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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. May Day, two words, Kansas City. Look how creative they managed their cap to extend so many key players. Beane not against the cap and Milano would be next. White already has the 5th year option out there and the following year Edmunds or Allen can also be placed on this list so you have three years to retain all of them if that is what they want to do. It is doable, and mid level players may not make it or aging players. Aging is the key. They will need to replace in the draft guys getting older like eventually (not in 2020 necessarily). We’ll eventually find replacements for Hughes, Murphy, Kroft, Star, and so on. You also don’t know down the road how many of the D Lineman will he kept of the crew that was brought in this year. I can see them trading out for other good role players, protecting the stars, and drafting well. The future is going to end up being prove it deals for several free agents, amd not the Clowney type who want monster $. Beane has proven that with letting guys like Dareus, Watkins, Gilmore and other go.
  2. Ive said already the Dolphins are the team that will improve, but this year might be a stretch. They had I think picks in the draft in the top 70. The problem is they gave away Tunsil, etc. and are banking their draft choices will replace these assets. I see with a real off season next year we will start our old rivalry again. That mess in NE is not fixable this year. Maybe they come back to a competitive team in 2021, but if they don’t Belicheck will retire and the NE nightmare is gone. The other three teams in the East are vulnerable and weak.
  3. Jack, that is one of the funniest Tik Tom’s I’ve watched in a long time. Thanks for sharing as I almost fell out of my chair I laughed so much. Happy Sunday.
  4. VW, his future is not all about Allen. If Allen significantly regresses which I don’t expect, they will either in 2021 or 22 draft another QB. McD can survive one loss. I’m not saying it would be easy, but the Pegulas would most likely give him one more try. They are bright and know he and Beane are the Bills future. It was a smart move on the Pegulas amd don’t be surprised if you read of an extension to Beane before the end of 2020.
  5. Dark side everywhere, no one safe padoin. Scary. Force is strong with you. It’s like a Miyagi, Yoda thing that is interchangeable.
  6. Shady, thanks for the find. That was great and Marv is always the best with these small clips. VW, you extend him because you don’t wait for him to be a lame duck at the end of 2020 and becomes an enormous distraction like it has been for other teams like Dallas with Garrett. You either want him after three years and they did, or you don’t. This was a great decision and Beane even better when it happens. The problem as has been said so many times is screwing with a good tandem. We can enjoy hopefully these two and the people under the, for six years. If it doesn’t work out, which I seriously doubt, ok. We’re talking about having a secure administration and coaching for eight years minimum, and look how that worked for Pittsburgh since 1970.
  7. Weo, he could buy 16500 ramen noodles meals for that. Just sayin. I know, and it’s funny retiring before you play a snap.
  8. A.l for 6, or heck even 7 wins as long as the pats get steeped by us, and are absolutely humiliated by the Chiefs, Ravens, Texans, 49ers, Seattle, and hell the Cardinals. That’s 8 hopefully horrible losses by 21 to all teams, and just for kicks they lose to a Tua Dolphins and make the BB embarrassment complete. ?. By the end of the year, the analysts are saying the BB dynasty is dead and buried. Then it’s repeated in 2021, oh and Newton doesn’t make it a full season. Not because he’s hurt as I wish that on no one, but benched! in that scenario, would you really care if the Bucs made the playoffs? Watching the Cheaters just getting destroyed all year mostly by us, oh and we win 12 games. As is said, A Boy Can Dream.
  9. Capco, I’ve got one for you and I really don’t know the answer so not a trick question. His first stint as HC for the blank team, was until 1992. He then retired and eventually went into the NASCAR thing which he won Hall of Fame for them which I read is the only person I could find in the HOF for two sports. So here’s the question and I’m sure one of our esteemed colleagues will know. It’s reported he was inducted into the NFL HOF in 1996. That’s only four years after his first retirement. I don’t know if rules were different then as I tried to find an answer. Why not five years in 1997? He’s definitely a HOF Coach. It wasn’t his fault on the crap calls on our SB. If I’m A coach and I was for years, I’m not complaining when things go my way.
