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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. Bandit, nice Clint Eastwood reference. “You know in all the commotion on the roster, I didn’t know if I picked 4 or 5 spots, so Iask ya, ya Feelin lucky punk, well do ya?” Put Ford at Guard and make my day. 👌😏
  2. One day til we have football again. Yeahhhh! I can’t wait to see the Chiefs hopefully destroy the Texans. I don’t even want it to be close at all. Chiefs 52-3.
  3. Hit in the head with a lawn dart? Genital Herpes? My throat hurts I laughed so hard. Well at least you post you’re a self admitted Bills fan. I typically don’t go on other boards as I expect what they are going to say, especially the tools who are Jets fans. The only time I’ve been on any other board of other teams is when you guys post a link on here and want to discuss something from that board.
  4. when the words Dareus and McKelvin are brought up, I get depressed. Might as well bring up every other tool we drafted in the last two decades prior to McBeane. Maybe, Mike Williams, Spiller, and on and on. To mother poster, Stevie was a 7th round pick. another, not mother. Hate autocorrect.
  5. “The internet, is that thing still around?” (Homer). Seriously, it’s just a simulation, but I’d love and expect to win the East, and a playoff win would be fun. I don’t see us getting crushed by the Chiefs in the playoffs, but would understand if we lost a close game. If the simulation was the Ravens, I expect to beat them, and then lose in a close game to the Chiefs in the championship game. That would be a good season to me. As far as the two losses brought up, I seriously doubt those scores, but we are going to lose some games. 11-5, winning the division, and a playoff game is cool.
  6. I went with the Cowboys as much as I hate them. They remind me of the Browns with all kinds of talent, but can’t pull it together. I only voted for them because McCarthy is a solid coach. The Eagles have a chance, but they are getting hurt more than many teams. They definitely will go nowhere in the playoffs. The NFCE sucks, and the fans worse. They are still delusional the NFCE is this great division. How fun btw, was it us beating the crap out of the Cowgirls on Thanksgiving. I was giddy that day. That video of the Beasley celebration in the locker room after the game I sent to a couple of friends who are Cowgirls fans. One is a decent guy who admitted the Cowboys should have never let Beasley go.
  7. He compared Obama to Hitler. You just need to open the article. Personally, I loved the song and is iconic, so the thought police at it again. At the end of the day, it’s their brand, and they can do whatever they want to do with their intro music. If I didn’t read the article, I never would even know what Williams politics are if not brought to the forefront now.
  8. I heard Thermistocles is a huge Bills fan. King Leonids was too until well, you know. Oh, and Xerxes is a Pats fan. Figures. I hate that God King.
  9. I never wish any player to get injured for any reason. I’m sorry to hear about this on Miller. He always seemed like a decent guy. I know the Tyrod thing was cheap, but TT didn’t seem to care. At his age, this isn’t good for him. He’s made more than enough $, and his legacy is set, but still hate to see people getting hobbled towards the end of their career. He probably will end up in the HOF someday. Not saying he should or shouldn’t, just he has that type of respect from the writers and the league.
  10. Would much rather have Blue on White. There are more than enough white on whit in games to come. I like the blue. Maybe traditional. I don’t like blue on blue, or white on white. We’ve been the Bills forever since 1960 and they Have not been all white or all Blue, or all red for that matter since Ralph was the original foolish 8. You want red on white, white on red, fine. Hate it but fine. The Bills are Royal blue one White up or down since the beginning.
  11. I thought the Seahawks and Steelers should have been higher than the Cowboys, but then again everyone seems to overestimate the Browns and Cowboys. We’ll see as I really don’t care about these things. Funny when you guys post them, but don’t look otherwise.
  12. Alvin Kamara. Wow! I thought he extended with the Saints. Just kidding. I know and glad he signed to our PS.
  13. My parents had an Encyclopedia Britanica from 1963, long before I was born and used to tell me before the internet to look it up in the Encyclopedias. “Mom, they are almost 20 years old.” Danny (real name is Dan), go eat you’re roll. Now if you know that reference I’ll give you $ 1million dollars. Not really, but wanted to challenge you pal. One of my moms favorite movies.
  14. Buff, this thread was doomed to turn into a spoof from the start as it is too much fun, but thanks for doing it. I know coming from a I can’t wait for the season start, and was done the last couple of years. If anyone wants serious answers great. If anyone wants to keep sending comedy, even better as I’ve been laughing for almost an hour. Scratch that, 19minutes. Just felt like an hour been laughing so hard.
