laughing stock of the NFL again, and it can’t come fast enough. Once more these arrogant Pats fans will get humiliated for a decade by the Bills, and I will laugh with every win.
  13. “Why Johnny Ringo. Looks like somebody walked all over you’re grave. Play for Blood right, amd it’s ok, legal. I was just kidding. I wasn’t. Say when”. That’s myself, my cousin, and one of my best friends top of the list guys movies. You tell Belicheck, I’m comin, and hells comin with me! You tell em. We see a Patriots sash, we kill it. (Ok mods, before sensored, just a couple of lines from Tombstone. No violence encouraged here.)
  14. Costa, you might be right. Considering we need 4 backups for QB, LS, P, and K so that leaves 12. How they divide up will depend. At a minimum on PS, outside of previously stated we’d need at least one DB, one LB, one DL, one O Lineman, one RB, One RB, one WR, and one TE unless you choose two big WR’s. So by my St. Francis HS math, that’s 8. That leaves four slots so that two slots for four the above position groups mentioned. I’m glad I’m not McDermott and Beane this year. Talk about tough choices. These poor guys have to make so many decisions thinking of every contingency trying to anticipate every last thing that can go wrong. It’s mind boggling making me think Of the tube Austin Powers I’ve gone cross eyed. Wish I knew how to place on these threads if anyone younger than 40 ? wants to send this middle aged guy a step by step on a pm.
  15. Like, I wouldn’t dare to challenge the great Aid (I say that affectionately), but was impressed they did their hw. On the intact coaching staffs, and it was eerie how consistent year to year a HC will keep almost the same number of players by position year over year. I’m sure there are exceptions. The counter to you’re Roberts comment is ok, he opts out, and they slot McKenzie there as he is a gimmick WR, in a pinch DB, and can return kicks and punts. He has that wiggle about him. I do appreciate you’re point though.
  16. I seriously doubt he makes more than the practice squad, but I would like him there. Diggs, Brown, Beasley, Davis, Roberts, and I’m guessing McKenzie or Hodgins. McKenzie because of the gimmick end around, and because he was a good emergency DB like the end of last year. If they placed him on PS and Hodgins, we now have bigger WR’s, fast WR’s, and a sure fire OTM guy like aN Edelman type in Beasley. With that said, I’d love to see D.Williams and McKenzie or the opposite on the PS, as it’s not as if we’re not going to see more COVID cases this year. We have to have a back up K, P, LS, and 4th QB for COVID protection, and the other 12 should be spread out amongst the various position groups. You might be able to just keep the active 4 TE’s and move D. Williams or Hodgins as a makeshift TE if necessary. These PS guys are going to have a better shot at the squad who can play more than one position like the McKenzie example.
  17. That was funny apusz. I don’t know how you came up with you’re handle name, but I get a headache reading. I’m sure there is a funny story there. Can you imagine if Ralph Lauren did get the rights? We’d have to have a hankerchief in the collar with our horsey Bills golf shirt, and it would be a mandate only wine and champagne would be served in concessions. And let’s not forget raising the pinky finger as we take a swig. Golf claps are only allowed and Murph, when announcing would only be able to call the game with a whisper.
  18. Easy on him Chandler bud. You’re 100% right of course, but we were new at one time. I said the same thing, and yes, he will learn. I honestly don’t post a lot of links and probably should, but I do my best to think through a response To a question like his one. I personally really liked Dkollidas’s breakdown. He went farther than me on the practice squad choices. Well done DK.
  19. BB, if you’re working, just DTV it and don’t get on google and wait to actually watch the game.
  20. Fanatic, I was thinking the same thing in that the SEC for now says they are going to have a conference play. It seems like the door is still open though as those Chancellors will be under a lot of pressure to fall suit with the rest of the NCAA. Not that I’m going to watch every nationally televised game four days a week as even I may need a break, but the offset tv revenue could really help with roster integrity so for that reason alone, I’m for it. Besides that provides for more nationally televised Bills games. I’d love it if they only have one Saturday game at each slot so all are nationally televised. Not living in Buffalo anymore, it’s al2ays a treat when they are in regular tv so I don’t have to get the ticket or go to a bills Backers restaurant. They won’t. They are used to the $, and it’s built into their TV contract. Not the NFLN, as owned by the NFL, but the CBS component.
