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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. Thanks Rock. Look forward to those Shaw reviews each week. You said it well. Leave it at that. Onto the Chiefs.
  2. In the immortal words of BB, “We’re onto Kansas City (Cincinatti)”.
  3. SSSF: Im with you and sticking to my guns. 11-5. God athletes are used to a bad loss and then turn it around. We had wounded warriors. Some have agendas on this board trying to pile on. How about we act like ex athletes, and move on, play next week, and not think the sky is falling just like we are not god before last night. Seattle looks great on offense, but horrible on defense. I can keep going on other top teams that have flaws, but this is freaking out mode. Many are not in that mindset, and there are s9me who are encouraging it, on purpose or they have never played sports at a high level so they don’t know. We had a bad game. The sky is not falling.
  4. 😘. Thought you needed it Virg. Well written as always. It was a tough day, and for the first time this year, I didn’t understand a lot of the offensive play calling. I know not having Brown was tough as he is such a nice deep threat, it would have helped, amd people are underestimating the loss of Milano and Tre. Tre and Milano would have covered up at least a 1/3 of the conversions they made, and Norman is not meant to be the #1 CB. If he was opposite Tre, he probably would have covered his zone much better. If a full compliment, I think they would have converted over more to just power running with Henry. It was nit a fun loss as we just weren’t really in the game, but as Annie loves to sing, “The Sun will come out tomorrow (well in this case today)”. For me it was like when I was playing football, and had an old fashioned coach always used to use the old man phrase, “throw some dirt on it ....., and get back out there”. I can’t get too high, nor too low after games. Stew on it for a few, then move on. We could come out and have a solid game against the Chiefs.
  5. Yes! No Brown, Milano, and Tre, and so many people are acting like 5e sky is falling. I’m just glad non of these guys weren’t on my sports team when I was playing. It’s only an 11 pt. Deficit from an undefeated team, and yes Augie, the team that beat the Pats and the Ravens in the playoffs last year. Its why I predicted before I knew for sure Tre was out as my hopes were still high we would win 28-24. We just stopped them in the 3rd and we are moving the chains. Take a breath guys.
  6. What? I guess you didn’t know we are the #1 comeback team in the NFL in the last two years. Game over? Really?
  7. I saw Gabe Davis open shy of Diggs about 1.5 yards before the first, but didn’t look like anyone was around as they almost tripled Diggs.
  8. Love McKenzie and the gadget touchdowns. He’s fun to watch. Was happy Roberts redeemed himself after the pic as that wasn’t Allen’s fault. Nice catch towards the sidelines.
  9. DM, no worries. Moving on bud. I know I ask at times things that are public, but didn’t see. Anyway, Go Bills, and let’s kill the Music City Debacle. I still hate them for that one. Not just because, it ended our playoffs, but I had a National Sales Meeting the next day in Nashville. I had to deal with those twerps for a week. Wore my Bills visor every morning at the hotel gym.
  10. Not sure if the Dolphins are as bad as you may think, and they had another win. I see them with a good coach and a lot of new talent that just needs to put it together. The Oats agreed at some point are in the decline. The Jests are the Jests.
  11. Alright Captain, I loved it too. 😇. It was special memories and to Pixar’s credit, they made them kind of funny. Monsters Inc. was a good example. Another is Schreck. “You’re donkey talks, yeah it’s getting him to shut up that’s the trick.” Not unlike many think of me, resonates with some posters, again myself included. That’ll do Donkey, That’ll do.
  12. 28-20 Buffalo. It’s really not that close. Late field goals and garbage time for TN. VEGAS LINE I think post3d was 53, and the Bills by 3.5. Should be fun especially if the Bills come out fast and make it 14-0 to start. Opponents have racking up almost 400 yards of offense against their team the last couple of weeks.
  13. Aussie, it’s from a movie, I think Pixar, mostly a family movie. You can google it. It’s a cute movie. My daughter liked it a few years ago. I’m the volunteer with my three kids to take them to the movies From when even when they were little so I’ve seen every Disney movie made for over 15 years. Hope that helps.
  14. Just thinking glass half full here if you’re not living in WNY now, then it’s nice for our out of towners to get two weeks of national tv listed games with TN and now the Chiefs. I expected the Chiefs game to most likely get the national feed, but now we get them both. Anyway, if we win tomorrow, it will make for some very interesting conversation on talk radio etc. on this game. Serious hype. This week, I noticed a couple of good matchups besides the Bills/Chiefs. The Steelers/Browns should be decent with A rivalry 4-0, vs. 3-1, amd the Bucs/Packers with 3-2 vs. 5-0. It’s always fun seeing the iconic QB’s compete with each other.
  15. Or you can do something radical and tuck it into you’re helmet. They have hairnets and all that stuff if any player is concerned with tugging of their hair.
  16. I think at this point he knows he’s a back up at the end of the year, so I’m fine with it. Not getting into the Ju Ju must be a curse on Josh getting hurt stuff. If Josh goes down which he’s been great, pretty much never hurt running, just somewhere in the pocket. The elbow, the. The shoulder, but that wasn’t that bad.
  17. The Chiefs, and Pats almost beat the Chiefs, and yesterday as great as the Chiefs have played, Mahomes had happy feet as Virgil mentioned, and my point is simply it is not that we will beat the Chiefs, but they can be beaten. Beating the Titans though would be fun going into Monday. I thought it was cool they added a day of rest for the Bills.
  18. Right with you GB. It’s bad enough eventually if healthy Tua is probably going to be good. I don’t mind competition, but would much rather see Lawrence in ATL. Let the NFCS deal with him twice a year. I know the Bengals aren’t good yet, but Burrow is going to be good at some point. He’s already showing signs of it. The Jests deserve everything that comes to them not necessarily because of their players, or fans at all. Their owners are morons and keep making the same mistakes over and over again. At least the Pegulas had their Mulligan with Wrex and they learned from it. This team from top to bottom is set up to be very good to excellent for a decade. It was so cool hearing a replay of Favre on his Tuesday spot on NFLR stating Allen should be in the drivers seat for the AFCE like Brady was for a very long time. He also mentioned that our fans deserve it. Then he made a comparison for anyone who listened to The Who,e show it would be nice if Buffalo had their next Kelly. I know he is polarizing, but is there another QB you wouldn’t mind having a cold one with like Favre. He just seems like he’s one of the guys. Just my two cents.
  19. Jaraxxus, that’s just Weo, being Weo. Like beer, he’s an acquired taste. Love ya Weo.
  20. This is a sin the Browns/Colts are AFC and 3-1, and we get down here the crappiest teams in the NFC in the Cowboys/Giants. I left for a few, but didn’t know if someone reported Quinn is gone in Hotlanta. Someone at the Athletic reported Nd came across 30 minutes ago on NFLR. Back to this horrible NFC CBS game. That’s an oxymoron.
  21. This is a sin the Browns, Colts game is not on down here. Two 3-1 AFC teams vs. two of the worst NFC teams on CBS?
  22. After all of this stuff, I’m kind of surprised the league doesn’t just say no contact pre or post game. Just trying to be as safe as possible. Anyway, let’s hope we take care of business Tuesday and even though the Steelers are 4-0, we would be the only 5-0 team in the AFC.
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