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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. Webster, typically not a good idea to bite the hand that feeds you, but I. Do agree I don’t understand why they don’t update the schedule after posted. Then again, I’m not putting in all the work they are in putting together a great Bills fan experience. I’m not going to knock you guys Mods, but many of us wonder why this doesn’t get updated. At the end of the day, it’s a google search so not that important.
  2. You could maybe make the Bledsoe argument during the drought, but Tyrod did get us our first playoff game. He was a decent guy, and once Herbert gets the nod, probably will have the best back up QB in the NFL outside of maybe our other QB in Fitz. Either one would be awesome as our #2.
  3. I don’t get the Alex Smith slam. He is a winning starting QB. He suffered through what 8-9 offensive schemes and coordinators. He used to run for around 500 yards a season, and had between two to a three to one ratio on TD/Int’s. He gets knocked for a game manager, but all really good QB’s are game managers. Brady, Manning, and Simon were good game managers. They know who to throw it to, and when to throw it away. Smith was a winner at the end of his SF career, KC, and Washington. For most of his time in SF, he was on terrible teams.
  4. That was funny Royale. An elite wrestler can take down guys twice their size. People who have never wrestled don’t know it’s about balance and using people’s weight and momentum against them. My favorite sport growing up to play, not watch. Nothing like that thrill of hearing the ref, slap the mat when you pin someone.
  5. Careful he doesn’t spit on you’re breakfast. The dirtiest man in football. For me, it would be McBeane. I’d love to have lunch with those two.
  6. Thanks Mods and Administrators. Appreciate all the work behind the scenes.
  7. I certainly would love it, but as much new blood on the Pats, there is even more on the Fins, so it is a complete toss up. I would favor the Pats normally as it is in NE, but with no fans, they are al away games for everyone. It’s not like even team like KC who will have 17,000 fans, that won’t matter. Ever been to a game where there is only 17,000 fans. Might as well be empty.
  8. Bucs - Fournette. Called it. Not saying would happen, but was a likely chance. Teams can always find $ of they want to do it. They have aRB, and a couple of TE’s they can jettison to make up most of it. Not Gronk, Brate, Howard, but the other two. They are win now with Brady. Fournette increas3s those chances.
  9. Assimilate. What are you the Borg? That’s a BB move. Resistance is FUTILE!
  10. Frankly, Ridgeway, I don’t give a dam, and you should be kissed by someone who knows how. That’s all I have from the Wind movie. Painful 3 hours. My mom made me see that movie once, once! (Johnny Dangerously).
  11. They are just kicking tires. They want their $ for the extensions, especially if they have cheap labor for three to four years. Makes no sense at all.
  12. So, I like both of you guys. Simple math. $5 bil. today was $320,200,000 in 1930. Not sure what was boxing and horse racing back then. Not worth my time so you two can figure that one out.
  13. Great. Second bye week and they play in even colder weather. I’m very glad they are speaking up for their views. I am and don’t care, but just make them play that game but later in January or they lose $. They should be able to donate it to whatever charity they believe in, but they don’t get a pass and just sit out, get paid and no repurcussions to themselves. If you believe this cause matters, then use you’re wallet to prove it. I do believe there should be social change for all, so please don’t confuse, their cause in my eyes is valid. They just don’t get it without some pain to themselves. No one else skips work for $ and has no downside. You have to take a day off, call in sick or lose $.
  14. I mentioned on another thread, he’d be great at the Bucs. Their two weak spots are in the rush game and the defensive secondary. They’ve been drafting secondary players for the last two years and now have Winfield’s son. The d backs showed promise the last half of last year. They drafted a RB, but could benefit from Fournette. I have a soft spot for the Bucs living in Tampa. I know people hate Brady, but they would use him well.
  15. Smart wife. I never gamble as the house always wins to use an old phrase
  16. Egg man, I’m sorry about you’re wife. I hope it worked out, but thanks for sharing. Football is a nice release and love it, but it’s just a game.
  17. Guys, stop the beaching. We have a real NFL game in eight days and 21 minutes. This is the outlet to get away from everything else.
  18. H2O. No one deserves to know you’re politics or social values, but I applaud you for you’re stance. I agree you’re politics are yours and no one else, but I don’t know how to go against a message saying end racism. I just added to it in All Lives Matter. I just don’t know how people oppose saying, be fair to everyone. I think almost everyone kn this board defines that.
  19. Hey, if it helps, fine. Why worry about it? I’m all for black lives matter, as well as all lives matter. If this helps people, then great.
  20. It’s sad Hyde and Poyer are not on there as they are punished not for the best safeties, but maybe outside of MN, the best tandem in the NFL. After this year, I’m betting at a minimum Edmunds will be on there and one of the RB’s.
  21. Matter, that’s awesome. I didn’t give my totals as I wasn’t making it about me, just I can relate to you’re comments if the guy really did take the stuff. Send me a pm and happy to chat about it, but very good on you’re part. People who haven’t pulled or pushed that kind of weight don’t know how hard and how much skill is involved as they typically think it’s just about being a muscle head. Couldn’t be farther from the truth on the team I was on back in the day. They were relentless on technique and it paid off. Have a great Day bud.
  22. Matter, I know as I was a national level power lifter, held the deadlift national record, and yes Although I went in untested meets, I was at the top in tested meets. I saw guy after guy in the untested group blow out all kinds of joints, ligaments, tendons, meniscus over and over again. I’ve seen one guy have a compound fracture in his tibia and fibula while trying to squat 920lbs, and then god the three spotters were able to catch the bar as he would have died if not. People were vomiting everywhere it was so disgusting. I’ve also seen another guy completely rip both of his biceps from his and fly up to his shoulder because he was dumb enough on a deadlift, to think he should somewhat shrug the deadlift. Both guys were juicing on steroids, and HGH. I felt bad for them as they both had from what friends of friends DS told me life changing injuries. It is terrible and if Derwin, did this, which is a big if as I don’t know, then he learned a terrible lesson. The problem if this was tru is they are so desperate to get back or get an edge, they don’t realize the serious damage they can do to themselves. Thankfully my parents raised me to not cheat as I always in football, wrestling and power lifting never took a thing other than creatine, amd later learned that was bad on renal functioning. God looked over me as I’m healthy.
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