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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. just remember on any given week there is usually 14 games or so. Basically maybe one every other game, but the refs worked out a plan they could officiate a game with a floor as low as 5 officials. This was in response to preparing for refs testing positive for COVID. I’m not really worried about it, and of aNy group on the field, they are like older coaches at the greater risk given many are older Americans. To make it through games most are not very out of shape or anything which is helpful. Its these guys choice. Almost all of them have other professions, and if seven guys want to opt out to reduce their risk of infection, they have every right to do it.
  2. I have no problems with a woman as President of a team as long as she allows the football or hockey people take care of the sports stuff, amd she focuses on the business aspects of each team. I don’t, nor does anyone else know her business acumen. These are all guesses. I’ve had women in a position of authority over me several times and had very good Are Vice Presidents in my line of work. Don, you might be right with some bias or not. I don’t know what’s in people’s heart. I wouldn’t want though Beane being distracted from the incredible work he has done these last three years.
  3. But it’s great having that shirt show as a competitor in the AFCE. New England will move back this year, no one can recover from those problems at least this year, and I said before Miami in 1-3 years will be back to our big rival. Good coaching, good infusion of talent this year, and if Tua is healthy will develop into a fantastic QB.
  4. Well written 89. I appreciate you amplifying my answer and agree with you 100%. The funny part is it’s not that he was paid top $. It was a one year $6 mil. that can increase to $8 mil. with incentives. That’s not a big risk for someone who could end up being a solid, maybe better than avg. CB, opposite White, and our Safety tandem. He wasn’t surrounded by that in Washington. That team has decent talent in the front seven and even better this year with the Chase draft.
  5. Well, I want the 16 games, but I expect now since the only conferences I know are playing as of today is the ACC and SEC. I think the Big 12 haven’t made a final decision, but I could be wrong. Given that, we could have the NFL five days a week. Given the cabin fever a lot of us have it probably would be a nice distraction. I suspect even us hardcore NFL fans if that happens will be over the NFL by mid February.
  6. That’s possible. Hightower on the Pats is the QB of that defense and plays inside and outside. Chung is also up there. Listen, I hate the Pats as much as the next Bills fan, but it’s hard to deny these two aren’t top flight players. We were really lucky in one way that with Jamal Adams and Mosley gone in NY, and the Pats have as many starters gone both to free agency and opt outs, I just don’t see how either team has a competitive chance to contend.
  7. Good minds Thurmon. I didn’t want to comment until it came out on Spotrac it went from four to five years. I wasn’t sure until reported if possibly they just tore up the rookie contract and gave the four year extension or was it as you stated really five years and the numbers you stated. Both sides win. Dawkins gets lifetime security, and we extend a Solid LT at a good price for five years. I hope they do the same with Milano as it would be nice to get him set up for five years at that type of deal. Spotrac has Milano at a market value of $13 mil., but if he took the same as Dawkins meaning adding a $13 mil. extension on top of his $2.13 mil., he would be an average of $10.8 mil. for the next five years. That would. Be another fair deal for another key piece. He’s not easily replaceable as has been stated by some. He’s been a steal in the fifth round for three years.
  8. Beast with you and when we announce a good signing on Milano and Beane, it will be a slam dunk for what you just purported. The players get to feel the team is behind the Coach, the GM, and then two key players. Then next year we extend White, amd in two and three years we extend Allen and Edmunds. You. Want to talk about people lining up to come here when they see we extend the keeper players and tons of stability on the coaching and management. I don’t fault at all if any of our Coordinators get a promotion somewhere else as a compliment to McBeane, and our position coaches moving up to a coordinator statements.
  9. I’d say Milano and Beane. Beane as we know doesn’t count against the cap, and Milano as a couple said on another thread is not easily replaceable. He’s a sideline to sideline LB. I hope we get him a little cheaper than market value like Dawkins, but he’s worth boing on this top defense.
  10. Remember when Moorman was so fast he could actually beat a 4th and 10 and sneak out a run. I loved that guy. I’m not old enough to remember the old guys like Paul McGuire other than as an announcer, but Moorman was by far the best punter I remember since the late 1970’s.
  11. Great Scott Doc (been meaning to say that for awhile), good catch. I forgot about that, but an excellent point. It’s always fun seeing a big ugly (just a phrase nothing about him) catch a pass like when our bud Kyle has one drawn up for him (loved when McD took care of him in his final year), or a rumblin, bumbling big man picks up a fumble and takes it in. It’s always funny to me seeing either offensive or defensive lineman (310 lbs. or more) run down the field with the ball. You know it will be a highlight to their families forever.
  12. I dig ya digg. You’re not being harsh at all and very thoughtful in you’re response. I know they will do it, I was just pointing out they will time it and they have flexibility with 5th year options for Tre in 2021, and a possibility of 5th year for Allen or Edmunds. They probably would do Allen as his price is higher than Edmunds, unless they are not sure on the $30+ mil. Contract price for Allen. It was a shrewd move on moving on from Shaq and J. Phillips, and they were not worth their contracts. I don’t have anything against them and wish them the best. Milano on the other hand along with Edmunds are core LB’s for us, we cautiously have super high hopes for Allen, and no one disputes we have to keep Tre. He’ll probably get an avg. $18 mil./yr.s contract. We’re cool Digg and you were not being nit picky again.
  13. Crisp man, you’re killing me as it used to drive me nuts. We traded first round picks and gave up 1, 1 first round pick, not two. It was one of dumbest things when people used to say two when we had a 9th pick and just flipped to 4th and had to give up next years first. I know it sucked then, but whatever it’s over.
