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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. Any questions people have are answered in the article. I scanned it in two minutes. It’s logical why they canceled.
  2. The only thing I have is “huh”. May god be with you Frank, and God Speed. I’m guessing as he is a high character guy this had to be taken somehow out of context to a larger conversation.
  3. Kwai is right. I’ve tried to help and explain the process as I’m in the medical field and been involved with fda approval for over 20 years. I’m not going to bore you with details, but there won’t be a vaccine commercially available until maybe the summer of 2021. Send me a pm as I don’t want to bore everyone, but happy to give you why if you’re interested in the process. If not, I understand, but my info. Is not coming from Fauci. It comes from experience.
  4. We go with a back up it’s simply a dink and dunk, TE, and heavy run team. We have what it takes to manage it, but we’ll take a hit no matter what. For the Winston guys, 30 TD’s, 30 Int’s (a record), 47 sacks, and 12 fumbles. 60.7% comp. %. Don’t hate the guy, but he is a turnover machine. Maybe with his eye surgery he improves, but I’ll go along with if we grabbed Bridgewater in the past when he was a back up, or Dalton, or Fitz. All much better. As someone said, all back ups have warts including Barkley. I do think it’s possible, not probable, but possible, we’re fine in a year of training Fromm. This year, not so much.
  5. BCH, you’re not wrong. Bones heal stronger especially in cases where it is bad and they have rods and plates to reinforce, tendons can come back tighter, and muscles can come back stronger with time and effort. Ligaments don’t. I wasn’t going to say anything from my time in orthopedics, but I don’t know of any medical research of stronger ligaments post injury. That doesn’t mean they are weaker either. Just a repair.
  6. I didn’t say I wouldn’t take Winston over Barkley. I’m saying both have flaws and I suffered watching Winston for years down here. He can single handedly lose a lot of games for any team. Bridgewater was a guy you could depend on and proved it last year when Brees was out.
  7. It’s not that difficult, the four will be in a rotation. It’s hard to even say who is the starter as each player has different strengths I’m not Frazier. We will be playing Butler, Jefferson, Phillips, and Ed O. Probably all four will play as an aggregate for the year each 50% of the time. What I mean is it depends on the opponent and what is needed so sometimes two of the four may get more playing time than the other two, amd vise versa. The new guys are probably just going to depth. Phillips wouldn’t be cleared to practice unless the team doctors cleared him. He may be at a greater risk for reinjury, but for now he can play.
  8. Excellent points. I think that’s what they are gambling on is if an injury occurs, it’s hopefully late in the year and the rest of the team is humming and already has a lot of wins under the belt. The other part is Allen is going to be on a tight leash to not hold onto the ball too long and just learn to check down or throw it away. Brady has lasted twenty years with that lesson. I think he really learned a lot from that injury. Hopefully Allen doesn’t have to go through an IR injury to learn the same. I looked at a couple of stories as Inigo motivated me on the list of back up QB’s on the 32 teams, and there just aren’t that many quality back up QB’s. Besides Fitz and Dalton, Considering a guy like Winston is not this great back up like Bridgewater was in NO. Winston shows greatness at times, then he also shows great flaws in Int’s, fumbles, etc. A Frank Reich is truly rare as was Hostetler, and Foles in the past. We’ll see if Foles is really a starting QB this year in Chicago. I do think next year we may have Inigo (may) what you’re seeking as Fromm could develop into a real quality back up. That’s why I don’t think they allow him to go to the PS.
  9. Inigo, I’ll give you this one, Fromm will provide nothing for us this year. He’s going to take time so you’re points there are valid. Bottom line is how effective if we need him will Barkley be for a couple of games. I’m not confident either there, but didn’t see any better options.
