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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. Jimmy, I was at the gym the other day and yes, Seinfeld was on one of the TVs while I was doing cardio. It was the Jimmy episode and thought of you where Cosmo had those dumb shoes, and Jimmy kept taking about himself in the third person. Thought if you bud. “Jimmy likes the McKenzie end around. Jimmy is very happy.” MGK says have a good night Jimmy.
  2. Hondo, you’re a tough crowd. I never said I want them to win the East, but if those guys get a WC spot, that’s fine with me. I went to college with mostly downstaters, and crazy enough married one. She is a true blue Bills fan though. I just like the guy is straight up, not passive aggressive, and others know if you’re honest, say you’re piece, we are going to be respectful. I don’t mind dissenting opinions as long as they are straight. Now don’t go all Sapuku on me Hondo. Good to hear from you bud. Glad Greenie received a little love on the board. That’s how it is supposed to be. I don’t go to other boards as a waste of my time, but if others want to come here, welcome guys. I know we occasionally get Steelers, Browns and other fans and I guess if that works for them, great.
  3. We felt the same way about Wrex, Skeletor, and all the other coaches after Wade. All of our GM’s and Coaches sucked for two decades.
  4. I’d agree. I know you mentioned setting him up with talent, but it might be just time to cut you’re losses p, maybe he can learn under a different team (I’ve said already just go to a team with one of the older QB’s and take a step back for a year), and get Lawrence. I don’t have issues with Miami as it looks like they brought in a lot of good talent, have tons of picks still, a solid coach, and just let them build over time. Tua and Allen could be the next Kelly/Marino. If Lawrence works out for you, and as I stated hire the right coaching staff, and take you’re time, our whole division gets tougher. Besides, we all hate the Pats and Can hopefully as a group flame them for the next decade. Nothing would make me happier than seeing the Cheats go 0-6 for a decade. Anyway, be straight up and we’re cool for me bud. Cool avatar btw.
  5. Greenie, that’s a very honest and forthright post. No issues bud and hope you’re team can improve. I’m not crazy about people that act like they are Bills fans, but are not. If someone is sincere, and says, hey I’m a Jets fan, but like you’re board, welcome. That attitude is fair and I’ve said for awhile I feel for Darnold. I just don’t see him being able to rehab from that dysfunction. Woody amd company need to rethink how they build a team. The Pegulas has their mulligan with you’re old coach, Wrex. They were new owners, naive and thought that was a quick fix. They did figure it out and then fired Brandon, hired our current administration and coaching and stayed the hell out of the way. The Johnson brothers need to hire the right coach that Douglas approves and is instrumental, and then let them do their job and stop meddling. All any owner needs to do is look at the Rooney’s, Maras, Hunt family. Take a note. I know the Giants are Ames’s, but historically have been a good ownership group with the Tish family. FWIW, I’d be asking if the Johnsons if Douglas can work with Bieniemy from KC. He seems to be an up and comer, amd just let them build a team the right way, give them a five year rope, and understand there will be contract purging and just taking a step back for two forward is the right thing. Anyway, welcome and hope you are just honest, a true and true Jets fan as that is fine with most of us, and come here with no agenda. I’d have no argument there. Ask Icebowl. He loves his Packers, but also likes us, and is always welcome.
  6. why not just play the Titans and who cares about the pats. I don’t know if the Pats did anything wrong although I wouldn’t put it past them, but over 20 now for the Titans tells me something went wrong even if innocent by nature. I’m guessing of the league can pin something on the Titans, they will. There is way too much $ on the line, and they are probably looking hard if they did something stupid like the Raiders players. They are lucky they didn’t have a much larger outbreak.
  7. Donuts, the only thing I can think is the unproven reports Alex still has a drag in his ankle or foot might be real with that level of nerve damage. I wanted to see him play all along given he was medically cleared, but maybe it’s worse than we thought. Bones usually heal stronger, but maybe that nerve damage he can only come back so much. What’s between his ears and arm is. More than enough to put him back as the starter. Allen is a nice backup and Rivera trusts him as he developed him in Carolina, but Alex has learned so many systems with what 114 offensive coordinators in his career (Exaggerating for a point he can pick up about anything), he would be the best shot at winning if really healthy. Those doctors have their licenses on the line, so he must be good enough to practice. I’d love to see him out there. That would be awesome. I always liked that guys decision making and fortitude.