  21. Snam that’s funny. We could have a Miyagi look alike (Pat Morita died in 2005) bring the team out and lead the team in Show Me Sand Da Floor, Show Me Wax on Wax Off, Show Me Paint the Fence. I dig it. As far as the Ralph, Lauren really wanted the naming rights, he’d force it to be Ralph Lauren Stadium, not just the Ralph, but we can edit. All kidding aside, I’m with Kirby, can we please just start playing games already.
  22. Good call. Epenesa is going to be the 8th, I just thought they would let him sit for 4-6 games or only play ST. You’re right though as I have no doubt he’ll be a rotating starter by mid year, but maybe he does crack the lineup. Then Murphy is somewhat expendable.
  23. Big daddy O-Town in the house. How is practically my neighbor to the East? I’m open if you and Putin want to change anything. I just took my usual blind stab at it. Did a little hw., but I’m actually looking forward to some people giving us their take as I could learn something. If you noticed, I put Jefferson sometimes going inside and sometimes outside as he did this in Seattle pretty well. Butler could maybe pop outside at times as well as both are versatile.
  24. Shedder, it’s customary to take a crack at it first, and then do the whole, thoughts? I’d encourage you to give it a shot, but you are new to posting so everyone gets a mulligan and glad you came to the TSW. I’ll help out with my initial thoughts, and everyone can blow it up if they want. No matter as it will never be completely accurate, as they will put different players in based on what we think they will do next. It’s why we have a rotation on our line. It’s not just to keep them fresh, but also some are better against the run, and some are better at penetrating. But what the heck having my coffee on a Sunday morning before the gym and church. Line 1 DL Line 2 DL Hughes. Murphy H. Phillips Jefferson/Oliver Oliver Butler Addison Addison/Jefferson LB Crew Klein Edmunds Milano I would be guessing beyond Matakevich for ST and depth as a back up who will make the LB active 53 speaking to Thompson, Joseph, Dodson, and Phillips. Last year we kept 4 DE’s, 4 DT’s, 6 LB’s, and 9 Secondary. After listening to the series on Movin the Chains by position group, one overarching theme is coaches tend to keep the same number of people at each position. I trust those guys as they are usually spot on. Having said that, 4 of the LB’s are set in Milano, Edmunds, Klein, and Matakevich. So of the final four listed above, none of us are in camp to decide who are the final 2. I’d speculate of Thompson, Joseph, Dodson, and Phillips whoever is the best at both depth and ST will get those final two spots. I just don’t see Matakevich and Klein Losing their respective spots. My TSW experts probably have a better handle than me. Im not sure who would make the final 8th DL spot, and as much as I thought Murphy might have been cut for the cap savings, McD does really like him and he played well the last few games. It just depends on whether we need the $ bad enough for the extensions we’ve all talked about. Long was a cap casualty so Murphy could be a logical choice if another more unknown guy steps up and is cheaper. McBeane know they have a window to do something special this year and if Murphy is far ahead of others, we’ll keep him. None of us are in T. Camp so we’re not going to really know anything like an inside take. Well Shedder, that took a little bit, and as my friends have told me enough times, I could be completely wrong. I made educated guesses based on what I know about the roster. I’m not being hard on you at all. Just give it a try yourself and maybe you have ideas others haven’t thought of on the board. Again, welcome to the group. We’re not all salty all the time.
  25. Funny, how we were so close to beating the 14-2 Ravens (they had their worst performance of their season and TN tried to replicate our game plan on defense in their playoff loss), we keep our starters in week 17, and we are 11-5. We blew it on one play in the first Patriots game with a botched snap for a punt, and BB picked up on we were almost caught and weeks 1 and 2 when the Jets brought 9 on a punt, and the Giants brought 10. Our stupid ST coach didn’t adjust the gunners to move in when they overloaded. That’s not as much a crappy offense as it is bad coaching in those instances. There is no argument our offense has to pay better, WR’s need to catch the damn ball, and Allen has to improve in his accuracy. It’s not fair to say every problem we have is Allen. It’s not. It’s a number of things, but a, cautiously confident we’ll improve in these matters this year. I can’t underscore enough we have 88%, #1 in the league returning snaps. Even if you subtract Star, but add Diggs, all of those defensive lineman, etc. we should come out fast in September and October.
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