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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. As opposed to BlazDell. Going to the gin mill down der. Grew up on border in Hamburg.
  2. Doc, I don’t think there is enough free weeks to postpone unless an absolute necessity and then they have to forfeit the game. I wouldn’t be surprised at the 11th hour a forfeit. I expected it, as the NFL has done a ton to manage this positive testing issues, but there are only so many variables you can account, and manage.
  3. I said all off season 11-5, and 10-6 at worst. Not because we don’t have a good team, but the offense as stated is better than even expected, and the defense like most of the NFL is not starting out fast. It’s a little obvious when 10 starting QB’s are above 70% completion and a few more just below. The defenses are going to catch up at some point, and I don’t know how long the refs keep their flags in their pocket.
  4. KJ, it’s just my opinion, but I’m not one to start the off season tracking until the off season. It doesn’t mean I don’t follow whatever college ball we have, id rather focus my friend on this season and follow what we are doing now, like will McD and Frazier have a solution for some improvement on the runs up the gut. I don’t care if you guys want to run wild with these topics, but to me it’s just early. Love hearing the opinions once we get to the off season.
  5. Maybe resurrect this thread in I don’t know April 2021, when free agency and most trades done. Then is a great time to talk about a draft a year from now.
  6. There’s nothing that indicates MN or TN did anything wrong. This was going to happen, and it’s no ones fault as far as what has been reported. The Raiders haven’t had any positive tests, but you can make an argument there. Moving forward. How about we just focus on beating the Raiders, and you know that teams facilities will be cleaned to the nth degree. If we do our job, I’m fine.
  7. Bandit, in Tampa, it can easily be 35-55 degrees in the beginning of February in Tampa. Since I’ve lived her for 27 years, I think I have an idea. It could be better at 65 degrees, but it’s not going to be 80 degrees at 6:45pm at night. I know you’re kidding so just inferring some info. I’m not going to be at the game even if it is Buffalo, but it will be an insane amount of $ given there is no way they do 100% occupancy. As far as the taller Wolowitz pic from Big Bang Theory, got nothin other than disturbing. Funny though.
  8. I was going to give you a better laugh, but then again I’m a middle aged guy, and have only figured out once how to port the YouTube or pic into the text to let you see the clip on YouTube. You’re a good man Barley Brown. I know it’s simple but my it guys, (my two boys in college) are away to teach their dear old dad how to do things you guys probably learned a decade ago.
  9. Seems like a hindsight discussion. Anyone can look at what Diggs has done for this team, and he wanted to leave. He was proven, would contribute from the first day, and the NFLR guys the other day were commenting when a team gives away a top WR, like MN, or Houston with Hopkins, the old teams have not started out well. I couldn’t be happier about the trade, and we didn’t fork out Fort Knox like AZ did for Hopkins. Yes, we advanced him more of his contract which helped us, but the overall contract is flat. Considering what some of the other top 5 WR’s are getting, we’re doing well. Outside of maybe TE, and even that we’re not sure as Kroft had a good game, and Knox we can only hope will improve. We have the line, stable of RB’s, a true starting QB and the results are showing with these offensive performances. Welcome to Buffalo Diggs. We luv ya here.
  10. I liked his review of Butler in the 1 technique against the run.
  11. Wacka, thanks for sharing a remember that game like it was last month. I’m sorry it was a bittersweet memory for you. I can only imagine. I had a similar memory, when my mom passed suddenly and remember being in a fog trying to watch the game a couple days later.
  12. Nice Braveheart quote, and I see you cleaned it up. No points for you. Just kidding Hap, Chandler and SDS. Trying to keep it light.
  13. 716, I know it was McKeller, but fits the narrative.
  14. If on a white jersey, I’m cool. I’m not a big monochromatic kind of guy. If I had to accep the all white, fine, but the all blue, all red, nah. Just me though. Everyone has their preferences and respect it.
  15. Well, they choose it so we only had a choice on the pants. I know I’m in the minority, but like the white on blue. Considering it’s in AC, it’s not that we need to wear all white.
  16. This is for you No Huddle, “Why, Pat Mahomes, it looks like somebody walked all over you’re grave? O I was just kidding. I wasn’t. And this time, it’s legal. Alright Longer, let’s do it. Say wheeven? Why Patrick, you were no daisy, no daisy at all”. Im just kidding around. Mahomes is fantastic, and will be our biggest test this year. He is fantastic.
  17. Once upon a time, there was a K Gun, now we have an A-GUN! Tell the Raidas, he’s comin, and Heck is Comin With Him! Then the Titans, and then the Battle at the OK Corral in Orchard Park with the Chiefs!
  18. CB, I’m with you in that I think Fitzy might take $3-4 mil. To finish in Buffalo, and if he loved along with his family our town that much, maybe he would stick around. It would be kind of fun seeing him after maybe a couple year hiatus, being the next Van Pelt coaching QB’s, and if he does well, it’s not that he isn’t smart or processes things fast enough to be a Coordinator someday. I am sensitive as you said if he made $71 mil. and I’m confident he managed well, he may want to coach someday.
  19. Coach, thanks for sharing, but I have to tell you I had to get some Tylenol after reading all of those charts and stats. Gave me a headache, and was for the most part jibberish. What I do appreciate is you trying to find new content for us to review and volunteering it to the group.
  20. I agree with the comments to suspend these guys from a game if it’s in the CBA, and lose a game check. Guaranteed, no one else in the league does it again. They should not be penalized if they test positive, but follow all of the protocols, etc. The penalty has to be enough to deter future actions by the players.
  21. Guys are on a wall or ring of honor because of what they did on the field, not off. We have lots of examples of guys wearing yellow jackets, unfortunately some in prison for what they did off the field. I said this a long time ago, but OJ had more on field yard per game than anyone in NFL history. He did that 2003 yards in a 14 game season, and I had help from a couple of others Showing no one has ever done that in 14 games. Not Dickerson, Peterson or the other 4 who eclipsed 2000 yards. Its not right to take his Jacket or his Wall away from him. Anyone wants to disparage him for his horrible behavior off the field, you get no argument from me, but we’ve had domestic abusers, rapists, and on and on who have a gold jacket. Those behaviors are despicable, but it doesn’t change what they did on the field. He was a man amongst boys, and on another team would have been a SB hero. Its just one man’s opinion, but for what he did in red, white and royal blue, nothing should be taken from him. What he did off the field should be vilified.
  22. As he should Freddie. I loved when Allen basically repeated what the great MGK said over 30 years ago from these armpit tools. Jersey is literally the armpit of the US. I only say this as I managed my NJ rep up there and couldn’t believe how bad it was to spend time. The people are mostly nice, but it’s like they said there’s a tree, let’s put some more cement on it. Besides, you can’t make a darn left, and you can’t even pump you’re own gas.
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