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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. One makes the team, and one will end up on the PS. Bass may get it. One piece of good news for Bass’s chance is there won’t be fans in the stands so that makes it easier for kickers to get it through the uprights. The coaches will figure it out in camp.
  2. I was happy the Pegulas did the right thing, and extended him now. Just looking forward to Beane hopefully being extended as well. To have the peace of mind knowing you’re GM and HC are all set through 2025 is awesome. As far as the playoffs, I have high hopes for us this year. For the first time, it feels like we have pretty complete team. The Chiefs and Ravens look good though. Both have retained and added to their respective teams.
  3. Yolo, I didn’t want to pile on Russia, but they are known for not being rigorous in their medical research to produce medicines, vaccines, and even medical devices. I think you know I’ve been in this space for 20 years so have thousands peer reviewed clinicals, and know too well CMARC approval in Europe which is easier than the FDA, and Russia and China pretty much do whatever they want, but only if a company in Russia wants to produce market in Western Europe, they have to get CMARC approval. I’m very suspect of anything used in Russia, but is not being sold in Western Europe. It’s not as if Germany, France, Italy and the rest of the EU don’t want an approved vaccine. Hey, I could be wrong and whatever company has made this vaccine is under CMARC review, but with this never ending news cycle on the pandemic, it would have been in western news outlets non-stop daily and how close they are to approval. Lastly, if a vaccine is CMARC approved which would be a good sign, it doesn’t mean the FDA approves so they have to do their own review. It will have no bearing on what the FDA does and thus no vaccine sold in the US, until the FDA approves it. I hope that helps guys, as many if you have expertise in many other subject areas, and I appreciate when a topic comes up, you’re well learned to listen to you’re opinion. Just sharing my experiences to date. Do you’re own hw. Though.
  4. That’s funny Brit. Niagara, you know per a previous ruling, I think it was Tagliabue mandated players had to give the media I think 10 minutes a week if requested. I’m sure someone can look up the rule. What I read is he just pumped up the talent and the organization of the team. He wasn’t a two time failed CB. He was a pro bowl CB in Carolina, but had a mouth and an attitude. I didn’t hear as much out of him in Washington and he played worse of course, but they also played him not to his strengths, and did not have good secondary talent around him. If he comes here and when asked keeps to the party line if positives about this team, I don’t understand the issue. If I had a choice between paying fines and not talking, or just say to the media what a great team and coaches he has in the Bills, I’d go for the latter.
  5. Sorry guys, auto correct, I typed NCAA and somehow came out differently. Thanks Bill. Riot, I read that as well, but if it is really accurate the company producing would be submitting to the FDA for a PMA review. You would think that would be in different press releases or journals if is under review. J&J has posted to their stock holders they are getting closer in their phase 3 trials completion.
  6. Coot, did you read the article (not being wiseguy)? My reasoning is Hightower was the key to the middle and although they listed another Safety, Chung would have been a big part of the RPO as well, but the article was written in May. They lost those pieces as we know to the Opt outs. I’m not being snarky at all and if you were just using as a tool to ###### the progress of an RPO, we already have it in how we shut down the Ravens to one of their worst performances last year. LJ had his worst game against us, we made one bad mistake and we played contain. We had a response for most of their RPO plays. I know we lost 24-17, but we were in that game until the end and the Titans in the playoffs literally played the Ravens exactly how we played them and you know the results there. That team concerns me when we play them this year. Henry will still have fresh legs in the beginning of October so that will be a tough game in TN. We’re going to need Handsome Harry, Butler, and Jefferson to find a way to slow that cat down. The article is interesting as they basically were describing how our Safeties, athleticism of Edmunds and the speed Milano has to smother the Ravens and yes the Pats this year. Cam can’t be as fast as he was at 25 now that he is 31. Even Vick slowed a bit after his incarceration. I appreciate always a football topic so well done and good take. We already have the answer to this problem and if Cam does a lot of RPO, he is going to get tattooed by Milano on the back side. If the RB cuts to the left, Klein is known for being a really nasty hard hitter. He was nailing people while in New Orleans. Klein also played on the Pats when Cam was at his peak on the Panthers so he’ll know Cam’s tendencies.
