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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. At this point it doesn’t matter as Knox is getting surgery on his wrist so he’s out.
  2. Meaning my sales team in a highly competitive space was getting killed in the beginning of the year. We had just done fantastic the year before. They were frustrated, and needed to talk. I had guys on my sales team who asked for a players only meeting as they might inhibited with me on the call. I told them to do it against my peers in mgmt as I trust my team. They talked it out because the quotas increase was ridiculous. They cam out not making excuses, took responsibility, and then refocused the rest of the year. We were the #1 team in the nation in the year when we started 28th out if 28. I had trust my peer leaders and it worked. They put a stop to the witching and they were better. They could do it, just needed a come to Jesus with each other. I have no dea what was said, but they had such focus. All of these guys are six or multiple six figure people. They needed a peer to peer kick in the ars from their own. Does that clarify? I was trying to the point with the right peer leadership, not McD, they may be able to pull themselves out of this as so much is on execution. It’s not all Dorsey. That’s just too easy of an excuse, not that he doesn’t deserve blame.
  3. Not a normal week. They practice tomorrow so just before practice. I’ve found in business this sometimes works. My co managers when in mgmt in device was a lack of trust what would happen. I had great Lieutenant talent. It worked for me and they stopped the witching when the company placed an over the top quota increase. They beat the odds and my closest guys told me they purged the witching. We ended up 9 months later the #1 team in the nation and all credit to them. von is a natural leader as well as Josh. I think it’s needed. If it doesn’t, we didn’t lose anything.
  4. Yep. Josh may like shotgun, but they are more effective under center. McBeane may want 12 and 21 personnel, but safe ball control football is not the way. Josh cooks under 11 personnel. What the hell are they doing when Harty gets 1 catch and McD pulls him. The fastest guy on the team except for Isabella. Stop with this insistence on ball control and 12 personnel. Josh likes throwing it downfield and to WR’s and is darn good at it. Stop with handcuffing Josh running. It’s not working. It’s a big part of his game. We drove in Q4 twice for TD’s because we went 11. We also have success in empty. The defense is seriously hurt by the losses of Daquan, Milano, Tre and temporarily Oliver. Our defense works with interior pressure. We had none yesterday and made Mack look all world. This was most pathetic loss of the McD era. You guys know me and I’m very positive about my Bills because I love them and have been in McBeanes corner, but something dramatic needs to change I can’t watch another performance like this with Tampa. Besides I’ll never hear the end of it from all of my friends in Tampa.
  5. About as fearful as this girl. my Paizan friend, we’ll be fine.
  6. That was funny donuts. Not sure the ethics of dropping shorts and turn to the right and cough will make it unless in the tent. 😂 All,kidding aside, Jeremy and Joe were discussing the topic Friday morning. Jeremy made a good point, there are already professional flag football players on highly competitive leagues. They are better suited than some nfl guys to play that sport. I coached it with my sons for years along with youth football. The tactics are very different. Besides it’s disrespectful to the flag guys to just discard them for the nfl guys. I might be in the minority, but although I’d never substitute real football for flag, it is fun to play, coach and watch. There’s a lot of strategy in coaching flag. It’s very different than tackle ball. The similarity though is it’s a lot like chess. You keep trying to outthink you’re opposing coach and deploy you’re resources to keep opening holes.
  7. Id agree, he is the Harris substitution. Cook will continue to get snaps, but I’d rather see him more to the outside. Murray and Johnson need to be taking the between the tackles runs, and it’s important to be careful not to overuse Murray. They guy’s 33 and we need him for the season. The whole season. The good news is Johnson is young and fresh legs. If he has the skills some of you have mentioned, a welcome addition.
  8. Did BB look like this…. Fascinating.
  9. Hes a security blanket as he has skills and knows where to sit, but he’s older and slower so not really a #2 target on a playoff team like the Bills. Going after D Hop as the Titans season is going nowhere is a more likely target. Outside of someone like that one, we’ll end up rolling with who we have and be more effective with their use. Adams as many mentioned is just not feasible as his contract blows up next year.
  10. Brother, I looked at the wrong week. ThNks for correcting me. My apologies op. I looked at the 506 map again after you wrote you’re response.
  11. The thing that drives me nuts is Josh loves shotgun, but has so much more success under center. McD has analytics guys so I’m sure he knows it. When you’re the boss, sometimes, you direct your crew to do things a certain way. More ypr, more ypc, etc.
  12. Charlie, I’m guessing you looked it up, but NYC has the Bills/Pats game so it’s going to be on everywhere. I know it’s always fun being in a Bills Backers bar, but you can go into any sports bar and you’ll find Bills fans.
  13. Motorin, it could’ve been 1985 and still would be a bad call with Bills fans. Back then I could way out drink $20 even at those prices would’ve bankrupted a bar, not to mention the wings to boot. Thank god, I slightly grew up. Slightly
  14. I was a little surprised we didn’t even workout Fournette. Not that he’s a world beater, but he may fit a role. I don’t know enough about Ty Johnson
  15. I thought Beasely was on the Giants. He’s washed up anyway.
  16. Smart, charge only $20 for a Bills fan and endless wings. No wonder they’re closed. Too easy Motorin.
  17. Thanks drought. That I didn’t know. My feeling is let’s see how this plays out with Poyer. If you guys remember last year, we looked a lot weaker at the safety position when Hyde went down and the games Poyer was out. As much as there is a real need for our 1st next year to be a WR, I can see Safety as another position. We look pretty deep at everything else as even Brown has been improving at RT.
  18. But, but, but, according to 25% if tbd posters, everything is horrible on the Bills. I’m so confused by these objective data points. That means we’re actually… good? Sorry, I can’t help, but being a wisears to some silly posts. Even some of these data points surprised me, and some confirmed.
  19. When his career is finished, he’ll go down as the best BuffaloBill in history. Even more noteworthy than Kelly, Bruce, Reed, or anyone else. The only thing hampering this point is if god forbid he has a career ending injury. The point is no one is perfect. Not Manning, Brady, or anyone else. They all have occasional clunker games including Josh. I’m not quick to rush to judgment on Dorsey, but I’m also not opposed of McD can find someone better and more skilled, to make a change. I don’t see that happening mid season.
  20. Hyde’s contract is up after this year. It’s unlikely we extend him at his age. AJE knows he has been erratic until the Jags game. He’ll have to settle in on a reasonable contract. As far as Adams, I don’t see it happening given the cap hit next year, but D. Hop is on a team going nowhere and his impact would be minimal. It’s possible the Titans may be comfortable with that trade.
  21. Oliver has been impactful this year, but if ever an opponent to sit Oliver, it’s the Cheats. We still have Poona, Phillips, and Settle. We’ll need to pull another from the PS. We also have on clear passing downs can kick GROOT to the inside. If anything with his height and length should disrupt crossing patterns for Mack.
  22. I don’t know if Williams will ever be as good as Milano, but he shows promise in his own right. Bernard, I believe will surpass Edmunds in time. He’s been a significant participant in this defense, and McD is getting the most out if his players.
  23. There were 60 mph winds that day, and they had a slightly better team. Although breezy Sunday, it won’t be anything like that night in Buffalo.
  24. I like Brownie more than Murph at this point. I think he’s done a nice job. If you’ve heard other radio PBP, you’d know how good we have it. Gene Deckerhoff in Tampa does a nice job and people here love the “Fire the Cannons” when the Bucs score, but Chris does a nice job. He’s also the draw on One Bills Live vs. Tasker who constantly can’t finish a thought. He’s a decent guy, but his radio presence lacks at times.
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