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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. GB, I love it and thought about the same. He would be up there with May God Be With You Reich in one of the top two beloved backs up in Buffalo. Heck, he might stay in Buffalo post football career. I know he loved it here. If we have sound vaccine in 2021, I’d be great with giving him solid back up $ (top 5-7) and just having him and Allen. Save roster spots, and never worry if Allen goes out for a game or two. I’d bet he would get a standing ovation when he came on the field in Buffalo.
  2. Well, I’m going to say a prayer for him. I see something like this I always seem to go to who is sick, hurt, died (relative, family close friend or something), so let’s hope it’s minor and hypothetically one of his kids fell off their bike and had to go to the ER, but everything is fine. I try and think of the positives as mentioned he does truly come across as a down to earth, humble guy who gives everything he can to win for whatever team he is playing for as Miami. To me Football always takes a back seat to a family’s safety and health.
  3. I know GB. It was one thing for the end of the season as they were motivated by keeping Tyrod out to make sure they didn’t have to pay him an injury settlement, they knew they were going to draft one in 18. I agree the Chargers was enough for me, and Tyrod was out vs. in for a rhythm to play better at the Jags in the playoffs. I know the argument about not throwing Allen out so early, but anyone not Peterman. They knew he sucked after the end of 2017. It’s not like Cincy is not going to play Burrow week 1. Allen couldn’t have done worse than Peterman especially with the Ravens. Allen should have just started from the beginning of the game.
  4. 5th-7th round picks are a crap shoot. One exception is us taking Bass, but who knows if Dane Jackson can make thei team, or Fromm can be developed to be a back up. McD’s decision to Peterman in two games was a mistake. You can’t tell me there wasn’t something he did in practice that made you question whether he could ever start in a game.
  5. McKenzie, might be worth a 7th rounder as he has shown some talent. Teams really weak in WR’s might bite for a 7th.
  6. You mean like Long? That shop unfortunately sailed, and was hoping if we did move on, we had a trade. I’m guessing he was shopped , and no one bought. Of the last Bree as I’m betting they want Hodgins on the freezer for the future so no PS, they’ve already made up their minds on McKenzie, Williams, and Foster. I know Williams is a fan favorite, but you get a little more speed and comparable size not exactly, but close enough with Hodgins. He’s cheap, and has some potential.
  7. To quote Johnny Dangerously, that was fargin hilarious. My only correction is not Sam Darnold, or Sahmmy Darnold as that troll Weiss says on Brady on his show, but Adam Gase, not Darnold.
  8. He He, He, let me tell ya somethin. Between this and the Beaker references, Mer, Mer, Mer, are classic.
  9. Jeremy, I don’t want to slam MJD, nor do I think you did so, but you’re point is very well taken. In general power rankings are dumb and creates and endless debate. Who care what this tool wrote? Seriously. I say it all the time, I only read these ranking things when you guys post them as I want to see what you think, but I never, and I mean never look up myself on any site. It’s an utter waste of time. There will be a number that’s important. The rankings on New Years Day, after week 17, and who we play in Buffalo in the playoffs. Nuff said. I read it. It was silly, and I’m out. Have fun guys. Damn, I wasn’t going to reply again, but love that Mash episode. That was Colonel Potters first episode as him, not the loony General the year before, and was responding to crazy Klinger. Good find 70’s. I loved that show, at least the first few seasons. They still make me laugh when they are on TV Land every once in awhile.
  10. Hey, you stole my line. I swear I wake up some mornings, open this thing and a handful of you guys have me laughing my ars off. As far as Gruden, he was great at GB, Philly, the Raiders the first time, and in Tampa, people fatigued of him. He was a heck of a coach, but when he pushed, and he did push McKey out that is the President of ATL (son if John McKay who turned around this fledging Bucs teams in it s third year) he divided the fans. He then rubber stamps Bruce Allen, that yes sir tool, amd bring ever over the hill has been for years and wore out This team. I don’t hate or dislike the guy, but Gruden is great in Oakland. I wouldn’t want him 1mil.miles from our team. McD all day long and twice on Sundays.