  8. Cole, I’m not against that at all, I just know with the NFL relying more and more on tv revenue, they don’t want to cancel time slots, if anything, want to find anyway possible to keep the same or more. I honestly thought if the ncaa was holding their ground which they didn’t and almost no college ball on Saturdays, that was the Hail Mary the NFL needed to offset the in game $ with an additional revenue stream. That’s not happening and as all of you know it’s about $. The NFL is going to do whatever they can to maintain their contracts with the networks, even if it means postponing, reorganizing, adding bye’s, whatever. The networks want it as their big shows aren’t even airing yet and it’s October so the ratings are even more important for their NFL brand. I can see this season getting extended. They are going to keep maneuvering games however they can to keep the ship going and when push comes to shove, they’ll insert more byes or stagger and even cut a game or two.
  9. Hapless, you are the authority on this one, but I think this player has to be negative a couple of times along with anyone contact traced near him, and then they could play on Monday. That means the Chiefs game would most likely be moved to Sunday and probably swapped with a game that would have been on Unday moved up. For ratings I’m sure they would want the Bucs, Packs, or the Browns Steelers moved up if they can even do that. This is the new normal and expect a ton of movement the rest of the season. They are going to do everything possible to keep the season going, amd are going be a juggling act all season. It’s just not worth being upset as it is going to be the 2020 normal.
  10. We don’t need Sanu. You guys mentioned some good options for him in the Raiders, Packers, and Bucs. The Bucs guys will be back, but they don’t have much $ At $3 mil. in space (30th), Raiders at $7.4 mil. (21st), and Packs at $8.5 mil. (17th). I know almost all of us hate the Jets, but they are a logical choice. Their team sucks, could use any help anywhere in any position group $28.5 mil. (3rd). This doesn’t have my heart in it, but my head as it would benefit the team and him and they have the $ to do it. If anything, just look at Spotrac or OTC, and then correspond to a lack of a passing game that could have been attributed to WR play, not bad QB play. That’s how I look at things. Kroft has been a pleasant surprise, but if it’s one area you can point to on this team, for me it’s TE. With getting ready to extend Milano and we need to as he is more valuable than posters give him credit, grabbing an Ertz as much as I would love him and would instantly make us almost unstoppable on offense is probably not smart. We have a deep TE class coming out and a draft pick is cheap labor for several years. The other aging guys will get replaced next year with the other higher draft picks.
  11. Ktulu, I respectfully and I mean that as I like you’re posts disagree Ford plays like a Kitty Kat. Guys like Paul Alexander (long time O Line coach), Dave Diehl, amd a couple others I respect have commented he’s making the natural shift. I completely agree with you I like Mongo more than Spain at Guard, amd he’s looked weak this year. I guess I’m with Barley, I scratched my head at the Spain extension, unless they were worried about Feliciano’s health? I know the injury was after the contract, but you never know if they had some inside knowledge on Feliciano. We’ll never know. I like Ford and it’s a possibility he could turn with time into Decastro as an example. He has a good first step, and coming from someone who coached lineman albeit not anywhere near that level, I can see him working out. After coaching RB’s and Linebackers, my other position coach was the most fun doing the line. They have to work as one unit, moreso than any other unit. At left Guard, he’ll end up pulling left with Dawkins and in many cases Morse. Feliciano is best suited on the right as he is somewhat on an island. The RT is pulling out to the right, so the RG has a lot of space to cover. Ford did a very good, not great job on Donald. That monster was going to get in Allen’s face, but Ford with Morse made it a little harder on the best DT in the NFL, and there isn’t even a close second.
  12. then do a two second google search on injured, or Ir Tennessee Titans. Not hard bud so you can have that informed opinion. Also, it’s widely reported there are two straight days of negative tests from the entire team as of yesterday, and a third test results coming out this morning which is why they can’t open the facility until this afternoon if another battery of tests comes back negative. It was also reported the league and the NFLPA not only had a Monday conference call reinforcing to strictly follow the protocols and whether players, facilities or administrators, failure to follow protocols will cause fines, draft picks and even forfeited games. The league and the PA are working together to investigate of wrongdoing went on in TN. If the case, the ownerships was notified they would suffer significant penalties. They aren’t accusing the team p, just informing better have been doing the right things and if just an outbreak by accident, no penalties would be implemented. Lastly, the league with the PA’s agreement are making it even harder to try out players and cannot even work them out for almost a week (6 days) ostensibly so pretty much they are letting teams know Use the players on you’re own active and practice squads. Bottom line is do you’re homework bud, not just start threads for no reason. If you see a player on IR/COVID, or just an injury, amd you research however they are performing, that’s a very good topic, and I’m all ears and would love yours or any other person who I respects opinion, and even if we disagree respectfully and politely.