  10. 4 Kid, I forgot how bad the officiating that game was, but it was disgusting. I don’t know if we would have won, but it would have been a very close game had either they officiated properly, or we do the same crap to them just lighting up their WR’s every time. That game was embarrassing, but it wouldn’t have been either way had it been done right. At least we could have gone into the back to back Dallas games with the confidence maybe winning one of the two. There is always a chance especially the second Dallas one we could have won. I hate to bring up the past, but we were winning in that one at the half. To his credit, Marv wouldn’t get in the mud with the other team. Gibbs though was a solid SB winning coach winning three with three different QB’s. That just didn’t happen back then before free agency.
  11. MJS, you and I are usually on the same page, but as far as the O Line, there are a couple of guys who are not Bills homers I listen to and one is David Diehl who went to one Pro Bowl, part of two SB winning Giants teams and a pretty good analyst on NFLR. He just rated this week the Bills as his 10th best O Line in the league and said continuity is a big plays in this years season. He also referenced he probably would have put them up to maybe 7th if it were not for the Feliciano injury. The guy is not a big Bills bandwagon guy, although he thinks we are going to win the East this year. The other is this long time O Line coach, Paul Alexander of 35 years. He thinks our O Line is going to be a top 10 line as well. I’m with you they are not anywhere near top 5 like the Saints and others, but they will be decent if they can figure out all if the usual stuff whether Winters or not, Ford at G or RT, Williams, and so on. I keep hearing over and over again walk through absolutely nothing for an O Line. They need to hit each other and be in pads to improve. Given we don’t have many padded practices in the league during camp, this should help our Beloved Bills. As far as the rest, Logic, you make good points. Can you imagine if Darnold held out after his 5th year and said screw this place and became the successor or after an in between on a team like the saints. He would gain a great deal of respect around this league. He just plays with crap talent, coaching, management (temporarily as I think Douglas could be good and probably can’t wait to can Gase), and ownership. That won’t change.
  12. “Cheata, Cheata. Let em play ref, let em play”. The immortal Coach Boone from the best football movie of all time, Remember the Titans. How many of you haven’t seen that one at least 10 times.
  13. “Elizabeth, I’m comin, I’m comin.“. Good one Lime man. It is a sin not to see Sanders or Megatron in his prime not with a good team. I was hoping and praying after a year off, Megatron couldn’t get released from his rights to another team to see what he could have done as long as not in a New England jersey. That would have been a nightmare. We sucked then, but imagine Megatron with teams like Baltimore or Pittsburgh with those two cannons for arms for their respective QB’s.
  14. Sanders was amazing. I used to go to Bucs/Lions games only because of him as the creamsicles were horrible until Dungy and even that took a couple of years (remember it was the NFCC back then). The first QB though that was a man amongst boys though was Simpson. I know he was a piece of crap off the field after the Police Squad movies (Nordberg), but it was like him running against children. Admittedly I was only a toddler during his 2003 yard season, but do remember after, and the video of his prime was incredible. I know Motor only ran a 4.6 in the combine, but he seems to have football speed. As someone else said, this is going to be a great running team this year and even moreso when we have the play action take hold, and when they try and press up, Diggs, Brown, Beasley, and Knox will kill them downfield.
  15. God bless the draft and the FA strategy to get good players, but not overpay for high priced free agents. That’s why I’ve always been against the Clowney argument and I guess so has 31 other teams.
  16. For the arguments just brought up, I see against the cap Milano getting his deal, and if you take this year along with his value, a $10.8 mil. hit over five years as an avg. White will probably come next year as yes we have the 5th year and we can also tag him for two years so no rush. He’s going to get elite CB $ no matter what and he deserves it. Beane will probably happen very soon and tied to McD’s extension as everyone and their brother has stated he doesn’t count against the cap. We then have time for Edmunds, Allen, and can evaluate what or if we need to pay Hyde or Poyer in a couple of years. The 9der guys will fade away eventually like Hughes, Murphy, Star, and Norman. Norman could be resigned next year if he plays well, but he’ll never get star power $ again.
  17. Don, honestly, I don’t know. I don’t have a problem at all with Mrs. Pegula. I just don’t understand why give more responsibility to Beane when he’s doing great in his current role. I’d rather have Kim continue running the business side of this stuff.