  11. Gregg, you don’t love Schoop and the Bulldog? Listening to them is like putting an ice pick in my temple. Oh yeah, that’s right, I will listen to those schmucks when, a never.
  12. KGun, Tom Arnold is now playing for the Jets. I guess Rosanne wanted him out of the house. Just kidding bud, us Kelly’s have to stick together. Minga!
  13. I don’t know, ask Chris Brown. Well, Brownie, which one is it? Doh! Sorry Brownie, but we’ll see at the beginning of the season. Will they let you talk then? I’m just kidding as I am one of the guys who likes Brown.
  14. Agreed Shady on Allen and the Tampa WR’s thumbs up.
  15. Well, now that House is gone, I will agree keeping a back up kicker and punter on the PS is a good idea just like a long snapper and a quarantined QB. If hey keep active Barkley and Fromm, then you’d hope they keep Webb on the PS. That still leave 12 + Wade for the ps at different position groups.
  16. Wade is good for COVID depth, and RB’s get hurt. I’d still keep motor, Moss, and Yeldon. The bills seem to like having a FB as an option.
  17. Wanna be wiseguy in the middle of a stroke. I almost spit out my water on that one. Good job Dawg. I don’t remember Spags, and thought as I started reading this thread it was just a joke, but the way all of you have responded, he really is a Jets troll. We just god rid of one if not temporarily. Like others said, at least we get one pre-season game.
  18. I don’t know enough about King to know why he is blacklisted. He was a stud punter for quite some time. McD doesn’t want problem kids, and if he is that person, then makes sense. As far as House, I thought they would place him on the PS, but the cap savings is primarily the reason.
  19. Sds, thank you. Hopefully this is resolved soon, but appreciate everything. Geesh.
  20. I see Nossing, I hear Nossing. Gotta love Sgt. Schultz. Thanks for the laugh. I think those things are still playing on Sundance.
  21. Transplant, we can’t answer that or any other question.
  22. KJ, I think you went a little Samuel Jackson from Pulp Fiction on this one, but this pic made me laugh. I honestly don’t care, but if you do, so be it as you’re a cool cat. I only have two jerseys, Fredex and MGK of course, but they are authentic. Look at the bright side, no one is going g to see these things this year anyway as there won’t most likely be fans.
  23. There was another earlier article ranking Barkley In the same position.
  24. That guy never recovered from that embarrassment. I don’t want to say who, but met a good friend of Norwood who was on the team, And he said he was rattled since. It’s really too bad. It was a kick. I hated we lost that game, but so much was on the team and the coaches, not just one missed kick. It’s crazy it will be 30 years in January, and we are still talking about it.
  25. Donuts, hindsight 20/20, but the more obvious answer is if Levy had his head about him, he would have realized Belicheck, that bastage was only rushing three, we could have ran the ball down their throats and not been in that situation. He had I think it was either 13 or 14 rushing attempts for 135 yards, and to be crazy had another 55 in short passes. He dwarfed the mvp, Otis Anderson in stats. The stubbornness of Kelly and Levy to keep trying the no huddle when if they would have racked up over 225 yards, BB would have had to play more up in the box. We would have controlled the clock, and NYG would not have ball control for 11 minutes in the 3rd quarter. We blew it terribly in that game. Had we won that game, we could have won more. Norwood should not have been put in that position. Had he had to kick under 40, he probably could have made it. I hate even talking about it as I was young and had so much hope. That game should have been at a minimum 26-20 or better Bills and the Thurmonator as the MVP with the most yards ever by a RB in SB history. He has a right even though he doesn’t say it being bitter about such crappy play calling. Honestly, Talley, I meant to apologize as I looked up after the fact and went on what Polian said in a couple of interviews. Shame on me. I’m the first to apologize though when I’m wrong.
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