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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. I think they’ll play the 4-2-5, and they run the ball a ton. I hope Moss and Singletary ate their wheat ties this morning, as well as Allen. Just hold onto the darn ball Josh.
  2. Thanks for sharing that visual of you’re BM. Have a good day boys. Here’s to Allen running for a bagillion yards today. I just hope losing Milano and Edmunds is not going to kill our defense today.
  3. OMG, guys this is Jets 2020. Do you not see he keeps citing Bills veiled negative threads to get you guys going? He’s just trying to rile all of you up. Have a great weekend Jets 2020, as you’re team sucks terribly, and you are in the Trevor Lawrence sweepstakes as you are that bad and you’re coach amongst the 50 other coaches will he fired by the end of the year. Guys, if you want to respond ok, but just know this is a Jets fan trying to incite you. He cares nothing. About the Bills.
  4. Its silly. Manning is a no brained, and not up for discussion. Anderson May keep Tasker out as Anderson was special, but would love Tasker there. The only other I expect is Megatron. Everyone knows he was the Absolute best on a bad team for his career. Can you imagine him now with an Allen led team with that deep arm. I don’t know if I’ve ever seen a WR like that, and like many if you I’ve played and watched a lot of elite players. He was a freak. Like Sanders, a guy who left too early. If he played on a McDermott led team, I believe he would have maybe taken a half year off and came back. He didn’t believe in his team and why would he.
  5. E-Man, I don’t see Josh not protecting himself meaning he does run out of bounds and slides better with each year, but he still is not protecting the ball. You don’t extend you’re arm for any reason when deciding to run. Keep it tucked and against you’re ribs from the inside of the elbow. If expecting (which he should always expect) it to get punched, you place the other hand on the ball. Remember his only significant injury was against the elbow in the pocket in year 1. It worked week 1 against the Dolphins, but juxtapose Allen to Newton him piling into defenders. Personally, as much as I don’t want a significant injury to Newton, he is going to get banged up fast if he keeps running this type of style. You would think he would have learned with all of his injuries. Heck, look at Wentz. It doesn’t matter how big you are, the defenders are paid to hurt the offensive ball carrier. I didn’t mean injure, I mean take them to the ground as legally hard as they can do it. A big part of Allen’s game is the threat of the run. I love it, but the RB coach needs to work with him on how to manage the ball if he wants to have the run as part of our game. One last example, look at what Murray did against the 49ers. The 49ers have a stout defense and Murray torched them.
  6. Eball, I was in you’re camp, not so much he was bad prior to the game, but moreso he would have been a nice cap savings, but if he is finally healed and can be back to top form, I’m glad they kept them.
  7. I asked David Diehl this question one NFLR yesterday, and he said he’s watched the tape, and thought Ford played well, and didn’t see a big problem with Williams. He said they pass protected better than run protection. FWIW, as he was a pro bowl NFL Lineman and survived in the league for 13 years. He doesn’t normally present as overly fluff, so I trust his evaluations on the Lines.
  8. I never want to hear about a person losing a parent or a child for that matter. I’m sorry for his loss.
  9. I loved Roberts play. It’s so nice to have a returner you don’t worry about fumbling or bobbling it. He gets positive yards and we end up with positive field position most of the game.
  10. I thought he called a good game. He didn’t miss that throw, Allen did and yes Allen overall had a great game. Daboll also didn’t shank two field goals, and I think Bass would be fine. Teams around the league looked rusty. The Bucs looked sloppy, the 49ers looked sloppy, and the Cardinals capitalized on it. Murray looked amazing yesterday.
  11. Agreed, after the Bucs, the Jets had the best run defense in the league. I’m sure we improve this week.
  12. If he just calms down a little, he will be fine. It was rookie jitters in his first game as a Pro. If there was an issue, he would have shown it in camp.
  13. Lime, I knew he wasn’t guaranteed for the year as he would be an after week 1 signing, but not sure what they would pay him. I didn’t know he wouldn’t qualify for the minimum so thanks.
  14. I would want him for the season as he is great depth and not costly. At his age, the league minimum would be around $1 mil. I think, and he is plug and play for this defense.
  15. You call up the practice squad and hire Lorax. You want players that know our defense and that fits the Bill.
  16. Chandler, thanks for sharing as I never go to opposing teams boards. Normally, it’s a waste of my time, but this one was a little fun reading. Now it’s onto the Dolphins.
  17. Seemed like a solid write up, and there was more good than bad from Allen. They knocked the rust off so hopefully we won’t see a lot of the mistakes with the fumbles. I wasn’t worried about the bad throw as he finished with 71%. No QB is perfect. I was a little surprised on NFLN Gameday Highlights, we were a footnote on the review vs. some games were covered extensively this morning. It doesn’t really matter, but they left out a lot of good plays in their highlights.
  18. I was at a Wild Wings place and they had the Fins game on next to the Bills game. They looked a bit sloppy against the Pats. If we get Milano and Edmunds back, I think we are fine. If not, we need Lorax. For those who kept saying Roberts was expendable, and Milano is not that important, some of the same people were complaining we might lose Milano for this game. They both are important to our team.
  19. I was a little surprised we lost even if temporarily Edmunds and Milano. Hopefully they can play next Sunday. I saw the Lorax comment he would listen if they needed him. I’d want him for insurance. The guy is still looking to be in football shape and knows McD’s defense.
  20. B+ was fair given the fumbles. 72% completion is exactly what people complained about meaning 59% last year. He has to tuck that ball moving forward, not have the ball extended in his hand.
  21. Kind of catchy isn’t it Putin. 1 hour til the guillatine.
  22. I was a little surprised last night I was listening to Football Diehards on NFLR, amd they were high on Moss. This is the show for those that don’t know it on Fantasy Football talk. Not a Fantasy guy, just driving home from a date and only thing on the radio. Their reasoning is they think the game will get away from the Jets, and that Moss could takeover the game in the second half. It was also interesting they stated they thought Moss could over take Singletary as a healthy scratch at some point this season. Im not saying I think Moss is better than Singletary as I expect as several have said Singletary will end up with more yards and Moss with more TD’s. I’m just betting McD will eventually want Moss more in the red zone.
  23. More please! May I have another? OK, 30 hrs. and 12 minutes to kickoff. Are you ready for some Football?
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