  18. MJS, well written, and to me the mistake was not Singletary and you’re right, we probably would have won had we kept riding him. To me it was using Gore in the second half when Motor would have probably made those yards. Not a Daboll basher, as he did a lot right, just frustrated when they throw out because they trust Gore with ball control, when we all could see he was worn out. The season wore him down. That’s why Gore will be nothing more than a leader for the Jets, but not a great performer, and Gase was looking for someone to back him up like Gore would vs. really contributing in the run game. How about this, we’re both right. ?
  19. MJS, serious question not critical. Does Daboll really favor passing, or did he know last year he had a rookie, a 148 yr. old RB., and a mediocre RB, but good pass Cather in Yeldon? I don’t know as maybe we are pleasantly surprised when he has Motor, Moss, and Yeldon, and probably continues to do some designated runs for Allen as it works. Allen seems to get dinged up in the pocket occasionally, but I’ve felt good about him last year as he seemed to slide or run out of bounds a bit better than his rookie year. Im guessing we end up as the second best running teams on the league probably again behind Baltimore. TN will be close as Henry is a monster. With all that said in running, we will also increase our passing yards significantly with Diggs, the other two and Davis when we need him. Don’t sleep on that guy. Watching him for as long as I have on UCF games as they are almost always on in Tampa throughout the college season. Brandon Marshall was right. He is an incredible route runner, and disguises his routes like no WR I’ve ever seen. Mark my words in a couple of years as Beasley and Brown age as they are already 31 and 30, these guys will emerge. Don’t get me wrong, I love Brown and Beasley, but the old Father Time never loses argument does make sense when they are 32-35. We have these young guys on the cheap for four years. That gets me excited for the future.
  20. Inigo, nice breakdown my PA friend. A ? For me is how good will the line be without their RT, and without their long time Line Coach. You might be right. Right now I’m with you on the RB’s, but that will change for me once I see how Moss plays for us. I can’t make an assessment on Cam vs. Allen. Cam only had two seasons above 60% of 8 as I don’t count 2019. He only played in two games. I can’t believe Cam can run like he used to run. Allen is in his prime. Allen went from 53 to 59% (58.8 is close enough for me). If he takes the next step, and with these weapon additions, he should, should be in the mid 60’s. We won’t know until we get into the season to see if he really did progress.
  21. George, there is always a risk losing someone on a Monday or all week if unprotected, but there are only 53 spots, they need a minimum of two QB’s, a LS, P, and a kicker. Placing another kicker on the active 53 steals from other position groups. I was surprised when I think it was Marrone who kept one for FG’s and extra points, and one for kickoffs. Almost no teams do that. I just don’t see it, but then again Beane and McD don’t have my digits on speed dial.
  22. Gregg, I’ll exercise sober judgment as long as I can have a beer in my hand. Sorry, too easy and I almost never drink alcohol. Nothing against it, I just feel like every glass of wine is another 15 minutes on the eliptical. I’ll meet you in the middle as I agree they haven’t won a SB, and they also Don’t suck. Beane may not have been officially involved in the 2018 draft as they fired Whaley the day after, but he was officially hired within a few days. My guess is Beane and McD were working together on that draft as well as the next two and he had his hand in a lot of those free agents. Ill say what I always say, I’m cautiously optimistic on Allen, Beane, and McD. I think Beane and McD have done a very good job to date, but you’re right, we haven’t even won a playoff game yet. They give every sign though they will and most likely this year. I still say I wouldn’t want Beane as the President too. Stay in his lane.
  23. No, I remember the televising of his wife with stage 4 cancer. I thought it was in poor taste, not that I watch his reality or any other reality show. I just think they are boring and calling most of them reality is an oxymoron. It might be reruns, but he has a show on some cable outlet like a WGN or something. I’ve surfed last Ira couple of times. He was doing some spot appearances on the newer version of Hawaii Five-O. Not a lot, just some two minute bit maybe a couple times a year. He was on as himself. That show liked to use guys like him Jimmy Buffet and a couple of others every once in awhile. Thats nice he likes Allen, but the cynical part of me suspects it’s just another way for Dog to get quoted again on a news outlet. I could be wrong.
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