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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. Doc, you do know from 1967-1979, the AFC won 9 of the 13 first SB’s. I wouldn’t necessarily call that JV. I know you said AFL, but after Green Bay won the first two, the Jets meaning in the third was the tipping scale, but all of these NFL fans who say it was better than the AFL lost again to the Chiefs in SB 4, then again by the Colts the next year. My dad used to tell me minds started changing about the AFC on a national level. The AFL were pioneers in much more opened up passing offenses than the NFL. It was too early for me, but I’m not taking anything away from Saban from winning those two AFL Championships. Just my two cents Doc. Not being snarkey.
  2. It’s really almost impossible to gain any clarity as the single most important moment, and The OP meant each of our special moments. The problem just like to down side moments are too many to just pick one. If this is just a fun bar conversation where we just kick around these moments together, then that is fun.
  3. Agreed Buff. I was at that Jets game when big old Freddy Smerlas blocked that FG and we stormed the stadium. As Van said, it was FANDEMONIUM! I was on that goal post for all of 7 seconds before I almost was trampled. That was a memory of a lifetime for me with the Bills. We finally won the East. We finally won the East.
  4. No worries Ktulu as wasn’t directed to you at all, moreso others giving these knee jerk Reactions to one game. Even after the season, they still won’t make up their mind on Tua for a couple of years. Just using Allen as an exam place, comp.% goes from 53 to 59, to now I think it’s 67+%. Ross for the most part isn’t a meddling owner, and Flores doesn’t come across this way either. The Pats May improve next year, but all of these opt out contracts hit next year especially if we have a vaccine, and the Cheats will be cap starved again. They can only do so much through the draft and won’t have the $ for a bunch of free agents unless they pick up a couple of old guys who are sun setting their career.
  5. Buff, I don’t know on the saints. I watch them all the time in Tampa, amd I think the Bucs are going to win Sunday night. They added that tool, AB, but he is highly talented. Godwin is back, and Evans is solid. On the other hand I would be shocked if the Fins beat the angry birds. They are a team to worry about the way they are playing. Wilson and that passing offense covers up a lot, so to me this is a toss up game where things have to break our way.
  6. And they will most likely double cover Lockett, and let Trey deal with the beast that is Metcalf.
  7. Worley doesn’t know the defense and they are not simple in their approach, but you’d rather have him then a healthy Wallace who knows it all too well with a nickel to have 5 DB’s. Lee is possible though now that he’s been practicing for around a week, and we only played 2 LB’s.
  8. Hyde and Carson are pretty good, but they are out. They are also down a CB, Shaquille Griffin, and Safety, Amadi. Their DB’s are decimated so even better for us in that they won’t be able to run and are going to have a heck of a time stopping our passing game. No argument they have an incredible QB and WR’s. Their main TE is aging by the minute. They are also down Lupatti at Guard so maybe our defense can get pressure on Wilson with the front four. I hate we don’t have Milano, but they are making the right call sitting him until after the bye as that is most likely the plan.
  9. Im comin Lizabeth, I’m comin. Good one House. Dat da da Da dat. As far as this silliness about Milano, look at the defense when he’s not on the field. Dumb butt argument. Sal and the guys this morning were suggesting they might sit him until after the bye so this doesn’t keep happening and given his two injuries, he needs the rest, and for the last time, HES NOT TOO FREAKIN SMALL! He’s a sideline to sideline WIL LB and this isn’t the NFL of 1999 where you want Ray Lewis types. LB’s across the league especially the WIL are in the 235lbs. Range, because they are needed to cover large geography and teams are passing at record rates. Did some people forget how many passes he broke up last year and before his injuries this year.
  10. I love Poyer and is so good for this team. He and Hyde are probably in the top 3 Safety tandems in the league. I didn’t know Poyer was married to her, and well, I don’t want any points so I’ll just let that one go (yes, I looked her up and didn’t know she was a big time model).
  11. And he’s going to be even better when we get Mongo back to RG. Not sure if Mongo is the designated Center Sunday as I believe Morse is out. He was underestimated when he was out.
  12. OMG, it’s one freakin game. Remember how Allen looked in the beginning. He was up and down and grew over time. Tua will be fine. Between last year and this year Miami had/has 21 draft picks and spent $235.8 mil. Last year. They will be our competition as we go down the road. It’s such an outside chance they beat us in the divisional race, but in time, they will be good.
  13. He doesn’t run down field as much as people think. He scrambles a lot, is great at it, and more times than not, finds some guy down the field. When he does run, he doesn’t take chances and always finds a way to slide or get out of bounds. I see them moreso only rushing four as Wilson is one of the best at beating the blitz, so I can see a 4-2-5 scenario where Trey can hopefully take out Metcalf, and we can double Lockett. We have to play zone mostly and keep everything in front of us, so don’t get frustrated when you see them matriculating down the field. We are one of the best at not allowing the deep ball.