  7. McKenzie, ok, but Roberts is better, but not Hyde as he has to play half of the snaps. The best part of a spot player who is primarily dedicated to returns and maybe some gadget plays is McKenzie. Hyde has to play half the game if we are doing it right. They may be in incredible shape, but are much better when fresh. So I’ll give you McKenzie if you absolutely 100% think he is equally as good as Roberts without question. Remember you’re talking about the 6th WR who will never see the field unless there are a bunch of injuries all in one game, or significant injuries or COVID lasting many weeks. A returner to me is like having back up for a LS, K, Punter, or 4th QB. You don’t want to fall short this year. I really did listen to you’re argument though. I hope you know that.
  8. Spring college ball depends on a vaccine. So far the ACC, and SEC are still on. Not sure if it happens, but depends on the pressure from the NAACP. I don’t know anything so we’ll see. Selfishly as a devout NFL fan if there is increased revenue that preserves even a part of the overall revenue by adding games, I’m all for it. I know many are Burge college fans so understood. I don’t see the majority of colleges doing spring ball without a vaccine. That is an outside chance. Usually it takes a lot longer than February.
  9. I was thinking more of pi$&ing off Bon Jovi and playing “Dead or Alive”. I’m sure he’d love that the Toronto lova.
  10. Roy, I’m lovin that dream. Living in Tampa it would be so much fun to have the SB here for first time ever a home team hosts a SB, and the Bucs enjoy getting there since 2002. I aLso would love as we lost to the Damn Giants here when I moved here 5 days before that game so had to endure my Giants friends ribbing me after as we watched together right across from the Old Sombrero. Now it’s One Bucs Place, but then it was the Tampa Mall, and had a monster movie cinema screen on the side of one of the Dept stores. There were at least 10,000 of us poor folk who couldn’t afford a ticket. Nothing would make me happier for the Bills to win 22-19 in overtime against the Bucs on a 47 yd. kick that goes right through by, wait for it, Tyler Bass. Oh, and the DL and LB’s sack Brady four times, picks him off three times, and we go down as one of the most dominant defenses in SB history. Norman comes back to Carolina form, the run offense just rams it down the Bucs throat. Miss tattoos defensive backs, and Diggs racks up 125 yds. A man can dream. I would love to see both teams in the SB as long as our beloved Bills win. I may live here, but everyone knows my heart. I just would love for my Tampa buddies to at least get there this year.
  11. Given that eventually all governors are not going to allow fans which is almost certain (not me wanting it just a reality at this point), there won’t be a competitive advantage for any team except maybe the Charger who must have felt like they played 16away games last year.
  12. wasn’t that a song Ghost, “to the left to the left, to the right to the right, now slide baby slide”. That’s as close as you’ll hear me singing unless you want to break you’re eardrum.
  13. I stand corrected GB from last year. Thank you as always.
  14. Greg and GB, well said. It is daunting how well the Steelers have done for basically 50 years. That’s insane. Another team not as winning, but nevertheless a winning team is Denver. They just have winning cultures and if we keep McBeane together for the next decade or hopefully longer, we can be another team with this culture. I don’t see the Pegulas as wanting to make quick or cheap decisions. They will love having the feather in their cap of a kick butt Bills team for many many years. As he said a long time ago, when this virus is behind us someday, he just needs to drill another hole to make $. Oh and god bless them for it.
  15. Cruiser, you beat me to it, and thanks. There won’t be a static list. It will be based upon what they expect are on the reserve each week and what they need, and they also can activate this year only to 55 on game day which is a separate issue. 17, I don’t think so, just before this new rule about anyone getting on a practice squad, were able to keep him beyond the old rule, so should still be 16. If that were the case, then last year we would have had 13 where everyone else had 12. It didn’t work that way.
