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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. JMF, that’s funny on King, and agree we go 10-6 to maybe 11-5. We’re winning the East, and yes Im a homer.
  2. I don’t see the need, but don’t care if we look at him. Between Singletary, Moss, and Yeldon, I think we’re fine.
  3. Rochester, maybe I’m wrong, or the person who nailed it, but it sounds a heck o a lot like Jets2020. Anyway, I don’t care if he makes these negative posts. Just as long as the guys know who is trying to rile people up. At least when he was allowed to come as Jets 2020, we knew who he was and he want trying to be deceptive and use an innocuous name vs. just saying Jets2021. At least then, he’d be honest.
  4. I’m a little disappointed in King as I’ve always respected his opinions. I may not always agree with him, but he had very measured opinions. I’ve said before the schedule means we are not going to have the easy schedule we had last year, but we’re better. Yesterday , I was listening to Movin the Chains, and Kirwan tagged the Bills winning the division at 10-6, the Pats in a WC at 10-6, and the Phins at 6-10. He said it’s just too early with this COVID off season for the Fish to convert all the talent they have acquired and turn it into a winning team. I agree with this take. Not sure how the Pats will make 10-6, but it’s hard to get Down on a BB team. I see the Pats more 8-8.
  5. Bills 28, Jets 12. Not one touchdown for the J-E-T-S, Jets, Jets, Jets. Great preseason game for the Bills, and they play the starters the whole game. You see the Jests can only win when we play only the backups like week 17 last year. You see if we played our starters, the Bills would’ve had an 11-5 season, and the Jests would be 6-10. Considering how bad they were, they should’ve asked us to play our starters for a better draft pick. It’s ok as they’ll get the #1 or 2 pick this next draft. They and the Jags are competing for that coveted spot. Don’t be surprised if Gase is fires mid season, they get the #1 spot, go for Trevor Lawrence, and trade Darnold. Darnold happy as he gets out of that shirt show. I wouldn’t be surprised if the Steelers, Bucs, or Indy places an offer for him. He’s a decent QB on a horrible team and horribly coached team.
  6. Guys, this is Jets2020. When he was kicked out or suspended, these silly threads started as LB48. I didn’t call it as someone stated first, and thought this made a great deal of sense. Just read the content of this thread. If you guys want to entertain this Jets fan, go ahead. I just know I have a lot of friends on this board and at least you know who you are talking to on the board. It doesn’t matter to me as long as you know who is really posting veiled negative Bills threads like wha.t if Allen can’t measure up, what do we do. It then prompts tons of replies and of course defending the team, and riles people up. All I know is if I liked the Jets, I’d be on Jets boards. Not the team that is going to crush me again this year as that is what’s happening in five days. Go Bills!
  7. I know CB, which is why I said doubt it. I know it won’t probably happen. I just thought worth a worthless conversation given we have to wait days before real games and can talk about something real.
  8. Seoul, I’m not going to beat on you. You’re saying the Bucs haven’t made the playoffs in 10 years. You’re absolutely right. The Bills didn’t make the playoffs in 17 years. Did that keep them in 17 from making it, and again in 19, and most likely again in 20? The Bucs increased their defense significantly last year in the second half of the year when Bowles defense started to take hold. Their front 7 was good. Their back end sucked in the beginning, but came on i the last half of the year. Granted I keep up as I live here now, even though raised on South Park Ave. Their offense was lacking only one thing. A rushing game. They just added Fournette. People hate Brady, but he had no one around him. He has basically the best weapons in the NFL Now between the WR’s, TE’s, and a RB. The defense added another round of secondary with our son Winfield of a great CB for us. Im not saying SB, but enough on the Tampa hating just because Brady beat us like a girl you asked out in high school five times and she kept saying no. No doubt he can be a cry baby. That doesn’t mean they are not going to have a good team. You’ll se so no worries arguing about it. There is one thing for sure. The Bills will contend with the Ravens, Chiefs, Steelers, and Titans in the playoffs. After that who knows.
  9. 1 Me too. It’s not an either or. It’s both. That’s the point. A 12 personnel with Ertz and Knox on the field with choose your RB, AMD Diggs and Brown is a crazy combination. Not a let’s avoid Beasley. It’s a let’s have options so we can do either. Having more than one stud TE is a huge plus.
