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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. Tipster, first, we don’t need to worry about extensions until 2023 on Singletary, and 2024 on Moss so let’s table that until much, much later. As far as their skill sets, Moss is an upgrade over Gore with fresh legs and a nasty streak to him. He’s faster from what I see than some think, but as others have we’ll wait til he plays the games. Singletary we have pro tape on and he is a shifty guy reminding me of a kind of Shady player not that he’s there yet. It’s a fun problem to have with these two. They should both contribute very well, and make Allen’s job easier as he has a release if the deep ball is not there. I’ve seen some of Moss’s skills in the short passing game in college, and Singletary demonstrated that as well last year. We’ll be fine. Sit back and enjoy this year.
  2. Fergs, I probably have been one that has been kidding as well on the kicker thing so I apologize as I know you mean well and are a good egg. I can understand an argument on Bass and Haushka if they can afford it (not so much Bass but House’s comp), but absolutely 100%no way on two punters. Find the right one, place another on the PS and we move on. Trying to compromise here. The argument not just in skill but ensuring we have reliable kicking, but the COVID part makes for a conversation at least maybe they keep both. A lot of ifs, but I can buy that. It’s not like we didn’t justify it before with one for kick offs and one for FG’s. It’s just which position to short as we’ll have to add one extra to the PS. We have to have a back up plan for kicker, punter, long snapper, and QB on the PS. It’s why guys like Webb might be safe at least for the PS, or McKenzie for PS as remember when he played CB in a pinch.
  3. No wiseguy, I laughed by the way, I wasn’t trying to say I was important as I’m only MGK, but I negotiated with their VO’s about doing high volume tests of ours in their house at a $200,000 cost to them, and a multi-million $ meetings. We never closed as one of the big two bought our company, but we got to the id say 9th or 10th hour on it. It was actually a pain in my ars as I worked hard on that deal for my reps, but we were bought and killed the deal as they took over. I’m only saying I’m not ready to throw BioReference under the bus and not saying anyone here is doing that, just they cam across to me as ethical people, they follow all of the governed protocols, took tours through their lab, etc. Look at my reply to Hapless as there are a lot of questions, just not a lot of answers yet.
  4. They have divisions that do specialty genomic testing, oncology, and women’s health stuff vs. only the basic panels. They of course do those too. It’s possible, but without knowing the exacts on the following. What was the P values in their FDA submission? What was the false positive and the false negatives in their FDA submission? Now from that, extrapolate out how many tests have they processed, and of that how many false positives and false negatives? Then from there and Hapless I know you’re very learned on the subject so this is as much for the group, what is the variance identified of the false positives and negatives deviating fro the FDA submission? Was it a bad FDA submission and rush to approval of the test which normally doesn’t happen, but can, and was it a problem with this lab? I don’t work for them, I was just in negotiations with them in 2016. I’m certain the governing bodies will prompt a potential audit if it gets a lot of bad press. The last piece is using this test, are the results that off from Quest and Labcorp Consistent with BioReference? This will tell you a lot, but hard to make an assessment as to the lab, test or FDA approval process withouT having all these pieces. I just don’t know any of these points, and doubt Anyone else in the media knows or even knows how to properly report on these matters. Even though I was in medical device and rare disease orphan drug sales and management, it wasn’t until I went into Biotech that I learned all this stuff.
  5. Looks like we were wrong Weo. I can’t blame them if it was placed in his contract and they get out of the contract. He was probably warned after the Browns game when he got into it with their NT. “One more time, and you’re out”. I really love Harbaugh as a coach. He sharp and disciplined, and he created a winning culture considering the other conversation.
  6. I mentioned the other day they had 11 picks this year, 10 picks in 2021, and four of those are in the first two rounds. Penfield, I see them as two years away, but if they pick well, all of these picks plus all the $ they spent in free agency, by 2022, they will field an experienced and most likely a very competitive team.
  7. Sarasota my southern neighbor, I kind of liked the Incomparable Rocky reference as the last one was on the other day. He gave that speech to his son outside the restaurant, “It’s not how hard you can hit, it’s hard you can get hit, and keep moving forward, that’s how winning is done”. I know it was corny, but I always liked that scene. I workout a lot, but couldn’t believe how ripped he looked at age 60 in 2006. Good thing he wasn’t drug tested. ?
  8. BioReference Labs. I used to be a Regional Sales Manager at a Biotech company so we had high level meetings trying to partner with them on some of our specialty lab tests. Do you know they are the largest provider for prisons in the US. Offenders are required to take certain tests like TB as a rule. Before the thought police get upset, I am in no way insinuating NFL players are offenders. Just a point of comparison what BioReference Does for a business. They are a monster just after Quest and Labcorp. They are not a bad group of guys and one of their main hubs is in New Jersey. Hopefully they get it worked out.
  9. And I was hoping for the square dance on the onside kick. See other thread. Eball, you’re probably right.
  10. I assume this is a joke, but if not, try going back to arithmetic class in the 3rd grade. That aside, I’m betting 10-6 to 11-5, 5-1 in the division and we win the East. We also win at least one playoff game and maybe more.
