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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. Sal’s awesome! I love his spots on WGR. He always provide very thoughtful remarks.
  2. Noggin, I read a couple of posts, and said, no, I’m staying away fro this one. Well said though. I hope overall as it’s not just coaches, but contributors that at a minimum something positive happens from it as we don’t make these decisions. Back to ball. Much less land mines there.
  3. I assumed Dawk. Why I tried to beat to the quick. I feel like Yolo for a hot second.
  4. I’ll play along. Gugs, I didn’t know you were on you tube. 😏 just kidding buddy. Trying to keep it light with my friends.
  5. Hap said it best. Who gives a crap what these tools say about our guy? My response Josh. Keep winning. MaKe them look like absolute morons once we are 8-2, then after the bye, 9-2. See what they say then. They’ll keep making excuses and give props to everyone but Josh so they can save face, and they will look even worse than now as the rest of the world will be non stop how great Allen is as a 3rd year QB. Let’s go one farther. We finish 12-4 and he is a final for AFC player of the year. Then let them choke on their tape of every stupi not measured response they’ve had forever.
  6. I second the motion. Everyone in favor say Ay, Ay, AY, AY, AY. The Ayes have it. Moving on, please. Some people have no notion of the CBA, the common sense of just waiting on two more years of cheap labor especially until we are one year past the Covid Cap, and oh by the way we have to pay others. Once we lock him up it’s $40 mil./yr. and hamstrings us. In the world of bad ideas, I can’t believe this one was maybe good natured as you love Allen and god bless, but not rational in the slightest. He will be a very rich man genrationally in 2022, and is Worth it.
  7. If it were not for Ralph (May he Rest In Peace), there would be no foolish 8, the Raiders would have folded (he loaned Al Davis $ to keep the Raiders franchise alive in the early 1960’s), that if you follow the logic would have an AFL that wouldn’t survive, and so on. He brought this city two AFL Championships, he resisted moving the team to Jacksonville, kept it in Buffalo forever and made it impossible for a successive owner to move the team, and donates 50% of the proceeds of the sale to philanthropic causes in Buffalo. For a man from Detroit loving our city and team so much he named the team after the previous Buffalo Bills from the 1940’s. He always fought for small market owners survival, was a driving force for the shared revenue concept. If we are going to discuss whether Ralph would turn this team around, it’s almost fitting especially younger fans know how many great things he did for the NFL, the team, and the city. Now whether he would have been able to land Beane and McD which is where this starts, I’d say no. He probably would have held onto Marron longer which was a typical Ralph move. I never had the good fortune to meet him, but my dad would see him every once in awhile at the Buffalo News. He told me one day he was leaving the news to go to M&T bank for a meeting and Ralph said to dad, if you’re heading that way, let’s walk together. He told me Mr. Wilson couldn’t be any nice and asked my dad what he would do next on the team. They only walked together for two blocks, but of course my father was just polite and said he was doing a great job. This was during the Polian days. Just the fact that Mr. Wilson wanted to know from an average fan what are some good ideas just shows back in the day, he care what fans thought. God bless Mr. Wilson and hopefully you’re smiling up in heaven what he can see is happening to our beloved Bills.
  8. You do know he’s only been in the league for 3.5 years. This stuff is way overblown. It’s funny how everyone wants to move on, but no one has another option at all, and everyone witches about how bad we were when he wasn’t in the games. He missed an average of 2 games per season in 2018, and 2019. That is not nearly injury prone. Allen was out 4 games in 2018 with an elbow in the pocket which is the exact same. He was eligible in 2017 (Milano) for all the games, they just didn’t know how god he plays. He’s hurt, moving on. People want a prove it deal. Fine, but if he moves on and our defense takes a nose dive I can’t believe how many will complain about the defense.
  9. Funny you caught that Stank. I didn’t mind, just they had to go to break, but never replied to my couple of points. Kind of the reason t9 call in toget their points of view as I like the guys on this station. If you ever listen to MTC, Pat and Mills always do. One of the many reasons they are the best as you feel like you’re having a conversation. Makes it worth the wait when you have the time.
  10. No worries bud. It was a good idea. I’m just sensitive to how much they already do for us as I’m sure you are too. Have a good night folks.
  11. The Mods do more than enough, and wouldn’t want them to put even more work. It’s not like they are doing this for profit. They do it because they love our Bills. If this is more work, my answer is no, and we self police and add things to existing threads not creating anew thread for everything. If people are real Bills fans, they will click on it. The OP had a good idea, so nothing negative to him/her, but just considering everything has an opportunity cost, so I’d like to be soaring on what more we want from them. sparing. Have to love auto correct.