  13. As always Hapless, nailed it. I can proudly say I’ve never been on any PFF site, read one of their articles other than one of you guys post something here. It’s kind of like power rankings. It’s a big so what. We’re 4-0, the offense looks great, and I trust McD to figure it out in defense. Not his first rodeo. Norman was a nice add at least for one game. I’m hopeful he plays like this the rest of the year.
  14. It’s a process. Haven’t heard that in 5 minutes. It’s fun all kidding aside. I’m almost allowing myself to feel we’ll win this game, we’ll win that game. TN will be a tough test, but I think we can do it. I’m a Debbie downer on KC. They are just ridiculously good. Even Seattle I have a decent feeling on as their offense is crazy, but they have for once a weak defense. It was a good question Shaw. Back then I thought we would win every week, but then again I was young and dumb.
  15. The entire team in TN has tested negative for two days so not a big deal. Supposedly they can open by tomorrow afternoon so it’s not like they are in a rhythm. Another advantage for us.
  16. This thread is kind of comical. The Packers are 4-0, and killing other teams. They drafted running and TE help, and aren’t exactly having problems with their passing game. If they love Love that much, I don’t see an issue. He’s raw, Rodgers is very cost prohibitive to leave for two years so they are thinking Love rides the pine for a couple of years and hopefully they made a good decision. I get the WR discussion, but they did pick at the end of the draft, 25th I think.
  17. Guys, by the time it hits TN, it will be nothing but a tropical storm at most. That much land crossing will lose all of it’s steam. Trust me from someone who has lived through about 20 hurricane watches easily over the last 25 years. Warm water gives these things strength, and the water in the gulf is not as warm as it was in August. Don’t worry about it. It will just look like a rainy game. If anything it hurts Tammy’s weak arm, amd advantage to Allen’s strong arm in the rain. Now Henry will be tough to stop in the slop.
  18. Gugs, I also heard that comparison on NFLR today. I think Elway although early is an excellent comparison. Elway had the arm, the flick, the legs, the size, and so on. It’s a very flattering comment as Elway was amazing.
  19. Ktulu, if it helps I worked in a medical device company for years for upper and lower GI conditions we did ablation etc., and the upper endoscopy as the other stated does go in through the throat into the areas mentioned, and a colonoscopy Is similar, but the other way as you can imagine. I’ve observed or supported 1000’s of them and there several different shapes, lengths and widths scopes that search these areas. If you’ve hit 50, you should have had one. Its actually not a big deal as they give you the night night sleep milk (propofol), amd when you wake up you don’t even notice anything. No discomfort, no problems at all. Before I was in GI, I never realized what a no big deal it is to get an upper or lower.
  20. It’s tough as the Pegulas already extended McD, Beane is coming, the cap goes down $35 mil. (Because it normally would have gone up to $210 mil. and the current contracts are based on that figure), and as someone stated even though they are worth over $5 Bil. they are projected to lose from their other holdings $360 mil. this year. One thing I do know about wealthy friends is they don’t look at what they have, but what they are losing and are looking for a way to make it up. Yes, it would be great to increase his salary, but they may just take their losses and get the next Daboll. If I were him and am not, I wouldn’t touch the Jests, or Texans. They are a mess and don’t have the draft picks. You can expect ATL to fire Quinn, and several other teams like Detroit that still have talent.
  21. He played Guard through High School, ranked 20th nationwide as a recruit, and college so it was inevitable they move him to Guard. It’s a much different position as you take several steps as a Tackle, but you’re first step matters as a Guard as those defenders are in you’re face. It’s a very different position. I’m glad and hope he is a locked up Guard for us for the next decade.