  10. Stampede, I don’t think we know yet on either. We’re in such a world now, not saying you, but many fans want a home run quick. The third year and fourth are really the tell tale for Allen, amd Fromm might be a solid back up. Barkley is who he is with this many miles on him. He’s a sound decision temporarily, but the key with Fromm is his footwork and mechanics. He has a natural ability for accuracy and timing, but lacks the mechanics to have the arm strength to be a top flight back up. He might be able to get there. Forget about his dumb ars comments which were abominable, but I’m just speaking to the possibility he could be a project over the next couple of years. Inigo, I don’t deny you’re claim on Dalton and would have loved him. I don’t think he would have come here though. In Dallas, he’s close to home, and Dallas is a place Where he can have other off field revenue streams promoting car dealerships, etc. He also sees I think an opportunity of the Dak thing continues the outside chance to regain a starting job, or at least another larger contract later. In Buffalo, he is absolutely relegated to a small market with a young and potentially growing QB where he has very little if any chance to start in the future. He knew this administration has latched itself to Allen, and then there is the impact on Allen. The front office knows Allen will be looking over his shoulder if Dalton was signed. I just don’t see any teams having top flight back up QB’s.
  11. Motor, I must have missed the Poyer extension so thank you. So much for google as it still had him only through 2020. As far as Milano, just bear in mind that extra year bringing the overall total down to $10.8 Mil. for five years.
  12. Completely agree Saint. Don’t care. His business. He’ll figure out what he does next. NFL, life after football, whatever.
  13. Someone brought up the opt out thing, and to that very small minority, the opt out ended a week and half ago. He retires, he gets only what he made and that’s it. It doesn’t matter if he had a horrible disease genetic history or something, he had to opt out by the deadline. For the 100th time, the $150k is an advance, they have to pay it back. If they have a legitimate medical excuse like for example Star, the $200k, they don’t have to pay back. The team is on the hook for that part. Whatever his reason, god bless. Him, his family, and hope he is healthy. I don’t need to know whether there was a medical reason or not. It’s none of my business. If he retires, ok. If he decides to come back, great. You would think the man isn’t dumb, if he had a legitimate medical reason like type 1 diabetes, asthma, cardiac history, whatever, he would have opted out by the deadline and received the $200 k free and clear.
  14. Doc and Bull, you might both be right. Seeing as Star had a medical opt out the cap hit that has to come off future owed $ is $150 k. Then my understanding is they can push the current $ owed if retained or even if a dead cap hit is spread over 2 years the way the NFL reported so over 2021 and 2022 minus the $150 deducted from this year. That’s just a forward, not free $. That is my understanding of these new rules.
  15. This back and forth banter is great, but Horrible Harry is making this team unless his knee is not ready. I’ll roll Bull with if his knee is not ready you’re point of the PS, but he wouldn’t have been medically cleared but the team doctors if he wasn’t ready. I’d lay $ it is Jefferson, Butler, Oliver, and Horrible Harry. Taylor is depth probably PS. Harry knows the defense, has proven himself in 18, and the beginning of 19. There is no doubt this guy was trained under Kyle, and Kyle raved about him. If for some crazy reason he came back too early and not ready than to keep him they could PUP him, and he comes back In week 7.
  16. I’ll never forget that Jets game where the ref when announcing the penalty motions punching a guy in the nether region. The old “Given em the business rule call”. Classic. All kidding, I haven’t scanned every post, just most, but I guess two of the seven were replay guys so I’m assuming they were in the booth or in NY. That surprised me a little, but they stated it Friday afternoon on NFLR. I don’t care why people opt out as it’s their health, but that one was a little surprising they were replay guys.
  17. So, sorry KJ, just saw you’re thread and good choice. Now if you factor in his existing last year in 2020 contract with a four year $52 mil. contract which breaks down to $13 mil. for those four years. Considering on the Dawkins marathon thread myself included, people added this year for Dawkins to his $60 mil., and divided over 5 years which is smart, instead of $15 mil. people were saying it’s actually $12.2 mil. for the average over five years. Using the market value on Spotrac which they are a lot smarter than us have him valued at a $13 mil. avg./yr. Using that logic, an avg. per year for a $52 mil. Four year is actually five years at 1.8 mil./yr. for five years. Well that just eats out the 23rd paid linebacker Joe Schubert of Jax. Given the highest paid LB’s are actually edge rushers, this is a very fair contract. He’s not just average because we picked him up in the 5th round. He has played outstanding for a weak side back, is sideline to sideline, has a nose for the ball, if he doesn’t pick them off, he’s good at breaking them up, and he is fast enough to cover athletic TE’s. He and Edmunds play almost every defensive snap, and getting lucky with that pick is not easy. He’s not just a guy. He and Edmunds are staples to our defense. They are young, athletic, can be in our system for a minimum of eight years or longer. Now that is a big piece to creating and holding onto a championship defense. White will be here we hope just as long, the young line will keep growing like Oliver, and Epenesa, and hopefully Harry. So those are keys to this defense. Besides in 2021, Poyer will be 30 and his contract is up. He’s worth an extension although maybe shorter like three years. Hyde is also 29 now, but we don’t have to extend until he’s 31 in 2022. He’s also worth I’m guessing if he doesn’t drop off probably two to three years. That really minimizes other extensions on the defense so our drafts for defense can focus on CB, DL, and probably a third LB. I love as Beane seems like he has another five year plan for us. On offense in the next two years we’ll need Lineman, And another TE.