  12. Not to get sentimental, as my boys are now 21 and 19. When they were little, my wife and I after she put up with me all day watching the ticket for the games, would let the boys jump in bed. She’s Italian so she made a home aide macaroni and gravy (Italian ny for pasta sauce) for dinner, and they would climb into bed with us to watch PRIME TIME! The boys and her would love how funny Boomer was in explaining the game, like rumbling, bumblin, stumbling, etc. 7-8 pm was so much fun. Now, not so much. It’s really too bad how ESPN has devolved.
  13. Because you did the same dumb thing I did and I mean that to pick on me, and not realize it was for the children’s Hospital donation, vs. his family. Thankfully my buddy Inigo Montoya (you killed my father, prepare to die, still love that) corrected me one minute later and donated by 6 am this morning. I felt ignorant on this one, but good to have friends Who didn’t criticize, just knew I was was groggy reading it. We’re of the same mind here. $17 is nothing for kids who are ill. God bless Josh for captaining this and called into NFLR this morning. Palmer his coach off season was so incredibly positive about us. He said, it’s not jerseys and season ticket sales that determines a fan base. It was an unsolicited movement by the Mafia to get this started and said it will get him through tough times. It was really cool. He said and paraphrasing, when you’re going through something, acts like this makes it not just winning for his team, teammates, coaches, and family, it was winning for the city that loves him. Gave me a chill. Stank, that was me. Dan from Florida. Anyway, I absolutely loved his and Solomans responses.
  14. Rubes, I’ll add to that point. They only played two teams with winning records in Seattle and Miami and lost to Miami. The rest of their wins were against losing teams. That’s fine as they don’t choose their schedule, and just because they are #1 in offense and we are 12th, it goes back to their opponents. They haven’t played the Raiders, Chiefs, or Titans. This is by no means a gimme and I see this being another shootout where we can win 35-32, but until proven otherwise, I’m taking the Bills on this one. After this game, our next monster opponent that makes me a little nervous is the Steelers. God, they are good.
  15. I was starting my first professional position as I just graduated from my undergrad., starting graduate school at night, competing as a powerlifter, and bar tending on weekends as I started out as a teacher before I went into business.
  16. As always Inigo, thank you. That is a fine cause and I’m happy to donate in that scenario. I’ll do it today.
  17. Jay, you had to bring that Kroft non pick. I’m still pissed about that one. I’ve never seen a worse call other than the Saints wrong call in the playoffs two years ago. As far as this play, Colts fans have every right to be upset, but there is some argument because the three steps could be inferred as a catch. To me, I think it was an incomplete pass/interception.
  18. My condolences to Josh for his loss. Maybe it’s me, but I don’t understand a go fund me campaign for the family of a multi million $ QB, who most likely will get in two years a $40 mil./yr. contract. I’m not cheap, I’d just rather give my donation $ to a place like the Hildren’s Home down here, or Shriners, etc.
  19. This is overreaction time again. It is just far too early to make any decisions on Tua. He’s had injuries, but so did Drew Brees. He’s only 6 foot tall, but so is Mayfield, Wilson, and Brees. He’s only played in two games in the NFL. He was excellent when playing at Alabama, but then again a number of QB’s from Alabama never made it in the NFL. My point is simply Allen was prejudged before the draft, his first year, second year, and even this year when the team fell back after KC. The kid has played two games, and I don’t see making many judgements until he’s finished the end of next year. Then if not hurt will have played 24 games and it will be easier to make some assertions about him. Heck he could get hurt and get knocked out of for several games maybe even more than once, or he could okay lights out for 24 games.
  20. He accessorizes well (at least that’s what his wife tells me). 😏
  21. Drought, I wouldn’t be concerned about it. Who cares what the media says on their non stop shows making bad calls. It’s why I’m selective to who I trust. I’ll listen to different shows and like Movin the chains the most of all venues although press coverage on NFL radio is also very good, but even they get it wrong from time to time. Drought, we win against the Cards and they can’t not call us a great team with Allen at the helm at 8-2. People went nuts over Deshaun Watson and most is not his fault at all, but look how they are playing now as a team, not him.
  22. Patriots will finish maybe 6-10. That’s perfect. Not high enough to get anything fantastic, but keeps them out of the Lawrence or other sweepstakes. Couldn’t happen to a better team and go Pats tonight. Please win! The Jets are so far away from anything real, this is the best outcome. There was no way they had a shot at the East. We have a chance at 8-2, a chance.
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