  14. 17, exactly what I was thinking. Just doing my fuzzy St. Francis math, but per Spotrac as they haven’t factored in Dawkins proposed contract would reduce this year by $13.7 mil.. I know it’s $15 mil., but he had an existing contract of $1.3 mil. so basically $13.7 mil. Just for this year unless they push it out for a year or two. Bear with me on this one. With a $13.7 mil. hit given my logic above, they have $11 mil. left to play with unless they roll to next year. You can structure a deal for Milano from this year. Spotrac has Milano at an estimated cost of $13 mil. in market value. Given how awesome Beane is as a cap manager he did the deal for $15 mil. for Dawkins when he was valued at $16 mil. We nab Milano for say $12-12.5 mil. Because Lee Smith is dead man walking and that’s $1.75 mil. Add to it with this pandemic crap having to cut Murphy at another $8 mil. In space. I just read on the roster breakdown, I think in the SU paper they can see Murphy being a cap casualty because of the pandemic. That rings us back to $20.75 mil. Securing Milano might keep us still at $8.5 mil. in cap Space. That can be rolled over and we start preparing in 2021 to lock up Tre White. It will be tough, but he is the best player on this team until Diggs produces this year in a Bills uni. There were a lot of leaps in this post so don’t be too hard on me. I just know we have in a couple of years an exploding tv contract we negotiate, the virus hopefully is controlled and we simply have to work on Edmunds and Allen. The good news on that on both of them is they are both first rounders so someone can get the 5th year option.
  15. No matter what, you’re examples are WR’s, and like it or not Kittle is slated as a TE. This is a long standing debate that goes on about WR vs. TE, but then again RB’s get jobbed as well when some are critical to a team. If Kittle was given $12.5-13 mil. He would still be the highest and not even close paid TE in football. If the next one down is paid $10.6, then a $1.9-2.4 mil. is still substantially more than anyone else. Unless he can get reclassified as a WR, it doesn’t make sense to make $5.2 mil. more than the next highest paid TE. Again, absolutely the highest paid TE, just a little overkill to go that much above everyone else. My reasoning is simply look what the next best guy is going to ask at any position. The only reason I wasn’t against the Mahomes deal is he is taking a haircut basically. Before you guys beat me up, Kirwan broke it down Mahomes won’t eclipse R. Wilson for eight years. It was structured to be the highest paid QB, but given the deal was 10 years in 5 years from now he will be an avg. per year the 13th highest paid QB (in 5 years). This deal is straight up six years and dwarfs everyone else’s contract for Kittle.
  16. I never thought Kittle would get $15.8 mil For six years, but agree he is one of the best TE’s in football. I thought the 49ers were tight in cash, and the next TE’s contract is the Chargers for $10.6 mil. I was expecting more like $12-13 mil., not leaping that high above the next biggest contract. As a precedent, I thought they would definitely make him the highest paid TE, just not that much higher than everyone else. It’s not good for the league as then next TE is going to demand so much more than the other highly paid at TE’s at $10-11 mil. I’m not against Anyone making $ at all, but there is a cap, and it can only be spread around so much. Even if Knox turns (and I expect him to be better just not that good) plays lights out the next three years, where would we cut corners as we have a bunch of emerging talent on this team and all will have their hands out. Beane has an amazingly tough job.
  17. Jones is going to do whatever the Dallas Governor and their state legislature allows. I still think these states will cave eventually especially if things get worse and cancel all fans. Oh, and I’m not saying they should cancel all fans, just that it’s likely and then there is Goodell potentially doing that as a league decision if owners agree.
  18. I don’t see the benefit to have 12 games as the owners and players want the $. From a football standpoint, I want them to play these games as we will be battle hardened come playoff time. I’d rather go 10-6 and Go deep in the playoffs, 8-4 and lose in the playoffs early. I’m not saying either will happen, just making the case whoever we face in the playoffs, we will be better off if we’ve already faced the Seahawks, 49ers, and Cardinals (I expect them to be better). I’m not confident the Rams will be improved this year. Is almost a moot point though as I expect a full season, or not that anyone wants to hear it, but if games are cancelled it will be so bad with positive tests or illnesses they cancel the season. I don’t think that will happen, but anything is possible. With all of the precautions the NFL is taking I seriously doubt they cancel.
  19. Well, JaPoy is right we should give him a chance. He’s not the only rookie to have an avg. at best rookie year and then develop in years 2, and 3. Now saying that, he was ranked in high school as one of the best Guards in the country, and played left guard in college so it is possible they move him to right guard. This will be like kicker, RB, and some other positions a training camp competition.
  20. Absolutely, but it was discussed in another thread, they have to claim on Tuesday the designated four each week. It’s not necessarily a dedicated same four for the season, but excellent point.
  21. No problem bud. I had to look up too, but I did hear it on NFLR so I assumed it was in writing somewhere. You did make good points though.
  22. Good points Pappy. You may have not seen it, but they announced on July 20th NFL teams can have up to 6 veteran players on the PS for 2020, given the issues with COVID. Just an FYI.
  23. I do think the QB position is exceedingly difficult how much information they have to process so quickly, but the other examples are valid. Another athlete that requires a great deal of pressure, has to strive to be perfect are Olympic Gymnasts. They have to be flawless to win a good medal. It requires an entire life completely focused on their craft and is rigorous.
  24. GB, I echo what Alpha said although they’ve kept 4 TE’s in the past so the ? to me is whether Croom or Smith get the 4th spot. I haven’t seen much from Croom so don’t have an opinion, but would prefer Croom if he plays well as I’ve seen enough on Smith to know I’d rather not have him on the team.
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