  18. Biscuit, you’re kidding right. Beane and McD have transformed this team into an emerging winner making the playoffs two of three years together, the by far most talented we’ve had in 22 years at the least, and they are reclaiming most likely the East this year. You’re in the vast minority if you are advocating for Beane to be gone if Allen turns out average. He only started two years at Wyoming and two years on a rebuilding Bills team. They will be given a second bite at the Apple, but I don’t think that will happen. Allen May never be Drew Brees, but he probably will be a top 13-14 QB, and maybe higher. I’ll give you this, he has no excuses anymore not by me or anyone else. He has the same offensive system, Coordinator, consistency in a QB coach, had all the off season coaching he should need in Palmer, and more weapons than I can remember in WR’s, RB’s, a stable O Line, and if he holds onto the ball the best TE since Metzelaars. So, I’ll go along he has more than enough to be successful, and if he progresses this year let’s say to the 63%, and even farther in 2021, then he’ll get that 5th year option. Anyway, Beane and McD will be safe. Getting rid of either piece prematurely is exactly the reason we didn’t make the playoffs for 17 years. We picked and retained bad Presidents (Brandon), GM’s, and Coaches. We have all of that fixed now. It is a great time to see what’s going to happen next for the Bills.
  19. Good points Josh. Reminds me after the fact how much Gailey bashing went on even though he had arguably the least talented NFL team when he was here. He was set up to lose. I’m not saying Gailey was perfect, but he did get a lot out of Fitz at times, Spiller had his best or possibly only good years here. It’s why I don’t dislike Gailey, and I don’t hate Daboll. There is no argument his first year was mediocre, but we were purging players and had a raw rookie QB. Josh only started at Wyoming for two years ina less than stellar conference, and had little talent around him iN 2018. They upgraded their offense in 2019, he threw for just under 3,100 yards and ran for over 500 yards. Daboll now has the talent Beane provided and a line to play behind that knows each other. Did Daboll make some head scratching plays called, sure, but so have other OC’s. I don’t think he’s ready to be a head coach yet, but I’m mentally prepared Frazier will probably get a serious shot in 2021, and if Daboll brings this offense to say top 12 in passing and top 5 in rushing. And an 11-5 record. 2022 will probably be his year. 2021 we face the NFCS, AFCE of course, and the AFCS. The common opponents considering we probably win the East will be KC and Baltimore. No easy schedule, but we should be ready for it. If Daboll does well with our offense for two years, he’ll get promoted. I’m rooting for him as that means I’m rooting for my Bills. MGK simple logic. Root for Daboll, we win. See simple.
  20. DaRick, that’s funny. I liked Hogan when he was here and he was 7/11. Mr. Lacrosse lived up to that nickname. He only had modest numbers even in NE. I’m happy for he and his wife and their twin children. Besides she’s a doctor from Long Island so they can ostensibly live close to where they grew up. He went to Penn State so he probably grew up near her. As mentioned, the Jets are a mess, so if he has a good year, good for him. As long as it’s not against us. Darnold will probably get the ball to him especially since he has so few other quality targets. I actually have nothing against Darnold, and feel bad for him as he didn’t choose to be drafted by the Jets.
  21. Royal, I like where you’re heads at with that take, and Beane’s coming next.
  22. Shaw, well written and excellent points. If the teams wants it, they can extend all of these guys especially if we go deep this year. They will give a little to get the right guaranteed $.
  23. You’re smarter than you look Lime Man. Just kidding, and I like that opinion. Shrewd my green friend.
  24. Thanks Mafia. I don’t remember those two guys. I didn’t think we needed more DT’s, but they are probably camp bodies. Maybe not. Maybe one makes it.
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