  11. I know and it’s happening across the league soft tissue injuries were to be expected with no off season. Vic and Dan Reported yesterday on Press Coverage several players predominantly the WR’s and DB’s due to the start stopping nature of their jobs are at a higher risk. Makes sense. It’s not like Tre went down. Wallace is probably at the same level as Norman right now just given Norman’s age. It could be minor and he is ready to dress in week 2 or something.
  12. 4mer , that was funny. I don’t know why, but reminds me of the scene from LW2, “communist, fascist regime, free South Africa, ya dumb son of a b——“.
  13. Nighthawk, wasn’t that a cheesy movie with Stallone and Billy D Williams in the early 80’s. Ktulu, we’re not tagging him after using a 5th year option on him twice. He’d hold out in a heartbeat and he’d have every right to do it. He’s one of the best CB’s in the league, and yes, we’re going to pony up most likely $18 mil./yr.. Currently if my brief research is accurate Darius Slay is the highest at $16.7 mil./yr. So considering a few years ago, Gilmore did a deal for an avg. of $13 mil. It is expected Tre in two years using the fifth year option will probably get around $18 mil.
  14. I don’t know the cost Hapless, but when we adopted my daughter from China in 2004, it was the height of Covid-2 (aka. SARS) so they had these thermometers that looked like Running Man, the original as you walk through the scanner and the heat signatures in the body had different colors. Then again, there were Chinese military with M-16’s. That was interesting. It is not reasonable a state like Texas currently has a rule by the Governor of 50%, whereas in KC I guess they are rolling with 22%. I don’t know if that is by rule by the state, or just the Chiefs plan. Personally, I will never go to a game until there is an approved vaccine. It’s just not smart and too easy to catch something, but that’s my choice. I don’t see why go to a place where there 15,000 people together, and you can tell me people will honor all the provisions to even remotely think it will be safe. How is the bathroom handled, the concourses, etc. someone said something about masks, so no one can drink any liquids, eat any food. Cmon. You guys want to gamble, enjoy it and be part of the 10-15,000 in each stadium that allows it. Seeing a game live is not worth it to me when I can watch in my home on TV, have something to eat and drink with my sons, and so on.
  15. I’d pass. We brought in enough people and for the person who said we have a 3 year window, that is the thinking that put us in a 17 year drought. We don’t have a 3 year window. We have a lot of young talent and yes a small amount of aging players. Some of our O Lineman and our Defensive Line is aging in spots, but that is why we drafted Epenesa. The difference with this Bills organization we aren’t just piece mealing a team together like the way Whaley thought, we are methodically building a team that is sustainable. If we pick up a free agent at 30, we have not been over paying for them, more we are getting role players to plug holes. The key is more in developing the guys and extending them so we have talent than can last a decade. That’s why I’m in the camp of extending Milano for a fair price. He can play on our team for the next six years. Picking up guys like Ansah, Ingram, etc. is a mistake at this point unless they are cheap and Ingram won’t be cheap. Don’t forget we’re losing probably $35 mil. On the cap in 2021. I say $35 as it was before the you know to go up like normal to $210 mil. Now it’s going to most likely be $175 mil. Nsekhe May be 35, but he still plays well when not hurt. Epenesa, Butler, Addison, Harry, Jefferson is enough for now. We’ll probably have DE on the draft as one of the priorities over the next two years along with CB, TE, and O Line. Anyway, just one man’s opinion.
  16. Yeah Sarasota, remember when they were across the street from the place they torched, Tommy kept calling him Hendry, not Henry. My cousin does an imitation of Pecci perfectly in that movie.
  17. Nothing announced like NO and Tampa who can’t mandate, but strongly encouraged a bubble so I assume they went home. You guys would get that info. Faster in Buffalo. I don’t think all of the NO and TPA teams and staff are 100% compliant so it’s a great idea and only for a few weeks, but up to them. Crazy as when I started a medical device company we would go off for initial training for several weeks and basically had to train 16 hours a day to get ready. I don’t see an issue with getting away for a month. By the way, I was always married and had kids, but it was a commitment.
  18. Hapless, my concern as well. The coaches are going to have to make the right assessment cal on Hodgins as they already know what they have in McKenzie. If it’s even close, id rather keep Hodgins fully protected. Beane is smart and thinking of the long game. He knows Smoke, and Beasley are great, but with every year, we need their successors. I feel that is why he invested two resources in maybe one of the most important drafts with the pandemic and cap loss to have two up and comers. If Davis and Hodgins end up being as good as reported so far, they are going to hold onto them. With the exceptions in the PS, they can rol the dice on McKenzie, and I like that guy. I just don’t se them breaking ranks from the 6 they did last year and no matter how many times people say it, they are going to keep Roberts for returns.
  19. At least this Ars Clown’s father was a real football guy, one of the foolish 8 who Ralph bailed out. If it weren’t for Ralph, there would be no Raidas. He really knew the game. I know he was eccentric, but Al has the Just Win Baby thing, and by far the coolest NFL Films song of all time in the Autumn Wind is a Raider. I love listening to that song in season.
  20. I thought we reserved that for the Pats. Oh, that’s right Darth is now in Tampa.
  21. Hey Mark, you’re exhaust pot is coming on October 4th, by Josh Skywalker Allen, and Hans Diggs. Oh, and let’s not forget Zack Chewbacca Moss, or OBWan Singletary who always know where people will be next to sidestep like a Jedi Master. May the Schwartz be with you! Port
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