  16. Drought, don’t forget Remember the Titans for the 100th time, The Express, Brian’s Song, Little Giants, and that Christian one. I don’t even remember the name, but it was fun to watch a long time ago. Then there is always the Longest Yard (the real one not the farse by Adam Sandler although admittedly saw that one too) and the iconic Replacements. Honestly, I almost never watch Hard Knocks as I find reality shows if you can call it that as boring. Give me a good Chicago PD, Blue Bloods, or Ray Donavan any day. Have fun guys as you can probably keep this thread open and update each week.
  17. It’s definitely true and not worried about it. At least we know they are going to continue to pound the rock, and use Cam for what he does best. With all of his injuries, it’s hard to believe he is the same QB he used to be, and what about the defense. They were destroyed between opt outs and free agency. As far as the O Line, they lost a RT, a G, and for the run game their Fullback.
  18. I understand the reference given the Rangers draft spot, but to pick a maybe draft pick vs. playoffs is not even a question. Think how long it will take Cincinnati before Burrow can even make an impact. What about Mario Williams, Clowney, and so on. I guess if my team was a dumpster fire like the Jets, I guess I’d pick the top draft considering they’ll be contending for that pick.
  19. Remember, I’m with you. BB is going to have a heck of a time with 8 opt outs and 3 defensive starters before that leaving in free agency. It’s obvious with another RB acquired they are going to try and have a run heavy team, but all of the Star defensive players were already gone in free agency so he will have a tough time fielding a good team. Yes, BB will coach well, but if he had Brady, that covers a lot up. Cam isn’t even close to as good as was Brady. I am not saying Cam is not good, but he doesn’t have that quick release like Brady who throws with a great deal of accuracy. I’m just glad we don’t have to face him twice a year anymore.
  20. That’s exactly why he makes the team and was acquired before. McD knows there are three phases to a team and Roberts is one of the top 5-6 returners in the NFL. Most returners are with WR’s, DB’s, and in some cases a RB. If you’re keeping a 6th WR, if he is a top returner he makes the team. This team doesn’t even do many 4 wide sets. They lean more on three so he’s not just a back up, but a dedicated returner.
  21. I pretty much said the same thing. Either Hodgins makes the 53, and McKenzie makes the PS or the reverse.
  22. Working from home or in an office boils down to the person. I’ve been in Medical Device and Biotechnology sales and management for 20 years. In my industry, you’re either in the field or working from home. My friends and colleagues in order to be successful have to work well over 50 hours a week. When in management I typically am living out of a hotel T-TR and in my office in my home M, and F. I also usually have to spend an hour or two on Saturday morning or some do it Sunday evening. As a field rep you’re basically in the field five days a week and working in you’re office in you’re home early in the am or in the evening. I’m not complaining as I get to help doctors, nurses, staff and patients with various medical conditions. If someone had a serious medical condition and is disciplined enough to work from home without distraction, I don’t see a problem. If they don’t have a serious medical condition and they have a brick and mortar job, then they should take precautions to protect their health, but follow corporate policies. The poster who states to feel lucky to have a job is correct. Unfortunately, this is such a tough time with hiring freezes, layoffs, etc. It is a luxury to be working and providing for you’re family.
  23. No you may not Johnny. Wait let me get the hot light and you will answer my questions! Now what is wrong with the Bills QB situation. I don’t know Uncle Brian. Can’t I just watch the Cowboys embarrass themselves on tv again. Oh wait it’s the Lions, can I just watch the Lions embarrass themselves again. Uncle Brian, you have me all messed up. I don’t know and I wasn’t on the grassy knowle. ?
  24. “Is you is, or is you ain’t my baba”. My favorite Tom and Jerry episode where Tom is in love with the female cat, and sings that song, playing the base. I haven’t thought about that in multiple decades. Thanks for the laugh.
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