  22. Good job Doc. My wiseguy response going to be, “duh, he doesn’t need to, but I would get slapped by my son or daughter.” The cool thing is he can just focus on this and when it’s on the line and it will with the Hawks, Chiefs, 49ers even with their banged up guys, Pats, and I can keep going like the Titans this week is when we need a surprise. Lull a team into only 20 yards rushing against the Jets, Broncos, and so on, and then BAM, PING, POW (sorry I loved the Batman reruns as a little kid on Channel 29) Dabolls dusts off the designed run playbook and gashes a couple of big ones. I know no one will be that surprised, but if you want to hold a card back for the biggest games, it’s one of those moments you say, “Is this Jimmy Shaker Day?” I’m sure you guys know that movie line. It’s only on AMC every other month.
  23. Dawkins, I listened to the point after as well for part when not in meetings, and he’s right. It says Buffalo is a desirable place to go, and if we really have good Coordinators, they eventually will be poached. I’ve lost a couple of my best reps when managing them medical device sales, but I loved it as they were filling my role in other cities. Part of being a good leader, ie. McBeane is developing the talent under you and enjoying their success. If you have confidence in what you’ve built, and you’re ability to hire well, it’s expected you will lose you’re best players. I know my small example is just sales, but it’s perpetual competition and coaching to you’re people. I am 100% confident in the leadership of this organization and now ownership as they had their one mulligan with Wrex, to bring in other top talent. Since the defense has regressed a little this small part of the season, there may be questions, but I wouldn’t be surprised at all if Frazier gets interviews. He should get them based on merit, but the Rooney rule of which I agree 100% does help open some doors. Not getting a job, but getting a chance to compete. I hope they both do someday, and want the best for our guys. I also know guys who want to be Coordinators are going to be chomping at the bit trying to get an interview here on either side. On one side, they have a ton of control on the offense with McD’s blessing, and on the other side the6 get mentored by a Jimmy Johnson disciple who has surrounded himself under Ron Rivera, Andy Reid, and on and on. That is not to mention one of the most talented squads in the league. Not perfect, but pretty darn excellent. Now it’s onto TN. Don’t underestimate these guys as they have a stingy defense in the past, and Henry is a world beater. I hope Edmunds, amd Milano are healthy as well as the whole defensive line squad. One thing to bring some confidence is if this is a preview for the season with Norman, our secondary just improved massively. Now the dam* trigger and get Lorax BACK! Edmunds could use his leadership and haven’t been impressed with Klein. I’m not saying he sucks, but Lorax brings more. He wouldn’t cost a lot, and he pretty much knows barring injuries we have after a 4-0 record an 84% chance of making the playoffs, 32% chance of the second round, 18% chance of making the SB, amd 10% chance of winning the SB. I think that says it all. Get Lorax on this team TODAY, and get him ready to play on a pitch count the KC game if possible. You know the guy is in football shape. You know he wants a shot at the ring, and you know after 16 years, even if role player contracts has made more than enough $, it’s about glory. Oh yeah, and his legs are fresh. Heck if McD thinks he’s not ready, be a player coach for the Chiefs, and give him a tune up against Our favorite dumpster fire preparing for the Cheats. Make it rain Beane! Whoo!
  24. Gugs, they are housemates at Palmers camp a good portion of the off season so you’re right. This is a dumb argument as Darnold is learning bad habits from a badly coached and managed team, and needs to go nuclear to get the h%# out of that dumpster fire before it ruins him. Take whatever they give you to play behind one of the older players. NO, Indy, TB, or Pitt all have good teams, we’ll coached, lots of talent, and can groom him. If he sits behind one of these guys that probably will retire after 2021, then he can resurrect himself, learn behind one of the guys who are probably all going to the HOF (even Rivers as many don’t want to agree with that one). albeit not right away. All of them have coaches, RB’s, pretty good lines, WR’s, and some of these teams have excellent TE’s. It’s not like behind Wilson at the Hawks or even GB where you don’t know when they move on. Darnold could not do what Allen is doing as Allen is just better, but he’s also been well coached. I really want Darnold to do well. That’s with all sincerity. I actually pity the guy at this point. His parents must look at Allen and are quietly saying to each other not even to Sam, man if he just went to the Bills, or the Ravens, he’d be a winner, and he probably would be a winner. I still will take Allen though. History will show that barring injuries over the next 10 years. I’ve said for awhile I’m cautiously optimistic on Allen. I’m all in on 17 Red (little Vegas metaphor) now, amd don’t need to see anymore. He has the team, playing with confidence, and the handcuffs have come off Allen from the coaches.
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