  10. My point was simply they love Goedert, amd is much cheaper, and Ertz has more value this year vs. next. They are in cap he’ll coming up, and I love Knox, but look at the Ravens. They play 13 personnel all the tim, so three TE’s on the field. Wouldn’t it be nice to have Ertz and Knox in the same huddle together if we can swing it. That’s all.
  11. He looks like a 1970’s pre pubescent porn Star. How about NO SCOTT!
  12. So, I seriously doubt anything happens at all, but if you had to wonder about one position group, it’s TE. Now Spotrac has him valued at $12.7 mil. Probably past what we can do, but just looking at the roster. Murphy would be $8 mil., Barkley $1.8 mil., Taiwan Jones $900k, Lee Smith $1.7 mil., and so on. I know it’s probably foolish, but this is the one area We would immediately be better, and he is fantastic. Rip me up on this one, but was hoping we would have gone for this guy. They are $80 mil. over next year and negotiations have broken off. The guys I mentioned are not critical.
  13. I picked the wrong time to quit amphetamines. I picked the wrong time to quit alcohol. I picked the wrong time to quit cocaine. Love those line from Lloyd Bridges.
  14. It’s called DVR and don’t get on you’re phone so you don’t know who wins. There. Problem solved.
  15. I was a little surprised they only kept three safeties as I expected four, but I’m sure one of the CB’s can fill in if necessary. I would have Roberts cut, but he was already brought back, and lastly, I was sure they would cut Murphy for the cap savings. I guess they are all in on winning and holding onto him for one last year. Next year I’m assuming we move on from a minimum of Hughes, Kroft, and Murphy.
  16. The Jets will be lucky to win four games. The Dolphins have added a lot of talent and have a solid coach, but they’ve had no off season so I don’t see it as their year. Maybe 7 wins at best. The Pats making a double digit win season is a stretch. If I had to guess, I’d say 8-9 wins. Then again, I don’t see us doing more than 10-11 wins. We have one of the toughest schedules in the league, so the 12 game prediction is a stretch. We would still win the East, and be battle hardened from playing teams like the Seahawks, 49ers, Chiefs, Cardinals, and Broncos. All should be very good teams, plus the Titans, and the Steelers.
  17. I don’t know how you say he didn’t have a fair shot. Arizona was a bad team at the time, but he a,so played timid and made mistake after mistake. In Miami, he could’ve beat out Fitz, but didn’t. He now is in Tampa with a good team, a good coach for QB’s, amd can learn how to prepare from one of the best QB’s to ever play. You don’t have to like Brady, but at least respect what he’s done. If Rosen can’t improve in the next two years,he doesn’t belong in the league.
  18. Anyone have a summary of the finalist to date. Not saying all 16, but a list of the people signed to this time. Being lazy not wanting to look through 7 pages of this thread. I went through a couple of pages and if someone has the list, we can just respond and add to it as they add more people.
  19. and Long Snappers if they can find one, and bring Webb back on the PS.
  20. That was classic Bulldog. I loved the Sandler movies. I know they are dumb, but still make me laugh. I think that was the Deeds one.
  21. I don’t know why, but didn’t know so then I stand corrected and thank you Shaw as it was fantastic!
  22. C’mon yolo, before I put this down for the day, are you going to do the other divisions. You are da man. We still have the AFCS, NFCE, NFCS, and NFCW. Eat you’re wheat ties and get Er dun.
  23. Nice job Shaw. Until I went to the bottom, I thought you wrote this summary. Whoops. I appreciate it though as would have never seen it. “Are You Ready for Some Football”. This is going to be a fun fall and hopefully winter into February. If they stick with these % for occupancy, My god how expensive are these SB tickets going to be.
  24. Hapless, can you please port this thread into the Covid one? It’s getting ridiculous. Why does anyone care if they wear masks? It’s just protect their safety and health. The trainers most likely have disposable masks so they are not shared even if there wasn’t a pandemic. It’s not like they are shared in hospitals. God I can’t wait for football so I don’t have to open another one of these threads. It’s like in most states people have to wear masks in every enclosed area. I just had to wear one at the movies yesterday, amd they are only at 40% occupancy. I didn’t care. He’ll, my gym requires temp. checks in order to enter the gym. I don’t consider it an intrusion in privacy, rather I appreciate it as I’m now checking my temp. daily and makes me feel secure. I thanked the manager for doing it. She was actually surprised I thanked her.
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