  14. I’m sure Hap, Chandler, Donuts, or someone can remember, but it was the December Fins game in Buffalo. RickyWilliams ran for Ithink 220 that day, and there was steady amount of snow in the first half. After halftime, it turned into a full on Blizzard, and only Bills fans Went nuts cheering the snow. So a pass gets thrown to Eric Moulds (one of my favorite Bills), and it was a really deep pass. It must have been Bledsoe. He catches it one handed and runs for a ton after the catch. The stadium went nuts and we won. There have been so many moments, and House brought up a funny one when Brady got tattooed.
  15. He was the HC and OC. I appreciate the article, but this has been discussed here for 7 years. I do appreciate the article. The “we didn’t take Mahomes is a big so what. Mahomes is great, really great, but then we don’t have arguable the best CB in football and Allen is turning into a franchise QB.
  16. I don’t know if he’ll know our defense, but they don’t have a good running team. Since they will pass heavy as us, he might be able to play and use 5 DB’s. Only rush 4 most of the time as Wilson is as good or better against the blitz than Mahomes. On offense I hope we go no huddle but balance the passes with runs as they can’t substitute. They love 11 personnel anyway. That would be accurate if Miami doesn’t catch up to us. If Miami gets close to the same record, common opponents can be as important as conference games.
  17. Harbaugh turned around Stanford and SF. He may be an egomaniac, and would take an owner giving him almost all control. They may have a GM, but he would be calling the shots. The only one who has really made this work is BB. The other thing is Harbaugh if memory serves was making $7.5 mil./yr. That’s more than most NFL coaches so he won’t be cheap whether it’s the Jests, Falcons, Houston, etc. He’s much safer in college, but maybe he wants for ego sake to get back in the pros.
  18. 28-27 Bills. That’s my heart, but my head says 28-24, Hawks. We force turnovers which Wilson just had three against the Cards, then we will win. You know the Bills will employ the Chiefs strategy, but the Hawks don’t have the RB’s the Chiefs have so we stand a chance. I don’t see us trying to control the clock with 35 running plays. I can see us doing no huddle, but passing 3-2 running so we still control the clock and eliminate them from substitutions.
  19. I had to read this twice. Long day as they all are at times. My first reaction was, “what I never want any player hurt” then got it. Blonde moment. If you can get this one last 3/12, probably the most honorable guy on this board, ok. Can’t we just do the Dexter thing and give him a sleepy shot, minus the cutting him up stuff. Loved that show as he only killed killers, but I can handle a little ketamine if he just goes night night. dollars, you made me go through all the posts as I thought I said something wrong that was misconstrued. Now stop yelling at me! 😂
  20. Nice Remember the Titans reference. “Not another Yard, you blitz all night! Make sure they remember the night they played the Titans (Bills).
  21. Make sure you’re wife videos it. Just kidding. Sal mentioned the other morning as well as the other morning guys not having a 1 technique Star type player is affecting more then expected Edmunds play. It makes sense to me and in the Frazier interview, he eluded to the same. It’s not an excuse, just more evidence this defense is reliant on each member playing a certain role.
  22. The conspiracy theorist in me says the league had a private conversation with their refs and are trying to keep the offenses rolling to keep ratings up in a tough year.
  23. That game was a lot closer than most speculated and the Giants play tough.
  24. Jets20, unlike several trolls that are Jets fans who get in this board, you’ve been polite. I kind of don’t understand why people go on a division rival’s board, but I don’t care if they are respectful the rules the mods have set up. As far as this one, why start a thread when you just do a google search in about three seconds Wikipedia has his bio. If you’re question is really, “Will Stephen Belichick becomes the next Pats Head Coach or will it be Josh McDaniels”? That would be an accurate title. With that said, the young Belichick was the safeties coach and now outside linebackers. That’s not much of a resume, considering McDaniels was a head coach although not very good, and the offensive coordinator for years. He’s probably tighter with Kraft, and was rumored to be the one groomed as Belichick’s replacement. Unless you know something we don’t, there are very little if any retirement rumors for B Belichick. He’s only 68 (around Carrol’s age), and probably wants the ability to redeem himself after this year ends. They’ll most likely have their opt outs back, have another draft, and will probably be competitive again. As it stands now, they are going to be like every other NFL team where Brady can’t clean up any messes. Look at TN. They just lost to Cincy. Im not banging on you. Just like Chandler said, just be more specific and it’s cool. For a second time, welcome here and I can imagine being a Jets fan this year is not easy. Look at the bright side. You’ll have Lawrence next year, you’re GM will pick his own coach, probably a guy like Bieniemy, and Douglas looks like a sharp guy and inherited a hot mess. It doesn’t help having a tool for a coach who is actively trying to tick off his players and a DC who is an autocrat and a jerk. You’ll take you’re lumps for a couple of years and maybe be competitive in time.
  25. Without the Ticket, Direct TV goes under. I have my own out of town ticket. It’s called driving two blocks to the closest Wild Wings. Given how many late games and night games this year, I only have to go to the restaurant a couple of times. Given I live in Tampa, we always get the Bills/Fins game on regular tv. I wouldn’t hold you’re breath this changes.
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