  15. Biscuit, don’t forget the triple Lindy from Rodney Dangerfield
  16. I actually had two coaches try that on my kids twice while I was coaching my boys flag football teams and once when coaching them in pop warner. Laughed then, and now. Yeah we sacked all three plays. That dumb play works on teams that haven’t been coached well.
  17. Yo Rocky, crowning him, what are you Dennis Green, then again we’ll let you off the hook. Sorry too easy. All good, and you make a point and as much as I’m excited to see Moss on the field, I’m tabling that’s until Singletary needs relief. Motor is still the man.
  18. Not really though. I looked at the contract, and Chris Brown said it as well just now. $3.2 mil. this year, about $15 mil. on his 5th year option as I wasn’t sure if that counted so the $70 mil. all added together over 6 years is an average of $14.66 mil./yr. through 2025. He’ll be 30 and his contract will be beat by so many other CB’s it’s not even funny. This was a great deal for TW, and possibly Milano. If Milano takes $13 mil./yr. so $52 mil., but add his last rookie year, it’s only $10.8 mil. That’s not bad at all. Lock up Beane and we are onto Edmunds next year, and Allen if it all works out in a couple of years. Get ready for a team staying together and building on success year over year. Someday, we could be the next Seahawks. Not going to say Steelers as they have 50 years of history of success, but the Hawks sucked before Wilson, or at least were flashy as they did make the SB when they were robbed before Wilson.
  19. New Era, that’s funny. I actually did find it on Wikipedia. I wasn’t busting you’re chops at all. You should know I don’t typically indiscriminately bust people’s chops. What am I Weo? Just kidding weo. You know I love ya buddy.
  20. Ed, people are making the leap I posted as an indictment on Knox. That couldn’t be farther from the truth, and think he is the best TE draft pick since Metz. I mean that. What is dumbfounding to me is you have a team about to be $80 mil. over the cap next year. You look at our roster and what is the weakest position group after Knox, TE. That doesn’t mean Knox won’t clear up his drops this year. I’m betting he will. Now look at the Ravens. They play 13 personnel all the time, so not for you Ed as I know you are good in football talk, but it’s 1 RB, and a 3 TE set. I can see with this WR Corp us employing if we had a 2nd top TE (notice I said a 2nd), we have another dimension beyond what most likely will be mostly 11 personnel with Diggs, Brown, Beasley, Motor, and Knox. What if we had some sets with Diggs, Brown, Knox, Ertz, and Motor or Moss? We have an even more difficult offense for a team to defense. Stop with converting and I don’t mean necessarily you Ed, a comment about a quality TE potentially available, to Knox stinks or we should move on for a rookie. I’ll give you an example of being patient. Peyton Manning threw 28 picks his rookie year, so just because Knox dropped the ball, doesn’t mean he won’t grow. As far as the age of Ertz, he’s 29, not 30, and Travis Kelce just received an obscene amount of $ at 30. Ertz is ranked as the 3rd best TE in football after Kittle and Kelce. So considering the 3rd best TE in football (subjective evaluation by many but widely accepted) could be a Bill, and the persons I originally mentioned I have no problem about moving on from as do many of you. Listen, it was a suggestion, and just wanted to know what you guys thought. I did say as well, if you think we are so set at TE and the offense we couldn’t use another proven weapon, or we should wait for a TE in the draft as it’s supposed to be solid, ok. What I’m not crazy about is Kroft, and Smith, and Gilliam hard to tell if he is really a TR or FB.
  21. The one thing King was probably enamored with is the Fins did buy $235.8 mil. in talent, and had 11 draft picks. That is a lot of talent, but they don’t have the time to get this talent to work together. It would be a nice September surprise if the Fins beat the Lats this Sunday before we beat them next week. Ive said it before, the Dolphins are the team to worry about either next year or the years after that as their coach I think is going to be good. I thought it was high class for him to come up and put his arm around Fitzy when he had to deliver the news about his mom. That sucks, and credit to Fitz, he was back to work in a few days. I had to take 10 days off when my mom passed. We had to fly back to Buffalo, and help Dad with everything. I know a side topic, but hope Fitzy’s doing ok.
  22. Yolo, I saw. The 4.4 in the 40 on his Wikipedia. New Era sent that link.
  23. Definitely the Jags. 😂. Just kidding. I originally thought the Titans, but Rivers has never had a top O Line like this one so I’m rolling the dice on Indy. I think Reich has the potential to be a very good head coach. Conversely, the Jags will get Trevor Lawrence.
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